#ifndef ESPMISSINGINCLUDES_H #define ESPMISSINGINCLUDES_H #include <user_interface.h> #include <eagle_soc.h> //Missing function prototypes in include folders. Gcc will warn on these if we don't define 'em anywhere. //MOST OF THESE ARE GUESSED! but they seem to work and shut up the compiler. typedef struct espconn espconn; bool wifi_station_set_hostname(char *); char *wifi_station_get_hostname(void); int atoi(const char *nptr); void ets_install_putc1(void *routine); // necessary for #define os_xxx -> ets_xxx void ets_isr_attach(int intr, void *handler, void *arg); void ets_isr_mask(unsigned intr); void ets_isr_unmask(unsigned intr); int ets_memcmp(const void *s1, const void *s2, size_t n); void *ets_memcpy(void *dest, const void *src, size_t n); void *ets_memset(void *s, int c, size_t n); int ets_sprintf(char *str, const char *format, ...) __attribute__ ((format (printf, 2, 3))); int ets_str2macaddr(void *, void *); int ets_strcmp(const char *s1, const char *s2); char *ets_strcpy(char *dest, const char *src); size_t ets_strlen(const char *s); int ets_strncmp(const char *s1, const char *s2, int len); char *ets_strncpy(char *dest, const char *src, size_t n); char *ets_strstr(const char *haystack, const char *needle); void ets_timer_arm_new(ETSTimer *a, int b, int c, int isMstimer); void ets_timer_disarm(ETSTimer *a); void ets_timer_setfn(ETSTimer *t, ETSTimerFunc *fn, void *parg); void ets_update_cpu_frequency(int freqmhz); int os_printf(const char *format, ...) __attribute__ ((format (printf, 1, 2))); int os_snprintf(char *str, size_t size, const char *format, ...) __attribute__ ((format (printf, 3, 4))); int os_printf_plus(const char *format, ...) __attribute__ ((format (printf, 1, 2))); void pvPortFree(void *ptr); void *pvPortMalloc(size_t xWantedSize); void *pvPortZalloc(size_t); void uart_div_modify(int no, unsigned int freq); void vPortFree(void *ptr); void *vPortMalloc(size_t xWantedSize); uint32 system_get_time(); //uint8 wifi_get_opmode(void); // defined in SDK 1.0.0 onwards //int os_random(); // defined in SDK 1.1.0 onwards int rand(void); void ets_bzero(void *s, size_t n); void ets_delay_us(int ms); // Shortcuts for memory functions #define os_malloc pvPortMalloc #define os_free vPortFree #define os_zalloc pvPortZalloc // disappeared in SDK 1.1.0: #define os_timer_done ets_timer_done #define os_timer_handler_isr ets_timer_handler_isr #define os_timer_init ets_timer_init // This is not missing in SDK 1.1.0 but causes a parens error #undef PIN_FUNC_SELECT #define PIN_FUNC_SELECT(PIN_NAME, FUNC) do { \ WRITE_PERI_REG(PIN_NAME, \ (READ_PERI_REG(PIN_NAME) & ~(PERIPHS_IO_MUX_FUNC<<PERIPHS_IO_MUX_FUNC_S)) \ |( (((FUNC&BIT2)<<2)|(FUNC&0x3))<<PERIPHS_IO_MUX_FUNC_S) ); \ } while (0) #endif