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// Copyright (c) 2015 by Thorsten von Eicken, see LICENSE.txt in the esp-link repo
#include <esp8266.h>
#include <osapi.h>
#include "cgi.h"
#include "cgioptiboot.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "uart.h"
#include "stk500.h"
#include "serbridge.h"
#include "serled.h"
#define SYNC_TIMEOUT (2000) // to achieve sync, in milliseconds
#define PGM_TIMEOUT (20000) // when sync is achieved, in milliseconds
#undef DBG
#define DBG(format, ...) os_printf(format, ## __VA_ARGS__)
#define DBG(format, ...) do { } while(0)
#define DBG_GPIO5 0 // define to 1 to use GPIO5 to trigger scope
//===== global state
static ETSTimer optibootTimer;
static enum { // overall programming states
stateSync = 0, // trying to get sync
stateGetSig, // reading device signature
stateGetVersLo, // reading optiboot version, low bits
stateGetVersHi, // reading optiboot version, high bits
stateProg, // programming...
} progState;
static short syncCnt; // counter & timeout for sync attempts
static short ackWait; // counter of expected ACKs
static uint16_t optibootVers;
#define RESP_SZ 64
static char responseBuf[RESP_SZ]; // buffer to accumulate responses from optiboot
static short responseLen = 0; // amount accumulated so far
#define ERR_MAX 128
static char errMessage[ERR_MAX]; // error message
#define MAX_PAGE_SZ 512 // max flash page size supported
#define MAX_SAVED 512 // max chars in saved buffer
// structure used to remember request details from one callback to the next
// allocated dynamically so we don't burn so much static RAM
static struct optibootData {
char *saved; // buffer for saved incomplete hex records
char *pageBuf; // buffer for received data to be sent to AVR
uint16_t pageLen; // number of bytes in pageBuf
uint16_t pgmSz; // size of flash page to be programmed at a time
uint16_t pgmDone; // number of bytes programmed
uint32_t address; // address to write next page to
uint32_t startTime; // time of program POST request
HttpdConnData *conn; // request doing the programming, so we can cancel it
bool eof; // got EOF record
} *optibootData;
// forward function references
static void optibootTimerCB(void *);
static void optibootUartRecv(char *buffer, short length);
static bool processRecord(char *buf, short len);
static bool programPage(void);
static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR armTimer();
static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR optibootInit() {
progState = stateSync;
syncCnt = 0;
ackWait = 0;
errMessage[0] = 0;
responseLen = 0;
programmingCB = NULL;
if (optibootData != NULL) {
if (optibootData->conn != NULL)
optibootData->conn->cgiPrivData = (void *)-1; // signal that request has been aborted
if (optibootData->pageBuf) os_free(optibootData->pageBuf);
if (optibootData->saved) os_free(optibootData->saved);
optibootData = NULL;
DBG("OB init\n");
// append one string to another but visually escape non-printing characters in the second
// string using \x00 hex notation, max is the max chars in the concatenated string.
void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR appendPretty(char *buf, char *raw, int max) {
int off = strlen(buf);
int i = 0;
while (off < max-5) {
unsigned char c = raw[i++];
if (c == 0) {
} else if (c >= ' ' && c <= '~') {
buf[off++] = c;
} else if (c == '\n') {
buf[off++] = '\\';
buf[off++] = 'n';
} else if (c == '\r') {
buf[off++] = '\\';
buf[off++] = 'r';
} else {
buf[off++] = '\\';
buf[off++] = 'x';
buf[off++] = '0'+(unsigned char)((c>>4)+((c>>4)>9?7:0));
buf[off++] = '0'+(unsigned char)((c&0xf)+((c&0xf)>9?7:0));
buf[off] = 0;
//===== Cgi to reset AVR and get Optiboot into sync
int ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR cgiOptibootSync(HttpdConnData *connData) {
if (connData->conn==NULL) return HTTPD_CGI_DONE; // Connection aborted. Clean up.
