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import android.util.Log;
public class JitterStats {
public JitterStats() {
startTime_ = new double[N_STATS];
endTime_ = new double[N_STATS];
// Takes stats buf in format from android_glue
public void aggregate(byte[] statsBuf) {
String[] lines = new String(statsBuf).split("\n");
for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
String[] toks = lines[i].split(" ");
if (toks.length == 3 && "ts".equals(toks[0])) {
double startTime = Double.parseDouble(toks[1]);
double endTime = Double.parseDouble(toks[2]);
startTime_[bufIx_] = startTime;
endTime_[bufIx_] = endTime;
bufIx_ = (bufIx_ + 1) % N_STATS;
double cbTime = endTime - startTime;
meanCbTime_ += (cbTime - meanCbTime_) * .01;
public String report() {
double maxCbTime = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < N_STATS; i++) {
double cbTime = endTime_[i] - startTime_[i];
maxCbTime = Math.max(maxCbTime, cbTime);
return "max cb = " + Double.toString(maxCbTime * 1000) + "ms";
public void setNominalCb(double nominalCb) {
nominalCbPeriod_ = nominalCb;
public String reportLong() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
double startTime = startTime_[bufIx_];
for (int i = 0; i < N_STATS; i++) {
double nominalStart = startTime + nominalCbPeriod_ * i;
double thisStart = startTime_[(bufIx_ + i) % N_STATS] - nominalStart;
double thisEnd = endTime_[(bufIx_ + i) % N_STATS] - nominalStart;
sb.append(thisStart + " " + thisEnd + "\n");
return sb.toString();
static final int N_STATS = 2000;
double meanCbTime_;
double startTime_[];
double endTime_[];
double nominalCbPeriod_;
int bufIx_ = 0;