Dexed UI can be themed if you want a different colour combination or background images.
Dexed UI can be themed if you want a different colour combination or background images.
You need need to create a file named "DexedTheme.xml" and it must be placed in the same directory where "Dexed.xml" is created. On Windows, this is C:\Users\<your user name>\AppData\Roaming\DigitalSuburban" and on Mac it is "~/Library/Application Support/DigitalSuburban"
You need need to create a file named "DexedTheme.xml" and it must be placed in the same directory where "Dexed.xml" is created. On Windows, this is C:\Users\\<yourusername>\AppData\Roaming\DigitalSuburban" and on Mac it is "~/Library/Application Support/DigitalSuburban"
Colour id are analogous to JUCE color ID; see [DXLookNFeel()](../Source/DXLookNFeel.cpp) for a complete list a defined colours id. Colour value is the hexa decimal values (from 0 to 0xFF) for ALPHA RED BLUE GREEN.
Colour id are analogous to JUCE color ID; see [DXLookNFeel() class](../Source/DXLookNFeel.cpp) for a complete list a defined colours id. Colour value is the hexa decimal values (from 0 to 0xFF) for ALPHA RED BLUE GREEN.
Known colour keys; simply override those you want different.
Known colour keys; simply override those you want different.
Image id are the file name defined in [ui](../Resources/ui). If it cannot find the file, the image will no longer be rendered. The image path is relative to the path where "DexedTheme.xml" is defined.
Image id are the file name defined in [ui folder](../Resources/ui). If it cannot find the file, the image will no longer be rendered. The image path is relative to the path where "DexedTheme.xml" is defined.