
   This file is part of the JUCE library.
   Copyright (c) 2013 - Raw Material Software Ltd.

   Permission is granted to use this software under the terms of either:
   a) the GPL v2 (or any later version)
   b) the Affero GPL v3

   Details of these licenses can be found at: www.gnu.org/licenses

   JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
   WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
   A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.


   To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are
   available: visit www.juce.com for more information.


namespace FontValues
    static float limitFontHeight (const float height) noexcept
        return jlimit (0.1f, 10000.0f, height);

    const float defaultFontHeight = 14.0f;
    String fallbackFont;
    String fallbackFontStyle;

typedef Typeface::Ptr (*GetTypefaceForFont) (const Font&);
GetTypefaceForFont juce_getTypefaceForFont = nullptr;

class TypefaceCache  : private DeletedAtShutdown
    TypefaceCache()  : counter (0)
        setSize (10);


    juce_DeclareSingleton (TypefaceCache, false);

    void setSize (const int numToCache)
        const ScopedWriteLock sl (lock);

        faces.insertMultiple (-1, CachedFace(), numToCache);

    void clear()
        const ScopedWriteLock sl (lock);

        setSize (faces.size());
        defaultFace = nullptr;

    Typeface::Ptr findTypefaceFor (const Font& font)
        const ScopedReadLock slr (lock);

        const String faceName (font.getTypefaceName());
        const String faceStyle (font.getTypefaceStyle());

        jassert (faceName.isNotEmpty());

        for (int i = faces.size(); --i >= 0;)
            CachedFace& face = faces.getReference(i);

            if (face.typefaceName == faceName
                 && face.typefaceStyle == faceStyle
                 && face.typeface != nullptr
                 && face.typeface->isSuitableForFont (font))
                face.lastUsageCount = ++counter;
                return face.typeface;

        const ScopedWriteLock slw (lock);
        int replaceIndex = 0;
        size_t bestLastUsageCount = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();

        for (int i = faces.size(); --i >= 0;)
            const size_t lu = faces.getReference(i).lastUsageCount;

            if (bestLastUsageCount > lu)
                bestLastUsageCount = lu;
                replaceIndex = i;

        CachedFace& face = faces.getReference (replaceIndex);
        face.typefaceName = faceName;
        face.typefaceStyle = faceStyle;
        face.lastUsageCount = ++counter;

        if (juce_getTypefaceForFont == nullptr)
            face.typeface = Font::getDefaultTypefaceForFont (font);
            face.typeface = juce_getTypefaceForFont (font);

        jassert (face.typeface != nullptr); // the look and feel must return a typeface!

        if (defaultFace == nullptr && font == Font())
            defaultFace = face.typeface;

        return face.typeface;

    Typeface::Ptr defaultFace;

    struct CachedFace
        CachedFace() noexcept  : lastUsageCount (0) {}

        // Although it seems a bit wacky to store the name here, it's because it may be a
        // placeholder rather than a real one, e.g. "<Sans-Serif>" vs the actual typeface name.
        // Since the typeface itself doesn't know that it may have this alias, the name under
        // which it was fetched needs to be stored separately.
        String typefaceName, typefaceStyle;
        size_t lastUsageCount;
        Typeface::Ptr typeface;

    ReadWriteLock lock;
    Array<CachedFace> faces;
    size_t counter;


juce_ImplementSingleton (TypefaceCache)

void Typeface::setTypefaceCacheSize (int numFontsToCache)
    TypefaceCache::getInstance()->setSize (numFontsToCache);

extern void clearOpenGLGlyphCache();

void Typeface::clearTypefaceCache()


   #if JUCE_MODULE_AVAILABLE_juce_opengl

class Font::SharedFontInternal  : public ReferenceCountedObject
    SharedFontInternal() noexcept
        : typeface (TypefaceCache::getInstance()->defaultFace),
          typefaceName (Font::getDefaultSansSerifFontName()),
          typefaceStyle (Font::getDefaultStyle()),
          height (FontValues::defaultFontHeight),
          horizontalScale (1.0f), kerning (0), ascent (0), underline (false)

