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370 lines
12 KiB

* Decode a PLAYTUNES bytestream of notes as a time-ordered scroll, sort of like a
* piano roll with non-uniform time. This is a command-line program with no GUI.
* There are two primary uses:
* (1) To debug programming errors that cause some MIDI scripts to sound strange.
* (2) To create a C-program array initialized with the bytestream, but annotated
* with the original notes. This is semantically the same as the normal output
* of MIDITONES, but is easier to edit manually. The downside is that the C
* source code file is much larger.
* In both cases it reads a .bin file that was created from a .mid file by MIDITONES
* using the -b option.
* For use case (1), just invoke the program with the base filename. The output is to the
* console, which can be directed to a file using the usual >file redirection.
* Starting with the original midi file "song.mid", say this:
* miditones -b song
* miditones_scroll song >song.txt
* and then the file "song.txt" will contain the piano roll.
* For use case (2), use the -c option to create a <basefile>.c file.
* Starting with the original midi file "song.mid", say this:
* miditones -b song
* miditones_scroll -c song
* and then the file "song.c" will contain the PLAYTUNE bytestream C code.
* (C) Copyright 2011,2013,2015 Len Shustek
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of version 3 of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation at,
* with Additional Permissions under term 7(b) that the original copyright
* notice and author attibution must be preserved and under term 7(c) that
* modified versions be marked as different from the original.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* Change log
* 26 February 2011, L.Shustek, V1.0
* -Initial release
* 29 December 2013, L.Shustek, V1.1
* - Add a "-c" option to create C code output.
* Thanks go to mats.engstrom for the idea.
* xx yyyyyyyy zzzz, L.Shustek, V1.2
* - ???
* 04 April 2015, L. Shustek, V1.3
* -Made friendlier to other compilers: import source of strlcpy and strlcat,
* fixed various type mismatches that the LCC compiler didn't fret about.
* Generate "const" for data initialization for compatibility with Arduino IDE v1.6.x.
#define VERSION "1.3"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <time.h>
/*********** Global variables ******************/
#define MAX_TONEGENS 6 /* max tone generators to display */
#define SILENT -1
static int gen_status[MAX_TONEGENS];
FILE *infile, *outfile;
unsigned char *buffer, *bufptr;
unsigned long buflen;
unsigned long timenow = 0;
unsigned char cmd, gen;
unsigned char *lastbufptr;
unsigned delay;
bool codeoutput = false;
static char *notename[128] = { // map from MIDI note number to octave and note name
"-1C ","-1C#","-1D ","-1D#","-1E ","-1F ","-1F#","-1G ","-1G#","-1A ","-1A#","-1B ",
" 0C "," 0C#"," 0D "," 0D#"," 0E "," 0F "," 0F#"," 0G "," 0G#"," 0A "," 0A#"," 0B ",
" 1C "," 1C#"," 1D "," 1D#"," 1E "," 1F "," 1F#"," 1G "," 1G#"," 1A "," 1A#"," 1B ",
" 2C "," 2C#"," 2D "," 2D#"," 2E "," 2F "," 2F#"," 2G "," 2G#"," 2A "," 2A#"," 2B ",
" 3C "," 3C#"," 3D "," 3D#"," 3E "," 3F "," 3F#"," 3G "," 3G#"," 3A "," 3A#"," 3B ",
" 4C "," 4C#"," 4D "," 4D#"," 4E "," 4F "," 4F#"," 4G "," 4G#"," 4A "," 4A#"," 4B ",
" 5C "," 5C#"," 5D "," 5D#"," 5E "," 5F "," 5F#"," 5G "," 5G#"," 5A "," 5A#"," 5B ",
" 6C "," 6C#"," 6D "," 6D#"," 6E "," 6F "," 6F#"," 6G "," 6G#"," 6A "," 6A#"," 6B ",
" 7C "," 7C#"," 7D "," 7D#"," 7E "," 7F "," 7F#"," 7G "," 7G#"," 7A "," 7A#"," 7B ",
" 8C "," 8C#"," 8D "," 8D#"," 8E "," 8F "," 8F#"," 8G "," 8G#"," 8A "," 8A#"," 8B ",
" 9C "," 9C#"," 9D "," 9D#"," 9E "," 9F "," 9F#"," 9G "
/************** command-line processing *******************/
void SayUsage(char *programName){
static char *usage[] = {
"Display a MIDITONES bytestream",
"Usage: miditones_scroll <basefilename>",
" reads <basefilename>.bin",
"-c option creates an annotated C source file as <basefile>.c",
"" };
int i=0;
while (usage[i][0] != '\0') fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", usage[i++]);
int HandleOptions(int argc,char *argv[]) {
/* returns the index of the first argument that is not an option; i.e.
