
1316 lines
46 KiB

This file is part of the JUCE library.
Copyright (c) 2013 - Raw Material Software Ltd.
Permission is granted to use this software under the terms of either:
a) the GPL v2 (or any later version)
b) the Affero GPL v3
Details of these licenses can be found at:
JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are
available: visit for more information.
class SVGState
explicit SVGState (const XmlElement* const topLevel)
: topLevelXml (topLevel, nullptr),
elementX (0), elementY (0),
width (512), height (512),
viewBoxW (0), viewBoxH (0)
struct XmlPath
XmlPath (const XmlElement* e, const XmlPath* p) noexcept : xml (e), parent (p) {}
const XmlElement& operator*() const noexcept { jassert (xml != nullptr); return *xml; }
const XmlElement* operator->() const noexcept { return xml; }
XmlPath getChild (const XmlElement* e) const noexcept { return XmlPath (e, this); }
const XmlElement* xml;
const XmlPath* parent;
Drawable* parseSVGElement (const XmlPath& xml)
if (! xml->hasTagNameIgnoringNamespace ("svg"))
return nullptr;
DrawableComposite* const drawable = new DrawableComposite();
drawable->setName (xml->getStringAttribute ("id"));
SVGState newState (*this);
if (xml->hasAttribute ("transform"))
newState.addTransform (xml);
newState.elementX = getCoordLength (xml->getStringAttribute ("x", String (newState.elementX)), viewBoxW);
newState.elementY = getCoordLength (xml->getStringAttribute ("y", String (newState.elementY)), viewBoxH);
newState.width = getCoordLength (xml->getStringAttribute ("width", String (newState.width)), viewBoxW);
newState.height = getCoordLength (xml->getStringAttribute ("height", String (newState.height)), viewBoxH);
if (newState.width <= 0) newState.width = 100;
if (newState.height <= 0) newState.height = 100;
if (xml->hasAttribute ("viewBox"))
const String viewBoxAtt (xml->getStringAttribute ("viewBox"));
String::CharPointerType viewParams (viewBoxAtt.getCharPointer());
Point<float> vxy, vwh;
if (parseCoords (viewParams, vxy, true)
&& parseCoords (viewParams, vwh, true)
&& vwh.x > 0
&& vwh.y > 0)
newState.viewBoxW = vwh.x;
newState.viewBoxH = vwh.y;
int placementFlags = 0;
const String aspect (xml->getStringAttribute ("preserveAspectRatio"));
if (aspect.containsIgnoreCase ("none"))
placementFlags = RectanglePlacement::stretchToFit;
if (aspect.containsIgnoreCase ("slice")) placementFlags |= RectanglePlacement::fillDestination;
if (aspect.containsIgnoreCase ("xMin")) placementFlags |= RectanglePlacement::xLeft;
else if (aspect.containsIgnoreCase ("xMax")) placementFlags |= RectanglePlacement::xRight;
else placementFlags |= RectanglePlacement::xMid;
if (aspect.containsIgnoreCase ("yMin")) placementFlags |= RectanglePlacement::yTop;
else if (aspect.containsIgnoreCase ("yMax")) placementFlags |= RectanglePlacement::yBottom;
else placementFlags |= RectanglePlacement::yMid;
newState.transform = RectanglePlacement (placementFlags)
.getTransformToFit (Rectangle<float> (vxy.x, vxy.y, vwh.x, vwh.y),
Rectangle<float> (newState.width, newState.height))
.followedBy (newState.transform);
if (viewBoxW == 0) newState.viewBoxW = newState.width;
if (viewBoxH == 0) newState.viewBoxH = newState.height;
newState.parseSubElements (xml, *drawable);
drawable->setContentArea (RelativeRectangle (Rectangle<float> (newState.viewBoxW, newState.viewBoxH)));
return drawable;
void parsePathString (Path& path, const String& pathString) const
String::CharPointerType d (pathString.getCharPointer().findEndOfWhitespace());
