/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE library. Copyright (c) 2013 - Raw Material Software Ltd. Permission is granted to use this software under the terms of either: a) the GPL v2 (or any later version) b) the Affero GPL v3 Details of these licenses can be found at: www.gnu.org/licenses JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are available: visit www.juce.com for more information. ============================================================================== */ #ifndef JUCE_RENDERINGHELPERS_H_INCLUDED #define JUCE_RENDERINGHELPERS_H_INCLUDED #if JUCE_MSVC #pragma warning (push) #pragma warning (disable: 4127) // "expression is constant" warning #endif namespace RenderingHelpers { //============================================================================== /** Holds either a simple integer translation, or an affine transform. */ class TranslationOrTransform { public: TranslationOrTransform (Point<int> origin) noexcept : offset (origin), isOnlyTranslated (true), isRotated (false) { } TranslationOrTransform (const TranslationOrTransform& other) noexcept : complexTransform (other.complexTransform), offset (other.offset), isOnlyTranslated (other.isOnlyTranslated), isRotated (other.isRotated) { } AffineTransform getTransform() const noexcept { return isOnlyTranslated ? AffineTransform::translation (offset) : complexTransform; } AffineTransform getTransformWith (const AffineTransform& userTransform) const noexcept { return isOnlyTranslated ? userTransform.translated (offset) : userTransform.followedBy (complexTransform); } void setOrigin (Point<int> delta) noexcept { if (isOnlyTranslated) offset += delta; else complexTransform = AffineTransform::translation (delta) .followedBy (complexTransform); } void addTransform (const AffineTransform& t) noexcept { if (isOnlyTranslated && t.isOnlyTranslation()) { const int tx = (int) (t.getTranslationX() * 256.0f); const int ty = (int) (t.getTranslationY() * 256.0f); if (((tx | ty) & 0xf8) == 0) { offset += Point<int> (tx >> 8, ty >> 8); return; } } complexTransform = getTransformWith (t); isOnlyTranslated = false; isRotated = (complexTransform.mat01 != 0 || complexTransform.mat10 != 0 || complexTransform.mat00 < 0 || complexTransform.mat11 < 0); } float getPhysicalPixelScaleFactor() const noexcept { return isOnlyTranslated ? 1.0f : std::abs (complexTransform.getScaleFactor()); } void moveOriginInDeviceSpace (Point<int> delta) noexcept { if (isOnlyTranslated) offset += delta; else complexTransform = complexTransform.translated (delta); } Rectangle<int> translated (const Rectangle<int>& r) const noexcept { jassert (isOnlyTranslated); return r + offset; } Rectangle<float> translated (const Rectangle<float>& r) const noexcept { jassert (isOnlyTranslated); return r + offset.toFloat(); } template <typename RectangleOrPoint> RectangleOrPoint transformed (const RectangleOrPoint& r) const noexcept { jassert (! isOnlyTranslated); return r.transformedBy (complexTransform); } template <typename Type> Rectangle<Type> deviceSpaceToUserSpace (const Rectangle<Type>& r) const noexcept { return isOnlyTranslated ? r - offset : r.transformedBy (complexTransform.inverted()); } AffineTransform complexTransform; Point<int> offset; bool isOnlyTranslated, isRotated; }; //============================================================================== /** Holds a cache of recently-used glyph objects of some type. */ template <class CachedGlyphType, class RenderTargetType> class GlyphCache : private DeletedAtShutdown { public: GlyphCache() { reset(); } ~GlyphCache() { getSingletonPointer() = nullptr; } static GlyphCache& getInstance() { GlyphCache*& g = getSingletonPointer(); if (g == nullptr) g = new GlyphCache(); return *g; } //============================================================================== void drawGlyph (RenderTargetType& target, const Font& font, const int glyphNumber, Point<float> pos) { ++accessCounter; CachedGlyphType* glyph = nullptr; const ScopedReadLock srl (lock); for (int i = glyphs.size(); --i >= 0;) { CachedGlyphType* const g = glyphs.getUnchecked (i); if (g->glyph == glyphNumber && g->font == font) { glyph = g; ++hits; break; } } if (glyph == nullptr) { ++misses; const ScopedWriteLock swl (lock); if (hits.value + misses.value > glyphs.size() * 16) { if (misses.value * 2 > hits.value) addNewGlyphSlots (32); hits.set (0); misses.set (0); glyph = glyphs.getLast(); } else { glyph = findLeastRecentlyUsedGlyph(); } jassert (glyph != nullptr); glyph->generate (font, glyphNumber); } glyph->lastAccessCount = accessCounter.value; glyph->draw (target, pos); } void reset() { const ScopedWriteLock swl (lock); glyphs.clear(); addNewGlyphSlots (120); hits.set (0); misses.set (0); } private: friend struct ContainerDeletePolicy<CachedGlyphType>; OwnedArray<CachedGlyphType> glyphs; Atomic<int> accessCounter, hits, misses; ReadWriteLock lock; void addNewGlyphSlots (int num) { glyphs.ensureStorageAllocated (glyphs.size() + num); while (--num >= 0) glyphs.add (new CachedGlyphType()); } CachedGlyphType* findLeastRecentlyUsedGlyph() const noexcept { CachedGlyphType* oldest = glyphs.getLast(); int oldestCounter = oldest->lastAccessCount; for (int i = glyphs.size() - 1; --i >= 0;) { CachedGlyphType* const glyph = glyphs.getUnchecked(i); if (glyph->lastAccessCount <= oldestCounter) { oldestCounter = glyph->lastAccessCount; oldest = glyph; } } return oldest; } static GlyphCache*& getSingletonPointer() noexcept { static GlyphCache* g = nullptr; return g; } JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE_WITH_LEAK_DETECTOR (GlyphCache) }; //============================================================================== /** Caches a glyph as an edge-table. */ template <class RendererType> class CachedGlyphEdgeTable { public: CachedGlyphEdgeTable() : glyph (0), lastAccessCount (0) {} void draw (RendererType& state, Point<float> pos) const { if (snapToIntegerCoordinate) pos.x = std::floor (pos.x + 0.5f); if (edgeTable != nullptr) state.fillEdgeTable (*edgeTable, pos.x, roundToInt (pos.y)); } void generate (const Font& newFont, const int glyphNumber) { font = newFont; Typeface* const typeface = newFont.getTypeface(); snapToIntegerCoordinate = typeface->isHinted(); glyph = glyphNumber; const float fontHeight = font.getHeight(); edgeTable = typeface->getEdgeTableForGlyph (glyphNumber, AffineTransform::scale (fontHeight * font.getHorizontalScale(), fontHeight), fontHeight); } Font font; int glyph, lastAccessCount; bool snapToIntegerCoordinate; private: ScopedPointer<EdgeTable> edgeTable; JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE_WITH_LEAK_DETECTOR (CachedGlyphEdgeTable) }; //============================================================================== /** Calculates the alpha values and positions for rendering the edges of a non-pixel-aligned rectangle. */ struct FloatRectangleRasterisingInfo { FloatRectangleRasterisingInfo (const Rectangle<float>& area) : left (roundToInt (256.0f * area.getX())), top (roundToInt (256.0f * area.getY())), right (roundToInt (256.0f * area.getRight())), bottom (roundToInt (256.0f * area.getBottom())) { if ((top >> 8) == (bottom >> 8)) { topAlpha = bottom - top; bottomAlpha = 0; totalTop = top >> 8; totalBottom = bottom = top = totalTop + 1; } else { if ((top & 255) == 0) { topAlpha = 0; top = totalTop = (top >> 8); } else { topAlpha = 255 - (top & 255); totalTop = (top >> 8); top = totalTop + 1; } bottomAlpha = bottom & 255; bottom >>= 8; totalBottom = bottom + (bottomAlpha != 0 ? 1 : 0); } if ((left >> 8) == (right >> 8)) { leftAlpha = right - left; rightAlpha = 0; totalLeft = (left >> 8); totalRight = right = left = totalLeft + 1; } else { if ((left & 255) == 0) { leftAlpha = 0; left = totalLeft = (left >> 8); } else { leftAlpha = 255 - (left & 255); totalLeft = (left >> 8); left = totalLeft + 1; } rightAlpha = right & 255; right >>= 8; totalRight = right + (rightAlpha != 0 ? 1 : 0); } } template <class Callback> void iterate (Callback& callback) const { if (topAlpha != 0) callback (totalLeft, totalTop, totalRight - totalLeft, 1, topAlpha); if (bottomAlpha != 0) callback (totalLeft, bottom, totalRight - totalLeft, 1, bottomAlpha); if (leftAlpha != 0) callback (totalLeft, totalTop, 1, totalBottom - totalTop, leftAlpha); if (rightAlpha != 0) callback (right, totalTop, 1, totalBottom - totalTop, rightAlpha); callback (left, top, right - left, bottom - top, 255); } inline bool isOnePixelWide() const noexcept { return right - left == 1 && leftAlpha + rightAlpha == 0; } inline int getTopLeftCornerAlpha() const noexcept { return (topAlpha * leftAlpha) >> 8; } inline int getTopRightCornerAlpha() const noexcept { return (topAlpha * rightAlpha) >> 8; } inline int getBottomLeftCornerAlpha() const noexcept { return (bottomAlpha * leftAlpha) >> 8; } inline int getBottomRightCornerAlpha() const noexcept { return (bottomAlpha * rightAlpha) >> 8; } //============================================================================== int left, top, right, bottom; // bounds of the solid central area, excluding anti-aliased edges int totalTop, totalLeft, totalBottom, totalRight; // bounds of the total area, including edges int topAlpha, leftAlpha, bottomAlpha, rightAlpha; // alpha of each anti-aliased edge }; //============================================================================== /** Contains classes for calculating the colour of pixels