/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE library. Copyright (c) 2015 - ROLI Ltd. Permission is granted to use this software under the terms of either: a) the GPL v2 (or any later version) b) the Affero GPL v3 Details of these licenses can be found at: www.gnu.org/licenses JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are available: visit www.juce.com for more information. ============================================================================== */ #ifndef JUCE_LIVECONSTANTEDITOR_H_INCLUDED #define JUCE_LIVECONSTANTEDITOR_H_INCLUDED #if JUCE_ENABLE_LIVE_CONSTANT_EDITOR && ! DOXYGEN //============================================================================== /** You can safely ignore all the stuff in this namespace - it's a bunch of boilerplate code used to implement the JUCE_LIVE_CONSTANT functionality. */ namespace LiveConstantEditor { int64 parseInt (String); double parseDouble (const String&); String intToString (int, bool preferHex); String intToString (int64, bool preferHex); template static void setFromString (Type& v, const String& s) { v = static_cast (s); } inline void setFromString (char& v, const String& s) { v = (char) parseInt (s); } inline void setFromString (unsigned char& v, const String& s) { v = (unsigned char) parseInt (s); } inline void setFromString (short& v, const String& s) { v = (short) parseInt (s); } inline void setFromString (unsigned short& v, const String& s) { v = (unsigned short) parseInt (s); } inline void setFromString (int& v, const String& s) { v = (int) parseInt (s); } inline void setFromString (unsigned int& v, const String& s) { v = (unsigned int) parseInt (s); } inline void setFromString (long& v, const String& s) { v = (long) parseInt (s); } inline void setFromString (unsigned long& v, const String& s) { v = (unsigned long) parseInt (s); } inline void setFromString (int64& v, const String& s) { v = (int64) parseInt (s); } inline void setFromString (uint64& v, const String& s) { v = (uint64) parseInt (s); } inline void setFromString (double& v, const String& s) { v = parseDouble (s); } inline void setFromString (float& v, const String& s) { v = (float) parseDouble (s); } inline void setFromString (String& v, const String& s) { v = s; } inline void setFromString (Colour& v, const String& s) { v = Colour ((uint32) parseInt (s)); } template inline String getAsString (const Type& v, bool) { return String (v); } inline String getAsString (char v, bool preferHex) { return intToString ((int) v, preferHex); } inline String getAsString (unsigned char v, bool preferHex) { return intToString ((int) v, preferHex); } inline String getAsString (short v, bool preferHex) { return intToString ((int) v, preferHex); } inline String getAsString (unsigned short v, bool preferHex) { return intToString ((int) v, preferHex); } inline String getAsString (int v, bool preferHex) { return intToString ((int) v, preferHex); } inline String getAsString (unsigned int v, bool preferHex) { return intToString ((int) v, preferHex); } inline String getAsString (int64 v, bool preferHex) { return intToString ((int64) v, preferHex); } inline String getAsString (uint64 v, bool preferHex) { return intToString ((int64) v, preferHex); } inline String getAsString (Colour v, bool) { return intToString ((int) v.getARGB(), true); } template struct isStringType { enum { value = 0 }; }; template <> struct isStringType { enum { value = 1 }; }; template inline String getAsCode (Type& v, bool preferHex) { return getAsString (v, preferHex); } inline String getAsCode (Colour v, bool) { return "Colour (0x" + String::toHexString ((int) v.getARGB()).paddedLeft ('0', 8) + ")"; } inline String getAsCode (const String& v, bool) { return CppTokeniserFunctions::addEscapeChars(v).quoted(); } inline String getAsCode (const char* v, bool) { return getAsCode (String (v), false); } template inline const char* castToCharPointer (const Type&) { return ""; } inline const char* castToCharPointer (const String& s) { return s.toRawUTF8(); } struct LivePropertyEditorBase; //============================================================================== struct JUCE_API LiveValueBase { LiveValueBase (const char* file, int line); virtual ~LiveValueBase(); virtual LivePropertyEditorBase* createPropertyComponent (CodeDocument&) = 0; virtual String getStringValue (bool preferHex) const = 0; virtual String getCodeValue (bool preferHex) const = 0; virtual void setStringValue (const String&) = 0; virtual String getOriginalStringValue (bool preferHex) const = 0; virtual bool isString() const = 0; String name, sourceFile; int sourceLine; JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE (LiveValueBase) }; //============================================================================== struct JUCE_API LivePropertyEditorBase : public Component, private TextEditor::Listener, private ButtonListener { LivePropertyEditorBase (LiveValueBase&, CodeDocument&); void paint (Graphics&) override; void resized() override; void textEditorTextChanged (TextEditor&) override; void buttonClicked (Button*) override; void applyNewValue (const String&); void selectOriginalValue(); void findOriginalValueInCode(); LiveValueBase& value; Label name; TextEditor valueEditor; TextButton resetButton; CodeDocument& document; CPlusPlusCodeTokeniser tokeniser; CodeEditorComponent sourceEditor; CodeDocument::Position valueStart, valueEnd; ScopedPointer customComp; bool wasHex; JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE (LivePropertyEditorBase) }; //============================================================================== Component* createColourEditor (LivePropertyEditorBase&); Component* createIntegerSlider (LivePropertyEditorBase&); Component* createFloatSlider (LivePropertyEditorBase&); template struct CustomEditor { static Component* create (LivePropertyEditorBase&) { return nullptr; } }; template<> struct CustomEditor { static Component* create (LivePropertyEditorBase& e) { return createIntegerSlider (e); } }; template<> struct CustomEditor { static Component* create (LivePropertyEditorBase& e) { return createIntegerSlider (e); } }; template<> struct