does not start with a dash or a slash*/
int i,firstnonoption=0;
/* --- The following skeleton comes from C:\lcc\lib\wizard\textmode.tpl. */
for (i=1; i< argc;i++) {
if (argv[i][0] == '/' || argv[i][0] == '-') {
switch (toupper(argv[i][1])) {
case 'C':
codeoutput = true;
case 'H':
case '?':
/* add more option switches here */
fprintf(stderr,"unknown option: %s\n",argv[i]);
else {
firstnonoption = i;
return firstnonoption;
/*************** safe string copy *****************/
size_t strlcpy(char *dst, const char *src, size_t siz) {
char *d = dst;
const char *s = src;
size_t n = siz;
/* Copy as many bytes as will fit */
if (n != 0)
while (--n != 0)
if ((*d++ = *s++) == '\0')
/* Not enough room in dst, add NUL and traverse rest of src */
if (n == 0)
if (siz != 0)
*d = '\0'; /* NUL-terminate dst */
while (*s++)
return (s - src - 1); /* count does not include NUL */
/*************** safe string concatenation *****************/
size_t strlcat(char *dst, const char *src, size_t siz) {
char *d = dst;
const char *s = src;
size_t n = siz;
size_t dlen;
/* Find the end of dst and adjust bytes left but don't go past end */
while (n-- != 0 && *d != '\0')
dlen = d - dst;
n = siz - dlen;
if (n == 0)
return (dlen + strlen(s));
while (*s != '\0')
if (n != 1)
*d++ = *s;
*d = '\0';
return (dlen + (s - src)); /* count does not include NUL */
/*************** Found a fatal input file format error ************************/
void file_error (char *msg, unsigned char *bufptr) {
unsigned char *ptr;
fprintf(stderr, "\n---> file format error at position %04X (%d): %s\n", bufptr-buffer, bufptr-buffer, msg);
/* print some bytes surrounding the error */
ptr = bufptr - 16;
if (ptr < buffer) ptr = buffer;
for (; ptr <= bufptr+16 && ptr < buffer+buflen; ++ptr) fprintf (stderr, ptr==bufptr ? " [%02X] ":"%02X ", *ptr);
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
/************** Output a line for the current status as we start a delay **************/
// show the current time, status of all the tone generators, and the bytestream data that got us here
void print_status(void) {
if (codeoutput) fprintf (outfile, "/*"); // start comment
// print the current timestamp
fprintf (outfile, "%5d %7d.%03d ", delay, timenow/1000, timenow%1000);
// print the current status of all tone generators
for (gen=0; gen<MAX_TONEGENS; ++gen) {
fprintf (outfile, "%6s", gen_status[gen] == SILENT ? " " : notename[gen_status[gen]]);
// display the hex commands that created these changes
fprintf (outfile, " %04X: ", lastbufptr-buffer); // offset
if (codeoutput) fprintf (outfile, "*/ "); // end comment
for (; lastbufptr <= bufptr; ++lastbufptr) fprintf (outfile, codeoutput ? "0x%02X," : "%02X ", *lastbufptr);
fprintf (outfile, "\n");
lastbufptr = bufptr+1;
int countbits (unsigned int bitmap) {
int count;
for (count=0; bitmap; bitmap >>= 1)
count += bitmap & 1;
return count;
/********************* main loop ****************************/
int main(int argc,char *argv[]) {
int argno, i;
char *filebasename;
#define MAXPATH 80
char filename[MAXPATH];
unsigned int tonegens_used; // bitmap of tone generators used
