You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

29 lines
984 B

/* =========================================================================================
This is an auto-generated file: Any edits you make may be overwritten!
#ifndef BINARYDATA_H_22182922_INCLUDED
#define BINARYDATA_H_22182922_INCLUDED
namespace BinaryData
extern const char* about_png;
const int about_pngSize = 23143;
extern const char* builtin_pgm_zip;
const int builtin_pgm_zipSize = 88890;
// Points to the start of a list of resource names.
extern const char* namedResourceList[];
// Number of elements in the namedResourceList array.
const int namedResourceListSize = 2;
// If you provide the name of one of the binary resource variables above, this function will
// return the corresponding data and its size (or a null pointer if the name isn't found).
const char* getNamedResource (const char* resourceNameUTF8, int& dataSizeInBytes) throw();