// check that we know the reset pin, else error out with that
if (flashConfig.reset_pin < 0) {
errorResponse(connData, 400, "No reset pin defined");
} else if (connData->requestType == HTTPD_METHOD_POST) {
// issue reset
programmingCB = optibootUartRecv;
gpio_output_set(0, (1<<5), (1<<5), 0); // output 0
// start sync timer
os_timer_setfn(&optibootTimer, optibootTimerCB, NULL);
os_timer_arm(&optibootTimer, 50, 0); // fire in 50ms and don't recur
// respond with optimistic OK
noCacheHeaders(connData, 204);
httpdSend(connData, "", 0);
} else if (connData->requestType == HTTPD_METHOD_GET) {
noCacheHeaders(connData, 200);
if (!errMessage[0] && progState >= stateProg) {
char buf[64];
DBG("OB got sync\n");
os_sprintf(buf, "SYNC : Optiboot %d.%d", optibootVers>>8, optibootVers&0xff);
httpdSend(connData, buf, -1);
} else if (errMessage[0] && progState == stateSync) {
DBG("OB cannot sync\n");
char buf[512];
os_sprintf(buf, "FAILED to SYNC: %s, got:\r\n", errMessage);
appendPretty(buf, responseBuf, 512);
httpdSend(connData, buf, -1);
} else {
httpdSend(connData, errMessage[0] ? errMessage : "NOT READY", -1);
} else {
errorResponse(connData, 404, "Only GET and POST supported");
// verify that N chars are hex characters
static bool ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR checkHex(char *buf, short len) {
while (len--) {
char c = *buf++;
if ((c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f'))
DBG("OB non-hex\n");
os_sprintf(errMessage, "Non hex char in POST record: '%c'/0x%02x", c, c);
return false;
return true;
// get hex value of some hex characters
static uint32_t ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR getHexValue(char *buf, short len) {
uint32_t v = 0;
while (len--) {
v = (v<<4) | (uint32_t)(*buf & 0xf);
if (*buf > '9') v += 9;
return v;
//===== Cgi to write firmware to Optiboot, requires prior sync call
int ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR cgiOptibootData(HttpdConnData *connData) {
if (connData->conn==NULL) return HTTPD_CGI_DONE; // Connection aborted. Clean up.
DBG("OB pgm: state=%d PrivData=%p postLen=%d\n", progState, connData->cgiPrivData, connData->post->len);
// check that we have sync
if (errMessage[0] || progState < stateProg) {
DBG("OB not in sync, state=%d, err=%s\n", progState, errMessage);
errorResponse(connData, 400, errMessage[0] ? errMessage : "Optiboot not in sync");
// check that we don't have two concurrent programming requests going on
if (connData->cgiPrivData == (void *)-1) {
DBG("OB aborted\n");
errorResponse(connData, 400, "Request got aborted by a concurrent sync request");
// allocate data structure to track programming
if (!optibootData) {
optibootData = os_zalloc(sizeof(struct optibootData));
char *saved = os_zalloc(MAX_SAVED+1); // need space for string terminator
char *pageBuf = os_zalloc(MAX_PAGE_SZ+MAX_SAVED/2);
if (!optibootData || !pageBuf || !saved) {
errorResponse(connData, 400, "Out of memory");
optibootData->pageBuf = pageBuf;
optibootData->saved = saved;
optibootData->startTime = system_get_time();
optibootData->pgmSz = 128; // hard coded for 328p for now, should be query string param
DBG("OB data alloc\n");
// iterate through the data received and program the AVR one block at a time
HttpdPostData *post = connData->post;
char *saved = optibootData->saved;
while (post->buffLen > 0) {
// first fill-up the saved buffer
short saveLen = strlen(saved);
if (saveLen < MAX_SAVED) {
short cpy = MAX_SAVED-saveLen;
if (cpy > post->buffLen) cpy = post->buffLen;
os_memcpy(saved+saveLen, post->buff, cpy);
saveLen += cpy;
saved[saveLen] = 0; // string terminator
os_memmove(post->buff, post->buff+cpy, post->buffLen-cpy);
post->buffLen -= cpy;
//DBG("OB cp %d buff->saved\n", cpy);
// process HEX records
while (saveLen >= 11) { // 11 is minimal record length