within various types of gradient. */ namespace GradientPixelIterators { /** Iterates the colour of pixels in a linear gradient */ class Linear { public: Linear (const ColourGradient& gradient, const AffineTransform& transform, const PixelARGB* const colours, const int numColours) : lookupTable (colours), numEntries (numColours) { jassert (numColours >= 0); Point<float> p1 (gradient.point1); Point<float> p2 (gradient.point2); if (! transform.isIdentity()) { const Line<float> l (p2, p1); Point<float> p3 = l.getPointAlongLine (0.0f, 100.0f); p1.applyTransform (transform); p2.applyTransform (transform); p3.applyTransform (transform); p2 = Line<float> (p2, p3).findNearestPointTo (p1); } vertical = std::abs (p1.x - p2.x) < 0.001f; horizontal = std::abs (p1.y - p2.y) < 0.001f; if (vertical) { scale = roundToInt ((numEntries << (int) numScaleBits) / (double) (p2.y - p1.y)); start = roundToInt (p1.y * scale); } else if (horizontal) { scale = roundToInt ((numEntries << (int) numScaleBits) / (double) (p2.x - p1.x)); start = roundToInt (p1.x * scale); } else { grad = (p2.getY() - p1.y) / (double) (p1.x - p2.x); yTerm = p1.getY() - p1.x / grad; scale = roundToInt ((numEntries << (int) numScaleBits) / (yTerm * grad - (p2.y * grad - p2.x))); grad *= scale; } } forcedinline void setY (const int y) noexcept { if (vertical) linePix = lookupTable [jlimit (0, numEntries, (y * scale - start) >> (int) numScaleBits)]; else if (! horizontal) start = roundToInt ((y - yTerm) * grad); } inline PixelARGB getPixel (const int x) const noexcept { return vertical ? linePix : lookupTable [jlimit (0, numEntries, (x * scale - start) >> (int) numScaleBits)]; } private: const PixelARGB* const lookupTable; const int numEntries; PixelARGB linePix; int start, scale; double grad, yTerm; bool vertical, horizontal; enum { numScaleBits = 12 }; JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE (Linear) }; //============================================================================== /** Iterates the colour of pixels in a circular radial gradient */ class Radial { public: Radial (const ColourGradient& gradient, const AffineTransform&, const PixelARGB* const colours, const int numColours) : lookupTable (colours), numEntries (numColours), gx1 (gradient.point1.x), gy1 (gradient.point1.y) { jassert (numColours >= 0); const Point<float> diff (gradient.point1 - gradient.point2); maxDist = diff.x * diff.x + diff.y * diff.y; invScale = numEntries / std::sqrt (maxDist); jassert (roundToInt (std::sqrt (maxDist) * invScale) <= numEntries); } forcedinline void setY (const int y) noexcept { dy = y - gy1; dy *= dy; } inline PixelARGB getPixel (const int px) const noexcept { double x = px - gx1; x *= x; x += dy; return lookupTable [x >= maxDist ? numEntries : roundToInt (std::sqrt (x) * invScale)]; } protected: const PixelARGB* const lookupTable; const int numEntries; const double gx1, gy1; double maxDist, invScale, dy; JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE (Radial) }; //============================================================================== /** Iterates the colour of pixels in a skewed radial gradient */ class TransformedRadial : public Radial { public: TransformedRadial (const ColourGradient& gradient, const AffineTransform& transform, const PixelARGB* const colours, const int numColours) : Radial (gradient, transform, colours, numColours), inverseTransform (transform.inverted()) { tM10 = inverseTransform.mat10; tM00 = inverseTransform.mat00; } forcedinline void setY (const int y) noexcept { lineYM01 = inverseTransform.mat01 * y + inverseTransform.mat02 - gx1; lineYM11 = inverseTransform.mat11 * y + inverseTransform.mat12 - gy1; } inline PixelARGB getPixel (const int px) const noexcept { double x = px; const double y = tM10 * x + lineYM11; x = tM00 * x + lineYM01; x *= x; x += y * y; if (x >= maxDist) return lookupTable [numEntries]; return lookupTable [jmin (numEntries, roundToInt (std::sqrt (x) * invScale))]; } private: double tM10, tM00, lineYM01, lineYM11; const AffineTransform inverseTransform; JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE (TransformedRadial) }; } #define JUCE_PERFORM_PIXEL_OP_LOOP(op) \ { \ const int destStride = destData.pixelStride; \ do { dest->op; dest = addBytesToPointer (dest, destStride); } while (--width > 0); \ } //============================================================================== /** Contains classes for filling edge tables with various fill types. */ namespace EdgeTableFillers { /** Fills an edge-table with a solid colour. */ template <class PixelType, bool replaceExisting = false> class SolidColour { public: SolidColour (const Image::BitmapData& image, const PixelARGB colour) : destData (image), sourceColour (colour) { if (sizeof (PixelType) == 3 && destData.pixelStride == sizeof (PixelType)) { areRGBComponentsEqual = sourceColour.getRed() == sourceColour.getGreen() && sourceColour.getGreen() == sourceColour.getBlue(); filler[0].set (sourceColour); filler[1].set (sourceColour); filler[2].set (sourceColour); filler[3].set (sourceColour); } } forcedinline void setEdgeTableYPos (const int y) noexcept { linePixels = (PixelType*) destData.getLinePointer (y); } forcedinline void handleEdgeTablePixel (const int x, const int alphaLevel) const noexcept { if (replaceExisting) getPixel (x)->set (sourceColour); else getPixel (x)->blend (sourceColour, (uint32) alphaLevel); } forcedinline void handleEdgeTablePixelFull (const int x) const noexcept { if (replaceExisting) getPixel (x)->set (sourceColour); else getPixel (x)->blend (sourceColour); } forcedinline void handleEdgeTableLine (const int x, const int width, const int alphaLevel) const noexcept { PixelARGB p (sourceColour); p.multiplyAlpha (alphaLevel); PixelType* dest = getPixel (x); if (replaceExisting || p.getAlpha() >= 0xff) replaceLine (dest, p, width); else blendLine (dest, p, width); } forcedinline void handleEdgeTableLineFull (const int x, const int width) const noexcept { PixelType* dest = getPixel (x); if (replaceExisting || sourceColour.getAlpha() >= 0xff) replaceLine (dest, sourceColour, width); else blendLine (dest, sourceColour, width); } private: const Image::BitmapData& destData; PixelType* linePixels; PixelARGB sourceColour; PixelRGB filler [4]; bool areRGBComponentsEqual; forcedinline PixelType* getPixel (const int x) const noexcept { return addBytesToPointer (linePixels, x * destData.pixelStride); } inline void blendLine (PixelType* dest, const PixelARGB colour, int width) const noexcept { JUCE_PERFORM_PIXEL_OP_LOOP (blend (colour)) } forcedinline void replaceLine (PixelRGB* dest, const PixelARGB colour, int width) const noexcept { if (destData.pixelStride == sizeof (*dest)) { if (areRGBComponentsEqual) // if all the component values are the same, we can cheat.. { memset (dest, colour.getRed(), (size_t) width * 3); } else { if (width >> 5) { const int* const intFiller = reinterpret_cast<const int*> (filler); while (width > 8 && (((pointer_sized_int) dest) & 7) != 0) { dest->set (colour); ++dest; --width; } while (width > 4) { int* d = reinterpret_cast<int*> (dest); *d++ = intFiller[0]; *d++ = intFiller[1]; *d++ = intFiller[2]; dest = reinterpret_cast<PixelRGB*> (d); width -= 4; } } while (--width >= 0) { dest->set (colour); ++dest; } } } else { JUCE_PERFORM_PIXEL_OP_LOOP (set (colour)) } } forcedinline void replaceLine (PixelAlpha* dest, const PixelARGB colour, int width) const noexcept { if (destData.pixelStride == sizeof (*dest)) memset (dest, colour.getAlpha(), (size_t) width); else JUCE_PERFORM_PIXEL_OP_LOOP (setAlpha (colour.getAlpha())) } forcedinline void replaceLine (PixelARGB* dest, const PixelARGB colour, int width) const noexcept { JUCE_PERFORM_PIXEL_OP_LOOP (set (colour)) } JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE (SolidColour) }; //============================================================================== /** Fills an edge-table with a gradient. */ template <class PixelType, class GradientType> class Gradient : public GradientType { public: Gradient (const Image::BitmapData& dest, const ColourGradient& gradient, const AffineTransform& transform, const PixelARGB* const colours, const int numColours) : GradientType (gradient, transform, colours, numColours - 1), destData (dest) { } forcedinline void setEdgeTableYPos (const int y) noexcept { linePixels = (PixelType*) destData.getLinePointer (y); GradientType::setY (y); } forcedinline void handleEdgeTablePixel (const int x, const int alphaLevel) const noexcept { getPixel (x)->blend (GradientType::getPixel (x), (uint32) alphaLevel); } forcedinline void handleEdgeTablePixelFull (const int x) const noexcept { getPixel (x)->blend (GradientType::getPixel (x)); } void handleEdgeTableLine (int x, int width, const int alphaLevel) const noexcept { PixelType* dest = getPixel (x); if (alphaLevel < 0xff) JUCE_PERFORM_PIXEL_OP_LOOP (blend (GradientType::getPixel (x++), (uint32) alphaLevel)) else JUCE_PERFORM_PIXEL_OP_LOOP (blend (GradientType::getPixel (x++))) } void handleEdgeTableLineFull (int x, int width) const noexcept { PixelType* dest = getPixel (x); JUCE_PERFORM_PIXEL_OP_LOOP (blend (GradientType::getPixel (x++))) } private: const Image::BitmapData& destData; PixelType* linePixels; forcedinline PixelType* getPixel (const int x) const noexcept { return addBytesToPointer (linePixels, x * destData.pixelStride); } JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE (Gradient) }; //============================================================================== /** Fills an edge-table with a non-transformed image. */ template <class DestPixelType, class SrcPixelType, bool repeatPattern> class ImageFill { public: ImageFill (const Image::BitmapData& dest, const Image::BitmapData& src, const int alpha, const int x, const int y) : destData (dest), srcData (src), extraAlpha (alpha + 1), xOffset (repeatPattern ? negativeAwareModulo (x, src.width) - src.width : x), yOffset (repeatPattern ? negativeAwareModulo (y, src.height) - src.height : y) { } forcedinline void setEdgeTableYPos (int y) noexcept { linePixels = (DestPixelType*) destData.getLinePointer (y); y -= yOffset; if (repeatPattern) { jassert (y >= 0); y %= srcData.height; } sourceLineStart = (SrcPixelType*) srcData.getLinePointer (y); } forcedinline void handleEdgeTablePixel (const int x, int alphaLevel) const noexcept { alphaLevel = (alphaLevel * extraAlpha) >> 8; getDestPixel (x)->blend (*getSrcPixel (repeatPattern ? ((x - xOffset) % srcData.width) : (x - xOffset)), (uint32) alphaLevel); } forcedinline void handleEdgeTablePixelFull (const int x) const noexcept { getDestPixel (x)->blend (*getSrcPixel (repeatPattern ? ((x - xOffset) % srcData.width) : (x - xOffset)), (uint32) extraAlpha); } void handleEdgeTableLine (int x, int width, int alphaLevel) const noexcept { DestPixelType* dest = getDestPixel (x); alphaLevel = (alphaLevel * extraAlpha) >> 8; x -= xOffset; if (repeatPattern) { if (alphaLevel < 0xfe) JUCE_PERFORM_PIXEL_OP_LOOP (blend (*getSrcPixel (x++ % srcData.width), (uint32) alphaLevel)) else JUCE_PERFORM_PIXEL_OP_LOOP (blend (*getSrcPixel (x++ % srcData.width))) } else { jassert (x >= 0 && x + width <= srcData.width); if (alphaLevel < 0xfe) JUCE_PERFORM_PIXEL_OP_LOOP (blend (*getSrcPixel (x++), (uint32) alphaLevel)) else copyRow (dest, getSrcPixel (x), width); } } void handleEdgeTableLineFull (int x, int width) const noexcept { DestPixelType* dest = getDestPixel (x); x -= xOffset; if (repeatPattern) { if (extraAlpha < 0xfe) JUCE_PERFORM_PIXEL_OP_LOOP (blend (*getSrcPixel (x++ % srcData.width), (uint32) extraAlpha)) else JUCE_PERFORM_PIXEL_OP_LOOP (blend (*getSrcPixel (x++ % srcData.width))) } else { jassert (x >= 0 && x + width <= srcData.width); if (extraAlpha < 0xfe) JUCE_PERFORM_PIXEL_OP_LOOP (blend (*getSrcPixel (x++), (uint32) extraAlpha)) else copyRow (dest, getSrcPixel (x), width); } } void clipEdgeTableLine (EdgeTable& et, int x, int y, int width) { jassert (x - xOffset >= 0 && x + width - xOffset <= srcData.width); SrcPixelType* s = (SrcPixelType*) srcData.getLinePointer (y - yOffset); uint8* mask = (uint8*) (s + x - xOffset); if (sizeof (SrcPixelType) == sizeof (PixelARGB)) mask += PixelARGB::indexA; et.clipLineToMask (x, y, mask, sizeof (SrcPixelType), width); } private: const Image::BitmapData& destData; const Image::BitmapData& srcData; const int extraAlpha, xOffset, yOffset; DestPixelType* linePixels; SrcPixelType* sourceLineStart; forcedinline DestPixelType* getDestPixel (int const x) const noexcept { return addBytesToPointer (linePixels, x * destData.pixelStride); } forcedinline SrcPixelType const* getSrcPixel (int const x) const noexcept { return addBytesToPointer (sourceLineStart, x * srcData.pixelStride); } forcedinline void copyRow (DestPixelType* dest, SrcPixelType const* src, int width) const noexcept { if (srcData.pixelStride == 3 && destData.pixelStride == 3) { memcpy (dest, src, sizeof (PixelRGB) * (size_t) width); } else { const int destStride = destData.pixelStride; const int srcStride = srcData.pixelStride; do { dest->blend (*src); dest = addBytesToPointer (dest, destStride); src = addBytesToPointer (src, srcStride); } while (--width > 0); } } JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE (ImageFill) }; //============================================================================== /** Fills an edge-table with a transformed image. */ template <class DestPixelType, class SrcPixelType, bool repeatPattern> class TransformedImageFill { public: TransformedImageFill (const Image::BitmapData& dest, const Image::BitmapData& src, const AffineTransform& transform, const int alpha, const Graphics::ResamplingQuality q) : interpolator (transform, q != Graphics::lowResamplingQuality ? 0.5f : 0.0f, q != Graphics::lowResamplingQuality ? -128 : 0), destData (dest), srcData (src), extraAlpha (alpha + 1), quality (q), maxX (src.width - 1), maxY (src.height - 1), scratchSize (2048) { scratchBuffer.malloc (scratchSize); } forcedinline void setEdgeTableYPos (const int newY) noexcept { y = newY; linePixels = (DestPixelType*) destData.getLinePointer (newY); } forcedinline void handleEdgeTablePixel (const int x, const int alphaLevel) noexcept { SrcPixelType p; generate (&p, x, 1); getDestPixel (x)->blend (p, (uint32) (alphaLevel * extraAlpha) >> 8); } forcedinline void handleEdgeTablePixelFull (const int x) noexcept { SrcPixelType p; generate (&p, x, 1); getDestPixel (x)->blend (p, (uint32) extraAlpha); } void handleEdgeTableLine (const int x, int width, int alphaLevel) noexcept { if (width > (int) scratchSize) { scratchSize = (size_t) width; scratchBuffer.malloc (scratchSize); } SrcPixelType* span = scratchBuffer; generate (span, x, width); DestPixelType* dest = getDestPixel (x); alphaLevel *= extraAlpha; alphaLevel >>= 8; if (alphaLevel < 0xfe) JUCE_PERFORM_PIXEL_OP_LOOP (blend (*span++, (uint32) alphaLevel)) else JUCE_PERFORM_PIXEL_OP_LOOP (blend (*span++)) } forcedinline void handleEdgeTableLineFull (const int x, int width) noexcept { handleEdgeTableLine (x, width, 255); } void clipEdgeTableLine (EdgeTable& et, int x, int y_, int width) { if (width > (int) scratchSize) { scratchSize = (size_t) width; scratchBuffer.malloc (scratchSize); } y = y_; generate (scratchBuffer.getData(), x, width); et.clipLineToMask (x, y_, reinterpret_cast<uint8*> (scratchBuffer.getData()) + SrcPixelType::indexA, sizeof (SrcPixelType), width); } private: forcedinline DestPixelType* getDestPixel (const int x) const noexcept { return addBytesToPointer (linePixels, x * destData.pixelStride); } //============================================================================== template <class PixelType> void generate (PixelType* dest, const int x, int numPixels) noexcept { this->interpolator.setStartOfLine ((float) x, (float) y, numPixels); do { int hiResX, hiResY; this->interpolator.next (hiResX, hiResY); int loResX = hiResX >> 8; int loResY = hiResY >> 8; if (repeatPattern) { loResX = negativeAwareModulo (loResX, srcData.width); loResY = negativeAwareModulo (loResY, srcData.height); } if (quality != Graphics::lowResamplingQuality) { if (isPositiveAndBelow (loResX, maxX)) { if (isPositiveAndBelow (loResY, maxY)) { // In the centre of the image.. render4PixelAverage (dest, this->srcData.getPixelPointer (loResX, loResY), hiResX & 255, hiResY & 255); ++dest; continue; } if (! repeatPattern) { // At a top or bottom edge.. if (loResY < 0) render2PixelAverageX (dest, this->srcData.getPixelPointer (loResX, 0), hiResX & 255); else render2PixelAverageX (dest, this->srcData.getPixelPointer (loResX, maxY), hiResX & 255); ++dest; continue; } } else { if (isPositiveAndBelow (loResY, maxY) && ! repeatPattern) { // At a left or right hand edge.. if (loResX < 0) render2PixelAverageY (dest, this->srcData.getPixelPointer (0, loResY), hiResY & 255); else render2PixelAverageY (dest, this->srcData.getPixelPointer (maxX, loResY), hiResY & 255); ++dest; continue; } } } if (! repeatPattern) { if (loResX < 0) loResX = 0; if (loResY < 0) loResY = 0; if (loResX > maxX) loResX = maxX; if (loResY > maxY) loResY = maxY; } dest->set (*(const PixelType*) this->srcData.getPixelPointer (loResX, loResY)); ++dest; } while (--numPixels > 0); } //============================================================================== void render4PixelAverage (PixelARGB* const dest, const uint8* src, const int subPixelX, const int subPixelY) noexcept { uint32 c[4] = { 256 * 128, 256 * 128, 256 * 128, 256 * 128 }; uint32 weight = (uint32) ((256 - subPixelX) * (256 - subPixelY)); c[0] += weight * src[0]; c[1] += weight * src[1]; c[2] += weight * src[2]; c[3] += weight * src[3]; src += this->srcData.pixelStride; weight = (uint32) (subPixelX * (256 - subPixelY)); c[0] += weight * src[0]; c[1] += weight * src[1]; c[2] += weight * src[2]; c[3] += weight * src[3]; src += this->srcData.lineStride; weight = (uint32) (subPixelX * subPixelY); c[0] += weight * src[0]; c[1] += weight * src[1]; c[2] += weight * src[2]; c[3] += weight * src[3]; src -= this->srcData.pixelStride; weight = (uint32) ((256 - subPixelX) * subPixelY); c[0] += weight * src[0]; c[1] += weight * src[1]; c[2] += weight * src[2]; c[3] += weight * src[3]; dest->setARGB ((uint8) (c[PixelARGB::indexA] >> 16), (uint8) (c[PixelARGB::indexR] >> 16), (uint8) (c[PixelARGB::indexG] >> 16), (uint8) (c[PixelARGB::indexB] >> 16)); } void render2PixelAverageX (PixelARGB* const dest, const uint8* src, const uint32 subPixelX) noexcept { uint32 c[4] = { 128, 128, 128, 128 }; uint32 weight = 256 - subPixelX; c[0] += weight * src[0]; c[1] += weight * src[1]; c[2] += weight * src[2]; c[3] += weight * src[3]; src += this->srcData.pixelStride; weight = subPixelX; c[0] += weight * src[0]; c[1] += weight * src[1]; c[2] += weight * src[2]; c[3] += weight * src[3]; dest->setARGB ((uint8) (c[PixelARGB::indexA] >> 