    SharedFontInternal (int styleFlags, float fontHeight) noexcept
        : typefaceName (Font::getDefaultSansSerifFontName()),
          typefaceStyle (FontStyleHelpers::getStyleName (styleFlags)),
          height (fontHeight),
          horizontalScale (1.0f), kerning (0), ascent (0), underline ((styleFlags & underlined) != 0)
        if (styleFlags == plain)
            typeface = TypefaceCache::getInstance()->defaultFace;

    SharedFontInternal (const String& name, int styleFlags, float fontHeight) noexcept
        : typefaceName (name),
          typefaceStyle (FontStyleHelpers::getStyleName (styleFlags)),
          height (fontHeight),
          horizontalScale (1.0f), kerning (0), ascent (0), underline ((styleFlags & underlined) != 0)
        if (styleFlags == plain && typefaceName.isEmpty())
            typeface = TypefaceCache::getInstance()->defaultFace;

    SharedFontInternal (const String& name, const String& style, float fontHeight) noexcept
        : typefaceName (name), typefaceStyle (style), height (fontHeight),
          horizontalScale (1.0f), kerning (0), ascent (0), underline (false)
        if (typefaceName.isEmpty())
            typefaceName = Font::getDefaultSansSerifFontName();

    explicit SharedFontInternal (const Typeface::Ptr& face) noexcept
        : typeface (face),
          typefaceName (face->getName()),
          typefaceStyle (face->getStyle()),
          height (FontValues::defaultFontHeight),
          horizontalScale (1.0f), kerning (0), ascent (0), underline (false)
        jassert (typefaceName.isNotEmpty());

    SharedFontInternal (const SharedFontInternal& other) noexcept
        : ReferenceCountedObject(),
          typeface (other.typeface),
          typefaceName (other.typefaceName),
          typefaceStyle (other.typefaceStyle),
          height (other.height),
          horizontalScale (other.horizontalScale),
          kerning (other.kerning),
          ascent (other.ascent),
          underline (other.underline)

    bool operator== (const SharedFontInternal& other) const noexcept
        return height == other.height
                && underline == other.underline
                && horizontalScale == other.horizontalScale
                && kerning == other.kerning
                && typefaceName == other.typefaceName
                && typefaceStyle == other.typefaceStyle;

    Typeface::Ptr typeface;
    String typefaceName, typefaceStyle;
    float height, horizontalScale, kerning, ascent;
    bool underline;

Font::Font()                                : font (new SharedFontInternal()) {}
Font::Font (const Typeface::Ptr& typeface)  : font (new SharedFontInternal (typeface)) {}
Font::Font (const Font& other) noexcept     : font (other.font) {}

Font::Font (float fontHeight, int styleFlags)
    : font (new SharedFontInternal (styleFlags, FontValues::limitFontHeight (fontHeight)))

Font::Font (const String& typefaceName, float fontHeight, int styleFlags)
    : font (new SharedFontInternal (typefaceName, styleFlags, FontValues::limitFontHeight (fontHeight)))

Font::Font (const String& typefaceName, const String& typefaceStyle, float fontHeight)
    : font (new SharedFontInternal (typefaceName, typefaceStyle, FontValues::limitFontHeight (fontHeight)))

Font& Font::operator= (const Font& other) noexcept
    font = other.font;
    return *this;

Font::Font (Font&& other) noexcept
    : font (static_cast <ReferenceCountedObjectPtr <SharedFontInternal>&&> (other.font))

Font& Font::operator= (Font&& other) noexcept
    font = static_cast <ReferenceCountedObjectPtr <SharedFontInternal>&&> (other.font);
    return *this;

Font::~Font() noexcept

bool Font::operator== (const Font& other) const noexcept
    return font == other.font
            || *font == *other.font;

bool Font::operator!= (const Font& other) const noexcept
    return ! operator== (other);

void Font::dupeInternalIfShared()
    if (font->getReferenceCount() > 1)
        font = new SharedFontInternal (*font);

void Font::checkTypefaceSuitability()
    if (font->typeface != nullptr && ! font->typeface->isSuitableForFont (*this))
        font->typeface = nullptr;

const String& Font::getDefaultSansSerifFontName()
    static const String name ("<Sans-Serif>");
    return name;

const String& Font::getDefaultSerifFontName()
    static const String name ("<Serif>");
    return name;