// skip any CR/LF
short skip = 0;
while (skip < saveLen && (saved[skip] == '\n' || saved[skip] == '\r'))
if (skip > 0) {
// shift out cr/lf (keep terminating \0)
os_memmove(saved, saved+skip, saveLen+1-skip);
saveLen -= skip;
if (saveLen < 11) break;
DBG("OB skip %d cr/lf\n", skip);
// inspect whether we have a proper record start
if (saved[0] != ':') {
DBG("OB found non-: start\n");
os_sprintf(errMessage, "Expected start of record in POST data, got %s", saved);
errorResponse(connData, 400, errMessage);
if (!checkHex(saved+1, 2)) {
errorResponse(connData, 400, errMessage);
uint8_t recLen = getHexValue(saved+1, 2);
//DBG("OB record %d\n", recLen);
// process record
if (saveLen >= 11+recLen*2) {
if (!processRecord(saved, 11+recLen*2)) {
DBG("OB process err %s\n", errMessage);
errorResponse(connData, 400, errMessage);
short shift = 11+recLen*2;
os_memmove(saved, saved+shift, saveLen+1-shift);
saveLen -= shift;
//DBG("OB %d byte record\n", shift);
} else {
short code;
if (post->received < post->len) {
//DBG("OB pgm need more\n");
if (optibootData->eof) {
// tell optiboot to reboot into the sketch
code = 200;
// calculate some stats
float dt = ((system_get_time() - optibootData->startTime)/1000)/1000.0; // in seconds
uint16_t pgmDone = optibootData->pgmDone;
os_sprintf(errMessage, "Success. %d bytes in %d.%ds, %dB/s %d%% efficient",
pgmDone, (int)dt, (int)(dt*10)%10, (int)(pgmDone/dt),
} else {
code = 400;
os_strcpy(errMessage, "Improperly terminated POST data");
DBG("OB pgm done: %d -- %s\n", code, errMessage);
noCacheHeaders(connData, code);
httpdSend(connData, errMessage, -1);
errMessage[0] = 0;
// verify checksum
static bool ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR verifyChecksum(char *buf, short len) {
uint8_t sum = 0;
while (len >= 2) {
sum += (uint8_t)getHexValue(buf, 2);
buf += 2;
len -= 2;
return sum == 0;
// Process a hex record -- assumes that the records starts with ':' & hex length
static bool ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR processRecord(char *buf, short len) {
buf++; len--; // skip leading ':'
// check we have all hex chars
if (!checkHex(buf, len)) return false;
// verify checksum
if (!verifyChecksum(buf, len)) {
buf[len] = 0;
os_sprintf(errMessage, "Invalid checksum for record %s", buf);
return false;
// dispatch based on record type
uint8_t type = getHexValue(buf+6, 2);
switch (type) {
case 0x00: { // data
//DBG("OB REC data %ld pglen=%d\n", getHexValue(buf, 2), optibootData->pageLen);
uint32_t addr = getHexValue(buf+2, 4);
// check whether we need to program previous record(s)
if (optibootData->pageLen > 0 &&
addr != ((optibootData->address+optibootData->pageLen)&0xffff)) {
//DBG("OB addr chg\n");
if (!programPage()) return false;
// set address, unless we're adding to the end (programPage may have changed pageLen)
if (optibootData->pageLen == 0) {
optibootData->address = (optibootData->address & 0xffff0000) | addr;
//DBG("OB set-addr 0x%lx\n", optibootData->address);
// append record
uint16_t recLen = getHexValue(buf, 2);
for (uint16_t i=0; i<recLen; i++)
optibootData->pageBuf[optibootData->pageLen++] = getHexValue(buf+8+2*i, 2);
// program page, if we have a full page
if (optibootData->pageLen >= optibootData->pgmSz) {
//DBG("OB full\n");
if (!programPage()) return false;
break; }
case 0x01: // EOF
DBG("OB EOF\n");
// program any remaining partial page
if (optibootData->pageLen > 0)
if (!programPage()) return false;
optibootData->eof = true;
case 0x04: // address
DBG("OB address 0x%lx\n", getHexValue(buf+8, 4) << 16);
// program any remaining partial page
if (optibootData->pageLen > 0)
if (!programPage()) return false;
optibootData->address = getHexValue(buf+8, 4) << 16;
case 0x05: // start address
// ignore, there's no way to tell optiboot that...