Point<float> subpathStart, last, last2, p1, p2, p3;
juce_wchar lastCommandChar = 0;
bool isRelative = true;
bool carryOn = true;
const CharPointer_ASCII validCommandChars ("MmLlHhVvCcSsQqTtAaZz");
while (! d.isEmpty())
if (validCommandChars.indexOf (*d) >= 0)
lastCommandChar = d.getAndAdvance();
isRelative = (lastCommandChar >= 'a' && lastCommandChar <= 'z');
switch (lastCommandChar)
case 'M':
case 'm':
case 'L':
case 'l':
if (parseCoordsOrSkip (d, p1, false))
if (isRelative)
p1 += last;
if (lastCommandChar == 'M' || lastCommandChar == 'm')
subpathStart = p1;
path.startNewSubPath (p1);
lastCommandChar = 'l';
path.lineTo (p1);
last2 = last;
last = p1;
case 'H':
case 'h':
if (parseCoord (d, p1.x, false, true))
if (isRelative)
p1.x += last.x;
path.lineTo (p1.x, last.y);
last2.x = last.x;
last.x = p1.x;
case 'V':
case 'v':
if (parseCoord (d, p1.y, false, false))
if (isRelative)
p1.y += last.y;
path.lineTo (last.x, p1.y);
last2.y = last.y;
last.y = p1.y;
case 'C':
case 'c':
if (parseCoordsOrSkip (d, p1, false)
&& parseCoordsOrSkip (d, p2, false)
&& parseCoordsOrSkip (d, p3, false))
if (isRelative)
p1 += last;
p2 += last;
p3 += last;
path.cubicTo (p1, p2, p3);
last2 = p2;
last = p3;
case 'S':
case 's':
if (parseCoordsOrSkip (d, p1, false)
&& parseCoordsOrSkip (d, p3, false))
if (isRelative)
p1 += last;
p3 += last;
p2 = last + (last - last2);
path.cubicTo (p2, p1, p3);
last2 = p1;
last = p3;
case 'Q':
case 'q':
if (parseCoordsOrSkip (d, p1, false)
&& parseCoordsOrSkip (d, p2, false))
if (isRelative)
p1 += last;
p2 += last;
path.quadraticTo (p1, p2);
last2 = p1;
last = p2;
case 'T':
case 't':
if (parseCoordsOrSkip (d, p1, false))
if (isRelative)
p1 += last;
p2 = last + (last - last2);
path.quadraticTo (p2, p1);
last2 = p2;
last = p1;
case 'A':
case 'a':
if (parseCoordsOrSkip (d, p1, false))
String num;
if (parseNextNumber (d, num, false))
const float angle = num.getFloatValue() * (180.0f / float_Pi);
if (parseNextNumber (d, num, false))
const bool largeArc = num.getIntValue() != 0;
if (parseNextNumber (d, num, false))
const bool sweep = num.getIntValue() != 0;
if (parseCoordsOrSkip (d, p2, false))
if (isRelative)
p2 += last;
if (last != p2)
double centreX, centreY, startAngle, deltaAngle;
double rx = p1.x, ry = p1.y;
endpointToCentreParameters (last.x, last.y, p2.x, p2.y,
angle, largeArc, sweep,
rx, ry, centreX, centreY,
startAngle, deltaAngle);
path.addCentredArc ((float) centreX, (float) centreY,
(float) rx, (float) ry,
angle, (float) startAngle, (float) (startAngle + deltaAngle),
path.lineTo (p2);
last2 = last;
last = p2;
case 'Z':
case 'z':
last = last2 = subpathStart;
d = d.findEndOfWhitespace();
lastCommandChar = 'M';
carryOn = false;
if (! carryOn)
const XmlPath topLevelXml;
float elementX, elementY, width, height, viewBoxW, viewBoxH;
AffineTransform transform;
String cssStyleText;
void parseSubElements (const XmlPath& xml, DrawableComposite& parentDrawable)
forEachXmlChildElement (*xml, e)
parentDrawable.addAndMakeVisible (parseSubElement (xml.getChild (e)));
Drawable* parseSubElement (const XmlPath& xml)
const String tag (xml->getTagNameWithoutNamespace());
if (tag == "g") return parseGroupElement (xml);
if (tag == "svg") return parseSVGElement (xml);
if (tag == "path") return parsePath (xml);
if (tag == "rect") return parseRect (xml);
if (tag == "circle") return parseCircle (xml);
if (tag == "ellipse") return parseEllipse (xml);
if (tag == "line") return parseLine (xml);
if (tag == "polyline") return parsePolygon (xml, true);
