#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use threads; use threads::shared; use IO::Socket::INET; use Data::Dumper; use File::Basename; my $ledLabel : shared = "LED is turned off"; my $ledFreq : shared = 10; my @ledHistory : shared; my $startTime : shared = time; my $pattern : shared = "50_50"; my $userFname : shared; my $userLname : shared; my $userAge : shared; my $userGender : shared; my $userNotifs : shared; # auto-flush on socket $| = 1; # creating a listening socket my $server = new IO::Socket::INET ( LocalHost => '', LocalPort => '7777', Proto => 'tcp', Listen => 25, Reuse => 1 ); die "cannot create socket $!\n" unless $server; print "server waiting for client connection on port 7777\n"; my @webmethods = ( [ "menu", \&getMenu ], [ "pins", \&getPins ], [ "system/info", \&getSystemInfo ], [ "wifi/info", \&getWifiInfo ], ); my $client; while ($client = $server->accept()) { threads->create( sub { $client->autoflush(1); # Always a good idea close $server; my $httpReq = parse_http( $client ); #print Dumper($httpReq); my $httpResp = process_http( $httpReq ); #print Dumper($httpResp); my $data = "HTTP/1.1 " . $httpResp->{code} . " " . $httpResp->{text} . "\r\n"; if( exists $httpResp->{fields} ) { for my $key( keys %{$httpResp->{fields}} ) { $data .= "$key: " . $httpResp->{fields}{$key} . "\r\n"; } } $data .= "\r\n"; if( exists $httpResp->{body} ) { $data .= $httpResp->{body}; } $client->send($data); if( $httpResp->{done} ) { # notify client that response has been sent shutdown($client, 1); } } ); close $client; # Only meaningful in the client } exit(0); sub parse_http { my ($client) = @_; # read up to 1024 characters from the connected client my $data = ""; do{ my $buf = ""; $client->recv($buf, 1024); $data .= $buf; }while( $data !~ /\r\n\r\n/s ); my %resp; my @lines = split /\r\n/, $data; my $head = shift @lines; if( $head =~ /(GET|POST) / ) { $resp{method} = $1; $head =~ s/(GET|POST) //; if( $head =~ /^([^ ]+) HTTP\/\d\.\d/ ) { my $args = $1; my $u = $args; $u =~ s/\?.*$//g; $args =~ s/^.*\?//g; my %arg = split /[=\&]/, $args; $resp{urlArgs} = \%arg; $resp{url} = $u; my %fields; while( my $arg = shift @lines ) { if( $arg =~ /^([\w-]+): (.*)$/ ) { $fields{$1} = $2; } } $resp{fields} = \%fields; } else { $resp{method} = 'ERROR'; $resp{error} = 'Invalid HTTP request'; } if( $resp{method} eq 'POST' ) { my $remaining = join("\r\n", @lines); my $cnt_len = $resp{fields}{'Content-Length'}; while( length($remaining) < $cnt_len ) { my $buf = ""; $client->recv($buf, 1024); $remaining .= $buf; } $resp{postData} = $remaining; my %pargs = split /[=\&]/, $remaining; $resp{postArgs} = \%pargs; } } else { $resp{method} = 'ERROR'; $resp{error} = 'Invalid HTTP request'; } return \%resp; } sub simple_response { my ($code, $msg) = @_; my %resp; $resp{code} = $code; $resp{text} = $msg; $resp{fields} = {}; $resp{done} = 1; return \%resp; } sub slurp { my ($file) = @_; open IF, "<", $file or die "Can't read file: $!"; my @fc = <IF>; close(IF); my $cnt = join("", @fc); return $cnt; } sub content_response { my ($content, $url) = @_; my %resp; $resp{code} = 200; $resp{text} = "OK"; $resp{done} = 1; $resp{body} = $content; $resp{fields} = {}; $resp{fields}{'Content-Length'} = length($content); $resp{fields}{'Content-Type'} = "text/json"; $resp{fields}{'Content-Type'} = "text/html; charset=UTF-8" if( $url =~ /\.html$/ ); $resp{fields}{'Content-Type'} = "text/css" if( $url =~ /\.css$/ ); $resp{fields}{'Content-Type'} = "text/javascript" if( $url =~ /\.js$/ ); $resp{fields}{'Content-Type'} = "image/gif" if( $url =~ /\.ico$/ ); $resp{fields}{'Connection'} = 'close'; return \%resp; } sub process_http { my ($httpReq) = @_; if( $httpReq->{method} eq 'ERROR' ) { return simple_response(400, $httpReq->{error}); } if( $httpReq->{url} =~ /\.json$/ ) { my $url = $httpReq->{url}; $url =~ s/\.json$//; my $pth = dirname $0; if( -f "$pth/web-server/$url" ) { return process_user_comm($httpReq); } } if( $httpReq->{method} eq 'GET' ) { my $url = $httpReq->{url}; $url =~ s/^\///; $url = "home.html" if ! $url; my $pth = dirname $0; if( -f "$pth/../html/$url" ) { my $cnt = slurp( "$pth/../html/$url" ); if( $url =~ /\.html$/ ) { my $prep = slurp( "$pth/../html/head-" ); $cnt = "$prep$cnt"; } return content_response($cnt, $url); } if( -f "$pth/web-server/$url" ) { my $cnt = slurp( "$pth/web-server/$url" ); if( $url =~ /\.html$/ ) { my $prep = slurp( "$pth/head-user-" ); $cnt = "$prep$cnt"; } return content_response($cnt, $url); } elsif( grep { $_->[0] eq $url } @webmethods ) { my @mth = grep { $_->[0] eq $url } @webmethods; my $webm = $mth[0]; return content_response( $webm->[1]->(), $url ); } else { return simple_response(404, "File not found"); } } return simple_response(400, "Invalid HTTP request"); } sub getMenu { my $out = sprintf( "{ " . "\"menu\": [ " . "\"Home\", \"/home.html\", " . "\"WiFi Station\", \"/wifi/wifiSta.html\", " . "\"WiFi Soft-AP\", \"/wifi/wifiAp.html\", " . "\"µC Console\", \"/console.html\", " . "\"Services\", \"/services.html\", " . #ifdef MQTT "\"REST/MQTT\", \"/mqtt.html\", " . #endif "\"Debug log\", \"/log.html\", " . "\"Web Server\", \"/web-server.html\"" . "%s" . " ], " . "\"version\": \"%s\", " . "\"name\": \"%s\"" . " }", readUserPages(), "dummy", "dummy-esp-link"); return $out; } sub getPins { return '{ "reset":12, "isp":-1, "conn":-1, "ser":2, "swap":0, "rxpup":1 }'; } sub getSystemInfo { return '{ "name": "esp-link-dummy", "reset cause": "6=external", "size": "4MB:512/512", "upload-size": "3145728", "id": "0xE0 0x4016", "partition": "user2.bin", "slip": "disabled", "mqtt": "disabled/disconnected", "baud": "57600", "description": "" }'; } sub getWifiInfo { return '{"mode": "STA", "modechange": "yes", "ssid": "DummySSID", "status": "got IP address", "phy": "11n", "rssi": "-45dB", "warn": "Switch to <a href=\"#\" onclick=\"changeWifiMode(3)\">STA+AP mode</a>", "apwarn": "Switch to <a href=\"#\" onclick=\"changeWifiMode(3)\">STA+AP mode</a>", "mac":"12:34:56:78:9a:bc", "chan":"11", "apssid": "ESP_012345", "appass": "", "apchan": "11", "apmaxc": "4", "aphidd": "disabled", "apbeac": "100", "apauth": "OPEN","apmac":"12:34:56:78:9a:bc", "ip": "", "netmask": "", "gateway": "", "hostname": "esp-link", "staticip": "", "dhcp": "on"}'; } sub read_dir_structure { my ($dir, $base) = @_; my @files; opendir my $dh, $dir or die "Could not open '$dir' for reading: $!\n"; while (my $file = readdir $dh) { if ($file eq '.' or $file eq '..') { next; } my $path = "$dir/$file"; if( -d "$path" ) { my @sd = read_dir_structure($path, "$base/$file"); push @files, @sd ; } else { push @files, "$base/$file"; } } close( $dh ); $_ =~ s/^\/// for(@files); return @files; } sub readUserPages { my $pth = dirname $0; my @files = read_dir_structure( "$pth/web-server", "/" ); @files = grep { $_ =~ /\.html$/ } @files; my $add = ''; for my $f ( @files ) { my $nam = $f; $nam =~ s/\.html$//; $nam =~ s/[^\/]*\///g; $add .