const String& Font::getDefaultMonospacedFontName()
    static const String name ("<Monospaced>");
    return name;

const String& Font::getDefaultStyle()
    static const String style ("<Regular>");
    return style;

const String& Font::getTypefaceName() const noexcept    { return font->typefaceName; }
const String& Font::getTypefaceStyle() const noexcept   { return font->typefaceStyle; }

void Font::setTypefaceName (const String& faceName)
    if (faceName != font->typefaceName)
        jassert (faceName.isNotEmpty());

        font->typefaceName = faceName;
        font->typeface = nullptr;
        font->ascent = 0;

void Font::setTypefaceStyle (const String& typefaceStyle)
    if (typefaceStyle != font->typefaceStyle)
        font->typefaceStyle = typefaceStyle;
        font->typeface = nullptr;
        font->ascent = 0;

Font Font::withTypefaceStyle (const String& newStyle) const
    Font f (*this);
    f.setTypefaceStyle (newStyle);
    return f;

StringArray Font::getAvailableStyles() const
    return findAllTypefaceStyles (getTypeface()->getName());

Typeface* Font::getTypeface() const
    if (font->typeface == nullptr)
        font->typeface = TypefaceCache::getInstance()->findTypefaceFor (*this);
        jassert (font->typeface != nullptr);

    return font->typeface;

const String& Font::getFallbackFontName()
    return FontValues::fallbackFont;

void Font::setFallbackFontName (const String& name)
    FontValues::fallbackFont = name;

    jassertfalse; // Note that use of a fallback font isn't currently implemented in OSX..

const String& Font::getFallbackFontStyle()
    return FontValues::fallbackFontStyle;

void Font::setFallbackFontStyle (const String& style)
    FontValues::fallbackFontStyle = style;

    jassertfalse; // Note that use of a fallback font isn't currently implemented in OSX..

Font Font::withHeight (const float newHeight) const
    Font f (*this);
    f.setHeight (newHeight);
    return f;

float Font::getHeightToPointsFactor() const
    return getTypeface()->getHeightToPointsFactor();

Font Font::withPointHeight (float heightInPoints) const
    Font f (*this);
    f.setHeight (heightInPoints / getHeightToPointsFactor());
    return f;

void Font::setHeight (float newHeight)
    newHeight = FontValues::limitFontHeight (newHeight);

    if (font->height != newHeight)
        font->height = newHeight;

void Font::setHeightWithoutChangingWidth (float newHeight)
    newHeight = FontValues::limitFontHeight (newHeight);

    if (font->height != newHeight)
        font->horizontalScale *= (font->height / newHeight);
        font->height = newHeight;

int Font::getStyleFlags() const noexcept
    int styleFlags = font->underline ? underlined : plain;

    if (isBold())    styleFlags |= bold;
    if (isItalic())  styleFlags |= italic;

    return styleFlags;

Font Font::withStyle (const int newFlags) const
    Font f (*this);
    f.setStyleFlags (newFlags);
    return f;

void Font::setStyleFlags (const int newFlags)
    if (getStyleFlags() != newFlags)
        font->typeface = nullptr;
        font->typefaceStyle = FontStyleHelpers::getStyleName (newFlags);
        font->underline = (newFlags & underlined) != 0;
        font->ascent = 0;

void Font::setSizeAndStyle (float newHeight,
                            const int newStyleFlags,
                            const float newHorizontalScale,
                            const float newKerningAmount)
    newHeight = FontValues::limitFontHeight (newHeight);

    if (font->height != newHeight
         || font->horizontalScale != newHorizontalScale
         || font->kerning != newKerningAmount)
        font->height = newHeight;
        font->horizontalScale = newHorizontalScale;
        font->kerning = newKerningAmount;

    setStyleFlags (newStyleFlags);

void Font::setSizeAndStyle (float newHeight,
                            const String& newStyle,
                            const float newHorizontalScale,
                            const float newKerningAmount)
    newHeight = FontValues::limitFontHeight (newHeight);

    if (font->height != newHeight
         || font->horizontalScale != newHorizontalScale
         || font->kerning != newKerningAmount)
        font->height = newHeight;
        font->horizontalScale = newHorizontalScale;
        font->kerning = newKerningAmount;

    setTypefaceStyle (newStyle);