if (tag == "polygon") return parsePolygon (xml, false);
if (tag == "text") return parseText (xml);
if (tag == "switch") return parseSwitch (xml);
if (tag == "style") parseCSSStyle (xml);
return nullptr;
DrawableComposite* parseSwitch (const XmlPath& xml)
if (const XmlElement* const group = xml->getChildByName ("g"))
return parseGroupElement (xml.getChild (group));
return nullptr;
DrawableComposite* parseGroupElement (const XmlPath& xml)
DrawableComposite* const drawable = new DrawableComposite();
drawable->setName (xml->getStringAttribute ("id"));
if (xml->hasAttribute ("transform"))
SVGState newState (*this);
newState.addTransform (xml);
newState.parseSubElements (xml, *drawable);
parseSubElements (xml, *drawable);
return drawable;
Drawable* parsePath (const XmlPath& xml) const
Path path;
parsePathString (path, xml->getStringAttribute ("d"));
if (getStyleAttribute (xml, "fill-rule").trim().equalsIgnoreCase ("evenodd"))
path.setUsingNonZeroWinding (false);
return parseShape (xml, path);
Drawable* parseRect (const XmlPath& xml) const
Path rect;
const bool hasRX = xml->hasAttribute ("rx");
const bool hasRY = xml->hasAttribute ("ry");
if (hasRX || hasRY)
float rx = getCoordLength (xml, "rx", viewBoxW);
float ry = getCoordLength (xml, "ry", viewBoxH);
if (! hasRX)
rx = ry;
else if (! hasRY)
ry = rx;
rect.addRoundedRectangle (getCoordLength (xml, "x", viewBoxW),
getCoordLength (xml, "y", viewBoxH),
getCoordLength (xml, "width", viewBoxW),
getCoordLength (xml, "height", viewBoxH),
rx, ry);
rect.addRectangle (getCoordLength (xml, "x", viewBoxW),
getCoordLength (xml, "y", viewBoxH),
getCoordLength (xml, "width", viewBoxW),
getCoordLength (xml, "height", viewBoxH));
return parseShape (xml, rect);
Drawable* parseCircle (const XmlPath& xml) const
Path circle;
const float cx = getCoordLength (xml, "cx", viewBoxW);
const float cy = getCoordLength (xml, "cy", viewBoxH);
const float radius = getCoordLength (xml, "r", viewBoxW);
circle.addEllipse (cx - radius, cy - radius, radius * 2.0f, radius * 2.0f);
return parseShape (xml, circle);
Drawable* parseEllipse (const XmlPath& xml) const
Path ellipse;
const float cx = getCoordLength (xml, "cx", viewBoxW);
const float cy = getCoordLength (xml, "cy", viewBoxH);
const float radiusX = getCoordLength (xml, "rx", viewBoxW);
const float radiusY = getCoordLength (xml, "ry", viewBoxH);
ellipse.addEllipse (cx - radiusX, cy - radiusY, radiusX * 2.0f, radiusY * 2.0f);
return parseShape (xml, ellipse);
Drawable* parseLine (const XmlPath& xml) const
Path line;
const float x1 = getCoordLength (xml, "x1", viewBoxW);
const float y1 = getCoordLength (xml, "y1", viewBoxH);
const float x2 = getCoordLength (xml, "x2", viewBoxW);
const float y2 = getCoordLength (xml, "y2", viewBoxH);
line.startNewSubPath (x1, y1);
line.lineTo (x2, y2);
return parseShape (xml, line);
Drawable* parsePolygon (const XmlPath& xml, const bool isPolyline) const
const String pointsAtt (xml->getStringAttribute ("points"));
String::CharPointerType points (pointsAtt.getCharPointer());
Path path;
Point<float> p;
if (parseCoords (points, p, true))
Point<float> first (p), last;
path.startNewSubPath (first);
while (parseCoords (points, p, true))
last = p;
path.lineTo (p);
if ((! isPolyline) || first == last)
return parseShape (xml, path);
Drawable* parseShape (const XmlPath& xml, Path& path,
const bool shouldParseTransform = true) const
if (shouldParseTransform && xml->hasAttribute ("transform"))
SVGState newState (*this);
newState.addTransform (xml);
