/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE library. Copyright (c) 2015 - ROLI Ltd. Permission is granted to use this software under the terms of either: a) the GPL v2 (or any later version) b) the Affero GPL v3 Details of these licenses can be found at: www.gnu.org/licenses JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are available: visit www.juce.com for more information. ============================================================================== */ class DropShadower::ShadowWindow : public Component { public: ShadowWindow (Component* comp, const DropShadow& ds) : target (comp), shadow (ds) { setVisible (true); setInterceptsMouseClicks (false, false); if (comp->isOnDesktop()) { setSize (1, 1); // to keep the OS happy by not having zero-size windows addToDesktop (ComponentPeer::windowIgnoresMouseClicks | ComponentPeer::windowIsTemporary | ComponentPeer::windowIgnoresKeyPresses); } else if (Component* const parent = comp->getParentComponent()) { parent->addChildComponent (this); } } void paint (Graphics& g) override { if (Component* c = target) shadow.drawForRectangle (g, getLocalArea (c, c->getLocalBounds())); } void resized() override { repaint(); // (needed for correct repainting) } float getDesktopScaleFactor() const override { if (target != nullptr) return target->getDesktopScaleFactor(); return Component::getDesktopScaleFactor(); } private: WeakReference target; DropShadow shadow; JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE (ShadowWindow) }; //============================================================================== DropShadower::DropShadower (const DropShadow& ds) : owner (nullptr), shadow (ds), reentrant (false) { } DropShadower::~DropShadower() { if (owner != nullptr) { owner->removeComponentListener (this); owner = nullptr; } updateParent(); reentrant = true; shadowWindows.clear(); } void DropShadower::setOwner (Component* componentToFollow) { if (componentToFollow != owner) { if (owner != nullptr) owner->removeComponentListener (this); // (the component can't be null) jassert (componentToFollow != nullptr); owner = componentToFollow; jassert (owner != nullptr); updateParent(); owner->addComponentListener (this); updateShadows(); } } void DropShadower::updateParent() { if (Component* p = lastParentComp) p->removeComponentListener (this); lastParentComp = owner != nullptr ? owner->getParentComponent() : nullptr; if (Component* p = lastParentComp) p->addComponentListener (this); } void DropShadower::componentMovedOrResized (Component& c, bool /*wasMoved*/, bool /*wasResized*/) { if (owner == &c) updateShadows(); } void DropShadower::componentBroughtToFront (Component& c) { if (owner == &c) updateShadows(); } void DropShadower::componentChildrenChanged (Component&) { updateShadows(); } void DropShadower::componentParentHierarchyChanged (Component& c) { if (owner == &c) { updateParent(); updateShadows(); } } void DropShadower::componentVisibilityChanged (Component& c) { if (owner == &c) updateShadows(); } void DropShadower::updateShadows() { if (reentrant) return; const ScopedValueSetter setter (reentrant, true, false); if (owner == nullptr) { shadowWindows.clear(); return; } if (owner->isShowing() && owner->getWidth() > 0 && owner->getHeight() > 0 && (Desktop::canUseSemiTransparentWindows() || owner->getParentComponent() != nullptr)) { while (shadowWindows.size() < 4) shadowWindows.add (new ShadowWindow (owner, shadow)); const int shadowEdge = jmax (shadow.offset.x, shadow.offset.y) + shadow.radius; const int x = owner->getX(); const int y = owner->getY() - shadowEdge; const int w = owner->getWidth(); const int h = owner->getHeight() + shadowEdge + shadowEdge; for (int i = 4; --i >= 0;) { // there seem to be rare situations where the dropshadower may be deleted by // callbacks during this loop, so use a weak ref to watch out for this.. WeakReference sw (shadowWindows[i]); if (sw != nullptr) sw->setAlwaysOnTop (owner->isAlwaysOnTop()); if (sw != nullptr) { switch (i) { case 0: sw->setBounds (x - shadowEdge, y, shadowEdge, h); break; case 1: sw->setBounds (x + w, y, shadowEdge, h); break; case 2: sw->setBounds (x, y, w, shadowEdge); break; case 3: sw->setBounds (x, owner->getBottom(), w, shadowEdge); break; default: break; } } if (sw != nullptr) sw->toBehind (i == 3 ? owner : shadowWindows.getUnchecked (i + 1)); if (sw == nullptr) return; } } else { shadowWindows.clear(); } }