/* Uart MIDI out * * This example demonstrates how to send MIDI data via Uart * interface on STM32 family. * * This example code is in the public domain. * * Requires STM32Duino board manager to be installed. * * Define HardwareSerial using any available UART/USART. * Nucleo boards have UART/USART pins that are used by the ST-LINK interface (unless using solder bridging). * * Tested on Nucleo-F401RE and Nucleo-F072RB (PA9=D8 PA10=D2 on the Arduino pins) * * Code by midilab contact@midilab.co * Example modified by Jackson Devices contact@jacksondevices.com */ #include // MIDI clock, start and stop byte definitions - based on MIDI 1.0 Standards. #define MIDI_CLOCK 0xF8 #define MIDI_START 0xFA #define MIDI_STOP 0xFC HardwareSerial Serial1(PA10, PA9); uint8_t bpm_blink_timer = 1; void handle_bpm_led(uint32_t tick) { // BPM led indicator if ( !(tick % (96)) || (tick == 1) ) { // first compass step will flash longer bpm_blink_timer = 8; digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); } else if ( !(tick % (24)) ) { // each quarter led on bpm_blink_timer = 1; digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); } else if ( !(tick % bpm_blink_timer) ) { // get led off digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW); } } // Internal clock handlers void ClockOut96PPQN(uint32_t tick) { // Send MIDI_CLOCK to external gear Serial1.write(MIDI_CLOCK); handle_bpm_led(tick); } void onClockStart() { // Send MIDI_START to external gear Serial1.write(MIDI_START); } void onClockStop() { // Send MIDI_STOP to external gear Serial1.write(MIDI_STOP); } void setup() { // Initialize Serial1 communication at 31250 bits per second, the default MIDI Serial1 speed communication: Serial1.begin(31250); // An led to display BPM pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); // Setup our clock system // Inits the clock uClock.init(); // Set the callback function for the clock output to send MIDI Sync message. uClock.setClock96PPQNOutput(ClockOut96PPQN); // Set the callback function for MIDI Start and Stop messages. uClock.setOnClockStartOutput(onClockStart); uClock.setOnClockStopOutput(onClockStop); // Set the clock BPM to 126 BPM uClock.setTempo(120); // Starts the clock, tick-tac-tick-tac... uClock.start(); } // Do it whatever to interface with Clock.stop(), Clock.start(), Clock.setTempo() and integrate your environment... void loop() { }