return newState.parseShape (xml, path, false);
DrawablePath* dp = new DrawablePath();
dp->setName (xml->getStringAttribute ("id"));
dp->setFill (Colours::transparentBlack);
path.applyTransform (transform);
dp->setPath (path);
Path::Iterator iter (path);
bool containsClosedSubPath = false;
while (
if (iter.elementType == Path::Iterator::closePath)
containsClosedSubPath = true;
dp->setFill (getPathFillType (path,
getStyleAttribute (xml, "fill"),
getStyleAttribute (xml, "fill-opacity"),
getStyleAttribute (xml, "opacity"),
containsClosedSubPath ? Colours::black
: Colours::transparentBlack));
const String strokeType (getStyleAttribute (xml, "stroke"));
if (strokeType.isNotEmpty() && ! strokeType.equalsIgnoreCase ("none"))
dp->setStrokeFill (getPathFillType (path, strokeType,
getStyleAttribute (xml, "stroke-opacity"),
getStyleAttribute (xml, "opacity"),
dp->setStrokeType (getStrokeFor (xml));
return dp;
struct SetGradientStopsOp
const SVGState* state;
ColourGradient* gradient;
void operator() (const XmlPath& xml)
state->addGradientStopsIn (*gradient, xml);
void addGradientStopsIn (ColourGradient& cg, const XmlPath& fillXml) const
if (fillXml.xml != nullptr)
forEachXmlChildElementWithTagName (*fillXml, e, "stop")
int index = 0;
Colour col (parseColour (getStyleAttribute (fillXml.getChild (e), "stop-color"), index, Colours::black));
const String opacity (getStyleAttribute (fillXml.getChild (e), "stop-opacity", "1"));
col = col.withMultipliedAlpha (jlimit (0.0f, 1.0f, opacity.getFloatValue()));
double offset = e->getDoubleAttribute ("offset");
if (e->getStringAttribute ("offset").containsChar ('%'))
offset *= 0.01;
cg.addColour (jlimit (0.0, 1.0, offset), col);
FillType getGradientFillType (const XmlPath& fillXml,
const Path& path,
const float opacity) const
ColourGradient gradient;
const String id (fillXml->getStringAttribute ("xlink:href"));
if (id.startsWithChar ('#'))
SetGradientStopsOp op = { this, &gradient, };
findElementForId (topLevelXml, id.substring (1), op);
addGradientStopsIn (gradient, fillXml);
if (gradient.getNumColours() > 0)
gradient.addColour (0.0, gradient.getColour (0));
gradient.addColour (1.0, gradient.getColour (gradient.getNumColours() - 1));
gradient.addColour (0.0, Colours::black);
gradient.addColour (1.0, Colours::black);
if (opacity < 1.0f)
gradient.multiplyOpacity (opacity);
jassert (gradient.getNumColours() > 0);
gradient.isRadial = fillXml->hasTagNameIgnoringNamespace ("radialGradient");
float gradientWidth = viewBoxW;
float gradientHeight = viewBoxH;
float dx = 0.0f;
float dy = 0.0f;
const bool userSpace = fillXml->getStringAttribute ("gradientUnits").equalsIgnoreCase ("userSpaceOnUse");
if (! userSpace)
const Rectangle<float> bounds (path.getBounds());
dx = bounds.getX();
dy = bounds.getY();
gradientWidth = bounds.getWidth();
gradientHeight = bounds.getHeight();
if (gradient.isRadial)
if (userSpace)
gradient.point1.setXY (dx + getCoordLength (fillXml->getStringAttribute ("cx", "50%"), gradientWidth),
dy + getCoordLength (fillXml->getStringAttribute ("cy", "50%"), gradientHeight));
gradient.point1.setXY (dx + gradientWidth * getCoordLength (fillXml->getStringAttribute ("cx", "50%"), 1.0f),
dy + gradientHeight * getCoordLength (fillXml->getStringAttribute ("cy", "50%"), 1.0f));
const float radius = getCoordLength (fillXml->getStringAttribute ("r", "50%"), gradientWidth);
gradient.point2 = gradient.point1 + Point<float> (radius, 0.0f);
//xxx (the fx, fy focal point isn't handled properly here..)
