#include <stdint.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/mman.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <string.h> #include "espfsformat.h" //Heatshrink #include "heatshrink_common.h" #include "heatshrink_config.h" #include "heatshrink_encoder.h" //Routines to convert host format to the endianness used in the xtensa short htoxs(short in) { char r[2]; r[0]=in; r[1]=in>>8; return *((short *)r); } int htoxl(int in) { unsigned char r[4]; r[0]=in; r[1]=in>>8; r[2]=in>>16; r[3]=in>>24; return *((int *)r); } size_t compressHeatshrink(char *in, int insize, char *out, int outsize, int level) { char *inp=in; char *outp=out; size_t len; int ws[]={5, 6, 8, 11, 13}; int ls[]={3, 3, 4, 4, 4}; HSE_poll_res pres; HSE_sink_res sres; size_t r; if (level==-1) level=8; level=(level-1)/2; //level is now 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 heatshrink_encoder *enc=heatshrink_encoder_alloc(ws[level], ls[level]); if (enc==NULL) { perror("allocating mem for heatshrink"); exit(1); } //Save encoder parms as first byte *outp=(ws[level]<<4)|ls[level]; outp++; outsize--; r=1; do { if (insize>0) { sres=heatshrink_encoder_sink(enc, inp, insize, &len); if (sres!=HSER_SINK_OK) break; inp+=len; insize-=len; if (insize==0) heatshrink_encoder_finish(enc); } do { pres=heatshrink_encoder_poll(enc, outp, outsize, &len); if (pres!=HSER_POLL_MORE && pres!=HSER_POLL_EMPTY) break; outp+=len; outsize-=len; r+=len; } while (pres==HSER_POLL_MORE); } while (insize!=0); if (insize!=0) { fprintf(stderr, "Heatshrink: Bug? insize is still %d. sres=%d pres=%d\n", insize, sres, pres); exit(1); } heatshrink_encoder_free(enc); return r; } int handleFile(int f, char *name, int compression, int level) { char *fdat, *cdat; off_t size, csize; EspFsHeader h; int nameLen; size=lseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); fdat=mmap(NULL, size, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, f, 0); if (fdat==MAP_FAILED) { perror("mmap"); return 0; } if (compression==COMPRESS_NONE) { csize=size; cdat=fdat; } else if (compression==COMPRESS_HEATSHRINK) { cdat=malloc(size*2); csize=compressHeatshrink(fdat, size, cdat, size*2, level); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown compression - %d\n", compression); exit(1); } if (csize>size) { //Compressing enbiggened this file. Revert to uncompressed store. compression=COMPRESS_NONE; csize=size; cdat=fdat; } //Fill header data h.magic=('E'<<0)+('S'<<8)+('f'<<16)+('s'<<24); h.flags=0; h.compression=compression; nameLen=strlen(name)+1; if (nameLen&3) nameLen+=4-(nameLen&3); //Round to next 32bit boundary h.nameLen=htoxs(nameLen); h.fileLenComp=htoxl(csize); h.fileLenDecomp=htoxl(size); write(1, &h, sizeof(EspFsHeader)); write(1, name, nameLen); //ToDo: this can eat up a few bytes after the buffer. write(1, cdat, csize); //Pad out to 32bit boundary while (csize&3) { write(1, "\000", 1); csize++; } munmap(fdat, size); return (csize*100)/size; } //Write final dummy header with FLAG_LASTFILE set. void finishArchive() { EspFsHeader h; h.magic=('E'<<0)+('S'<<8)+('f'<<16)+('s'<<24); h.flags=FLAG_LASTFILE; h.compression=COMPRESS_NONE; h.nameLen=htoxs(0); h.fileLenComp=htoxl(0); h.fileLenDecomp=htoxl(0); write(1, &h, sizeof(EspFsHeader)); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int f, x; char fileName[1024]; char *realName; struct stat statBuf; int serr; int rate; int err=0; int compType=1; //default compression type - heatshrink int compLvl=-1; for (x=1; x<argc; x++) { if (strcmp(argv[x], "-c")==0 && argc>=x-2) { compType=atoi(argv[x=1]); x++; } else if (strcmp(argv[x], "-l")==0 && argc>=x-2) { compLvl=atoi(argv[x=1]); if (compLvl<1 || compLvl>9) err=1; x++; } else { err=1; } } if (err) { fprintf(stderr, "%s - Program to create espfs images\n", argv[0]); fprintf(stderr, "Usage: \nfind | %s [-c compressor] [-l compression_level] > out.espfs\n", argv[0]); fprintf(stderr, "Compressors:\n0 - None\n1 - Heatshrink(defautl\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Compression level: 1 is worst but low RAM usage, higher is better compression \nbut uses more ram on decompression. -1 = compressors default.\n"); exit(0); } while(fgets(fileName, sizeof(fileName), stdin)) { //Kill off '\n' at the end fileName[strlen(fileName)-1]=0; //Only include files serr=stat(fileName, &statBuf); if ((serr==0) && S_ISREG(statBuf.st_mode)) { //Strip off './' or '/' madness. realName=fileName; if (fileName[0]=='.') realName++; if (realName[0]=='/') realName++; f=open(fileName, O_RDONLY); if (f>0) { rate=handleFile(f, realName, compType, compLvl); fprintf(stderr, "%s (%d%%)\n", realName, rate); close(f); } else { perror(fileName); } } else { if (serr!=0) { perror(fileName); } } } finishArchive(); return 0; }