/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE library. Copyright (c) 2015 - ROLI Ltd. Permission is granted to use this software under the terms of either: a) the GPL v2 (or any later version) b) the Affero GPL v3 Details of these licenses can be found at: www.gnu.org/licenses JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are available: visit www.juce.com for more information. ============================================================================== */ MouseEvent::MouseEvent (MouseInputSource inputSource, Point pos, ModifierKeys modKeys, Component* const eventComp, Component* const originator, Time time, Point downPos, Time downTime, const int numClicks, const bool mouseWasDragged) noexcept : position (pos), x (roundToInt (pos.x)), y (roundToInt (pos.y)), mods (modKeys), eventComponent (eventComp), originalComponent (originator), eventTime (time), mouseDownTime (downTime), source (inputSource), mouseDownPos (downPos), numberOfClicks ((uint8) numClicks), wasMovedSinceMouseDown ((uint8) (mouseWasDragged ? 1 : 0)) { } MouseEvent::~MouseEvent() noexcept { } //============================================================================== MouseEvent MouseEvent::getEventRelativeTo (Component* const otherComponent) const noexcept { jassert (otherComponent != nullptr); return MouseEvent (source, otherComponent->getLocalPoint (eventComponent, position), mods, otherComponent, originalComponent, eventTime, otherComponent->getLocalPoint (eventComponent, mouseDownPos), mouseDownTime, numberOfClicks, wasMovedSinceMouseDown != 0); } MouseEvent MouseEvent::withNewPosition (Point newPosition) const noexcept { return MouseEvent (source, newPosition, mods, eventComponent, originalComponent, eventTime, mouseDownPos, mouseDownTime, numberOfClicks, wasMovedSinceMouseDown != 0); } MouseEvent MouseEvent::withNewPosition (Point newPosition) const noexcept { return MouseEvent (source, newPosition.toFloat(), mods, eventComponent, originalComponent, eventTime, mouseDownPos, mouseDownTime, numberOfClicks, wasMovedSinceMouseDown != 0); } //============================================================================== bool MouseEvent::mouseWasClicked() const noexcept { return wasMovedSinceMouseDown == 0; } int MouseEvent::getLengthOfMousePress() const noexcept { if (mouseDownTime.toMilliseconds() > 0) return jmax (0, (int) (eventTime - mouseDownTime).inMilliseconds()); return 0; } //============================================================================== Point MouseEvent::getPosition() const noexcept { return Point (x, y); } Point MouseEvent::getScreenPosition() const { return eventComponent->localPointToGlobal (getPosition()); } Point MouseEvent::getMouseDownPosition() const noexcept { return mouseDownPos.roundToInt(); } Point MouseEvent::getMouseDownScreenPosition() const { return eventComponent->localPointToGlobal (mouseDownPos).roundToInt(); } Point MouseEvent::getOffsetFromDragStart() const noexcept { return (position - mouseDownPos).roundToInt(); } int MouseEvent::getDistanceFromDragStart() const noexcept { return roundToInt (mouseDownPos.getDistanceFrom (position)); } int MouseEvent::getMouseDownX() const noexcept { return roundToInt (mouseDownPos.x); } int MouseEvent::getMouseDownY() const noexcept { return roundToInt (mouseDownPos.y); } int MouseEvent::getDistanceFromDragStartX() const noexcept { return getOffsetFromDragStart().x; } int MouseEvent::getDistanceFromDragStartY() const noexcept { return getOffsetFromDragStart().y; } int MouseEvent::getScreenX() const { return getScreenPosition().x; } int MouseEvent::getScreenY() const { return getScreenPosition().y; } int MouseEvent::getMouseDownScreenX() const { return getMouseDownScreenPosition().x; } int MouseEvent::getMouseDownScreenY() const { return getMouseDownScreenPosition().y; } //============================================================================== static int doubleClickTimeOutMs = 400; int MouseEvent::getDoubleClickTimeout() noexcept { return doubleClickTimeOutMs; } void MouseEvent::setDoubleClickTimeout (const int newTime) noexcept { doubleClickTimeOutMs = newTime; }