= ", \"$nam\", \"$f\""; } return $add; } sub jsonString { my ($text) = @_; return 'null' if ! defined $text; return "\"$text\""; } sub jsonNumber { my ($num) = @_; return 'null' if ! defined $num; return $num + 0; } sub led_add_history { my ($msg) = @_; pop @ledHistory if @ledHistory >= 10; my $elapsed = time - $startTime; my $secs = $elapsed % 60; my $mins = int($elapsed / 60) % 60; my $hours = int($elapsed / 3600) % 24; $secs = "0$secs" if length($secs) == 1; $mins = "0$mins" if length($mins) == 1; $hours = "0$hours" if length($hours) == 1; $msg = "$hours:$mins:$secs $msg"; unshift @ledHistory, $msg; } sub process_user_comm_led { my ($http) = @_; my $loadData = ''; if( $http->{urlArgs}{reason} eq "button" ) { my $btn = $http->{urlArgs}{id}; if($btn eq "btn_on" ) { $ledLabel = "LED is turned on"; led_add_history("Set LED on"); } elsif($btn eq "btn_blink" ) { $ledLabel = "LED is blinking"; led_add_history("Set LED blinking"); } elsif($btn eq "btn_off" ) { $ledLabel = "LED is turned off"; led_add_history("Set LED off"); } } elsif( $http->{urlArgs}{reason} eq "submit" ) { if( exists $http->{postArgs}{frequency} ) { $ledFreq = $http->{postArgs}{frequency}; led_add_history("Set frequency to $ledFreq Hz"); } if( exists $http->{postArgs}{pattern} ) { $pattern = $http->{postArgs}{pattern}; my $out = $pattern; $out =~ s/_/\% - /; $out .= "%"; led_add_history("Set pattern to $out"); } return simple_response(204, "OK"); } elsif( $http->{urlArgs}{reason} eq "load" ) { $loadData = ', "frequency": ' . $ledFreq . ', "pattern": "' . $pattern . '"'; } my $list = ", \"led_history\": [" . join(", ", map { "\"$_\"" } @ledHistory ) . "]"; my $r = '{"text": "' . $ledLabel . '"' . $list . $loadData . '}'; return content_response($r, $http->{url}); } sub process_user_comm_voltage { my ($http) = @_; my $voltage = (((time - $startTime) % 60) - 30) / 30.0 + 4.0; $voltage = sprintf("%.2f V", $voltage); my $table = ', "table": [["Time", "Min", "AVG", "Max"], ["0s-10s", "1 V", "3 V", "5 V"], ["10s-20s", "1 V", "2 V", "3 V"]]'; my $r = '{"voltage": "' . $voltage . '"' . $table . '}'; return content_response($r, $http->{url}); } sub process_user_comm_user { my ($http) = @_; if( $http->{urlArgs}{reason} eq "submit" ) { if( exists $http->{postArgs}{last_name} ) { $userLname = $http->{postArgs}{last_name}; } if( exists $http->{postArgs}{first_name} ) { $userFname = $http->{postArgs}{first_name}; } if( exists $http->{postArgs}{age} ) { $userAge = $http->{postArgs}{age}; } if( exists $http->{postArgs}{gender} ) { $userGender = $http->{postArgs}{gender}; } if( exists $http->{postArgs}{notifications} ) { $userNotifs = $http->{postArgs}{notifications}; } return simple_response(204, "OK"); } elsif( $http->{urlArgs}{reason} eq "load" ) { my $r = '{"last_name": ' . jsonString($userLname) . ', "first_name": ' . jsonString($userFname) . ', "age": ' . jsonNumber($userAge) . ', "gender": ' . jsonString($userGender) . ', "notifications":' . jsonString($userNotifs) . '}'; return content_response($r, $http->{url}); } return content_response("{}", $http->{url}); } sub process_user_comm() { my ($http) = @_; if( $http->{url} eq '/LED.html.json' ) { return process_user_comm_led($http); } if( $http->{url} eq '/Voltage.html.json' ) { return process_user_comm_voltage($http); } if( $http->{url} eq '/User.html.json' ) { return process_user_comm_user($http); } }