DBG("OB bad record type\n");
os_sprintf(errMessage, "Invalid/unknown record type: 0x%02x", type);
return false;
return true;
// Poll UART for ACKs, max 50ms
static bool pollAck() {
char recv[16];
uint16_t need = ackWait*2;
uint16_t got = uart0_rx_poll(recv, need, 50000);
#ifdef DBG_GPIO5
gpio_output_set(0, (1<<5), (1<<5), 0); // output 0
if (got < need) {
os_strcpy(errMessage, "Timeout waiting for flash page to be programmed");
return false;
ackWait = 0;
if (recv[0] == STK_INSYNC && recv[1] == STK_OK)
return true;
os_sprintf(errMessage, "Did not get ACK after programming cmd: %x02x %x02x", recv[0], recv[1]);
return false;
// Program a flash page
static bool ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR programPage(void) {
if (optibootData->pageLen == 0) return true;
armTimer(); // keep the timerCB out of the picture
if (ackWait > 7) {
os_sprintf(errMessage, "Lost sync while programming\n");
return false;
uint16_t pgmLen = optibootData->pageLen;
if (pgmLen > optibootData->pgmSz) pgmLen = optibootData->pgmSz;
DBG("OB pgm %d@0x%lx ackWait=%d\n", pgmLen, optibootData->address, ackWait);
// send address to optiboot (little endian format)
#ifdef DBG_GPIO5
gpio_output_set((1<<5), 0, (1<<5), 0); // output 1
uint16_t addr = optibootData->address >> 1; // word address
uart0_write_char(addr & 0xff);
uart0_write_char(addr >> 8);
if (!pollAck()) {
DBG("OB pgm failed in load address\n");
return false;
// send page length (big-endian format, go figure...)
#ifdef DBG_GPIO5
gpio_output_set((1<<5), 0, (1<<5), 0); // output 1
uart0_write_char('F'); // we're writing flash
// send page content
for (short i=0; i<pgmLen; i++)
bool ok = pollAck();
if (!ok) {
DBG("OB pgm failed in prog page\n");
return false;
// shift data out of buffer
os_memmove(optibootData->pageBuf, optibootData->pageBuf+pgmLen, optibootData->pageLen-pgmLen);
optibootData->pageLen -= pgmLen;
optibootData->address += pgmLen;
optibootData->pgmDone += pgmLen;
//DBG("OB pgm OK\n");
return true;
//===== Rebooting and getting sync
static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR armTimer() {
// time-out every 50ms, except when programming to allow for 9600baud (133ms for 128 bytes)
os_timer_arm(&optibootTimer, progState==stateProg ? 200 : 50, 0);
static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR optibootTimerCB(void *arg) {
// see whether we've issued so many sync in a row that it's time to give up
if ((progState == stateSync && syncCnt > SYNC_TIMEOUT/50) ||
syncCnt > PGM_TIMEOUT/50) {
DBG("OB abandoned after timeout, state=%d syncCnt=%d\n", progState, syncCnt);
strcpy(errMessage, "abandoned after timeout");
switch (progState) {
case stateSync: // we're trying to get sync, all we do here is send a sync request
case stateProg: // we're programming and we timed-out of inaction
ackWait++; // we now expect an ACK
default: // we're trying to get some info from optiboot and it should have responded!
optibootInit(); // abort
os_sprintf(errMessage, "No response in state %d\n", progState);
DBG("OB %s\n", errMessage);
return; // do not re-arm timer
// we need to come back...
