Document installation in README.

pull/7/head 1.0
Ferry Boender 9 years ago
parent b72dd273fa
commit 42043664d6
  1. 46

@ -123,6 +123,52 @@ No other libraries are required. Python v2.6+ is generally available by default
on almost every major linux distribution. For other platforms Python is almost
certainly available.
### Installation
Get the package for your operating system from the [Github releases page](
For **Debian / Ubuntu** systems:
sudo dpkg -i scriptform*.deb
For **Redhat / Centos** systems:
sudo yum install scriptform*.rpm
For **Other** systems:
tar -vxzf scriptform*.tar.gz
cd scriptform*
sudo make install
### Configuration
Scriptform provides init script to automatically start Scriptform at boot time.
These are not installed by default. You can find init scripts for Debian /
Ubuntu at `/usr/share/doc/scriptform/scriptform.init_d.debian` and for Redhat /
Centos at `/usr/share/doc/scriptform/scriptform.init_d.redhat`.
To install the init script:
For **Debian / Ubuntu** systems:
sudo cp /usr/share/doc/scriptform/scriptform.init_d.debian /etc/init.d/scriptform
sudo chmod 755 /etc/init.d/scriptform
sudo update-rc.d scriptform defaults
Then edit `/etc/init.d/scriptform` and change the `FORM_CONFIG` setting to
point at the form configuration JSON file you'd like to use.
For **RedHat / Centos** systems:
sudo cp /usr/share/doc/scriptform/scriptform.init.d_redhat /etc/init.d/scriptform
sudo chmod 755 /etc/init.d/scriptform
sudo chkconfig --add scriptform
sudo chkconfig scriptform on
Then edit `/etc/init.d/scriptform` and change the `FORM_CONFIG` setting to
point at the form configuration JSON file you'd like to use.
## Usage