unsigned int num_tonegens_used; // count of tone generators used
printf("MIDITONES_SCROLL V%s, (C) 2011,2015 Len Shustek\n", VERSION);
printf("See the source code for license information.\n\n");
if (argc == 1) { /* no arguments */
return 1;
/* process options */
argno = HandleOptions(argc,argv);
filebasename = argv[argno];
/* Open the input file */
strlcpy(filename, filebasename, MAXPATH);
strlcat(filename, ".bin", MAXPATH);
infile = fopen(filename, "rb");
if (!infile) {
fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open input file %s", filename);
return 1;
/* Create the output file */
if (codeoutput) {
strlcpy(filename, filebasename, MAXPATH);
strlcat(filename, ".c", MAXPATH);
outfile = fopen(filename, "w");
if (!infile) {
fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open output file %s", filename);
return 1;
else outfile = stdout;
/* Read the whole input file into memory */
fseek(infile, 0, SEEK_END); /* find file size */
buflen = ftell(infile);
fseek(infile, 0, SEEK_SET);
buffer = (unsigned char *) malloc (buflen+1);
if (!buffer) {
fprintf(stderr, "Unable to allocate %ld bytes for the file", buflen);
return 1;
fread(buffer, buflen, 1, infile);
printf("Processing %s.bin, %ld bytes\n", filebasename, buflen);
if (codeoutput) {
time_t rawtime;
time (&rawtime);
fprintf(outfile, "// Playtune bytestream for file \"%s.bin\"", filebasename);
fprintf(outfile, " created by MIDITONES_SCROLL V%s on %s\n", VERSION, asctime(localtime(&rawtime)));
fprintf(outfile, "const byte PROGMEM score [] = {\n");
/* Process the commmands sequentially */
fprintf(outfile, "\n");
if (codeoutput) fprintf(outfile, "//");
fprintf(outfile, "duration time ");
for (i=0; i< MAX_TONEGENS; ++i)
fprintf(outfile, " gen%-2d", i);
fprintf(outfile," bytestream code\n\n");
for (gen=0; gen<MAX_TONEGENS; ++gen)
gen_status[gen] = SILENT;
tonegens_used = 0;
lastbufptr = buffer;
for (bufptr = buffer; bufptr < buffer+buflen; ++bufptr) {
cmd = *bufptr;
if (cmd < 0x80) { //***** delay
delay = ((unsigned int)cmd << 8) + *++bufptr;
print_status(); // tone generator status now
timenow += delay; // advance time
else {
gen = cmd & 0x0f;
if (gen >= MAX_TONEGENS) file_error ("too many tone generators used", bufptr);
cmd = cmd & 0xf0;
if (cmd == 0x90) { //****** note on
gen_status[gen] = *++bufptr; // note number
if (gen_status[gen] > 127) file_error ("note higher than 127", bufptr);
tonegens_used |= 1<<gen; // record that we used this generator at least once
else if (cmd == 0x80) { //****** note off
if (gen_status[gen] == SILENT) file_error ("tone generator not on", bufptr);
gen_status[gen] = SILENT;
else if (cmd == 0xf0) { //****** end of score
else file_error ("unknownn command", bufptr);
/* Do the final cleanup */
delay = 0;
if (codeoutput) --bufptr; //don't do 0xF0 for code, because we don't want the trailing comma
print_status(); // print final status
if (codeoutput) {
fprintf(outfile, " 0xf0};\n");
num_tonegens_used = countbits(tonegens_used);
fprintf(outfile, "// This score contains %ld bytes, and %d tone generator%s used.\n",
buflen, num_tonegens_used, num_tonegens_used == 1 ? " is" : "s are");
printf ("Done.\n");