#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Scriptform roughly works like this: # # 1. Instantiate a ScriptForm class. This takes care of loading the form config # (json) file and provides methods to run the server. # 2. If running as a daemon: # a) Instantiate the Daemon class # b) Hook up a callback to shutdown the ScriptForm server # c) Start the daemon. This detaches from the console. # 3. Start the ScriptForm server. This listens on a port for incoming HTTP # connections. # 4. If a request comes in, it is dispatched to the ScriptFormWebApp request # handler.ScriptFormWebApp inherits from the WebAppHandler class. The # WebAppHandler determines which method of ScriptFormWebApp the request # should be dispatched to. # 5. Depending on the request, a method is called on ScriptFormWebApp. These # methods render HTML to as a response. # 6. If a form is submitted, its fields are validated and the script callback # is called. Depending on the output type, the output of the script is # either captured and displayed as HTML to the user or directly streamed to # the browser. # 7. GOTO 4. # 8. Upon receiving an OS signal (kill, etc) the daemon calls the shutdown # callback. # 9. The shutdown callback starts a new thread (otherwise the webserver blocks # until the next request) to stop the server. # 10. The program exits. """ Main ScriptForm program """ import sys if hasattr(sys, 'dont_write_bytecode'): sys.dont_write_bytecode = True import optparse import os import json import logging import thread import hashlib import socket from daemon import Daemon from formdefinition import FormDefinition from formconfig import FormConfig from webapp import ThreadedHTTPServer, ScriptFormWebApp class ScriptFormError(Exception): """ Default exception thrown by ScriptForm errors. """ pass class ScriptForm(object): """ 'Main' class that orchestrates parsing the Form configurations and running the webserver. """ def __init__(self, config_file, cache=True): self.config_file = config_file self.cache = cache self.log = logging.getLogger('SCRIPTFORM') self.form_config_singleton = None self.websrv = None self.running = False self.httpd = None # Init form config so it can raise errors about kproblems. self.get_form_config() def get_form_config(self): """ Read and return the form configuration in the form of a FormConfig instance. If it has already been read, a cached version is returned. """ # Cache if self.cache and self.form_config_singleton is not None: return self.form_config_singleton config = json.load(file(self.config_file, 'r')) static_dir = None custom_css = None users = None forms = [] if 'static_dir' in config: static_dir = config['static_dir'] if 'custom_css' in config: custom_css = file(config['custom_css'], 'r').read() if 'users' in config: users = config['users'] for form in config['forms']: form_name = form['name'] if not form['script'].startswith('/'): # Script is relative to the current dir script = os.path.join(os.path.realpath(os.curdir), form['script']) else: # Absolute path to the script script = form['script'] forms.append( FormDefinition(form_name, form['title'], form['description'], form['fields'], script, output=form.get('output', 'escaped'), hidden=form.get('hidden', False), submit_title=form.get('submit_title', 'Submit'), allowed_users=form.get('allowed_users', None)) ) form_config = FormConfig( config['title'], forms, users, static_dir, custom_css ) self.form_config_singleton = form_config return form_config def run(self, listen_addr='', listen_port=80): """ Start the webserver on address `listen_addr` and port `listen_port`. This call is blocking until the user hits Ctrl-c, the shutdown() method is called or something like SystemExit is raised in a handler. """ ScriptFormWebApp.scriptform = self self.httpd = ThreadedHTTPServer((listen_addr, listen_port), ScriptFormWebApp) self.httpd.daemon_threads = True self.log.info("Listening on {0}:{1}".format(listen_addr, listen_port)) self.running = True self.httpd.serve_forever() self.running = False def shutdown(self): """ Shutdown the server. This interupts the run() method and must thus be run in a seperate thread. """ self.log.info("Attempting server shutdown") def t_shutdown(scriptform_instance): """ Callback for when the server is shutdown. """ scriptform_instance.log.info(self.websrv) # Undocumented feature to shutdow the server. scriptform_instance.httpd.socket.close() scriptform_instance.httpd.shutdown() # We need to spawn a new thread in which the server is shut down, # because doing it from the main thread blocks, since the server is # waiting for connections.. thread.start_new_thread(t_shutdown, (self, )) def main(): # pragma: no cover """ main method """ usage = [ sys.argv[0] + " [option] (--start|--stop) ", " " + sys.argv[0] + " --generate-pw", ] parser = optparse.OptionParser(version="%%VERSION%%") parser.set_usage('\n'.join(usage)) parser.add_option("-g", "--generate-pw", dest="generate_pw", action="store_true", default=False, help="Generate password") parser.add_option("-p", "--port", dest="port", action="store", type="int", default=80, help="Port to listen on") parser.add_option("-f", "--foreground", dest="foreground", action="store_true", default=False, help="Run in foreground (debugging)") parser.add_option("-r", "--reload", dest="reload", action="store_true", default=False, help="Reload form config on every request (DEV)") parser.add_option("--pid-file", dest="pid_file", action="store", default=None, help="Pid file") parser.add_option("--log-file", dest="log_file", action="store", default=None, help="Log file") parser.add_option("--start", dest="action_start", action="store_true", default=None, help="Start daemon") parser.add_option("--stop", dest="action_stop", action="store_true", default=None, help="Stop daemon") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if options.generate_pw: # Generate a password for use in the `users` section import getpass plain_pw = getpass.getpass() if not plain_pw == getpass.getpass('Repeat password: '): sys.stderr.write("Passwords do not match.\n") sys.exit(1) sys.stdout.write(hashlib.sha256(plain_pw).hexdigest() + '\n') sys.exit(0) else: if not options.action_stop and len(args) < 1: parser.error("Insufficient number of arguments") if not options.action_stop and not options.action_start: options.action_start = True # If a form configuration was specified, change to that dir so we can # find the job scripts and such. if len(args) > 0: path = os.path.dirname(args[0]) if path: os.chdir(path) args[0] = os.path.basename(args[0]) daemon = Daemon(options.pid_file, options.log_file, foreground=options.foreground) log = logging.getLogger('MAIN') try: if options.action_start: cache = not options.reload scriptform_instance = ScriptForm(args[0], cache=cache) daemon.register_shutdown_callback(scriptform_instance.shutdown) daemon.start() scriptform_instance.run(listen_port=options.port) elif options.action_stop: daemon.stop() sys.exit(0) except socket.error, err: log.exception(err) sys.stderr.write("Cannot bind to port {}: {}\n".format( options.port, str(err) )) sys.exit(2) except Exception, err: log.exception(err) raise if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover main()