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<div><img src="favicon.ico" height="64"><span class="jl">JEELABS</span></div>
10 years ago
<h1 style="margin-top:0"><span class="esp">esp</span>-link</h1>
<h2 id="version"></h2>
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10 years ago
<p>The JeeLabs esp-link firmware bridges the ESP8266 serial port to Wifi and can
program microcontrollers over the serial port, in particular Arduinos, AVRs, and
10 years ago
NXP's LPC800 and other ARM processors.</p>
<p style="margin-bottom:0;">Program an Arduino/AVR using avrdude using a command
10 years ago
line similar to:</p>
10 years ago
<div class="tt">/home/arduino-1.0.5/hardware/tools/avrdude \<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;-DV -patmega328p -Pnet:esp-link.local:23 -carduino -b115200 -U \<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;-C /home/arduino-1.0.5/hardware/tools/avrdude.conf flash:w:my_sketch.hex:i
10 years ago
<p>where <tt>-Pnet:esp-link.local:23</tt> tells avrdude to connect to port 23 of esp-link.
10 years ago
You can substitute the IP address of your esp-link for esp-link.local if necessary.</p>
<p>Please refer to
<a href="">the online README</a>
for up-to-date help and to the forthcoming
<a href="">JeeLabs blog</a> for an intro to the codebase.</p>
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10 years ago
<h1>Wifi summary</h1>
<div id="wifi-spinner" class="spinner spinner-small"></div>
<table id="wifi-table" class="pure-table pure-table-horizontal" hidden><tbody>
<tr><td>WiFi mode</td><td id="wifi-mode"></td></tr>
<tr><td>Wifi channel</td><td id="wifi-chan"></td></tr>
<tr><td>Configured network</td><td id="wifi-ssid"></td></tr>
<tr><td>Wifi status</td><td id="wifi-status"></td></tr>
<tr><td>Wifi address</td><td id="wifi-ip"></td></tr>
<tr><td>Configured hostname</td><td id="wifi-hostname"></td></tr>
</tbody> </table>
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10 years ago
<h1>Pin assignment</h1>
<legend>Select one of the following signal/pin assignments to match your hardware</legend>
<fieldset class='radios' id='pin-mux'>
<div class="spinner spinner-small"></div>
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