@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"name": "do_nothing",
"title": "Test form",
"description": "You should only see this if you've entered the correct password",
"description": "All users that logged in should be able to see this.",
"submit_title": "Do nothing",
"script": "job_do_nothing.sh",
"fields": [
@ -8,3 +8,7 @@ echo "This is what would be executed if this wasn't a fake script:"
echo " echo 'DROP DATABASE $target_db' | $MYSQL"
echo " $MYSQL ${target_db} < ${sql_file}"
echo "The uploaded file was $(stat --printf="%s" $sql_file) bytes"
echo "The (binary) md5 hash of the uploaded file is: $(md5sum -b $sql_file | cut -d " " -f1)"