#ifndef __SER_BRIDGE_H__
#define __SER_BRIDGE_H__

#include <ip_addr.h>
#include <c_types.h>
#include <espconn.h>

#define MAX_CONN 4
#define SER_BRIDGE_TIMEOUT 28799

//Max send buffer len
#define MAX_TXBUFFER 1024

enum connModes {
	cmInit = 0,        // initialization mode: nothing received yet
	cmTransparent,     // transparent mode
	cmAVR,             // Arduino/AVR programming mode
	cmARM,             // ARM (LPC8xx) programming
	cmEcho,            // simply echo characters (used for debugging latency)
  cmTelnet,          // use telnet escape sequences for programming mode
  cmTcpClient,       // client connection (initiated via serial)

typedef struct serbridgeConnData {
	struct espconn *conn;
	enum connModes conn_mode;   // connection mode
	char           *txbuffer;   // buffer for the data to send
	uint16         txbufferlen; // length of data in txbuffer
	bool           readytosend; // true, if txbuffer can send by espconn_sent
  uint8_t        telnet_state;
} serbridgeConnData;

void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR serbridgeInit(int port);
void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR serbridgeInitPins(void);
void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR serbridgeUartCb(char *buf, int len);
void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR serbridgeReset();

#endif /* __SER_BRIDGE_H__ */