if (userSpace)
gradient.point1.setXY (dx + getCoordLength (fillXml->getStringAttribute ("x1", "0%"), gradientWidth),
dy + getCoordLength (fillXml->getStringAttribute ("y1", "0%"), gradientHeight));
gradient.point2.setXY (dx + getCoordLength (fillXml->getStringAttribute ("x2", "100%"), gradientWidth),
dy + getCoordLength (fillXml->getStringAttribute ("y2", "0%"), gradientHeight));
gradient.point1.setXY (dx + gradientWidth * getCoordLength (fillXml->getStringAttribute ("x1", "0%"), 1.0f),
dy + gradientHeight * getCoordLength (fillXml->getStringAttribute ("y1", "0%"), 1.0f));
gradient.point2.setXY (dx + gradientWidth * getCoordLength (fillXml->getStringAttribute ("x2", "100%"), 1.0f),
dy + gradientHeight * getCoordLength (fillXml->getStringAttribute ("y2", "0%"), 1.0f));
if (gradient.point1 == gradient.point2)
return Colour (gradient.getColour (gradient.getNumColours() - 1));
FillType type (gradient);
const AffineTransform gradientTransform (parseTransform (fillXml->getStringAttribute ("gradientTransform"))
.followedBy (transform));
if (gradient.isRadial)
type.transform = gradientTransform;
// Transform the perpendicular vector into the new coordinate space for the gradient.
// This vector is now the slope of the linear gradient as it should appear in the new coord space
const Point<float> perpendicular (Point<float> (gradient.point2.y - gradient.point1.y,
gradient.point1.x - gradient.point2.x)
.transformedBy (gradientTransform.withAbsoluteTranslation (0, 0)));
const Point<float> newGradPoint1 (gradient.point1.transformedBy (gradientTransform));
const Point<float> newGradPoint2 (gradient.point2.transformedBy (gradientTransform));
// Project the transformed gradient vector onto the transformed slope of the linear
// gradient as it should appear in the new coordinate space
const float scale = perpendicular.getDotProduct (newGradPoint2 - newGradPoint1)
/ perpendicular.getDotProduct (perpendicular);
type.gradient->point1 = newGradPoint1;
type.gradient->point2 = newGradPoint2 - perpendicular * scale;
return type;
struct GetFillTypeOp
const SVGState* state;
FillType* dest;
const Path* path;
float opacity;
void operator() (const XmlPath& xml)
if (xml->hasTagNameIgnoringNamespace ("linearGradient")
|| xml->hasTagNameIgnoringNamespace ("radialGradient"))
*dest = state->getGradientFillType (xml, *path, opacity);
FillType getPathFillType (const Path& path,
const String& fill,
const String& fillOpacity,
const String& overallOpacity,
const Colour defaultColour) const
float opacity = 1.0f;
if (overallOpacity.isNotEmpty())
opacity = jlimit (0.0f, 1.0f, overallOpacity.getFloatValue());
if (fillOpacity.isNotEmpty())
opacity *= (jlimit (0.0f, 1.0f, fillOpacity.getFloatValue()));
if (fill.startsWithIgnoreCase ("url"))
const String id (fill.fromFirstOccurrenceOf ("#", false, false)
.upToLastOccurrenceOf (")", false, false).trim());
FillType result;
GetFillTypeOp op = { this, &result, &path, opacity };
if (findElementForId (topLevelXml, id, op))
return result;
if (fill.equalsIgnoreCase ("none"))
return Colours::transparentBlack;
int i = 0;
return parseColour (fill, i, defaultColour).withMultipliedAlpha (opacity);
PathStrokeType getStrokeFor (const XmlPath& xml) const
const String strokeWidth (getStyleAttribute (xml, "stroke-width"));
const String cap (getStyleAttribute (xml, "stroke-linecap"));
const String join (getStyleAttribute (xml, "stroke-linejoin"));
//const String mitreLimit (getStyleAttribute (xml, "stroke-miterlimit"));
//const String dashArray (getStyleAttribute (xml, "stroke-dasharray"));
//const String dashOffset (getStyleAttribute (xml, "stroke-dashoffset"));
PathStrokeType::JointStyle joinStyle = PathStrokeType::mitered;
PathStrokeType::EndCapStyle capStyle = PathStrokeType::butt;
if (join.equalsIgnoreCase ("round"))
joinStyle = PathStrokeType::curved;
else if (join.equalsIgnoreCase ("bevel"))
joinStyle = PathStrokeType::beveled;
if (cap.equalsIgnoreCase ("round"))
capStyle = PathStrokeType::rounded;
else if (cap.equalsIgnoreCase ("square"))
capStyle = PathStrokeType::square;
float ox = 0.0f, oy = 0.0f;
float x = getCoordLength (strokeWidth, viewBoxW), y = 0.0f;
transform.transformPoints (ox, oy, x, y);
return PathStrokeType (strokeWidth.isNotEmpty() ? juce_hypot (x - ox, y - oy) : 1.0f,
joinStyle, capStyle);
Drawable* parseText (const XmlPath& xml)
Array <float> xCoords, yCoords, dxCoords, dyCoords;
getCoordList (xCoords, getInheritedAttribute (xml, "x"), true, true);
getCoordList (yCoords, getInheritedAttribute (xml, "y"), true, false);
getCoordList (dxCoords, getInheritedAttribute (xml, "dx"), true, true);
getCoordList (dyCoords, getInheritedAttribute (xml, "dy"), true, false);
//xxx not done text yet!
