/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE library. Copyright (c) 2015 - ROLI Ltd. Permission is granted to use this software under the terms of either: a) the GPL v2 (or any later version) b) the Affero GPL v3 Details of these licenses can be found at: www.gnu.org/licenses JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are available: visit www.juce.com for more information. ============================================================================== */ #if JUCE_WINDOWS namespace juce { // This function is in juce_win32_Windowing.cpp extern bool offerKeyMessageToJUCEWindow (MSG&); } namespace { static HHOOK mouseWheelHook = 0, keyboardHook = 0; static int numHookUsers = 0; struct WindowsHooks { WindowsHooks() { if (numHookUsers++ == 0) { mouseWheelHook = SetWindowsHookEx (WH_MOUSE, mouseWheelHookCallback, (HINSTANCE) Process::getCurrentModuleInstanceHandle(), GetCurrentThreadId()); keyboardHook = SetWindowsHookEx (WH_GETMESSAGE, keyboardHookCallback, (HINSTANCE) Process::getCurrentModuleInstanceHandle(), GetCurrentThreadId()); } } ~WindowsHooks() { if (--numHookUsers == 0) { if (mouseWheelHook != 0) { UnhookWindowsHookEx (mouseWheelHook); mouseWheelHook = 0; } if (keyboardHook != 0) { UnhookWindowsHookEx (keyboardHook); keyboardHook = 0; } } } static LRESULT CALLBACK mouseWheelHookCallback (int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (nCode >= 0 && wParam == WM_MOUSEWHEEL) { // using a local copy of this struct to support old mingw libraries struct MOUSEHOOKSTRUCTEX_ : public MOUSEHOOKSTRUCT { DWORD mouseData; }; const MOUSEHOOKSTRUCTEX_& hs = *(MOUSEHOOKSTRUCTEX_*) lParam; if (Component* const comp = Desktop::getInstance().findComponentAt (Point (hs.pt.x, hs.pt.y))) if (comp->getWindowHandle() != 0) return PostMessage ((HWND) comp->getWindowHandle(), WM_MOUSEWHEEL, hs.mouseData & 0xffff0000, (hs.pt.x & 0xffff) | (hs.pt.y << 16)); } return CallNextHookEx (mouseWheelHook, nCode, wParam, lParam); } static LRESULT CALLBACK keyboardHookCallback (int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { MSG& msg = *(MSG*) lParam; if (nCode == HC_ACTION && wParam == PM_REMOVE && offerKeyMessageToJUCEWindow (msg)) { zerostruct (msg); msg.message = WM_USER; return 1; } return CallNextHookEx (keyboardHook, nCode, wParam, lParam); } }; } #endif