@ -365,8 +365,21 @@ it starts the connection with the `?\r\n` synchronization sequence. |
(This is not well tested, more details forthcoming...) |
Yes, you can use esp-link running on one esp8266 module to flash another esp8266 module! |
For this to work you need a special version of esptool.py that has support for serial over |
telnet. |
The basic idea is to use some method to direct the esp8266 flash program to port 2323 of |
esp-link. Using port 2323 with the appropriate wiring will cause the esp8266's reset and |
gpio0 pins to be toggled such that the chip enters the flash programming mode. |
One option for connecting the programmer with esp-link is to use my version of esptool.py |
at http://github.com/tve/esptool, which supports specifying a URL instead of a port. Thus |
instead of specifying something like `--port /dev/ttyUSB0` or `--port COM1` you specify |
`--port socket://esp-link.local:2323`. Important: the baud rate specified on the esptool.py |
command-line is irrelevant as the baud rate used by esp-link will be the one set in the |
uC console page. Fortunately the esp8266 bootloader does auto-baud detection. (Setting the |
baud rate to 115200 is recommended.) |
Another option is to use a serial-to-tcp port forwarding driver and point that to port 2323 |
of esp-link. On windows users have reported success with |
[HW Virtual Serial Port](http://www.hw-group.com/products/hw_vsp/hw_vsp2_en.html) |
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