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Some flash handling cgi routines. Used for reading the existing flash and updating the ESPFS image.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42):
* Jeroen Domburg <jeroen@spritesmods.com> wrote this file. As long as you retain
* this notice you can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day,
* and you think this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Heavily modified and enhanced by Thorsten von Eicken in 2015
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <esp8266.h>
#include <osapi.h>
#include "cgiflash.h"
#include "espfs.h"
// Check that the header of the firmware blob looks like actual firmware...
static char* ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR check_header(void *buf) {
uint8_t *cd = (uint8_t *)buf;
uint32_t *buf32 = buf;
os_printf("%p: %08lX %08lX %08lX %08lX\n", buf, buf32[0], buf32[1], buf32[2], buf32[3]);
if (cd[0] != 0xEA) return "IROM magic missing";
if (cd[1] != 4 || cd[2] > 3 || (cd[3]>>4) > 6) return "bad flash header";
if (((uint16_t *)buf)[3] != 0x4010) return "Invalid entry addr";
if (((uint32_t *)buf)[2] != 0) return "Invalid start offset";
return NULL;
#if 0
//===== Cgi that reads the SPI flash. Assumes 512KByte flash.
int ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR cgiReadFlash(HttpdConnData *connData) {
int *pos=(int *)&connData->cgiData;
if (connData->conn==NULL) {
//Connection aborted. Clean up.
if (*pos==0) {
os_printf("Start flash download.\n");
httpdStartResponse(connData, 200);
httpdHeader(connData, "Content-Type", "application/bin");
//Send 1K of flash per call. We will get called again if we haven't sent 512K yet.
espconn_sent(connData->conn, (uint8 *)(*pos), 1024);
if (*pos>=0x40200000+(512*1024)) return HTTPD_CGI_DONE; else return HTTPD_CGI_MORE;
//===== Cgi to query which firmware needs to be uploaded next
int ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR cgiGetFirmwareNext(HttpdConnData *connData) {
if (connData->conn==NULL) return HTTPD_CGI_DONE; // Connection aborted. Clean up.
uint8 id = system_upgrade_userbin_check();
httpdStartResponse(connData, 200);
httpdHeader(connData, "Content-Type", "text/plain");
httpdHeader(connData, "Content-Length", "9");
char *next = id == 1 ? "user1.bin" : "user2.bin";
httpdSend(connData, next, -1);
os_printf("Next firmware: %s (got %d)\n", next, id);
//===== Cgi that allows the firmware to be replaced via http POST
int ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR cgiUploadFirmware(HttpdConnData *connData) {
if (connData->conn==NULL) return HTTPD_CGI_DONE; // Connection aborted. Clean up.
int offset = connData->post->received - connData->post->buffLen;
if (offset == 0) {
connData->cgiPrivData = NULL;
} else if (connData->cgiPrivData != NULL) {
// we have an error condition, do nothing
// assume no error yet...
char *err = NULL;
int code = 400;
// check overall size
//os_printf("FW: %d (max %d)\n", connData->post->len, FIRMWARE_SIZE);
if (connData->post->len > FIRMWARE_SIZE) err = "Firmware image too large";
if (connData->post->buff == NULL || connData->requestType != HTTPD_METHOD_POST ||
connData->post->len < 1024) err = "Invalid request";
// check that data starts with an appropriate header
if (err == NULL && offset == 0) err = check_header(connData->post->buff);
// make sure we're buffering in 1024 byte chunks
if (err == NULL && offset % 1024 != 0) {
err = "Buffering problem";
code = 500;
// return an error if there is one
if (err != NULL) {
os_printf("Error %d: %s\n", code, err);
httpdStartResponse(connData, code);
httpdHeader(connData, "Content-Type", "text/plain");
//httpdHeader(connData, "Content-Length", strlen(err)+2);
httpdSend(connData, err, -1);
httpdSend(connData, "\r\n", -1);
connData->cgiPrivData = (void *)1;
// let's see which partition we need to flash and what flash address that puts us at
uint8 id = system_upgrade_userbin_check();
int address = id == 1 ? 4*1024 // either start after 4KB boot partition
: 4*1024 + FIRMWARE_SIZE + 16*1024 + 4*1024; // 4KB boot, fw1, 16KB user param, 4KB reserved
address += offset;
// erase next flash block if necessary
if (address % SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE == 0){
os_printf("Flashing 0x%05x (id=%d)\n", address, 2-id);
// Write the data
//os_printf("Writing %d bytes at 0x%05x (%d of %d)\n", connData->post->buffSize, address,
// connData->post->received, connData->post->len);
spi_flash_write(address, (uint32 *)connData->post->buff, connData->post->buffLen);
if (connData->post->received == connData->post->len){
httpdStartResponse(connData, 200);
} else {
static ETSTimer flash_reboot_timer;
// Handle request to reboot into the new firmware
int ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR cgiRebootFirmware(HttpdConnData *connData) {
if (connData->conn==NULL) return HTTPD_CGI_DONE; // Connection aborted. Clean up.
// sanity-check that the 'next' partition actually contains something that looks like
// valid firmware
uint8 id = system_upgrade_userbin_check();
int address = id == 1 ? 4*1024 // either start after 4KB boot partition
: 4*1024 + FIRMWARE_SIZE + 16*1024 + 4*1024; // 4KB boot, fw1, 16KB user param, 4KB reserved
uint32 buf[8];
spi_flash_read(address, buf, sizeof(buf));
char *err = check_header(buf);
if (err != NULL) {
os_printf("Error %d: %s\n", 400, err);
httpdStartResponse(connData, 400);
httpdHeader(connData, "Content-Type", "text/plain");
//httpdHeader(connData, "Content-Length", strlen(err)+2);
httpdSend(connData, err, -1);
httpdSend(connData, "\r\n", -1);
httpdStartResponse(connData, 200);
httpdHeader(connData, "Content-Length", "0");
// Schedule a reboot
os_timer_setfn(&flash_reboot_timer, (os_timer_func_t *)system_upgrade_reboot, NULL);
os_timer_arm(&flash_reboot_timer, 2000, 1);