8), (uint8) (c[PixelARGB::indexR] >> 8), (uint8) (c[PixelARGB::indexG] >> 8), (uint8) (c[PixelARGB::indexB] >> 8)); } void render2PixelAverageY (PixelARGB* const dest, const uint8* src, const uint32 subPixelY) noexcept { uint32 c[4] = { 128, 128, 128, 128 }; uint32 weight = 256 - subPixelY; c[0] += weight * src[0]; c[1] += weight * src[1]; c[2] += weight * src[2]; c[3] += weight * src[3]; src += this->srcData.lineStride; weight = subPixelY; c[0] += weight * src[0]; c[1] += weight * src[1]; c[2] += weight * src[2]; c[3] += weight * src[3]; dest->setARGB ((uint8) (c[PixelARGB::indexA] >> 8), (uint8) (c[PixelARGB::indexR] >> 8), (uint8) (c[PixelARGB::indexG] >> 8), (uint8) (c[PixelARGB::indexB] >> 8)); } //============================================================================== void render4PixelAverage (PixelRGB* const dest, const uint8* src, const uint32 subPixelX, const uint32 subPixelY) noexcept { uint32 c[3] = { 256 * 128, 256 * 128, 256 * 128 }; uint32 weight = (256 - subPixelX) * (256 - subPixelY); c[0] += weight * src[0]; c[1] += weight * src[1]; c[2] += weight * src[2]; src += this->srcData.pixelStride; weight = subPixelX * (256 - subPixelY); c[0] += weight * src[0]; c[1] += weight * src[1]; c[2] += weight * src[2]; src += this->srcData.lineStride; weight = subPixelX * subPixelY; c[0] += weight * src[0]; c[1] += weight * src[1]; c[2] += weight * src[2]; src -= this->srcData.pixelStride; weight = (256 - subPixelX) * subPixelY; c[0] += weight * src[0]; c[1] += weight * src[1]; c[2] += weight * src[2]; dest->setARGB ((uint8) 255, (uint8) (c[PixelRGB::indexR] >> 16), (uint8) (c[PixelRGB::indexG] >> 16), (uint8) (c[PixelRGB::indexB] >> 16)); } void render2PixelAverageX (PixelRGB* const dest, const uint8* src, const uint32 subPixelX) noexcept { uint32 c[3] = { 128, 128, 128 }; const uint32 weight = 256 - subPixelX; c[0] += weight * src[0]; c[1] += weight * src[1]; c[2] += weight * src[2]; src += this->srcData.pixelStride; c[0] += subPixelX * src[0]; c[1] += subPixelX * src[1]; c[2] += subPixelX * src[2]; dest->setARGB ((uint8) 255, (uint8) (c[PixelRGB::indexR] >> 8), (uint8) (c[PixelRGB::indexG] >> 8), (uint8) (c[PixelRGB::indexB] >> 8)); } void render2PixelAverageY (PixelRGB* const dest, const uint8* src, const uint32 subPixelY) noexcept { uint32 c[3] = { 128, 128, 128 }; const uint32 weight = 256 - subPixelY; c[0] += weight * src[0]; c[1] += weight * src[1]; c[2] += weight * src[2]; src += this->srcData.lineStride; c[0] += subPixelY * src[0]; c[1] += subPixelY * src[1]; c[2] += subPixelY * src[2]; dest->setARGB ((uint8) 255, (uint8) (c[PixelRGB::indexR] >> 8), (uint8) (c[PixelRGB::indexG] >> 8), (uint8) (c[PixelRGB::indexB] >> 8)); } //============================================================================== void render4PixelAverage (PixelAlpha* const dest, const uint8* src, const uint32 subPixelX, const uint32 subPixelY) noexcept { uint32 c = 256 * 128; c += src[0] * ((256 - subPixelX) * (256 - subPixelY)); src += this->srcData.pixelStride; c += src[1] * (subPixelX * (256 - subPixelY)); src += this->srcData.lineStride; c += src[1] * (subPixelX * subPixelY); src -= this->srcData.pixelStride; c += src[0] * ((256 - subPixelX) * subPixelY); *((uint8*) dest) = (uint8) (c >> 16); } void render2PixelAverageX (PixelAlpha* const dest, const uint8* src, const uint32 subPixelX) noexcept { uint32 c = 128; c += src[0] * (256 - subPixelX); src += this->srcData.pixelStride; c += src[0] * subPixelX; *((uint8*) dest) = (uint8) (c >> 8); } void render2PixelAverageY (PixelAlpha* const dest, const uint8* src, const uint32 subPixelY) noexcept { uint32 c = 128; c += src[0] * (256 - subPixelY); src += this->srcData.lineStride; c += src[0] * subPixelY; *((uint8*) dest) = (uint8) (c >> 8); } //============================================================================== class TransformedImageSpanInterpolator { public: TransformedImageSpanInterpolator (const AffineTransform& transform, const float offsetFloat, const int offsetInt) noexcept : inverseTransform (transform.inverted()), pixelOffset (offsetFloat), pixelOffsetInt (offsetInt) {} void setStartOfLine (float sx, float sy, const int numPixels) noexcept { jassert (numPixels > 0); sx += pixelOffset; sy += pixelOffset; float x1 = sx, y1 = sy; sx += numPixels; inverseTransform.transformPoints (x1, y1, sx, sy); xBresenham.set ((int) (x1 * 256.0f), (int) (sx * 256.0f), numPixels, pixelOffsetInt); yBresenham.set ((int) (y1 * 256.0f), (int) (sy * 256.0f), numPixels, pixelOffsetInt); } void next (int& px, int& py) noexcept { px = xBresenham.n; xBresenham.stepToNext(); py = yBresenham.n; yBresenham.stepToNext(); } private: class BresenhamInterpolator { public: BresenhamInterpolator() noexcept {} void set (const int n1, const int n2, const int steps, const int offsetInt) noexcept { numSteps = steps; step = (n2 - n1) / numSteps; remainder = modulo = (n2 - n1) % numSteps; n = n1 + offsetInt; if (modulo <= 0) { modulo += numSteps; remainder += numSteps; --step; } modulo -= numSteps; } forcedinline void stepToNext() noexcept { modulo += remainder; n += step; if (modulo > 0) { modulo -= numSteps; ++n; } } int n; private: int numSteps, step, modulo, remainder; }; const AffineTransform inverseTransform; BresenhamInterpolator xBresenham, yBresenham; const float pixelOffset; const int pixelOffsetInt; JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE (TransformedImageSpanInterpolator) }; //============================================================================== TransformedImageSpanInterpolator interpolator; const Image::BitmapData& destData; const Image::BitmapData& srcData; const int extraAlpha; const Graphics::ResamplingQuality quality; const int maxX, maxY; int y; DestPixelType* linePixels; HeapBlock<SrcPixelType> scratchBuffer; size_t scratchSize; JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE (TransformedImageFill) }; //============================================================================== template <class Iterator> void renderImageTransformed (Iterator& iter, const Image::BitmapData& destData, const Image::BitmapData& srcData, const int alpha, const AffineTransform& transform, Graphics::ResamplingQuality quality, bool tiledFill) { switch (destData.pixelFormat) { case Image::ARGB: switch (srcData.pixelFormat) { case Image::ARGB: if (tiledFill) { TransformedImageFill<PixelARGB, PixelARGB, true> r (destData, srcData, transform, alpha, quality); iter.iterate (r); } else { TransformedImageFill<PixelARGB, PixelARGB, false> r (destData, srcData, transform, alpha, quality); iter.iterate (r); } break; case Image::RGB: if (tiledFill) { TransformedImageFill<PixelARGB, PixelRGB, true> r (destData, srcData, transform, alpha, quality); iter.iterate (r); } else { TransformedImageFill<PixelARGB, PixelRGB, false> r (destData, srcData, transform, alpha, quality); iter.iterate (r); } break; default: if (tiledFill) { TransformedImageFill<PixelARGB, PixelAlpha, true> r (destData, srcData, transform, alpha, quality); iter.iterate (r); } else { TransformedImageFill<PixelARGB, PixelAlpha, false> r (destData, srcData, transform, alpha, quality); iter.iterate (r); } break; } break; case Image::RGB: switch (srcData.pixelFormat) { case Image::ARGB: if (tiledFill) { TransformedImageFill<PixelRGB, PixelARGB, true> r (destData, srcData, transform, alpha, quality); iter.iterate (r); } else { TransformedImageFill<PixelRGB, PixelARGB, false> r (destData, srcData, transform, alpha, quality); iter.iterate (r); } break; case Image::RGB: if (tiledFill) { TransformedImageFill<PixelRGB, PixelRGB, true> r (destData, srcData, transform, alpha, quality); iter.iterate (r); } else { TransformedImageFill<PixelRGB, PixelRGB, false> r (destData, srcData, transform, alpha, quality); iter.iterate (r); } break; default: if (tiledFill) { TransformedImageFill<PixelRGB, PixelAlpha, true> r (destData, srcData, transform, alpha, quality); iter.iterate (r); } else { TransformedImageFill<PixelRGB, PixelAlpha, false> r (destData, srcData, transform, alpha, quality); iter.iterate (r); } break; } break; default: switch (srcData.pixelFormat) { case Image::ARGB: if (tiledFill) { TransformedImageFill<PixelAlpha, PixelARGB, true> r (destData, srcData, transform, alpha, quality); iter.iterate (r); } else { TransformedImageFill<PixelAlpha, PixelARGB, false> r (destData, srcData, transform, alpha, quality); iter.iterate (r); } break; case Image::RGB: if (tiledFill) { TransformedImageFill<PixelAlpha, PixelRGB, true> r (destData, srcData, transform, alpha, quality); iter.iterate (r); } else { TransformedImageFill<PixelAlpha, PixelRGB, false> r (destData, srcData, transform, alpha, quality); iter.iterate (r); } break; default: if (tiledFill) { TransformedImageFill<PixelAlpha, PixelAlpha, true> r (destData, srcData, transform, alpha, quality); iter.iterate (r); } else { TransformedImageFill<PixelAlpha, PixelAlpha, false> r (destData, srcData, transform, alpha, quality); iter.iterate (r); } break; } break; } } template <class Iterator> void renderImageUntransformed (Iterator& iter, const Image::BitmapData& destData, const Image::BitmapData& srcData, const int alpha, int x, int y, bool tiledFill) { switch (destData.pixelFormat) { case Image::ARGB: switch (srcData.pixelFormat) { case Image::ARGB: if (tiledFill) { ImageFill<PixelARGB, PixelARGB, true> r (destData, srcData, alpha, x, y); iter.iterate (r); } else { ImageFill<PixelARGB, PixelARGB, false> r (destData, srcData, alpha, x, y); iter.iterate (r); } break; case Image::RGB: if (tiledFill) { ImageFill<PixelARGB, PixelRGB, true> r (destData, srcData, alpha, x, y); iter.iterate (r); } else { ImageFill<PixelARGB, PixelRGB, false> r (destData, srcData, alpha, x, y); iter.iterate (r); } break; default: if (tiledFill) { ImageFill<PixelARGB, PixelAlpha, true> r (destData, srcData, alpha, x, y); iter.iterate (r); } else { ImageFill<PixelARGB, PixelAlpha, false> r (destData, srcData, alpha, x, y); iter.iterate (r); } break; } break; case Image::RGB: switch (srcData.pixelFormat) { case Image::ARGB: if (tiledFill) { ImageFill<PixelRGB, PixelARGB, true> r (destData, srcData, alpha, x, y); iter.iterate (r); } else { ImageFill<PixelRGB, PixelARGB, false> r (destData, srcData, alpha, x, y); iter.iterate (r); } break; case Image::RGB: if (tiledFill) { ImageFill<PixelRGB, PixelRGB, true> r (destData, srcData, alpha, x, y); iter.iterate (r); } else { ImageFill<PixelRGB, PixelRGB, false> r (destData, srcData, alpha, x, y); iter.iterate (r); } break; default: if (tiledFill) { ImageFill<PixelRGB, PixelAlpha, true> r (destData, srcData, alpha, x, y); iter.iterate (r); } else { ImageFill<PixelRGB, PixelAlpha, false> r (destData, srcData, alpha, x, y); iter.iterate (r); } break; } break; default: switch (srcData.pixelFormat) { case Image::ARGB: if (tiledFill) { ImageFill<PixelAlpha, PixelARGB, true> r (destData, srcData, alpha, x, y); iter.iterate (r); } else { ImageFill<PixelAlpha, PixelARGB, false> r (destData, srcData, alpha, x, y); iter.iterate (r); } break; case Image::RGB: if (tiledFill) { ImageFill<PixelAlpha, PixelRGB, true> r (destData, srcData, alpha, x, y); iter.iterate (r); } else { ImageFill<PixelAlpha, PixelRGB, false> r (destData, srcData, alpha, x, y); iter.iterate (r); } break; default: if (tiledFill) { ImageFill<PixelAlpha, PixelAlpha, true> r (destData, srcData, alpha, x, y); iter.iterate (r); } else { ImageFill<PixelAlpha, PixelAlpha, false> r (destData, srcData, alpha, x, y); iter.iterate (r); } break; } break; } } template <class Iterator, class DestPixelType> void renderSolidFill (Iterator& iter, const Image::BitmapData& destData, const PixelARGB fillColour, const bool replaceContents, DestPixelType*) { if (replaceContents) { EdgeTableFillers::SolidColour<DestPixelType, true> r (destData, fillColour); iter.iterate (r); } else { EdgeTableFillers::SolidColour<DestPixelType, false> r (destData, fillColour); iter.iterate (r); } } template <class Iterator, class DestPixelType> void renderGradient (Iterator& iter, const Image::BitmapData& destData, const ColourGradient& g, const AffineTransform& transform, const PixelARGB* const lookupTable, const int numLookupEntries, const bool isIdentity, DestPixelType*) { if (g.isRadial) { if (isIdentity) { EdgeTableFillers::Gradient<DestPixelType, GradientPixelIterators::Radial> renderer (destData, g, transform, lookupTable, numLookupEntries); iter.iterate (renderer); } else { EdgeTableFillers::Gradient<DestPixelType, GradientPixelIterators::TransformedRadial> renderer (destData, g, transform, lookupTable, numLookupEntries); iter.iterate (renderer); } } else { EdgeTableFillers::Gradient<DestPixelType, GradientPixelIterators::Linear> renderer (destData, g, transform, lookupTable, numLookupEntries); iter.iterate (renderer); } } } //============================================================================== template <class SavedStateType> struct ClipRegions { class Base : public SingleThreadedReferenceCountedObject { public: Base() {} virtual ~Base() {} typedef ReferenceCountedObjectPtr<Base> Ptr; virtual Ptr clone() const = 0; virtual Ptr applyClipTo (const Ptr& target) const = 0; virtual Ptr clipToRectangle (const Rectangle<int>&) = 0; virtual Ptr clipToRectangleList (const RectangleList<int>&) = 0; virtual Ptr excludeClipRectangle (const Rectangle<int>&) = 0; virtual Ptr clipToPath (const Path&, const AffineTransform&) = 0; virtual Ptr clipToEdgeTable (const EdgeTable& et) = 0; virtual Ptr clipToImageAlpha (const Image&, const AffineTransform&, const Graphics::ResamplingQuality) = 0; virtual void translate (Point<int> delta) = 0; virtual bool clipRegionIntersects (const Rectangle<int>&) const = 0; virtual Rectangle<int> getClipBounds() const = 0; virtual void fillRectWithColour (SavedStateType&, const Rectangle<int>&, const PixelARGB colour, bool replaceContents) const = 0; virtual void fillRectWithColour (SavedStateType&, const Rectangle<float>&, const PixelARGB colour) const = 0; virtual void fillAllWithColour (SavedStateType&, const PixelARGB colour, bool replaceContents) const = 0; virtual void fillAllWithGradient (SavedStateType&, ColourGradient&, const AffineTransform&, bool isIdentity) const = 0; virtual void renderImageTransformed (SavedStateType&, const Image&, const int alpha, const AffineTransform&, Graphics::ResamplingQuality, bool tiledFill) const = 0; virtual void renderImageUntransformed (SavedStateType&, const Image&, const int alpha, int x, int y, bool tiledFill) const = 0; }; //============================================================================== class EdgeTableRegion : public Base { public: EdgeTableRegion (const EdgeTable& e) : edgeTable (e) {} EdgeTableRegion (const Rectangle<int>& r) : edgeTable (r) {} EdgeTableRegion (const Rectangle<float>& r) : edgeTable (r) {} EdgeTableRegion (const RectangleList<int>& r) : edgeTable (r) {} EdgeTableRegion (const RectangleList<float>& r) : edgeTable (r) {} EdgeTableRegion (const Rectangle<int>& bounds, const Path& p, const AffineTransform& t) : edgeTable (bounds, p, t) {} EdgeTableRegion (const EdgeTableRegion& other) : Base(), edgeTable (other.edgeTable) {} typedef typename Base::Ptr Ptr; Ptr clone() const { return new EdgeTableRegion (*this); } Ptr applyClipTo (const Ptr& target) const { return target->clipToEdgeTable (edgeTable); } Ptr clipToRectangle (const Rectangle<int>& r) { edgeTable.clipToRectangle (r); return edgeTable.isEmpty() ? nullptr : this; } Ptr clipToRectangleList (const RectangleList<int>& r) { RectangleList<int> inverse (edgeTable.getMaximumBounds()); if (inverse.subtract (r)) for (const Rectangle<int>* i = inverse.begin(), * const e = inverse.end(); i != e; ++i) edgeTable.excludeRectangle (*i); return edgeTable.isEmpty() ? nullptr : this; } Ptr excludeClipRectangle (const Rectangle<int>& r) { edgeTable.excludeRectangle (r); return edgeTable.isEmpty() ? nullptr : this; } Ptr clipToPath (const Path& p, const AffineTransform& transform) { EdgeTable et (edgeTable.getMaximumBounds(), p, transform); edgeTable.clipToEdgeTable (et); return edgeTable.isEmpty() ? nullptr : this; } Ptr clipToEdgeTable (const EdgeTable& et) { edgeTable.clipToEdgeTable (et); return edgeTable.isEmpty() ? nullptr : this; } Ptr clipToImageAlpha (const Image& image, const AffineTransform& transform, const Graphics::ResamplingQuality quality) { const Image::BitmapData srcData (image, Image::BitmapData::readOnly); if (transform.isOnlyTranslation()) { // If our translation doesn't involve any distortion, just use a simple blit.. const int tx = (int) (transform.getTranslationX() * 256.0f); const int ty = (int) (transform.getTranslationY() * 256.0f); if (quality == Graphics::lowResamplingQuality || ((tx | ty) & 224) == 0) { const int imageX = ((tx + 128) >> 8); const int imageY = ((ty + 128) >> 8); if (image.getFormat() == Image::ARGB) straightClipImage (srcData, imageX, imageY, (PixelARGB*) 0); else straightClipImage (srcData, imageX, imageY, (PixelAlpha*) 0); return edgeTable.isEmpty() ? nullptr : this; } } if (transform.isSingularity()) return Ptr(); { Path p; p.addRectangle (0, 0, (float) srcData.width, (float) srcData.height); EdgeTable et2 (edgeTable.getMaximumBounds(), p, transform); edgeTable.clipToEdgeTable (et2); } if (! edgeTable.isEmpty()) { if (image.getFormat() == Image::ARGB) transformedClipImage (srcData, transform, quality, (PixelARGB*) 0); else transformedClipImage (srcData, transform, quality, (PixelAlpha*) 0); } return edgeTable.isEmpty() ? nullptr : this; } void translate (Point<int> delta) { edgeTable.translate ((float) delta.x, delta.y); } bool clipRegionIntersects (const Rectangle<int>& r) const { return edgeTable.getMaximumBounds().intersects (r); } Rectangle<int> getClipBounds() const { return edgeTable.getMaximumBounds(); } void fillRectWithColour (SavedStateType& state, const Rectangle<int>& area, const PixelARGB colour, bool replaceContents) const { const Rectangle<int> totalClip (edgeTable.getMaximumBounds()); const Rectangle<int> clipped (totalClip.getIntersection (area)); if (! clipped.isEmpty()) { EdgeTableRegion et (clipped); et.edgeTable.clipToEdgeTable (edgeTable); state.fillWithSolidColour (et.edgeTable, colour, replaceContents); } } void fillRectWithColour (SavedStateType& state, const Rectangle<float>& area, const PixelARGB colour) const { const Rectangle<float> totalClip (edgeTable.getMaximumBounds().toFloat()); const Rectangle<float> clipped (totalClip.getIntersection (area)); if (! clipped.isEmpty()) { EdgeTableRegion et (clipped); et.edgeTable.clipToEdgeTable (edgeTable); state.fillWithSolidColour (et.edgeTable, colour, false); } } void fillAllWithColour (SavedStateType& state, const PixelARGB colour, bool replaceContents) const { state.fillWithSolidColour (edgeTable, colour, replaceContents); } void fillAllWithGradient (SavedStateType& state, ColourGradient& gradient, const