// skip in-sync responses
static short ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR skipInSync(char *buf, short length) {
while (length > 1 && buf[0] == STK_INSYNC && buf[1] == STK_OK) {
// not the most efficient, oh well...
os_memcpy(buf, buf+2, length-2);
length -= 2;
return length;
// receive response from optiboot, we only store the last response
static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR optibootUartRecv(char *buf, short length) {
// append what we got to what we have accumulated
if (responseLen < RESP_SZ-1) {
char *rb = responseBuf+responseLen;
for (short i=0; i<length && (rb-responseBuf)<(RESP_SZ-1); i++)
if (buf[i] != 0) *rb++ = buf[i]; // don't copy NULL characters, TODO: fix it
responseLen = rb-responseBuf;
responseBuf[responseLen] = 0; // string terminator
// dispatch based the current state
switch (progState) {
case stateSync: // we're trying to get a sync response
// look for STK_INSYNC+STK_OK at end of buffer
if (responseLen > 0 && responseBuf[responseLen-1] == STK_INSYNC) {
// missing STK_OK after STK_INSYNC, shift stuff out and try again
responseBuf[0] = STK_INSYNC;
responseLen = 1;
} else if (responseLen > 1 && responseBuf[responseLen-2] == STK_INSYNC &&
responseBuf[responseLen-1] == STK_OK) {
// got sync response, send signature request
os_memcpy(responseBuf, responseBuf+2, responseLen-2);
responseLen -= 2;
armTimer(); // reset timer
} else {
// nothing useful, keep at most half the buffer for error message purposes
if (responseLen > RESP_SZ/2) {
os_memcpy(responseBuf, responseBuf+responseLen-RESP_SZ/2, RESP_SZ/2);
responseLen = RESP_SZ/2;
responseBuf[responseLen] = 0; // string terminator
case stateGetSig: // expecting signature
responseLen = skipInSync(responseBuf, responseLen);
if (responseLen >= 5 && responseBuf[0] == STK_INSYNC && responseBuf[4] == STK_OK) {
if (responseBuf[1] == 0x1e && responseBuf[2] == 0x95 && responseBuf[3] == 0x0f) {
// right on... ask for optiboot version
armTimer(); // reset timer
} else {
optibootInit(); // abort
os_sprintf(errMessage, "Bad programmer signature: 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x\n",
responseBuf[1], responseBuf[2], responseBuf[3]);
os_memcpy(responseBuf, responseBuf+5, responseLen-5);
responseLen -= 5;
case stateGetVersLo: // expecting version
if (responseLen >= 3 && responseBuf[0] == STK_INSYNC && responseBuf[2] == STK_OK) {
optibootVers = responseBuf[1];
os_memcpy(responseBuf, responseBuf+3, responseLen-3);
responseLen -= 3;
armTimer(); // reset timer
case stateGetVersHi: // expecting version
if (responseLen >= 3 && responseBuf[0] == STK_INSYNC && responseBuf[2] == STK_OK) {
optibootVers |= responseBuf[1]<<8;
os_memcpy(responseBuf, responseBuf+3, responseLen-3);
responseLen -= 3;
armTimer(); // reset timer
ackWait = 0;
case stateProg: // count down expected sync responses
//DBG("UART recv %d\n", length);
while (responseLen >= 2 && responseBuf[0] == STK_INSYNC && responseBuf[1] == STK_OK) {
if (ackWait > 0) ackWait--;
os_memmove(responseBuf, responseBuf+2, responseLen-2);
responseLen -= 2;
armTimer(); // reset timer