forEachXmlChildElement (*xml, e)
if (e->isTextElement())
const String text (e->getText());
Path path;
Drawable* s = parseShape (xml.getChild (e), path);
delete s; // xxx not finished!
else if (e->hasTagNameIgnoringNamespace ("tspan"))
Drawable* s = parseText (xml.getChild (e));
delete s; // xxx not finished!
return nullptr;
void addTransform (const XmlPath& xml)
transform = parseTransform (xml->getStringAttribute ("transform"))
.followedBy (transform);
bool parseCoord (String::CharPointerType& s, float& value, const bool allowUnits, const bool isX) const
String number;
if (! parseNextNumber (s, number, allowUnits))
value = 0;
return false;
value = getCoordLength (number, isX ? viewBoxW : viewBoxH);
return true;
bool parseCoords (String::CharPointerType& s, Point<float>& p, const bool allowUnits) const
return parseCoord (s, p.x, allowUnits, true)
&& parseCoord (s, p.y, allowUnits, false);
bool parseCoordsOrSkip (String::CharPointerType& s, Point<float>& p, const bool allowUnits) const
if (parseCoords (s, p, allowUnits))
return true;
if (! s.isEmpty()) ++s;
return false;
float getCoordLength (const String& s, const float sizeForProportions) const
float n = s.getFloatValue();
const int len = s.length();
if (len > 2)
const float dpi = 96.0f;
const juce_wchar n1 = s [len - 2];
const juce_wchar n2 = s [len - 1];
if (n1 == 'i' && n2 == 'n') n *= dpi;
else if (n1 == 'm' && n2 == 'm') n *= dpi / 25.4f;
else if (n1 == 'c' && n2 == 'm') n *= dpi / 2.54f;
else if (n1 == 'p' && n2 == 'c') n *= 15.0f;
else if (n2 == '%') n *= 0.01f * sizeForProportions;
return n;
float getCoordLength (const XmlPath& xml, const char* attName, const float sizeForProportions) const
return getCoordLength (xml->getStringAttribute (attName), sizeForProportions);
void getCoordList (Array <float>& coords, const String& list,
const bool allowUnits, const bool isX) const
String::CharPointerType text (list.getCharPointer());
float value;
while (parseCoord (text, value, allowUnits, isX))
coords.add (value);
void parseCSSStyle (const XmlPath& xml)
cssStyleText = xml->getAllSubText() + "\n" + cssStyleText;
static String::CharPointerType findStyleItem (String::CharPointerType source, String::CharPointerType name)
const int nameLength = (int) name.length();
while (! source.isEmpty())
if (source.getAndAdvance() == '.'