Font Font::withHorizontalScale (const float newHorizontalScale) const
    Font f (*this);
    f.setHorizontalScale (newHorizontalScale);
    return f;

void Font::setHorizontalScale (const float scaleFactor)
    font->horizontalScale = scaleFactor;

float Font::getHorizontalScale() const noexcept
    return font->horizontalScale;

float Font::getExtraKerningFactor() const noexcept
    return font->kerning;

Font Font::withExtraKerningFactor (const float extraKerning) const
    Font f (*this);
    f.setExtraKerningFactor (extraKerning);
    return f;

void Font::setExtraKerningFactor (const float extraKerning)
    font->kerning = extraKerning;

Font Font::boldened() const                 { return withStyle (getStyleFlags() | bold); }
Font Font::italicised() const               { return withStyle (getStyleFlags() | italic); }

bool Font::isBold() const noexcept          { return FontStyleHelpers::isBold   (font->typefaceStyle); }
bool Font::isItalic() const noexcept        { return FontStyleHelpers::isItalic (font->typefaceStyle); }
bool Font::isUnderlined() const noexcept    { return font->underline; }

void Font::setBold (const bool shouldBeBold)
    const int flags = getStyleFlags();
    setStyleFlags (shouldBeBold ? (flags | bold)
                                : (flags & ~bold));

void Font::setItalic (const bool shouldBeItalic)
    const int flags = getStyleFlags();
    setStyleFlags (shouldBeItalic ? (flags | italic)
                                  : (flags & ~italic));

void Font::setUnderline (const bool shouldBeUnderlined)
    font->underline = shouldBeUnderlined;

float Font::getAscent() const
    if (font->ascent == 0)
        font->ascent = getTypeface()->getAscent();

    return font->height * font->ascent;

float Font::getHeight() const noexcept      { return font->height; }
float Font::getDescent() const              { return font->height - getAscent(); }

float Font::getHeightInPoints() const       { return getHeight()  * getHeightToPointsFactor(); }
float Font::getAscentInPoints() const       { return getAscent()  * getHeightToPointsFactor(); }
float Font::getDescentInPoints() const      { return getDescent() * getHeightToPointsFactor(); }

int Font::getStringWidth (const String& text) const
    return roundToInt (getStringWidthFloat (text));

float Font::getStringWidthFloat (const String& text) const
    float w = getTypeface()->getStringWidth (text);

    if (font->kerning != 0)
        w += font->kerning * text.length();

    return w * font->height * font->horizontalScale;

void Font::getGlyphPositions (const String& text, Array <int>& glyphs, Array <float>& xOffsets) const
    getTypeface()->getGlyphPositions (text, glyphs, xOffsets);

    const int num = xOffsets.size();

    if (num > 0)
        const float scale = font->height * font->horizontalScale;
        float* const x = xOffsets.getRawDataPointer();

        if (font->kerning != 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i)
                x[i] = (x[i] + i * font->kerning) * scale;
            for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i)
                x[i] *= scale;

void Font::findFonts (Array<Font>& destArray)
    const StringArray names (findAllTypefaceNames());

    for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); ++i)
        const StringArray styles (findAllTypefaceStyles (names[i]));

        String style ("Regular");

        if (! styles.contains (style, true))
            style = styles[0];

        destArray.add (Font (names[i],  style, FontValues::defaultFontHeight));

String Font::toString() const
    String s;

    if (getTypefaceName() != getDefaultSansSerifFontName())
        s << getTypefaceName() << "; ";

    s << String (getHeight(), 1);

    if (getTypefaceStyle() != getDefaultStyle())
        s << ' ' << getTypefaceStyle();

    return s;

Font Font::fromString (const String& fontDescription)
    const int separator = fontDescription.indexOfChar (';');
    String name;

    if (separator > 0)
        name = fontDescription.substring (0, separator).trim();

    if (name.isEmpty())
        name = getDefaultSansSerifFontName();

    String sizeAndStyle (fontDescription.substring (separator + 1).trimStart());

    float height = sizeAndStyle.getFloatValue();
    if (height <= 0)
        height = 10.0f;

    const String style (sizeAndStyle.fromFirstOccurrenceOf (" ", false, false));

    return Font (name, style, height);