Use multiple upload instead of espfs image

cskarai 9 years ago committed by Thorsten von Eicken
parent db8bba0990
commit 983fd549c1
  1. 4
  2. 114
  3. 213
  4. 2
  5. 8
  6. 8

@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ Installation steps:
- 1: open EspLinkWebApp sample from Arduino
- 2: upload the code onto an Arduino Nano/Uno
- 3: jump to the Web Server page on esp-link UI
- 4: upload web-page.espfs.img ( arduino/libraries/EspLink/examples/EspLinkWebApp/web-page.espfs.img )
- 4: upload the 3 HTML files in the samples ( multiple select from arduino/libraries/EspLink/examples/EspLinkWebApp/ )
- 5: jump to LED/User/Voltage pages
- 6: try out different settings

@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
my $dir = shift @ARGV;
my $out = shift @ARGV;
my $espfs = '';
my @structured = read_dir_structure($dir, "");
for my $file (@structured)
my $flags = 0;
my $name = $file;
my $compression = 0;
if( $name =~ /\.gz$/ )
$flags |= 2;
$name =~ s/\.gz$//;
my $head = '<!doctype html><html><head><title>esp-link</title><link rel=stylesheet href="/pure.css"><link rel=stylesheet href="/style.css"><meta name=viewport content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"><script src="/ui.js"></script><script src="/userpage.js"></script></head><body><div id=layout>';
open IF, "<", "$dir/$file" or die "Can't read file: $!";
my @fc = <IF>;
my $cnt = join("", @fc);
if( $name =~ /\.html$/ )
if( ! ( $flags & 2 ) )
$cnt = "$head$cnt";
printf("TODO: prepend headers to GZipped HTML content!\n");
$name .= chr(0);
$name .= chr(0) while( (length($name) & 3) != 0 );
my $size = length($cnt);
$espfs .= "ESfs";
$espfs .= chr($flags);
$espfs .= chr($compression);
$espfs .= chr( length($name) & 255 );
$espfs .= chr( length($name) / 256 );
$espfs .= chr( $size & 255 );
$espfs .= chr( ( $size / 0x100 ) & 255 );
$espfs .= chr( ( $size / 0x10000 ) & 255 );
$espfs .= chr( ( $size / 0x1000000 ) & 255 );
$espfs .= chr( $size & 255 );
$espfs .= chr( ( $size / 0x100 ) & 255 );
$espfs .= chr( ( $size / 0x10000 ) & 255 );
$espfs .= chr( ( $size / 0x1000000 ) & 255 );
$espfs .= $name;
$cnt .= chr(0) while( (length($cnt) & 3) != 0 );
$espfs .= $cnt;
$espfs .= "ESfs";
$espfs .= chr(1);
for(my $i=0; $i < 11; $i++)
$espfs .= chr(0);
open FH, ">", $out or die "Can't open file for write, $!";
print FH $espfs;
sub read_dir_structure
my ($dir, $base) = @_;
my @files;
opendir my $dh, $dir or die "Could not open '$dir' for reading: $!\n";
while (my $file = readdir $dh) {
if ($file eq '.' or $file eq '..') {
my $path = "$dir/$file";
if( -d "$path" )
my @sd = read_dir_structure($path, "$base/$file");
push @files, @sd ;
push @files, "$base/$file";
close( $dh );
$_ =~ s/^\/// for(@files);
return @files;

