mirror of https://github.com/jeelabs/esp-link.git
@ -0,0 +1,207 @@ |
#include <esp8266.h> |
typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed)) { |
uint16_t id; |
uint8_t flags; |
uint8_t rcode; |
uint16_t qdcount; |
uint16_t ancount; |
uint16_t nscount; |
uint16_t arcount; |
} DnsHeader; |
typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed)) { |
uint8_t len; |
uint8_t data; |
} DnsLabel; |
typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed)) { |
//before: label
uint16_t type; |
uint16_t class; |
} DnsQuestionFooter; |
typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed)) { |
//before: label
uint16_t type; |
uint16_t class; |
uint32_t ttl; |
uint16_t rdlength; |
//after: rdata
} DnsResourceFooter; |
#define FLAG_QR (1<<7) |
#define FLAG_AA (1<<2) |
#define FLAG_TC (1<<1) |
#define FLAG_RD (1<<0) |
#define QTYPE_A 1 |
#define QTYPE_NS 2 |
#define QTYPE_CNAME 5 |
#define QTYPE_SOA 6 |
#define QTYPE_WKS 11 |
#define QTYPE_PTR 12 |
#define QTYPE_HINFO 13 |
#define QTYPE_MINFO 14 |
#define QTYPE_MX 15 |
#define QTYPE_TXT 16 |
#define QCLASS_IN 1 |
#define QCLASS_ANY 255 |
//Function to put unaligned 16-bit network values
static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR setn16(void *pp, int16_t n) { |
char *p=pp; |
*p++=(n>>8); |
*p++=(n&0xff); |
} |
//Function to put unaligned 32-bit network values
static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR setn32(void *pp, int32_t n) { |
char *p=pp; |
*p++=(n>>24)&0xff; |
*p++=(n>>16)&0xff; |
*p++=(n>>8)&0xff; |
*p++=(n&0xff); |
} |
static uint16_t ntohs(uint16_t *in) { |
char *p=(char*)in; |
return ((p[0]<<8)&0xff00)|(p[1]&0xff); |
} |
//Parses a label.
//Returns pointer to start of next fields in packet
static char* ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR labelToStr(char *packet, char *labelPtr, int packetSz, char *res, int resMaxLen) { |
int i, j, k; |
char *endPtr=NULL; |
i=0; |
do { |
if ((*labelPtr&0xC0)==0) { |
j=*labelPtr++; //skip past length
//Add separator period if there already is data in res
if (i<resMaxLen && i!=0) res[i++]='.'; |
//Copy label to res
for (k=0; k<j; k++) { |
if ((labelPtr-packet)>packetSz) return NULL; |
if (i<resMaxLen) res[i++]=*labelPtr++; |
} |
} else if ((*labelPtr&0xC0)==0xC0) { |
//Compressed label pointer
endPtr=labelPtr+2; |
int offset=ntohs(((uint16_t *)labelPtr))&0x3FFF; |
//Check if offset points to somewhere outside of the packet
if (offset>packetSz) return NULL; |
labelPtr=&packet[offset]; |
} |
//check for out-of-bound-ness
if ((labelPtr-packet)>packetSz) return NULL; |
} while (*labelPtr!=0); |
res[i]=0; //zero-terminate
if (endPtr==NULL) endPtr=labelPtr+1; |
return endPtr; |
} |
char *strToLabel(char *str, char *label, int maxLen) { |
char *len=label; //ptr to len byte
char *p=label+1; //ptr to next label byte to be written
while (1) { |
if (*str=='.' || *str==0) { |
*len=((p-len)-1); //write len of label bit
len=p; //pos of len for next part
p++; //data ptr is one past len
if (*str==0) break; //done
str++; |
} else { |
*p++=*str++; //copy byte
// if ((p-label)>maxLen) return NULL; //check out of bounds
} |
} |
*len=0; |