&& CharacterFunctions::compareIgnoreCaseUpTo (source, name, nameLength) == 0)
String::CharPointerType endOfName ((source + nameLength).findEndOfWhitespace());
if (*endOfName == '{')
return endOfName;
return source;
String getStyleAttribute (const XmlPath& xml, const String& attributeName,
const String& defaultValue = String()) const
if (xml->hasAttribute (attributeName))
return xml->getStringAttribute (attributeName, defaultValue);
const String styleAtt (xml->getStringAttribute ("style"));
if (styleAtt.isNotEmpty())
const String value (getAttributeFromStyleList (styleAtt, attributeName, String()));
if (value.isNotEmpty())
return value;
else if (xml->hasAttribute ("class"))
String::CharPointerType openBrace = findStyleItem (cssStyleText.getCharPointer(),
xml->getStringAttribute ("class").getCharPointer());
if (! openBrace.isEmpty())
String::CharPointerType closeBrace = CharacterFunctions::find (openBrace, (juce_wchar) '}');
if (closeBrace != openBrace)
const String value (getAttributeFromStyleList (String (openBrace + 1, closeBrace),
attributeName, defaultValue));
if (value.isNotEmpty())
return value;
if (xml.parent != nullptr)
return getStyleAttribute (*xml.parent, attributeName, defaultValue);
return defaultValue;
String getInheritedAttribute (const XmlPath& xml, const String& attributeName) const
if (xml->hasAttribute (attributeName))
return xml->getStringAttribute (attributeName);
if (xml.parent != nullptr)
return getInheritedAttribute (*xml.parent, attributeName);
return String();
static bool isIdentifierChar (const juce_wchar c)
return CharacterFunctions::isLetter (c) || c == '-';
static String getAttributeFromStyleList (const String& list, const String& attributeName, const String& defaultValue)
int i = 0;
for (;;)
i = list.indexOf (i, attributeName);
if (i < 0)
if ((i == 0 || (i > 0 && ! isIdentifierChar (list [i - 1])))
&& ! isIdentifierChar (list [i + attributeName.length()]))
i = list.indexOfChar (i, ':');
if (i < 0)
int end = list.indexOfChar (i, ';');
if (end < 0)
end = 0x7ffff;
return list.substring (i + 1, end).trim();
return defaultValue;
static bool parseNextNumber (String::CharPointerType& text, String& value, const bool allowUnits)
String::CharPointerType s (text);
while (s.isWhitespace() || *s == ',')
String::CharPointerType start (s);
if (s.isDigit() || *s == '.' || *s == '-')
while (s.isDigit() || *s == '.')
if ((*s == 'e' || *s == 'E')
&& ((s + 1).isDigit() || s[1] == '-' || s[1] == '+'))
s += 2;
while (s.isDigit())
if (allowUnits)
while (s.isLetter())
if (s == start)
text = s;
return false;
value = String (start, s);
while (s.isWhitespace() || *s == ',')
text = s;
return true;
static Colour parseColour (const String& s, int& index, const Colour defaultColour)
if (s [index] == '#')
uint32 hex[6] = { 0 };
int numChars = 0;
for (int i = 6; --i >= 0;)
const int hexValue = CharacterFunctions::getHexDigitValue (s [++index]);
if (hexValue >= 0)
hex [numChars++] = (uint32) hexValue;
if (numChars <= 3)
return Colour ((uint8) (hex [0] * 0x11),
(uint8) (hex [1] * 0x11),
(uint8) (hex [2] * 0x11));
return Colour ((uint8) ((hex [0] << 4) + hex [1]),
(uint8) ((hex [2] << 4) + hex [3]),
(uint8) ((hex [4] << 4) + hex [5]));
if (s [index] == 'r'
&& s [index + 1] == 'g'
&& s [index + 2] == 'b')
const int openBracket = s.indexOfChar (index, '(');
const int closeBracket = s.indexOfChar (openBracket, ')');
if (openBracket >= 3 && closeBracket > openBracket)
index = closeBracket;
StringArray tokens;
tokens.addTokens (s.substring (openBracket + 1, closeBracket), ",", "");
if (tokens[0].containsChar ('%'))
return Colour ((uint8) roundToInt (2.55 * tokens[0].getDoubleValue()),
(uint8) roundToInt (2.55 * tokens[1].getDoubleValue()),
(uint8) roundToInt (2.55 * tokens[2].getDoubleValue()));
return Colour ((uint8) tokens[0].getIntValue(),
(uint8) tokens[1].getIntValue(),
(uint8) tokens[2].getIntValue());
return Colours::findColourForName (s, defaultColour);