@ -9,8 +9,9 @@
#include "config.h"
#include "web-server.h"
int upload_offset = 0; // flash offset where to store page upload
int html_header_len = 0; // HTML header length (for uploading HTML files)
int header_position = 0; // flash offset of the file header
int upload_position = 0; // flash offset where to store page upload
int html_header_len = 0; // length of the HTML header added to the file
// this is the header to add if user uploads HTML file
const char * HTML_HEADER = "<!doctype html><html><head><title>esp-link</title>"
@ -18,127 +19,157 @@ const char * HTML_HEADER = "<!doctype html><html><head><title>esp-link</title>
"<meta name=viewport content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1\"><script src=\"/ui.js\">"
"</script><script src=\"/userpage.js\"></script></head><body><div id=layout> ";
// this method is for flash writing and erasing the page
// write is incremental, so whenever a page border is reached, the next page will be erased
int ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR webServerSetupWriteFlash( int addr, void * data, int length )
int end_addr = addr + length;
if( end_addr >= getUserPageSectionEnd() )
os_printf("No more space in the flash!\n");
return 1;
void * free_ptr = 0;
if(( length & 3 ) != 0 ) // ESP8266 always writes 4 bytes, so the remaining ones should be oxFF-ed out
free_ptr = os_malloc(length + 4);
os_memset(free_ptr, 0xFF, length + 4);
os_memcpy(free_ptr, data, length);
data = free_ptr;
int ptr = 0;
while( addr < end_addr )
if (addr % SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE == 0){
int max = (addr | (SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE - 1)) + 1;
int len = end_addr - addr;
if( end_addr > max )
len = max - addr;
spi_flash_write( addr, (uint32_t *)((char *)data + ptr), len );
ptr += len;
addr += len;
if( free_ptr != 0 )
return 0;
// debug code
void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR dumpFlash( int end )
int dump = getUserPageSectionStart();
while( dump < end )
char buffer[16];
spi_flash_read(dump, (uint32_t *)buffer, sizeof(buffer));
char dmpstr[sizeof(buffer)*3];
os_sprintf(dmpstr, "%06X: ", dump);
for(int i=0; i < sizeof(buffer); i++ )
os_sprintf(dmpstr + os_strlen(dmpstr), "%02X ", buffer[i]);
os_printf("%s\n", dmpstr);
dump += sizeof(buffer);
// multipart callback for uploading user defined pages
int ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR webServerSetupMultipartCallback(MultipartCmd cmd, char *data, int dataLen, int position)
upload_position = getUserPageSectionStart();
header_position = upload_position;
upload_offset = 0;
html_header_len = 0;
// simple HTML file
if( ( dataLen > 5 ) && ( os_strcmp(data + dataLen - 5, ".html") == 0 ) ) // if the file ends with .html, wrap into an espfs image
// write the start block on esp-fs
int spi_flash_addr = getUserPageSectionStart();
html_header_len = 0;
// write the starting block on esp-fs
EspFsHeader hdr;
hdr.magic = 0xFFFFFFFF; // espfs magic is invalid during upload
hdr.flags = 0;
hdr.compression = 0;
int len = dataLen + 1;
while(( len & 3 ) != 0 )
hdr.nameLen = len;
hdr.fileLenComp = hdr.fileLenDecomp = 0xFFFFFFFF;
spi_flash_write( spi_flash_addr + upload_offset, (uint32_t *)(&hdr), sizeof(EspFsHeader) );
upload_offset += sizeof(EspFsHeader);
header_position = upload_position;
if( webServerSetupWriteFlash( upload_position, (uint32_t *)(&hdr), sizeof(EspFsHeader) ) )
return 1;
upload_position += sizeof(EspFsHeader);
char nameBuf[len];
os_memset(nameBuf, 0, len);
os_memcpy(nameBuf, data, dataLen);
spi_flash_write( spi_flash_addr + upload_offset, (uint32_t *)(nameBuf), len );
upload_offset += len;
html_header_len = os_strlen(HTML_HEADER) & ~3; // upload only 4 byte aligned part
char buf[html_header_len];
os_memcpy(buf, HTML_HEADER, html_header_len);
spi_flash_write( spi_flash_addr + upload_offset, (uint32_t *)(buf), html_header_len );
upload_offset += html_header_len;
if(( position < 4 ) && (upload_offset == 0)) // for espfs images check the magic number
for(int p = position; p < 4; p++ )
if( webServerSetupWriteFlash( upload_position, (uint32_t *)(nameBuf), len ) )
return 1;
upload_position += len;
// add header to HTML files
if( ( dataLen > 5 ) && ( os_strcmp(data + dataLen - 5, ".html") == 0 ) ) // if the file ends with .html, wrap into an espfs image
if( data[p - position] != ((ESPFS_MAGIC >> (p * 8) ) & 255 ) )
os_printf("Not an espfs image!\n");
html_header_len = os_strlen(HTML_HEADER) & ~3; // upload only 4 byte aligned part
char buf[html_header_len];
os_memcpy(buf, HTML_HEADER, html_header_len);
if( webServerSetupWriteFlash( upload_position, (uint32_t *)(buf), html_header_len ) )
return 1;
data[p - position] = 0xFF; // espfs magic is invalid during upload
upload_position += html_header_len;
int spi_flash_addr = getUserPageSectionStart() + upload_offset + position;
int spi_flash_end_addr = spi_flash_addr + dataLen;
if( spi_flash_end_addr + dataLen >= getUserPageSectionEnd() )
os_printf("No more space in the flash!\n");
if( webServerSetupWriteFlash( upload_position, data, dataLen ) )
return 1;
int ptr = 0;
while( spi_flash_addr < spi_flash_end_addr )
upload_position += dataLen;
if (spi_flash_addr % SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE == 0){
// write padding after the file
uint8_t pad_cnt = (4 - position) & 3;
if( pad_cnt ) {
uint32_t pad = 0;
if( webServerSetupWriteFlash( upload_position, &pad, pad_cnt ) )
return 1;
upload_position += pad_cnt;
int max = (spi_flash_addr | (SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE - 1)) + 1;
int len = spi_flash_end_addr - spi_flash_addr;
if( spi_flash_end_addr > max )
len = max - spi_flash_addr;
spi_flash_write( spi_flash_addr, (uint32_t *)(data + ptr), len );
ptr += len;
spi_flash_addr += len;
EspFsHeader hdr;
hdr.magic = ESPFS_MAGIC;
hdr.fileLenComp = hdr.fileLenDecomp = position + html_header_len;
// restore ESPFS magic
spi_flash_write( header_position + ((char *)&hdr.magic - (char*)&hdr), (uint32_t *)&hdr.magic, sizeof(uint32_t) );
// set file size
spi_flash_write( header_position + ((char *)&hdr.fileLenComp - (char*)&hdr), (uint32_t *)&hdr.fileLenComp, sizeof(uint32_t) );
spi_flash_write( header_position + ((char *)&hdr.fileLenDecomp - (char*)&hdr), (uint32_t *)&hdr.fileLenDecomp, sizeof(uint32_t) );
if( html_header_len != 0 )
// write the terminating block on esp-fs
int spi_flash_addr = getUserPageSectionStart() + upload_offset + position;
// write the termination block
EspFsHeader hdr;
hdr.magic = ESPFS_MAGIC;
hdr.flags = 1;
hdr.compression = 0;
hdr.nameLen = 0;
hdr.fileLenComp = hdr.fileLenDecomp = 0;
if( webServerSetupWriteFlash( upload_position, (uint32_t *)(&hdr), sizeof(EspFsHeader) ) )
return 1;
upload_position += sizeof(EspFsHeader);
uint32_t pad = 0;
uint8_t pad_cnt = (4 - position) & 3;
if( pad_cnt )
spi_flash_write( spi_flash_addr, &pad, pad_cnt );
spi_flash_addr += pad_cnt;
// create ESPFS image
EspFsHeader hdr;
hdr.magic = ESPFS_MAGIC;
hdr.flags = 1;
hdr.compression = 0;
hdr.nameLen = 0;
hdr.fileLenComp = hdr.fileLenDecomp = 0;
spi_flash_write( spi_flash_addr, (uint32_t *)(&hdr), sizeof(EspFsHeader) );
uint32_t totallen = html_header_len + position;
// restore ESPFS magic
spi_flash_write( (int)getUserPageSectionStart(), (uint32_t *)&hdr.magic, sizeof(uint32_t) );
// set file size
spi_flash_write( (int)getUserPageSectionStart() + 8, &totallen, sizeof(uint32_t) );
spi_flash_write( (int)getUserPageSectionStart() + 12, &totallen, sizeof(uint32_t) );
// set espfs magic (set it valid)
uint32_t magic = ESPFS_MAGIC;
spi_flash_write( (int)getUserPageSectionStart(), (uint32_t *)&magic, sizeof(uint32_t) );
WEB_Init(); // reload the content