AffineTransform& transform, bool isIdentity) const { state.fillWithGradient (edgeTable, gradient, transform, isIdentity); } void renderImageTransformed (SavedStateType& state, const Image& src, const int alpha, const AffineTransform& transform, Graphics::ResamplingQuality quality, bool tiledFill) const { state.renderImageTransformed (edgeTable, src, alpha, transform, quality, tiledFill); } void renderImageUntransformed (SavedStateType& state, const Image& src, const int alpha, int x, int y, bool tiledFill) const { state.renderImageUntransformed (edgeTable, src, alpha, x, y, tiledFill); } EdgeTable edgeTable; private: template <class SrcPixelType> void transformedClipImage (const Image::BitmapData& srcData, const AffineTransform& transform, const Graphics::ResamplingQuality quality, const SrcPixelType*) { EdgeTableFillers::TransformedImageFill<SrcPixelType, SrcPixelType, false> renderer (srcData, srcData, transform, 255, quality); for (int y = 0; y < edgeTable.getMaximumBounds().getHeight(); ++y) renderer.clipEdgeTableLine (edgeTable, edgeTable.getMaximumBounds().getX(), y + edgeTable.getMaximumBounds().getY(), edgeTable.getMaximumBounds().getWidth()); } template <class SrcPixelType> void straightClipImage (const Image::BitmapData& srcData, int imageX, int imageY, const SrcPixelType*) { Rectangle<int> r (imageX, imageY, srcData.width, srcData.height); edgeTable.clipToRectangle (r); EdgeTableFillers::ImageFill<SrcPixelType, SrcPixelType, false> renderer (srcData, srcData, 255, imageX, imageY); for (int y = 0; y < r.getHeight(); ++y) renderer.clipEdgeTableLine (edgeTable, r.getX(), y + r.getY(), r.getWidth()); } EdgeTableRegion& operator= (const EdgeTableRegion&); }; //============================================================================== class RectangleListRegion : public Base { public: RectangleListRegion (const Rectangle<int>& r) : clip (r) {} RectangleListRegion (const RectangleList<int>& r) : clip (r) {} RectangleListRegion (const RectangleListRegion& other) : Base(), clip (other.clip) {} typedef typename Base::Ptr Ptr; Ptr clone() const { return new RectangleListRegion (*this); } Ptr applyClipTo (const Ptr& target) const { return target->clipToRectangleList (clip); } Ptr clipToRectangle (const Rectangle<int>& r) { clip.clipTo (r); return clip.isEmpty() ? nullptr : this; } Ptr clipToRectangleList (const RectangleList<int>& r) { clip.clipTo (r); return clip.isEmpty() ? nullptr : this; } Ptr excludeClipRectangle (const Rectangle<int>& r) { clip.subtract (r); return clip.isEmpty() ? nullptr : this; } Ptr clipToPath (const Path& p, const AffineTransform& transform) { return toEdgeTable()->clipToPath (p, transform); } Ptr clipToEdgeTable (const EdgeTable& et) { return toEdgeTable()->clipToEdgeTable (et); } Ptr clipToImageAlpha (const Image& image, const AffineTransform& transform, const Graphics::ResamplingQuality quality) { return toEdgeTable()->clipToImageAlpha (image, transform, quality); } void translate (Point<int> delta) { clip.offsetAll (delta); } bool clipRegionIntersects (const Rectangle<int>& r) const { return clip.intersects (r); } Rectangle<int> getClipBounds() const { return clip.getBounds(); } void fillRectWithColour (SavedStateType& state, const Rectangle<int>& area, const PixelARGB colour, bool replaceContents) const { SubRectangleIterator iter (clip, area); state.fillWithSolidColour (iter, colour, replaceContents); } void fillRectWithColour (SavedStateType& state, const Rectangle<float>& area, const PixelARGB colour) const { SubRectangleIteratorFloat iter (clip, area); state.fillWithSolidColour (iter, colour, false); } void fillAllWithColour (SavedStateType& state, const PixelARGB colour, bool replaceContents) const { state.fillWithSolidColour (*this, colour, replaceContents); } void fillAllWithGradient (SavedStateType& state, ColourGradient& gradient, const AffineTransform& transform, bool isIdentity) const { state.fillWithGradient (*this, gradient, transform, isIdentity); } void renderImageTransformed (SavedStateType& state, const Image& src, const int alpha, const AffineTransform& transform, Graphics::ResamplingQuality quality, bool tiledFill) const { state.renderImageTransformed (*this, src, alpha, transform, quality, tiledFill); } void renderImageUntransformed (SavedStateType& state, const Image& src, const int alpha, int x, int y, bool tiledFill) const { state.renderImageUntransformed (*this, src, alpha, x, y, tiledFill); } RectangleList<int> clip; //============================================================================== template <class Renderer> void iterate (Renderer& r) const noexcept { for (const Rectangle<int>* i = clip.begin(), * const e = clip.end(); i != e; ++i) { const int x = i->getX(); const int w = i->getWidth(); jassert (w > 0); const int bottom = i->getBottom(); for (int y = i->getY(); y < bottom; ++y) { r.setEdgeTableYPos (y); r.handleEdgeTableLineFull (x, w); } } } private: //============================================================================== class SubRectangleIterator { public: SubRectangleIterator (const RectangleList<int>& clipList, const Rectangle<int>& clipBounds) : clip (clipList), area (clipBounds) {} template <class Renderer> void iterate (Renderer& r) const noexcept { for (const Rectangle<int>* i = clip.begin(), * const e = clip.end(); i != e; ++i) { const Rectangle<int> rect (i->getIntersection (area)); if (! rect.isEmpty()) { const int x = rect.getX(); const int w = rect.getWidth(); const int bottom = rect.getBottom(); for (int y = rect.getY(); y < bottom; ++y) { r.setEdgeTableYPos (y); r.handleEdgeTableLineFull (x, w); } } } } private: const RectangleList<int>& clip; const Rectangle<int> area; JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE (SubRectangleIterator) }; //============================================================================== class SubRectangleIteratorFloat { public: SubRectangleIteratorFloat (const RectangleList<int>& clipList, const Rectangle<float>& clipBounds) noexcept : clip (clipList), area (clipBounds) { } template <class Renderer> void iterate (Renderer& r) const noexcept { const RenderingHelpers::FloatRectangleRasterisingInfo f (area); for (const Rectangle<int>* i = clip.begin(), * const e = clip.end(); i != e; ++i) { const int clipLeft = i->getX(); const int clipRight = i->getRight(); const int clipTop = i->getY(); const int clipBottom = i->getBottom(); if (f.totalBottom > clipTop && f.totalTop < clipBottom && f.totalRight > clipLeft && f.totalLeft < clipRight) { if (f.isOnePixelWide()) { if (f.topAlpha != 0 && f.totalTop >= clipTop) { r.setEdgeTableYPos (f.totalTop); r.handleEdgeTablePixel (f.left, f.topAlpha); } const int endY = jmin (f.bottom, clipBottom); for (int y = jmax (clipTop, f.top); y < endY; ++y) { r.setEdgeTableYPos (y); r.handleEdgeTablePixelFull (f.left); } if (f.bottomAlpha != 0 && f.bottom < clipBottom) { r.setEdgeTableYPos (f.bottom); r.handleEdgeTablePixel (f.left, f.bottomAlpha); } } else { const int clippedLeft = jmax (f.left, clipLeft); const int clippedWidth = jmin (f.right, clipRight) - clippedLeft; const bool doLeftAlpha = f.leftAlpha != 0 && f.totalLeft >= clipLeft; const bool doRightAlpha = f.rightAlpha != 0 && f.right < clipRight; if (f.topAlpha != 0 && f.totalTop >= clipTop) { r.setEdgeTableYPos (f.totalTop); if (doLeftAlpha) r.handleEdgeTablePixel (f.totalLeft, f.getTopLeftCornerAlpha()); if (clippedWidth > 0) r.handleEdgeTableLine (clippedLeft, clippedWidth, f.topAlpha); if (doRightAlpha) r.handleEdgeTablePixel (f.right, f.getTopRightCornerAlpha()); } const int endY = jmin (f.bottom, clipBottom); for (int y = jmax (clipTop, f.top); y < endY; ++y) { r.setEdgeTableYPos (y); if (doLeftAlpha) r.handleEdgeTablePixel (f.totalLeft, f.leftAlpha); if (clippedWidth > 0) r.handleEdgeTableLineFull (clippedLeft, clippedWidth); if (doRightAlpha) r.handleEdgeTablePixel (f.right, f.rightAlpha); } if (f.bottomAlpha != 0 && f.bottom < clipBottom) { r.setEdgeTableYPos (f.bottom); if (doLeftAlpha) r.handleEdgeTablePixel (f.totalLeft, f.getBottomLeftCornerAlpha()); if (clippedWidth > 0) r.handleEdgeTableLine (clippedLeft, clippedWidth, f.bottomAlpha); if (doRightAlpha) r.handleEdgeTablePixel (f.right, f.getBottomRightCornerAlpha()); } } } } } private: const RectangleList<int>& clip; const Rectangle<float>& area; JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE (SubRectangleIteratorFloat) }; Ptr toEdgeTable() const { return new EdgeTableRegion (clip); } RectangleListRegion& operator= (const RectangleListRegion&); }; }; //============================================================================== template <class SavedStateType> class SavedStateBase { public: typedef typename ClipRegions<SavedStateType>::Base BaseRegionType; typedef typename ClipRegions<SavedStateType>::EdgeTableRegion EdgeTableRegionType; typedef typename ClipRegions<SavedStateType>::RectangleListRegion RectangleListRegionType; SavedStateBase (const Rectangle<int>& initialClip) : clip (new RectangleListRegionType (initialClip)), transform (Point<int>()), interpolationQuality (Graphics::mediumResamplingQuality), transparencyLayerAlpha (1.0f) { } SavedStateBase (const RectangleList<int>& clipList, Point<int> origin) : clip (new RectangleListRegionType (clipList)), transform (origin), interpolationQuality (Graphics::mediumResamplingQuality), transparencyLayerAlpha (1.0f) { } SavedStateBase (const SavedStateBase& other) : clip (other.clip), transform (other.transform), fillType (other.fillType), interpolationQuality (other.interpolationQuality), transparencyLayerAlpha (other.transparencyLayerAlpha) { } SavedStateType& getThis() noexcept { return *static_cast<SavedStateType*> (this); } bool clipToRectangle (const Rectangle<int>& r) { if (clip != nullptr) { if (transform.isOnlyTranslated) { cloneClipIfMultiplyReferenced(); clip = clip->clipToRectangle (transform.translated (r)); } else if (! transform.isRotated) { cloneClipIfMultiplyReferenced(); clip = clip->clipToRectangle (transform.transformed (r)); } else { Path p; p.addRectangle (r); clipToPath (p, AffineTransform::identity); } } return clip != nullptr; } bool clipToRectangleList (const RectangleList<int>& r) { if (clip != nullptr) { if (transform.isOnlyTranslated) { cloneClipIfMultiplyReferenced(); RectangleList<int> offsetList (r); offsetList.offsetAll (transform.offset.x, transform.offset.y); clip = clip->clipToRectangleList (offsetList); } else if (! transform.isRotated) { cloneClipIfMultiplyReferenced(); RectangleList<int> scaledList; for (const Rectangle<int>* i = r.begin(), * const e = r.end(); i != e; ++i) scaledList.add (transform.transformed (*i)); clip = clip->clipToRectangleList (scaledList); } else { clipToPath (r.toPath(), AffineTransform::identity); } } return clip != nullptr; } static Rectangle<int> getLargestIntegerWithin (Rectangle<float> r) { const int x1 = (int) std::ceil (r.getX()); const int y1 = (int) std::ceil (r.getY()); const int x2 = (int) std::floor (r.getRight()); const int y2 = (int) std::floor (r.getBottom()); return Rectangle<int> (x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1); } bool excludeClipRectangle (const Rectangle<int>& r) { if (clip != nullptr) { cloneClipIfMultiplyReferenced(); if (transform.isOnlyTranslated) { clip = clip->excludeClipRectangle (getLargestIntegerWithin (transform.translated (r.toFloat()))); } else if (! transform.isRotated) { clip = clip->excludeClipRectangle (getLargestIntegerWithin (transform.transformed (r.toFloat()))); } else { Path p; p.addRectangle (r.toFloat()); p.applyTransform (transform.complexTransform); p.addRectangle (clip->getClipBounds().toFloat()); p.setUsingNonZeroWinding (false); clip = clip->clipToPath (p, AffineTransform::identity); } } return clip != nullptr; } void clipToPath (const Path& p, const AffineTransform& t) { if (clip != nullptr) { cloneClipIfMultiplyReferenced(); clip = clip->clipToPath (p, transform.getTransformWith (t)); } } void clipToImageAlpha (const Image& sourceImage, const AffineTransform& t) { if (clip != nullptr) { if (sourceImage.hasAlphaChannel()) { cloneClipIfMultiplyReferenced(); clip = clip->clipToImageAlpha (sourceImage, transform.getTransformWith (t), interpolationQuality); } else { Path p; p.addRectangle (sourceImage.getBounds()); clipToPath (p, t); } } } bool clipRegionIntersects (const Rectangle<int>& r) const { if (clip != nullptr) { if (transform.isOnlyTranslated) return clip->clipRegionIntersects (transform.translated (r)); return getClipBounds().intersects (r); } return false; } Rectangle<int> getClipBounds() const { return clip != nullptr ? transform.deviceSpaceToUserSpace (clip->getClipBounds()) : Rectangle<int>(); } void setFillType (const FillType& newFill) { fillType = newFill; } void fillTargetRect (const Rectangle<int>& r, const bool replaceContents) { if (fillType.isColour()) { clip->fillRectWithColour (getThis(), r, fillType.colour.getPixelARGB(), replaceContents); } else { const Rectangle<int> clipped (clip->getClipBounds().getIntersection (r)); if (! clipped.isEmpty()) fillShape (new RectangleListRegionType (clipped), false); } } void fillTargetRect (const Rectangle<float>& r) { if (fillType.isColour()) { clip->fillRectWithColour (getThis(), r, fillType.colour.getPixelARGB()); } else { const Rectangle<float> clipped (clip->getClipBounds().toFloat().getIntersection (r)); if (! clipped.isEmpty()) fillShape (new EdgeTableRegionType (clipped), false); } } template <typename CoordType> void fillRectAsPath (const Rectangle<CoordType>& r) { Path p; p.addRectangle (r); fillPath (p, AffineTransform::identity); } void fillRect (const Rectangle<int>& r, const bool replaceContents) { if (clip != nullptr) { if (transform.isOnlyTranslated) { fillTargetRect (transform.translated (r), replaceContents); } else if (! transform.isRotated) { fillTargetRect (transform.transformed (r), replaceContents); } else { jassert (! replaceContents); // not implemented.. fillRectAsPath (r); } } } void fillRect (const Rectangle<float>& r) { if (clip != nullptr) { if (transform.isOnlyTranslated) fillTargetRect (transform.translated (r)); else if (! transform.isRotated) fillTargetRect (transform.transformed (r)); else fillRectAsPath (r); } } void fillRectList (const RectangleList<float>& list) { if (clip != nullptr) { if (! transform.isRotated) { RectangleList<float> transformed (list); if (transform.isOnlyTranslated) transformed.offsetAll (transform.offset.toFloat()); else transformed.transformAll (transform.getTransform()); fillShape (new EdgeTableRegionType (transformed), false); } else { fillPath (list.toPath(), AffineTransform::identity); } } } void fillPath (const Path& path, const AffineTransform& t) { if (clip != nullptr) fillShape (new EdgeTableRegionType (clip->getClipBounds(), path, transform.getTransformWith (t)), false); } void fillEdgeTable (const EdgeTable& edgeTable, const float x, const int y) { if (clip != nullptr) { EdgeTableRegionType* edgeTableClip = new EdgeTableRegionType (edgeTable); edgeTableClip->edgeTable.translate (x, y); if (fillType.isColour()) { float brightness = fillType.colour.getBrightness() - 0.5f; if (brightness > 0.0f) edgeTableClip->edgeTable.multiplyLevels (1.0f + 1.6f * brightness); } fillShape (edgeTableClip, false); } } void drawLine (const Line<float>& line) { Path p; p.addLineSegment (line, 1.0f); fillPath (p, AffineTransform::identity); } void drawImage (const Image& sourceImage, const AffineTransform& trans) { if (clip != nullptr && ! fillType.colour.isTransparent()) renderImage (sourceImage, trans, nullptr); } static bool isOnlyTranslationAllowingError (const AffineTransform& t) { return (std::abs (t.mat01) < 0.002) && (std::abs (t.mat10) < 0.002) && (std::abs (t.mat00 - 1.0f) < 0.002) && (std::abs (t.mat11 - 1.0f) < 0.002); } void renderImage (const Image& sourceImage, const AffineTransform& trans, const BaseRegionType* const tiledFillClipRegion) { const AffineTransform t (transform.getTransformWith (trans)); const int alpha = fillType.colour.getAlpha(); if (isOnlyTranslationAllowingError (t)) { // If our translation doesn't involve any distortion, just use a simple blit.. int tx = (int) (t.getTranslationX() * 256.0f); int ty = (int) (t.getTranslationY() * 256.0f); if (interpolationQuality == Graphics::lowResamplingQuality || ((tx | ty) & 224) == 0) { tx = ((tx + 128) >> 8); ty = ((ty + 128) >> 8); if (tiledFillClipRegion != nullptr) { tiledFillClipRegion->renderImageUntransformed (getThis(), sourceImage, alpha, tx, ty, true); } else { Rectangle<int> area (tx, ty, sourceImage.getWidth(), sourceImage.getHeight()); area = area.getIntersection (getThis().getMaximumBounds()); if (! area.isEmpty()) if (typename BaseRegionType::Ptr c = clip->applyClipTo (new EdgeTableRegionType (area))) c->renderImageUntransformed (getThis(), sourceImage, alpha, tx, ty, false); } return; } } if (! t.isSingularity()) { if (tiledFillClipRegion != nullptr) { tiledFillClipRegion->renderImageTransformed (getThis(), sourceImage, alpha, t, interpolationQuality, true); } else { Path p; p.addRectangle (sourceImage.getBounds()); typename BaseRegionType::Ptr c (clip->clone()); c = c->clipToPath (p, t); if (c != nullptr) c->renderImageTransformed (getThis(), sourceImage, alpha, t, interpolationQuality, false); } } } void fillShape (typename BaseRegionType::Ptr shapeToFill, const bool replaceContents) { jassert (clip != nullptr); shapeToFill = clip->applyClipTo (shapeToFill); if (shapeToFill != nullptr) { if (fillType.isGradient()) { jassert (! replaceContents); // that option is just for solid colours ColourGradient g2 (*(fillType.gradient)); g2.multiplyOpacity (fillType.getOpacity()); AffineTransform t (transform.getTransformWith (fillType.transform).translated (-0.5f, -0.5f)); const bool isIdentity = t.isOnlyTranslation(); if (isIdentity) { // If our translation doesn't involve any distortion, we can speed it up.. g2.point1.applyTransform (t); g2.point2.applyTransform (t); t = AffineTransform::identity; } shapeToFill->fillAllWithGradient (getThis(), g2, t, isIdentity); } else if (fillType.isTiledImage()) { renderImage (fillType.image, fillType.transform, shapeToFill); } else { shapeToFill->fillAllWithColour (getThis(), fillType.colour.getPixelARGB(), replaceContents); } } } void cloneClipIfMultiplyReferenced() { if (clip->getReferenceCount() > 1) clip = clip->clone(); } typename BaseRegionType::Ptr clip; RenderingHelpers::TranslationOrTransform transform; FillType fillType; Graphics::ResamplingQuality interpolationQuality; float transparencyLayerAlpha; }; //============================================================================== class SoftwareRendererSavedState : public SavedStateBase<SoftwareRendererSavedState> { typedef SavedStateBase<SoftwareRendererSavedState> BaseClass; public: SoftwareRendererSavedState (const