/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE library. Copyright (c) 2013 - Raw Material Software Ltd. Permission is granted to use this software under the terms of either: a) the GPL v2 (or any later version) b) the Affero GPL v3 Details of these licenses can be found at: www.gnu.org/licenses JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are available: visit www.juce.com for more information. ============================================================================== */ class Button::CallbackHelper : public Timer, public ApplicationCommandManagerListener, public ValueListener, public KeyListener { public: CallbackHelper (Button& b) : button (b) {} void timerCallback() override { button.repeatTimerCallback(); } bool keyStateChanged (bool, Component*) override { return button.keyStateChangedCallback(); } void valueChanged (Value& value) override { if (value.refersToSameSourceAs (button.isOn)) button.setToggleState (button.isOn.getValue(), sendNotification); } bool keyPressed (const KeyPress&, Component*) override { // returning true will avoid forwarding events for keys that we're using as shortcuts return button.isShortcutPressed(); } void applicationCommandInvoked (const ApplicationCommandTarget::InvocationInfo& info) override { if (info.commandID == button.commandID && (info.commandFlags & ApplicationCommandInfo::dontTriggerVisualFeedback) == 0) button.flashButtonState(); } void applicationCommandListChanged() override { button.applicationCommandListChangeCallback(); } private: Button& button; JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE_WITH_LEAK_DETECTOR (CallbackHelper) }; //============================================================================== Button::Button (const String& name) : Component (name), text (name), buttonPressTime (0), lastRepeatTime (0), commandManagerToUse (nullptr), autoRepeatDelay (-1), autoRepeatSpeed (0), autoRepeatMinimumDelay (-1), radioGroupId (0), connectedEdgeFlags (0), commandID(), buttonState (buttonNormal), lastToggleState (false), clickTogglesState (false), needsToRelease (false), needsRepainting (false), isKeyDown (false), triggerOnMouseDown (false), generateTooltip (false) { callbackHelper = new CallbackHelper (*this); setWantsKeyboardFocus (true); isOn.addListener (callbackHelper); } Button::~Button() { clearShortcuts(); if (commandManagerToUse != nullptr) commandManagerToUse->removeListener (callbackHelper); isOn.removeListener (callbackHelper); callbackHelper = nullptr; } //============================================================================== void Button::setButtonText (const String& newText) { if (text != newText) { text = newText; repaint(); } } void Button::setTooltip (const String& newTooltip) { SettableTooltipClient::setTooltip (newTooltip); generateTooltip = false; } String Button::getTooltip() { if (generateTooltip && commandManagerToUse != nullptr && commandID != 0) { String tt (commandManagerToUse->getDescriptionOfCommand (commandID)); Array keyPresses (commandManagerToUse->getKeyMappings()->getKeyPressesAssignedToCommand (commandID)); for (int i = 0; i < keyPresses.size(); ++i) { const String key (keyPresses.getReference(i).getTextDescription()); tt << " ["; if (key.length() == 1) tt << TRANS("shortcut") << ": '" << key << "']"; else tt << key << ']'; } return tt; } return SettableTooltipClient::getTooltip(); } void Button::setConnectedEdges (const int newFlags) { if (connectedEdgeFlags != newFlags) { connectedEdgeFlags = newFlags; repaint(); } } //============================================================================== void Button::setToggleState (const bool shouldBeOn, const NotificationType notification) { if (shouldBeOn != lastToggleState) { WeakReference deletionWatcher (this); if (shouldBeOn) { turnOffOtherButtonsInGroup (notification); if (deletionWatcher == nullptr) return; } if (getToggleState() != shouldBeOn) // this test means that if the value is void rather than explicitly set to isOn = shouldBeOn; // false, it won't be changed unless the required value is true. lastToggleState = shouldBeOn; repaint(); if (notification != dontSendNotification) { // async callbacks aren't possible here jassert (notification != sendNotificationAsync); sendClickMessage (ModifierKeys::getCurrentModifiers()); if (deletionWatcher == nullptr) return; } if (notification != dontSendNotification) sendStateMessage(); else buttonStateChanged(); } } void Button::setToggleState (const bool shouldBeOn, bool sendChange) { setToggleState (shouldBeOn, sendChange ? sendNotification : dontSendNotification); } void Button::setClickingTogglesState (const bool shouldToggle) noexcept { clickTogglesState = shouldToggle; // if you've got clickTogglesState turned on, you shouldn't also connect the button // up to be a command invoker. Instead, your command handler must flip the state of whatever // it is that this button represents, and the button will update its state to reflect this // in the applicationCommandListChanged() method. jassert (commandManagerToUse == nullptr || ! clickTogglesState); } bool Button::getClickingTogglesState() const noexcept { return clickTogglesState; } void Button::setRadioGroupId (const int newGroupId, NotificationType notification) { if (radioGroupId != newGroupId) { radioGroupId = newGroupId; if (lastToggleState) turnOffOtherButtonsInGroup (notification); } } void Button::turnOffOtherButtonsInGroup (const NotificationType notification) { if (Component* const p = getParentComponent()) { if (radioGroupId != 0) { WeakReference deletionWatcher (this); for (int i = p->getNumChildComponents(); --i >= 0;) { Component* const c = p->getChildComponent (i); if (c != this) { if (Button* const b = dynamic_cast (c)) { if (b->getRadioGroupId() == radioGroupId) { b->setToggleState (false, notification); if (deletionWatcher == nullptr) return; } } } } } } } //============================================================================== void Button::enablementChanged() { updateState(); repaint(); } Button::ButtonState Button::updateState() { return updateState (isMouseOver (true), isMouseButtonDown()); } Button::ButtonState Button::updateState (const bool over, const bool down) { ButtonState newState = buttonNormal; if (isEnabled() && isVisible() && ! isCurrentlyBlockedByAnotherModalComponent()) { if ((down && (over || (triggerOnMouseDown && buttonState == buttonDown))) || isKeyDown) newState = buttonDown; else if (over) newState = buttonOver; } setState (newState); return newState; } void Button::setState (const ButtonState newState) { if (buttonState != newState) { buttonState = newState; repaint(); if (buttonState == buttonDown) { buttonPressTime = Time::getApproximateMillisecondCounter(); lastRepeatTime = 0; } sendStateMessage(); } } bool Button::isDown() const noexcept { return buttonState == buttonDown; } bool Button::isOver() const noexcept { return buttonState != buttonNormal; } void Button::buttonStateChanged() {} uint32 Button::getMillisecondsSinceButtonDown() const noexcept { const uint32 now = Time::getApproximateMillisecondCounter(); return now > buttonPressTime ? now - buttonPressTime : 0; } void Button::setTriggeredOnMouseDown (const bool isTriggeredOnMouseDown) noexcept { triggerOnMouseDown = isTriggeredOnMouseDown; } //============================================================================== void Button::clicked() { } void Button::clicked (const ModifierKeys&) { clicked(); } enum { clickMessageId = 0x2f3f4f99 }; void Button::triggerClick() { postCommandMessage (clickMessageId); } void Button::internalClickCallback (const ModifierKeys& modifiers) { if (clickTogglesState) { const bool shouldBeOn = (radioGroupId != 0 || ! lastToggleState); if (shouldBeOn != getToggleState()) { setToggleState (shouldBeOn, sendNotification); return; } } sendClickMessage (modifiers); } void Button::flashButtonState() { if (isEnabled()) { needsToRelease = true; setState (buttonDown); callbackHelper->startTimer (100); } } void Button::handleCommandMessage (int commandId) { if (commandId == clickMessageId) { if (isEnabled()) { flashButtonState(); internalClickCallback (ModifierKeys::getCurrentModifiers()); } } else { Component::handleCommandMessage (commandId); } } //============================================================================== void Button::addListener (ButtonListener* const newListener) { buttonListeners.add (newListener); } void Button::removeListener (ButtonListener* const listener) { buttonListeners.remove (listener); } void Button::sendClickMessage (const ModifierKeys& modifiers) { Component::BailOutChecker checker (this); if (commandManagerToUse != nullptr && commandID != 0) { ApplicationCommandTarget::InvocationInfo info (commandID); info.invocationMethod = ApplicationCommandTarget::InvocationInfo::fromButton; info.originatingComponent = this; commandManagerToUse->invoke (info, true); } clicked (modifiers); if (! checker.shouldBailOut()) buttonListeners.callChecked (checker, &ButtonListener::buttonClicked, this); // (can't use Button::Listener due to idiotic VC2005 bug) } void Button::sendStateMessage() { Component::BailOutChecker checker (this); buttonStateChanged(); if (! checker.shouldBailOut()) buttonListeners.callChecked (checker, &ButtonListener::buttonStateChanged, this); } //============================================================================== void Button::paint (Graphics& g) { if (needsToRelease && isEnabled()) { needsToRelease = false; needsRepainting = true; } paintButton (g, isOver(), isDown()); } //============================================================================== void Button::mouseEnter (const MouseEvent&) { updateState (true, false); } void Button::mouseExit (const MouseEvent&) { updateState (false, false); } void Button::mouseDown (const MouseEvent& e) { updateState (true, true); if (isDown()) { if (autoRepeatDelay >= 0) callbackHelper->startTimer (autoRepeatDelay); if (triggerOnMouseDown) internalClickCallback (e.mods); } } void Button::mouseUp (const MouseEvent& e) { const bool wasDown = isDown(); const bool wasOver = isOver(); updateState (isMouseOver(), false); if (wasDown && wasOver && ! triggerOnMouseDown) internalClickCallback (e.mods); } void Button::mouseDrag (const MouseEvent&) { const ButtonState oldState = buttonState; updateState (isMouseOver(), true); if (autoRepeatDelay >= 0 && buttonState != oldState && isDown()) callbackHelper->startTimer (autoRepeatSpeed); } void Button::focusGained (FocusChangeType) { updateState(); repaint(); } void Button::focusLost (FocusChangeType) { updateState(); repaint(); } void Button::visibilityChanged() { needsToRelease = false; updateState(); } void Button::parentHierarchyChanged() { Component* const newKeySource = (shortcuts.size() == 0) ? nullptr : getTopLevelComponent(); if (newKeySource != keySource.get()) { if (keySource != nullptr) keySource->removeKeyListener (callbackHelper); keySource = newKeySource; if (keySource != nullptr) keySource->addKeyListener (callbackHelper); } } //============================================================================== void Button::setCommandToTrigger (ApplicationCommandManager* const newCommandManager, const CommandID newCommandID, const bool generateTip) { commandID = newCommandID; generateTooltip = generateTip; if (commandManagerToUse != newCommandManager) { if (commandManagerToUse != nullptr) commandManagerToUse->removeListener (callbackHelper); commandManagerToUse = newCommandManager; if (commandManagerToUse != nullptr) commandManagerToUse->addListener (callbackHelper); // if you've got clickTogglesState turned on, you shouldn't also connect the button // up to be a command invoker. Instead, your command handler must flip the state of whatever // it is that this button represents, and the button will update its state to reflect this // in the applicationCommandListChanged() method. jassert (commandManagerToUse == nullptr || ! clickTogglesState); } if (commandManagerToUse != nullptr) applicationCommandListChangeCallback(); else setEnabled (true); } void Button::applicationCommandListChangeCallback() { if (commandManagerToUse != nullptr) { ApplicationCommandInfo info (0); if (commandManagerToUse->getTargetForCommand (commandID, info) != nullptr) { setEnabled ((info.flags & ApplicationCommandInfo::isDisabled) == 0); setToggleState ((info.flags & ApplicationCommandInfo::isTicked) != 0, dontSendNotification); } else { setEnabled (false); } } } //============================================================================== void Button::addShortcut (const KeyPress& key) { if (key.isValid()) { jassert (! isRegisteredForShortcut (key)); // already registered! shortcuts.add (key); parentHierarchyChanged(); } } void Button::clearShortcuts() { shortcuts.clear(); parentHierarchyChanged(); } bool Button::isShortcutPressed() const { if (! isCurrentlyBlockedByAnotherModalComponent()) for (int i = shortcuts.size(); --i >= 0;) if (shortcuts.getReference(i).isCurrentlyDown()) return true; return false; } bool Button::isRegisteredForShortcut (const KeyPress& key) const { for (int i = shortcuts.size(); --i >= 0;) if (key == shortcuts.getReference(i)) return true; return false; } bool Button::keyStateChangedCallback() { if (! isEnabled()) return false; const bool wasDown = isKeyDown; isKeyDown = isShortcutPressed(); if (autoRepeatDelay >= 0 && (isKeyDown && ! wasDown)) callbackHelper->startTimer (autoRepeatDelay); updateState(); if (isEnabled() && wasDown && ! isKeyDown) { internalClickCallback (ModifierKeys::getCurrentModifiers()); // (return immediately - this button may now have been deleted) return true; } return wasDown || isKeyDown; } bool Button::keyPressed (const KeyPress& key) { if (isEnabled() && key.isKeyCode (KeyPress::returnKey)) { triggerClick(); return true; } return false; } //============================================================================== void Button::setRepeatSpeed (const int initialDelayMillisecs, const int repeatMillisecs, const int minimumDelayInMillisecs) noexcept { autoRepeatDelay = initialDelayMillisecs; autoRepeatSpeed = repeatMillisecs; autoRepeatMinimumDelay = jmin (autoRepeatSpeed, minimumDelayInMillisecs); } void Button::repeatTimerCallback() { if (needsRepainting) { callbackHelper->stopTimer(); updateState(); needsRepainting = false; } else if (autoRepeatSpeed > 0 && (isKeyDown || (updateState() == buttonDown))) { int repeatSpeed = autoRepeatSpeed; if (autoRepeatMinimumDelay >= 0) { double timeHeldDown = jmin (1.0, getMillisecondsSinceButtonDown() / 4000.0); timeHeldDown *= timeHeldDown; repeatSpeed = repeatSpeed + (int) (timeHeldDown * (autoRepeatMinimumDelay - repeatSpeed)); } repeatSpeed = jmax (1, repeatSpeed); const uint32 now = Time::getMillisecondCounter(); // if we've been blocked from repeating often enough, speed up the repeat timer to compensate.. if (lastRepeatTime != 0 && (int) (now - lastRepeatTime) > repeatSpeed * 2) repeatSpeed = jmax (1, repeatSpeed / 2); lastRepeatTime = now; callbackHelper->startTimer (repeatSpeed); internalClickCallback (ModifierKeys::getCurrentModifiers()); } else if (! needsToRelease) { callbackHelper->stopTimer(); } }