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
the measurement data.</p>
<form method="post" action="web-server/upload" name="submit" enctype="multipart/form-data" onSubmit="return onSubmit()">
The custom web page to upload: <input type="file" name="webpage">
The custom web page to upload: <input type="file" name="webpage" multiple>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit">

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
#include "multipart.h"
#include "cgi.h"
#define BOUNDARY_SIZE 100
#define BOUNDARY_SIZE 128
typedef enum {
STATE_SEARCH_BOUNDARY = 0, // state: searching multipart boundary
@ -227,6 +227,7 @@ int ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR multipartProcessData(MultipartCtx * context, char * bounda
context->boundaryBufferPtr -= dataSize;
os_memcpy(context->boundaryBuffer, context->boundaryBuffer + dataSize, context->boundaryBufferPtr);
return 0;
@ -253,6 +254,9 @@ int ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR multipartProcess(MultipartCtx * context, HttpdConnData * c
context->state = STATE_SEARCH_BOUNDARY;
if( context->callBack( FILE_UPLOAD_START, NULL, 0, context->position ) ) // start uploading files
context->state = STATE_ERROR;
if( context->state != STATE_ERROR )
@ -281,6 +285,8 @@ int ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR multipartProcess(MultipartCtx * context, HttpdConnData * c
// this is the last package, process the remaining data
if( multipartProcessData(context, post->multipartBoundary, NULL, 0, 1) )
context->state = STATE_ERROR;
else if( context->callBack( FILE_UPLOAD_DONE, NULL, 0, context->position ) ) // done with files
context->state = STATE_ERROR;
multipartFreeBoundaryBuffer( context );

@ -4,9 +4,11 @@
#include <httpd.h>
typedef enum {
FILE_START, // multipart: the start of a new file
FILE_DATA, // multipart: file data
FILE_DONE, // multipart: file end
FILE_UPLOAD_START, // multipart: uploading files started
FILE_START, // multipart: the start of a new file (can be more)
FILE_DATA, // multipart: file data
FILE_DONE, // multipart: file end
FILE_UPLOAD_DONE, // multipart: finished for all files
} MultipartCmd;
// multipart callback
