/** * * Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Pascal Gauthier. * Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Filatov Vadim. * * Filter taken from the Obxd project : * https://github.com/2DaT/Obxd * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES #include #include "PluginFx.h" #include "PluginProcessor.h" const float dc = 1e-18; inline static float tptpc(float& state,float inp,float cutoff) { double v = (inp - state) * cutoff / (1 + cutoff); double res = v + state; state = res + v; return res; } inline static float tptlpupw(float & state , float inp , float cutoff , float srInv) { cutoff = (cutoff * srInv)*juce::float_Pi; double v = (inp - state) * cutoff / (1 + cutoff); double res = v + state; state = res + v; return res; } static float linsc(float param,const float min,const float max) { return (param) * (max - min) + min; } static float logsc(float param, const float min,const float max,const float rolloff = 19.0f) { return ((expf(param * logf(rolloff+1)) - 1.0f) / (rolloff)) * (max-min) + min; } void PluginFx::init(int sr) { mm=0; s1=s2=s3=s4=c=d=0; R24=0; mmch = (int)(mm * 3); mmt = mm*3-mmch; sampleRate = sr; sampleRateInv = 1/sampleRate; float rcrate =sqrt((44000/sampleRate)); rcor24 = (970.0 / 44000)*rcrate; rcor24Inv = 1 / rcor24; bright = tan((sampleRate*0.5f-10) * juce::float_Pi * sampleRateInv); R = 1; rcor = (480.0 / 44000)*rcrate; rcorInv = 1 / rcor; bandPassSw = false; uiCutoff = 1; uiReso = 0; uiGain = 1; pCutoff = -1; pReso = -1; } inline float PluginFx::NR24(float sample,float g,float lpc) { float ml = 1 / (1+g); float S = (lpc*(lpc*(lpc*s1 + s2) + s3) +s4)*ml; float G = lpc*lpc*lpc*lpc; float y = (sample - R24 * S) / (1 + R24*G); return y + 1e-8; }; inline float PluginFx::NR(float sample, float g) { float y = ((sample- R * s1*2 - g*s1 - s2)/(1+ g*(2*R + g))) + dc; return y; } void PluginFx::process(float *work, int sampleSize) { if ( uiGain != 1 ) { for(int i=0; i < sampleSize; i++ ) work[i] *= uiGain; } // don't apply the LPF if the cutoff is to maximum if ( uiCutoff == 1 ) return; if ( uiCutoff != pCutoff || uiReso != pReso ) { rReso = (0.991-logsc(1-uiReso,0,0.991)); R24 = 3.5 * rReso; float cutoffNorm = logsc(uiCutoff,60,19000); rCutoff = (float)tan(cutoffNorm * sampleRateInv * juce::float_Pi); pCutoff = uiCutoff; pReso = uiReso; R = 1 - rReso; } // THIS IS MY FAVORITE 4POLE OBXd filter // maybe smooth this value float g = rCutoff; float lpc = g / (1 + g); for(int i=0; i < sampleSize; i++ ) { float s = work[i]; s = s - 0.45*tptlpupw(c,s,15,sampleRateInv); s = tptpc(d,s,bright); float y0 = NR24(s,g,lpc); //first low pass in cascade double v = (y0 - s1) * lpc; double res = v + s1; s1 = res + v; //damping s1 =atan(s1*rcor24)*rcor24Inv; float y1= res; float y2 = tptpc(s2,y1,g); float y3 = tptpc(s3,y2,g); float y4 = tptpc(s4,y3,g); float mc; switch(mmch) { case 0: mc = ((1 - mmt) * y4 + (mmt) * y3); break; case 1: mc = ((1 - mmt) * y3 + (mmt) * y2); break; case 2: mc = ((1 - mmt) * y2 + (mmt) * y1); break; case 3: mc = y1; break; } //half volume comp work[i] = mc * (1 + R24 * 0.45); } } /* // THIS IS THE 2POLE FILTER for(int i=0; i < sampleSize; i++ ) { float s = work[i]; s = s - 0.45*tptlpupw(c,s,15,sampleRateInv); s = tptpc(d,s,bright); //float v = ((sample- R * s1*2 - g2*s1 - s2)/(1+ R*g1*2 + g1*g2)); float v = NR(s,g); float y1 = v*g + s1; //damping s1 = atan(s1 * rcor) * rcorInv; float y2 = y1*g + s2; s2 = y2 + y1*g; double mc; if(!bandPassSw) mc = (1-mm)*y2 + (mm)*v; else { mc =2 * ( mm < 0.5 ? ((0.5 - mm) * y2 + (mm) * y1): ((1-mm) * y1 + (mm-0.5) * v) ); } work[i] = mc; } */