static AffineTransform parseTransform (String t)
AffineTransform result;
while (t.isNotEmpty())
StringArray tokens;
tokens.addTokens (t.fromFirstOccurrenceOf ("(", false, false)
.upToFirstOccurrenceOf (")", false, false),
", ", "");
tokens.removeEmptyStrings (true);
float numbers [6];
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
numbers[i] = tokens[i].getFloatValue();
AffineTransform trans;
if (t.startsWithIgnoreCase ("matrix"))
trans = AffineTransform (numbers[0], numbers[2], numbers[4],
numbers[1], numbers[3], numbers[5]);
else if (t.startsWithIgnoreCase ("translate"))
jassert (tokens.size() == 2);
trans = AffineTransform::translation (numbers[0], numbers[1]);
else if (t.startsWithIgnoreCase ("scale"))
if (tokens.size() == 1)
trans = AffineTransform::scale (numbers[0]);
trans = AffineTransform::scale (numbers[0], numbers[1]);
else if (t.startsWithIgnoreCase ("rotate"))
if (tokens.size() != 3)
trans = AffineTransform::rotation (numbers[0] / (180.0f / float_Pi));
trans = AffineTransform::rotation (numbers[0] / (180.0f / float_Pi),
numbers[1], numbers[2]);
else if (t.startsWithIgnoreCase ("skewX"))
trans = AffineTransform (1.0f, std::tan (numbers[0] * (float_Pi / 180.0f)), 0.0f,
0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
else if (t.startsWithIgnoreCase ("skewY"))
trans = AffineTransform (1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
std::tan (numbers[0] * (float_Pi / 180.0f)), 1.0f, 0.0f);
result = trans.followedBy (result);
t = t.fromFirstOccurrenceOf (")", false, false).trimStart();
return result;
static void endpointToCentreParameters (const double x1, const double y1,
const double x2, const double y2,
const double angle,
const bool largeArc, const bool sweep,
double& rx, double& ry,
double& centreX, double& centreY,
double& startAngle, double& deltaAngle)
const double midX = (x1 - x2) * 0.5;
const double midY = (y1 - y2) * 0.5;
const double cosAngle = cos (angle);
const double sinAngle = sin (angle);
const double xp = cosAngle * midX + sinAngle * midY;
const double yp = cosAngle * midY - sinAngle * midX;
const double xp2 = xp * xp;
const double yp2 = yp * yp;
double rx2 = rx * rx;
double ry2 = ry * ry;
const double s = (xp2 / rx2) + (yp2 / ry2);
double c;
if (s <= 1.0)
c = std::sqrt (jmax (0.0, ((rx2 * ry2) - (rx2 * yp2) - (ry2 * xp2))
/ (( rx2 * yp2) + (ry2 * xp2))));
if (largeArc == sweep)
c = -c;
const double s2 = std::sqrt (s);
rx *= s2;
ry *= s2;
c = 0;
const double cpx = ((rx * yp) / ry) * c;
const double cpy = ((-ry * xp) / rx) * c;
centreX = ((x1 + x2) * 0.5) + (cosAngle * cpx) - (sinAngle * cpy);
centreY = ((y1 + y2) * 0.5) + (sinAngle * cpx) + (cosAngle * cpy);
const double ux = (xp - cpx) / rx;
const double uy = (yp - cpy) / ry;
const double vx = (-xp - cpx) / rx;
const double vy = (-yp - cpy) / ry;
const double length = juce_hypot (ux, uy);
startAngle = acos (jlimit (-1.0, 1.0, ux / length));
if (uy < 0)
startAngle = -startAngle;
startAngle += double_Pi * 0.5;
deltaAngle = acos (jlimit (-1.0, 1.0, ((ux * vx) + (uy * vy))
/ (length * juce_hypot (vx, vy))));
if ((ux * vy) - (uy * vx) < 0)
deltaAngle = -deltaAngle;
if (sweep)
if (deltaAngle < 0)
deltaAngle += double_Pi * 2.0;
if (deltaAngle > 0)
deltaAngle -= double_Pi * 2.0;
deltaAngle = fmod (deltaAngle, double_Pi * 2.0);
template <typename OperationType>
static bool findElementForId (const XmlPath& parent, const String& id, OperationType& op)
forEachXmlChildElement (*parent, e)
if (e->compareAttribute ("id", id))
op (parent.getChild (e));
return true;
if (findElementForId (parent.getChild (e), id, op))
return true;
return false;
SVGState& operator= (const SVGState&) JUCE_DELETED_FUNCTION;
Drawable* Drawable::createFromSVG (const XmlElement& svgDocument)
SVGState state (&svgDocument);
return state.parseSVGElement (SVGState::XmlPath (&svgDocument, nullptr));
Path Drawable::parseSVGPath (const String& svgPath)
SVGState state (nullptr);
Path p;
state.parsePathString (p, svgPath);
return p;