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10 years ago
#ifndef _TIME_H_
#define _TIME_H_
#include <esp8266.h>
* Constants.
#define SECS_PER_MIN (60UL)
#define SECS_PER_HOUR (3600UL)
#define DAYS_PER_WEEK (7UL)
#define SECS_YR_2000 (946684800UL) // The time_t value at the very start of Y2K.
* Days per month.
* Note that the standard time.h starts months from "1", but this
* version starts from "0".
static const uint8_t monthDays[] = { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 };
* Standard "struct tm" equivalent.
* =NOTE= Differences:-
* - Year offset is from 1970 (standard tm is from 1900).
* - Wday Sunday is day "1" (standard tm has it as day "0").
* - The "Day" field is what standard tm refers to as "yday".
* - There is no "date" or Day-of-Month field.
* - There is no "isdst" field.
struct tmElements {
uint8_t Second;
uint8_t Minute;
uint8_t Hour;
uint8_t Wday; // Day of week, with Sunday as day 1.
uint8_t Day; // This is "yday" - Day of Year.
uint8_t Month;
uint8_t Year; // Offset from 1970.
typedef enum {
timeNotSet, timeNeedsSync, timeSet
} timeStatus_t;
typedef enum {
dowInvalid, dowSunday, dowMonday, dowTuesday, dowWednesday, dowThursday, dowFriday, dowSaturday
} timeDayOfWeek_t;
typedef enum {
tmSecond, tmMinute, tmHour, tmWday, tmDay, tmMonth, tmYear, tmNbrFields
} tmByteFields;
typedef struct {
uint8_t Second;
uint8_t Minute;
uint8_t Hour;
uint8_t Wday; // day of week, sunday is day 1
uint8_t Day;
uint8_t Month;
uint8_t Year; // offset from 1970;
} tmElements_t, TimeElements, *tmElementsPtr_t;
// This leap year calulator expects year argument as years offset from 1970.
#define LEAP_YEAR(Y) ( ((1970+Y)>0) && !((1970+Y)%4) && ( ((1970+Y)%100) || !((1970+Y)%400) ) )
* Convenience macros to convert to and from tm years.
#define tmYearToCalendar(Y) ((Y) + 1970) // Full, four-digit year.
#define CalendarYrToTm(Y) ((Y) - 1970)
#define tmYearToY2k(Y) ((Y) - 30) // Offset from 2000.
#define y2kYearToTm(Y) ((Y) + 30)
typedef time_t(*getExternalTime)();
* Useful Macros for getting elapsed time values.
#define numberOfSeconds(_time_) (_time_ % SECS_PER_MIN)
#define numberOfMinutes(_time_) ((_time_ / SECS_PER_MIN) % SECS_PER_MIN)
#define numberOfHours(_time_) (( _time_% SECS_PER_DAY) / SECS_PER_HOUR)
#define dayOfWeek(_time_) ((( _time_ / SECS_PER_DAY + 4) % DAYS_PER_WEEK)+1) // 1 = Sunday.
#define elapsedDays(_time_) ( _time_ / SECS_PER_DAY) // The number of days since Jan 1 1970.
#define elapsedSecsToday(_time_) (_time_ % SECS_PER_DAY) // The number of seconds since last midnight.
* The following macros are used in calculating alarms and assume the clock is set to a date later than Jan 1 1971.
* Always set the correct time before setting alarms.
#define previousMidnight(_time_) (( _time_ / SECS_PER_DAY) * SECS_PER_DAY) // Time at the start of the given day.
#define nextMidnight(_time_) ( previousMidnight(_time_) + SECS_PER_DAY ) // Time at the end of the given day.
#define elapsedSecsThisWeek(_time_) (elapsedSecsToday(_time_) + ((dayOfWeek(_time_)-1) * SECS_PER_DAY) ) // Week starts on day 1.
#define previousSunday(_time_) (_time_ - elapsedSecsThisWeek(_time_)) // Time at the start of the week for the given time.
#define nextSunday(_time_) ( previousSunday(_time_)+SECS_PER_WEEK) // Time at the end of the week for the given time.
* Useful Macros for converting elapsed time to a time_t value.
#define minutesToTime_t ((M)) ( (M) * SECS_PER_MIN)
#define hoursToTime_t ((H)) ( (H) * SECS_PER_HOUR)
#define daysToTime_t ((D)) ( (D) * SECS_PER_DAY) // Fixed on Jul 22 2011.
#define weeksToTime_t ((W)) ( (W) * SECS_PER_WEEK)
* Time and date function defines.
* Low-level functions to convert to and from system time.
int16_t totalMinutes(int16_t hours, int8_t minutes);
void breakTime(time_t time, tmElements_t* tm);
void timet_to_tm(time_t time, struct tmElements *tmel); // Convert a time_t value into "struct tm" elements.
time_t tm_to_timet(struct tmElements *tmel); // Reconstitute "struct tm" elements into a time_t value.
time_t now();
void setTime(time_t t);
int hour();
int minute();
int second();
void time_init();
unsigned long micros();
unsigned long millis();
/* time sync functions */
timeStatus_t timeStatus(); // indicates if time has been set and recently synchronized
void setSyncProvider(getExternalTime getTimeFunction); // identify the external time provider
void setSyncInterval(time_t interval); // set the number of seconds between re-sync
#endif // _TIME_H_