return p; //ptr to first free byte in resp
} |
static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR captdnsRecv(void* arg, char *pusrdata, unsigned short length) { |
struct espconn *conn=(struct espconn *)arg; |
char buff[512]; |
char reply[512]; |
int i; |
char *rend=&reply[length]; |
char *p=pusrdata; |
DnsHeader *hdr=(DnsHeader*)p; |
DnsHeader *rhdr=(DnsHeader*)&reply[0]; |
p+=sizeof(DnsHeader); |
os_printf("DNS packet: id 0x%X flags 0x%X rcode 0x%X qcnt %d ancnt %d nscount %d arcount %d len %d\n",
ntohs(&hdr->id), hdr->flags, hdr->rcode, ntohs(&hdr->qdcount), ntohs(&hdr->ancount), ntohs(&hdr->nscount), ntohs(&hdr->arcount), length); |
//Some sanity checks:
if (length>512) return; //Packet is longer than DNS implementation allows
if (length<sizeof(DnsHeader)) return; //Packet is too short
if (hdr->ancount || hdr->nscount || hdr->arcount) return; //this is a reply, don't know what to do with it
if (hdr->flags&FLAG_TC) return; //truncated, can't use this
//Reply is basically the request plus the needed data
os_memcpy(reply, pusrdata, length); |
rhdr->flags|=FLAG_QR; |
for (i=0; i<ntohs(&hdr->qdcount); i++) { |
//Grab the labels in the q string
p=labelToStr(pusrdata, p, length, buff, sizeof(buff)); |
if (p==NULL) return; |
DnsQuestionFooter *qf=(DnsQuestionFooter*)p; |
p+=sizeof(DnsQuestionFooter); |
os_printf("Q %d (type 0x%X class 0x%X) for %s\n", i, ntohs(&qf->type), ntohs(&qf->class), buff); |
if (ntohs(&qf->type)==QTYPE_A) { |
//They want to know the IPv4 address of something.
//Build the response.
rend=strToLabel(buff, rend, sizeof(reply)-(rend-reply)); //Add the label
if (rend==NULL) return; |
DnsResourceFooter *rf=(DnsResourceFooter *)rend; |
rend+=sizeof(DnsResourceFooter); |
setn16(&rf->type, QTYPE_A); |
setn16(&rf->class, QCLASS_IN); |
setn32(&rf->ttl, 1); |
setn16(&rf->rdlength, 4); //IPv4 addr is 4 bytes;
*rend++=192; //hardcoded :X
*rend++=168; |
*rend++=4; |
*rend++=1; |
setn16(&rhdr->ancount, ntohs(&rhdr->ancount)+1); |
os_printf("Added A rec to resp. Resp len is %d\n", (rend-reply)); |
} else if (ntohs(&qf->type)==QTYPE_NS) { |
//Give ns server. Basically is whatever.
rend=strToLabel(buff, rend, sizeof(reply)-(rend-reply)); //Add the label
DnsResourceFooter *rf=(DnsResourceFooter *)rend; |
rend+=sizeof(DnsResourceFooter); |
setn16(&rf->type, QTYPE_NS); |
setn16(&rf->class, QCLASS_IN); |
setn16(&rf->ttl, 1); |
setn16(&rf->rdlength, 4); |
*rend++=2; |
*rend++='n'; |
*rend++='s'; |
*rend++=0; |
setn16(&rhdr->ancount, ntohs(&rhdr->ancount)+1); |
os_printf("Added NS rec to resp. Resp len is %d\n", (rend-reply)); |
} |
} |
espconn_sent(conn, (uint8*)reply, rend-reply); |
} |
void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR captdnsInit(void) { |
static struct espconn conn; |
static esp_udp udpconn; |
conn.type=ESPCONN_UDP; |
conn.proto.udp=&udpconn; |
conn.proto.udp->local_port = 53; |
espconn_regist_recvcb(&conn, captdnsRecv); |
espconn_create(&conn); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ |
#ifndef CAPTDNS_H |
#define CAPTDNS_H |
void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR captdnsInit(void); |
#endif |
Reference in new issue