@ -101,14 +101,19 @@ AutoConenctText& text = aux->getElement<AutoConnectText>("caption"); // Cast to
You can also use the operator **`[]`** as another way to get the desired element. An operator **`[]`** is a shortcut for [getElement](apiaux.me#getelement) function with the reference casting and makes simplify the code. Its argument is the name of the element to be acquired similarly to getElement function. For example, the following sketch code returns the same as reference of AutoConnectText element as `caption`.
You can also use the [operator **`[]`** of AutoConnectAux](apiaux.md#operator) as another way to get the desired element. An operator **`[]`** is a shortcut for [getElement](apiaux.me#getelement) function with the reference casting and makes simplify the code. Its argument is the name of the element to be acquired similarly to getElement function. For example, the following sketch code returns the same as reference of AutoConnectText element as `caption`.
!!! note "Need cast to convert to the actual type"
An operator `[]` returns a referene of an AutoConnectElement. It is necessary to convert the type according to the actual element type.
To get all the AutoConnectElements in an AutoConnectAux object use the [**getElements**](apiaux.md#getelements) function. This function returns the vector of the reference wrapper as **AutoConnectElementVT** to all AutoConnectElements registered in the AutoConnectAux.
To get all the AutoConnectElements in an AutoConnectAux object use the [**getElements**](apiaux.md#getelements) function. This function returns the vector of the reference wrapper as **AutoConnectElementVT** to all AutoConnectElements registered in the AutoConnectAux.
Returns a reference to the element specified by **name**. An operator `[]` is a shortcut for [getElement](apiaux.md#getelement) function with the reference casting. Unlike getElement, which returns a pointer to that element, an operator `[]` returns a reference to that element. You also need to cast the return value to the actual type, just like the getElement function.
<dd><spanclass="apidef">name</span><spanclass="apidesc">Name of the AutoConnectElements to be retrieved.</span></dd>
<dt>**Return value**</dt><dd>A reference to AutoConnectElement. It is different from the actual element type.</dd>