Image& im, const Rectangle<int>& clipBounds) : BaseClass (clipBounds), image (im) { } SoftwareRendererSavedState (const Image& im, const RectangleList<int>& clipList, Point<int> origin) : BaseClass (clipList, origin), image (im) { } SoftwareRendererSavedState (const SoftwareRendererSavedState& other) : BaseClass (other), image (other.image), font (other.font) { } SoftwareRendererSavedState* beginTransparencyLayer (float opacity) { SoftwareRendererSavedState* s = new SoftwareRendererSavedState (*this); if (clip != nullptr) { const Rectangle<int> layerBounds (clip->getClipBounds()); s->image = Image (Image::ARGB, layerBounds.getWidth(), layerBounds.getHeight(), true); s->transparencyLayerAlpha = opacity; s->transform.moveOriginInDeviceSpace (-layerBounds.getPosition()); s->cloneClipIfMultiplyReferenced(); s->clip->translate (-layerBounds.getPosition()); } return s; } void endTransparencyLayer (SoftwareRendererSavedState& finishedLayerState) { if (clip != nullptr) { const Rectangle<int> layerBounds (clip->getClipBounds()); const ScopedPointer<LowLevelGraphicsContext> g (image.createLowLevelContext()); g->setOpacity (finishedLayerState.transparencyLayerAlpha); g->drawImage (finishedLayerState.image, AffineTransform::translation (layerBounds.getPosition())); } } typedef GlyphCache<CachedGlyphEdgeTable<SoftwareRendererSavedState>, SoftwareRendererSavedState> GlyphCacheType; static void clearGlyphCache() { GlyphCacheType::getInstance().reset(); } //============================================================================== void drawGlyph (int glyphNumber, const AffineTransform& trans) { if (clip != nullptr) { if (trans.isOnlyTranslation() && ! transform.isRotated) { GlyphCacheType& cache = GlyphCacheType::getInstance(); Point<float> pos (trans.getTranslationX(), trans.getTranslationY()); if (transform.isOnlyTranslated) { cache.drawGlyph (*this, font, glyphNumber, pos + transform.offset.toFloat()); } else { pos = transform.transformed (pos); Font f (font); f.setHeight (font.getHeight() * transform.complexTransform.mat11); const float xScale = transform.complexTransform.mat00 / transform.complexTransform.mat11; if (std::abs (xScale - 1.0f) > 0.01f) f.setHorizontalScale (xScale); cache.drawGlyph (*this, f, glyphNumber, pos); } } else { const float fontHeight = font.getHeight(); AffineTransform t (transform.getTransformWith (AffineTransform::scale (fontHeight * font.getHorizontalScale(), fontHeight) .followedBy (trans))); const ScopedPointer<EdgeTable> et (font.getTypeface()->getEdgeTableForGlyph (glyphNumber, t, fontHeight)); if (et != nullptr) fillShape (new EdgeTableRegionType (*et), false); } } } Rectangle<int> getMaximumBounds() const { return image.getBounds(); } //============================================================================== template <typename IteratorType> void renderImageTransformed (IteratorType& iter, const Image& src, const int alpha, const AffineTransform& trans, Graphics::ResamplingQuality quality, bool tiledFill) const { Image::BitmapData destData (image, Image::BitmapData::readWrite); const Image::BitmapData srcData (src, Image::BitmapData::readOnly); EdgeTableFillers::renderImageTransformed (iter, destData, srcData, alpha, trans, quality, tiledFill); } template <typename IteratorType> void renderImageUntransformed (IteratorType& iter, const Image& src, const int alpha, int x, int y, bool tiledFill) const { Image::BitmapData destData (image, Image::BitmapData::readWrite); const Image::BitmapData srcData (src, Image::BitmapData::readOnly); EdgeTableFillers::renderImageUntransformed (iter, destData, srcData, alpha, x, y, tiledFill); } template <typename IteratorType> void fillWithSolidColour (IteratorType& iter, const PixelARGB colour, bool replaceContents) const { Image::BitmapData destData (image, Image::BitmapData::readWrite); switch (destData.pixelFormat) { case Image::ARGB: EdgeTableFillers::renderSolidFill (iter, destData, colour, replaceContents, (PixelARGB*) 0); break; case Image::RGB: EdgeTableFillers::renderSolidFill (iter, destData, colour, replaceContents, (PixelRGB*) 0); break; default: EdgeTableFillers::renderSolidFill (iter, destData, colour, replaceContents, (PixelAlpha*) 0); break; } } template <typename IteratorType> void fillWithGradient (IteratorType& iter, ColourGradient& gradient, const AffineTransform& trans, bool isIdentity) const { HeapBlock<PixelARGB> lookupTable; const int numLookupEntries = gradient.createLookupTable (trans, lookupTable); jassert (numLookupEntries > 0); Image::BitmapData destData (image, Image::BitmapData::readWrite); switch (destData.pixelFormat) { case Image::ARGB: EdgeTableFillers::renderGradient (iter, destData, gradient, trans, lookupTable, numLookupEntries, isIdentity, (PixelARGB*) 0); break; case Image::RGB: EdgeTableFillers::renderGradient (iter, destData, gradient, trans, lookupTable, numLookupEntries, isIdentity, (PixelRGB*) 0); break; default: EdgeTableFillers::renderGradient (iter, destData, gradient, trans, lookupTable, numLookupEntries, isIdentity, (PixelAlpha*) 0); break; } } //============================================================================== Image image; Font font; private: SoftwareRendererSavedState& operator= (const SoftwareRendererSavedState&); }; //============================================================================== template <class StateObjectType> class SavedStateStack { public: SavedStateStack (StateObjectType* const initialState) noexcept : currentState (initialState) {} SavedStateStack() noexcept {} void initialise (StateObjectType* state) { currentState = state; } inline StateObjectType* operator->() const noexcept { return currentState; } inline StateObjectType& operator*() const noexcept { return *currentState; } void save() { stack.add (new StateObjectType (*currentState)); } void restore() { if (StateObjectType* const top = stack.getLast()) { currentState = top; stack.removeLast (1, false); } else { jassertfalse; // trying to pop with an empty stack! } } void beginTransparencyLayer (float opacity) { save(); currentState = currentState->beginTransparencyLayer (opacity); } void endTransparencyLayer() { const ScopedPointer<StateObjectType> finishedTransparencyLayer (currentState); restore(); currentState->endTransparencyLayer (*finishedTransparencyLayer); } private: ScopedPointer<StateObjectType> currentState; OwnedArray<StateObjectType> stack; JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE_WITH_LEAK_DETECTOR (SavedStateStack) }; //============================================================================== template <class SavedStateType> class StackBasedLowLevelGraphicsContext : public LowLevelGraphicsContext { public: bool isVectorDevice() const override { return false; } void setOrigin (Point<int> o) override { stack->transform.setOrigin (o); } void addTransform (const AffineTransform& t) override { stack->transform.addTransform (t); } float getPhysicalPixelScaleFactor() override { return stack->transform.getPhysicalPixelScaleFactor(); } Rectangle<int> getClipBounds() const override { return stack->getClipBounds(); } bool isClipEmpty() const override { return stack->clip == nullptr; } bool clipRegionIntersects (const Rectangle<int>& r) override { return stack->clipRegionIntersects (r); } bool clipToRectangle (const Rectangle<int>& r) override { return stack->clipToRectangle (r); } bool clipToRectangleList (const RectangleList<int>& r) override { return stack->clipToRectangleList (r); } void excludeClipRectangle (const Rectangle<int>& r) override { stack->excludeClipRectangle (r); } void clipToPath (const Path& path, const AffineTransform& t) override { stack->clipToPath (path, t); } void clipToImageAlpha (const Image& im, const AffineTransform& t) override { stack->clipToImageAlpha (im, t); } void saveState() override { stack.save(); } void restoreState() override { stack.restore(); } void beginTransparencyLayer (float opacity) override { stack.beginTransparencyLayer (opacity); } void endTransparencyLayer() override { stack.endTransparencyLayer(); } void setFill (const FillType& fillType) override { stack->setFillType (fillType); } void setOpacity (float newOpacity) override { stack->fillType.setOpacity (newOpacity); } void setInterpolationQuality (Graphics::ResamplingQuality quality) override { stack->interpolationQuality = quality; } void fillRect (const Rectangle<int>& r, bool replace) override { stack->fillRect (r, replace); } void fillRect (const Rectangle<float>& r) override { stack->fillRect (r); } void fillRectList (const RectangleList<float>& list) override { stack->fillRectList (list); } void fillPath (const Path& path, const AffineTransform& t) override { stack->fillPath (path, t); } void drawImage (const Image& im, const AffineTransform& t) override { stack->drawImage (im, t); } void drawGlyph (int glyphNumber, const AffineTransform& t) override { stack->drawGlyph (glyphNumber, t); } void drawLine (const Line<float>& line) override { stack->drawLine (line); } void setFont (const Font& newFont) override { stack->font = newFont; } const Font& getFont() override { return stack->font; } protected: StackBasedLowLevelGraphicsContext (SavedStateType* initialState) : stack (initialState) {} StackBasedLowLevelGraphicsContext() {} RenderingHelpers::SavedStateStack<SavedStateType> stack; }; } #if JUCE_MSVC #pragma warning (pop) #endif #endif // JUCE_RENDERINGHELPERS_H_INCLUDED