CustomEditor { static Component* create (LivePropertyEditorBase& e) { return createIntegerSlider (e); } }; template<> struct CustomEditor { static Component* create (LivePropertyEditorBase& e) { return createIntegerSlider (e); } }; template<> struct CustomEditor { static Component* create (LivePropertyEditorBase& e) { return createIntegerSlider (e); } }; template<> struct CustomEditor { static Component* create (LivePropertyEditorBase& e) { return createIntegerSlider (e); } }; template<> struct CustomEditor { static Component* create (LivePropertyEditorBase& e) { return createIntegerSlider (e); } }; template<> struct CustomEditor { static Component* create (LivePropertyEditorBase& e) { return createIntegerSlider (e); } }; template<> struct CustomEditor { static Component* create (LivePropertyEditorBase& e) { return createFloatSlider (e); } }; template<> struct CustomEditor { static Component* create (LivePropertyEditorBase& e) { return createFloatSlider (e); } }; template<> struct CustomEditor { static Component* create (LivePropertyEditorBase& e) { return createColourEditor (e); } }; template struct LivePropertyEditor : public LivePropertyEditorBase { template LivePropertyEditor (ValueType& v, CodeDocument& d) : LivePropertyEditorBase (v, d) { addAndMakeVisible (customComp = CustomEditor::create (*this)); } }; //============================================================================== template struct LiveValue : public LiveValueBase { LiveValue (const char* file, int line, const Type& initialValue) : LiveValueBase (file, line), value (initialValue), originalValue (initialValue) {} operator Type() const noexcept { return value; } operator const char*() const { return castToCharPointer (value); } LivePropertyEditorBase* createPropertyComponent (CodeDocument& doc) override { return new LivePropertyEditor (*this, doc); } String getStringValue (bool preferHex) const override { return getAsString (value, preferHex); } String getCodeValue (bool preferHex) const override { return getAsCode (value, preferHex); } String getOriginalStringValue (bool preferHex) const override { return getAsString (originalValue, preferHex); } void setStringValue (const String& s) override { setFromString (value, s); } bool isString() const override { return isStringType::value; } Type value, originalValue; JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE (LiveValue) }; //============================================================================== class JUCE_API ValueList : private AsyncUpdater, private DeletedAtShutdown { public: ValueList(); ~ValueList(); juce_DeclareSingleton (ValueList, false) template LiveValue& getValue (const char* file, int line, const Type& initialValue) { const ScopedLock sl (lock); typedef LiveValue ValueType; for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); ++i) { LiveValueBase* v = values.getUnchecked(i); if (v->sourceLine == line && v->sourceFile == file) return *static_cast (v); } ValueType* v = new ValueType (file, line, initialValue); addValue (v); return *v; } private: OwnedArray values; OwnedArray documents; Array documentFiles; class EditorWindow; friend class EditorWindow; friend struct ContainerDeletePolicy; Component::SafePointer editorWindow; CriticalSection lock; CodeDocument& getDocument (const File&); void addValue (LiveValueBase*); void handleAsyncUpdate() override; }; template inline LiveValue& getValue (const char* file, int line, const Type& initialValue) { return ValueList::getInstance()->getValue (file, line, initialValue); } inline LiveValue& getValue (const char* file, int line, const char* initialValue) { return getValue (file, line, String (initialValue)); } } #endif //============================================================================== #if JUCE_ENABLE_LIVE_CONSTANT_EDITOR || DOXYGEN /** This macro wraps a primitive constant value in some cunning boilerplate code that allows its value to be interactively tweaked in a popup window while your application is running. In a release build, this macro disappears and is replaced by only the constant that it wraps, but if JUCE_ENABLE_LIVE_CONSTANT_EDITOR is enabled, it injects a class wrapper that automatically pops-up a window containing an editor that allows the value to be tweaked at run-time. The editor window will also force all visible components to be resized and repainted whenever a value is changed, so that if you use this to wrap a colour or layout parameter, you'll be able to immediately see the effects of changing it. The editor will also load the original source-file that contains each JUCE_LIVE_CONSTANT macro, and will display a preview of the modified source code as you adjust the values. Things to note: - Only one of these per line! The __FILE__ and __LINE__ macros are used to identify the value, so things will get confused if you have more than one per line - Obviously because it needs to load the source code based on the __FILE__ macro, it'll only work if the source files are stored locally in the same location as they were when you compiled the program. - It's only designed to cope with simple types: primitives, string literals, and the Colour class, so if you try using it for other classes or complex expressions, good luck! - The editor window will get popped up whenever a new value is used for the first time. You can close the window, but there's no way to get it back without restarting the app! e.g. in this example the colours, font size, and text used in the paint method can all be adjusted live: @code void MyComp::paint (Graphics& g) override { g.fillAll (JUCE_LIVE_CONSTANT (Colour (0xffddddff))); Colour fontColour = JUCE_LIVE_CONSTANT (Colour (0xff005500)); float fontSize = JUCE_LIVE_CONSTANT (16.0f); g.setColour (fontColour); g.setFont (fontSize); g.drawFittedText (JUCE_LIVE_CONSTANT ("Hello world!"), getLocalBounds(), Justification::centred, 2); } @endcode */ #define JUCE_LIVE_CONSTANT(initialValue) \ (juce::LiveConstantEditor::getValue (__FILE__, __LINE__ - 1, initialValue)) #else #define JUCE_LIVE_CONSTANT(initialValue) \ (initialValue) #endif #endif // JUCE_LIVECONSTANTEDITOR_H_INCLUDED