/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE library. Copyright (c) 2013 - Raw Material Software Ltd. Permission is granted to use this software under the terms of either: a) the GPL v2 (or any later version) b) the Affero GPL v3 Details of these licenses can be found at: www.gnu.org/licenses JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are available: visit www.juce.com for more information. ============================================================================== */ class MidiKeyboardUpDownButton : public Button { public: MidiKeyboardUpDownButton (MidiKeyboardComponent& comp, const int d) : Button (String::empty), owner (comp), delta (d) { setOpaque (true); } void clicked() override { int note = owner.getLowestVisibleKey(); if (delta < 0) note = (note - 1) / 12; else note = note / 12 + 1; owner.setLowestVisibleKey (note * 12); } void paintButton (Graphics& g, bool isMouseOverButton, bool isButtonDown) override { owner.drawUpDownButton (g, getWidth(), getHeight(), isMouseOverButton, isButtonDown, delta > 0); } private: MidiKeyboardComponent& owner; const int delta; JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE (MidiKeyboardUpDownButton) }; //============================================================================== MidiKeyboardComponent::MidiKeyboardComponent (MidiKeyboardState& s, const Orientation o) : state (s), xOffset (0), blackNoteLength (1), keyWidth (16.0f), orientation (o), midiChannel (1), midiInChannelMask (0xffff), velocity (1.0f), shouldCheckState (false), rangeStart (0), rangeEnd (127), firstKey (12 * 4.0f), canScroll (true), useMousePositionForVelocity (true), shouldCheckMousePos (false), keyMappingOctave (6), octaveNumForMiddleC (3) { addChildComponent (scrollDown = new MidiKeyboardUpDownButton (*this, -1)); addChildComponent (scrollUp = new MidiKeyboardUpDownButton (*this, 1)); // initialise with a default set of querty key-mappings.. const char* const keymap = "awsedftgyhujkolp;"; for (int i = 0; keymap[i] != 0; ++i) setKeyPressForNote (KeyPress (keymap[i], 0, 0), i); mouseOverNotes.insertMultiple (0, -1, 32); mouseDownNotes.insertMultiple (0, -1, 32); setOpaque (true); setWantsKeyboardFocus (true); state.addListener (this); startTimer (1000 / 20); } MidiKeyboardComponent::~MidiKeyboardComponent() { state.removeListener (this); } //============================================================================== void MidiKeyboardComponent::setKeyWidth (const float widthInPixels) { keyWidth = widthInPixels; resized(); } void MidiKeyboardComponent::setOrientation (const Orientation newOrientation) { if (orientation != newOrientation) { orientation = newOrientation; resized(); } } void MidiKeyboardComponent::setAvailableRange (const int lowestNote, const int highestNote) { jassert (lowestNote >= 0 && lowestNote <= 127); jassert (highestNote >= 0 && highestNote <= 127); jassert (lowestNote <= highestNote); if (rangeStart != lowestNote || rangeEnd != highestNote) { rangeStart = jlimit (0, 127, lowestNote); rangeEnd = jlimit (0, 127, highestNote); firstKey = jlimit ((float) rangeStart, (float) rangeEnd, firstKey); resized(); } } void MidiKeyboardComponent::setLowestVisibleKey (int noteNumber) { setLowestVisibleKeyFloat ((float) noteNumber); } void MidiKeyboardComponent::setLowestVisibleKeyFloat (float noteNumber) { noteNumber = jlimit ((float) rangeStart, (float) rangeEnd, noteNumber); if (noteNumber != firstKey) { const bool hasMoved = (((int) firstKey) != (int) noteNumber); firstKey = noteNumber; if (hasMoved) sendChangeMessage(); resized(); } } void MidiKeyboardComponent::setScrollButtonsVisible (const bool newCanScroll) { if (canScroll != newCanScroll) { canScroll = newCanScroll; resized(); } } void MidiKeyboardComponent::colourChanged() { repaint(); } //============================================================================== void MidiKeyboardComponent::setMidiChannel (const int midiChannelNumber) { jassert (midiChannelNumber > 0 && midiChannelNumber <= 16); if (midiChannel != midiChannelNumber) { resetAnyKeysInUse(); midiChannel = jlimit (1, 16, midiChannelNumber); } } void MidiKeyboardComponent::setMidiChannelsToDisplay (const int midiChannelMask) { midiInChannelMask = midiChannelMask; shouldCheckState = true; } void MidiKeyboardComponent::setVelocity (const float v, const bool useMousePosition) { velocity = jlimit (0.0f, 1.0f, v); useMousePositionForVelocity = useMousePosition; } //============================================================================== void MidiKeyboardComponent::getKeyPosition (int midiNoteNumber, const float keyWidth_, int& x, int& w) const { jassert (midiNoteNumber >= 0 && midiNoteNumber < 128); static const float blackNoteWidth = 0.7f; static const float notePos[] = { 0.0f, 1 - blackNoteWidth * 0.6f, 1.0f, 2 - blackNoteWidth * 0.4f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 4 - blackNoteWidth * 0.7f, 4.0f, 5 - blackNoteWidth * 0.5f, 5.0f, 6 - blackNoteWidth * 0.3f, 6.0f }; const int octave = midiNoteNumber / 12; const int note = midiNoteNumber % 12; x = roundToInt (octave * 7.0f * keyWidth_ + notePos [note] * keyWidth_); w = roundToInt (MidiMessage::isMidiNoteBlack (note) ? blackNoteWidth * keyWidth_ : keyWidth_); } void MidiKeyboardComponent::getKeyPos (int midiNoteNumber, int& x, int& w) const { getKeyPosition (midiNoteNumber, keyWidth, x, w); int rx, rw; getKeyPosition (rangeStart, keyWidth, rx, rw); x -= xOffset + rx; } Rectangle MidiKeyboardComponent::getWhiteNotePos (int noteNum) const { int x, w; getKeyPos (noteNum, x, w); Rectangle pos; switch (orientation) { case horizontalKeyboard: pos.setBounds (x, 0, w, getHeight()); break; case verticalKeyboardFacingLeft: pos.setBounds (0, x, getWidth(), w); break; case verticalKeyboardFacingRight: pos.setBounds (0, getHeight() - x - w, getWidth(), w); break; default: break; } return pos; } int MidiKeyboardComponent::getKeyStartPosition (const int midiNoteNumber) const { int x, w; getKeyPos (midiNoteNumber, x, w); return x; } int MidiKeyboardComponent::getNoteAtPosition (Point p) { float v; return xyToNote (p, v); } const uint8 MidiKeyboardComponent::whiteNotes[] = { 0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11 }; const uint8 MidiKeyboardComponent::blackNotes[] = { 1, 3, 6, 8, 10 }; int MidiKeyboardComponent::xyToNote (Point pos, float& mousePositionVelocity) { if (! reallyContains (pos, false)) return -1; Point p (pos); if (orientation != horizontalKeyboard) { p = Point (p.y, p.x); if (orientation == verticalKeyboardFacingLeft) p = Point (p.x, getWidth() - p.y); else p = Point (getHeight() - p.x, p.y); } return remappedXYToNote (p + Point (xOffset, 0), mousePositionVelocity); } int MidiKeyboardComponent::remappedXYToNote (Point pos, float& mousePositionVelocity) const { if (pos.getY() < blackNoteLength) { for (int octaveStart = 12 * (rangeStart / 12); octaveStart <= rangeEnd; octaveStart += 12) { for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { const int note = octaveStart + blackNotes [i]; if (note >= rangeStart && note <= rangeEnd) { int kx, kw; getKeyPos (note, kx, kw); kx += xOffset; if (pos.x >= kx && pos.x < kx + kw) { mousePositionVelocity = pos.y / (float) blackNoteLength; return note; } } } } } for (int octaveStart = 12 * (rangeStart / 12); octaveStart <= rangeEnd; octaveStart += 12) { for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i) { const int note = octaveStart + whiteNotes [i]; if (note >= rangeStart && note <= rangeEnd) { int kx, kw; getKeyPos (note, kx, kw); kx += xOffset; if (pos.x >= kx && pos.x < kx + kw) { const int whiteNoteLength = (orientation == horizontalKeyboard) ? getHeight() : getWidth(); mousePositionVelocity = pos.y / (float) whiteNoteLength; return note; } } } } mousePositionVelocity = 0; return -1; } //============================================================================== void MidiKeyboardComponent::repaintNote (const int noteNum) { if (noteNum >= rangeStart && noteNum <= rangeEnd) repaint (getWhiteNotePos (noteNum)); } void MidiKeyboardComponent::paint (Graphics& g) { g.fillAll (Colours::white.overlaidWith (findColour (whiteNoteColourId))); const Colour lineColour (findColour (keySeparatorLineColourId)); const Colour textColour (findColour (textLabelColourId)); int octave; for (octave = 0; octave < 128; octave += 12) { for (int white = 0; white < 7; ++white) { const int noteNum = octave + whiteNotes [white]; if (noteNum >= rangeStart && noteNum <= rangeEnd) { const Rectangle pos (getWhiteNotePos (noteNum)); drawWhiteNote (noteNum, g, pos.getX(), pos.getY(), pos.getWidth(), pos.getHeight(), state.isNoteOnForChannels (midiInChannelMask, noteNum), mouseOverNotes.contains (noteNum), lineColour, textColour); } } } float x1 = 0.0f, y1 = 0.0f, x2 = 0.0f, y2 = 0.0f; const int width = getWidth(); const int height = getHeight(); if (orientation == verticalKeyboardFacingLeft) { x1 = width - 1.0f; x2 = width - 5.0f; } else if (orientation == verticalKeyboardFacingRight) x2 = 5.0f; else y2 = 5.0f; int x, w; getKeyPos (rangeEnd, x, w); x += w; const Colour shadowCol (findColour (shadowColourId)); g.setGradientFill (ColourGradient (shadowCol, x1, y1, shadowCol.withAlpha (0.0f), x2, y2, false)); switch (orientation) { case horizontalKeyboard: g.fillRect (0, 0, x, 5); break; case verticalKeyboardFacingLeft: g.fillRect (width - 5, 0, 5, x); break; case verticalKeyboardFacingRight: g.fillRect (0, 0, 5, x); break; default: break; } g.setColour (lineColour); switch (orientation) { case horizontalKeyboard: g.fillRect (0, height - 1, x, 1); break; case verticalKeyboardFacingLeft: g.fillRect (0, 0, 1, x); break; case verticalKeyboardFacingRight: g.fillRect (width - 1, 0, 1, x); break; default: break; } const Colour blackNoteColour (findColour (blackNoteColourId)); for (octave = 0; octave < 128; octave += 12) { for (int black = 0; black < 5; ++black) { const int noteNum = octave + blackNotes [black]; if (noteNum >= rangeStart && noteNum <= rangeEnd) { getKeyPos (noteNum, x, w); Rectangle pos; switch (orientation) { case horizontalKeyboard: pos.setBounds (x, 0, w, blackNoteLength); break; case verticalKeyboardFacingLeft: pos.setBounds (width - blackNoteLength, x, blackNoteLength, w); break; case verticalKeyboardFacingRight: pos.setBounds (0, height - x - w, blackNoteLength, w); break; default: break; } drawBlackNote (noteNum, g, pos.getX(), pos.getY(), pos.getWidth(), pos.getHeight(), state.isNoteOnForChannels (midiInChannelMask, noteNum), mouseOverNotes.contains (noteNum), blackNoteColour); } } } } void MidiKeyboardComponent::drawWhiteNote (int midiNoteNumber, Graphics& g, int x, int y, int w, int h, bool isDown, bool isOver, const Colour& lineColour, const Colour& textColour) { Colour c (Colours::transparentWhite); if (isDown) c = findColour (keyDownOverlayColourId); if (isOver) c = c.overlaidWith (findColour (mouseOverKeyOverlayColourId)); g.setColour (c); g.fillRect (x, y, w, h); const String text (getWhiteNoteText (midiNoteNumber)); if (text.isNotEmpty()) { g.setColour (textColour); g.setFont (Font (jmin (12.0f, keyWidth * 0.9f)).withHorizontalScale (0.8f)); switch (orientation) { case horizontalKeyboard: g.drawFittedText (text, x + 1, y, w - 1, h - 2, Justification::centredBottom, 1); break; case verticalKeyboardFacingLeft: g.drawFittedText (text, x + 2, y + 2, w - 4, h - 4, Justification::centredLeft, 1); break; case verticalKeyboardFacingRight: g.drawFittedText (text, x + 2, y + 2, w - 4, h - 4, Justification::centredRight, 1); break; default: break; } } g.setColour (lineColour); switch (orientation) { case horizontalKeyboard: g.fillRect (x, y, 1, h); break; case verticalKeyboardFacingLeft: g.fillRect (x, y, w, 1); break; case verticalKeyboardFacingRight: g.fillRect (x, y + h - 1, w, 1); break; default: break; } if (midiNoteNumber == rangeEnd) { switch (orientation) { case horizontalKeyboard: g.fillRect (x + w, y, 1, h); break; case verticalKeyboardFacingLeft: g.fillRect (x, y + h, w, 1); break; case verticalKeyboardFacingRight: g.fillRect (x, y - 1, w, 1); break; default: break; } } } void MidiKeyboardComponent::drawBlackNote (int /*midiNoteNumber*/, Graphics& g, int x, int y, int w, int h, bool isDown, bool isOver, const Colour& noteFillColour) { Colour c (noteFillColour); if (isDown) c = c.overlaidWith (findColour (keyDownOverlayColourId)); if (isOver) c = c.overlaidWith (findColour (mouseOverKeyOverlayColourId)); g.setColour (c); g.fillRect (x, y, w, h); if (isDown) { g.setColour (noteFillColour); g.drawRect (x, y, w, h); } else { g.setColour (c.brighter()); const int xIndent = jmax (1, jmin (w, h) / 8); switch (orientation) { case horizontalKeyboard: g.fillRect (x + xIndent, y, w - xIndent * 2, 7 * h / 8); break; case verticalKeyboardFacingLeft: g.fillRect (x + w / 8, y + xIndent, w - w / 8, h - xIndent * 2); break; case verticalKeyboardFacingRight: g.fillRect (x, y + xIndent, 7 * w / 8, h - xIndent * 2); break; default: break; } } } void MidiKeyboardComponent::setOctaveForMiddleC (const int octaveNum) { octaveNumForMiddleC = octaveNum; repaint(); } String MidiKeyboardComponent::getWhiteNoteText (const int midiNoteNumber) { if (keyWidth > 11.0f && midiNoteNumber % 12 == 0) return MidiMessage::getMidiNoteName (midiNoteNumber, true, true, octaveNumForMiddleC); return String::empty; } void MidiKeyboardComponent::drawUpDownButton (Graphics& g, int w, int h, const bool mouseOver, const bool buttonDown, const bool movesOctavesUp) { g.fillAll (findColour (upDownButtonBackgroundColourId)); float angle; switch (orientation) { case horizontalKeyboard: angle = movesOctavesUp ? 0.0f : 0.5f; break; case verticalKeyboardFacingLeft: angle = movesOctavesUp ? 0.25f : 0.75f; break; case verticalKeyboardFacingRight: angle = movesOctavesUp ? 0.75f : 0.25f; break; default: jassertfalse; angle = 0; break; } Path path; path.addTriangle (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f); path.applyTransform (AffineTransform::rotation (float_Pi * 2.0f * angle, 0.5f, 0.5f)); g.setColour (findColour (upDownButtonArrowColourId) .withAlpha (buttonDown ? 1.0f : (mouseOver ? 0.6f : 0.4f))); g.fillPath (path, path.getTransformToScaleToFit (1.0f, 1.0f, w - 2.0f, h - 2.0f, true)); } void MidiKeyboardComponent::resized() { int w = getWidth(); int h = getHeight(); if (w > 0 && h > 0) { if (orientation != horizontalKeyboard) std::swap (w, h); blackNoteLength = roundToInt (h * 0.7f); int kx2, kw2; getKeyPos (rangeEnd, kx2, kw2); kx2 += kw2; if ((int) firstKey != rangeStart) { int kx1, kw1; getKeyPos (rangeStart, kx1, kw1); if (kx2 - kx1 <= w) { firstKey = (float) rangeStart; sendChangeMessage(); repaint(); } } scrollDown->setVisible (canScroll && firstKey > (float) rangeStart); xOffset = 0; if (canScroll) { const int scrollButtonW = jmin (12, w / 2); Rectangle r (getLocalBounds()); if (orientation == horizontalKeyboard) { scrollDown->setBounds (r.removeFromLeft (scrollButtonW)); scrollUp ->setBounds (r.removeFromRight (scrollButtonW)); } else if (orientation == verticalKeyboardFacingLeft) { scrollDown->setBounds (r.removeFromTop (scrollButtonW)); scrollUp ->setBounds (r.removeFromBottom (scrollButtonW)); } else { scrollDown->setBounds (r.removeFromBottom (scrollButtonW)); scrollUp ->setBounds (r.removeFromTop (scrollButtonW)); } int endOfLastKey, kw; getKeyPos (rangeEnd, endOfLastKey, kw); endOfLastKey += kw; float mousePositionVelocity; const int spaceAvailable = w; const int lastStartKey = remappedXYToNote (Point (endOfLastKey - spaceAvailable, 0), mousePositionVelocity) + 1; if (lastStartKey >= 0 && ((int) firstKey) > lastStartKey) { firstKey = (float) jlimit (rangeStart, rangeEnd, lastStartKey); sendChangeMessage(); } int newOffset = 0; getKeyPos ((int) firstKey, newOffset, kw); xOffset = newOffset; } else { firstKey = (float) rangeStart; } getKeyPos (rangeEnd, kx2, kw2); scrollUp->setVisible (canScroll && kx2 > w); repaint(); } } //============================================================================== void MidiKeyboardComponent::handleNoteOn (MidiKeyboardState*, int /*midiChannel*/, int /*midiNoteNumber*/, float /*velocity*/) { shouldCheckState = true; // (probably being called from the audio thread, so avoid blocking in here) } void MidiKeyboardComponent::handleNoteOff (MidiKeyboardState*, int /*midiChannel*/, int /*midiNoteNumber*/) { shouldCheckState = true; // (probably being called from the audio thread, so avoid blocking in here) } //============================================================================== void MidiKeyboardComponent::resetAnyKeysInUse() { if (! keysPressed.isZero()) { for (int i = 128; --i >= 0;) if (keysPressed[i]) state.noteOff (midiChannel, i); keysPressed.clear(); } for (int i = mouseDownNotes.size(); --i >= 0;) { const int noteDown = mouseDownNotes.getUnchecked(i); if (noteDown >= 0) { state.noteOff (midiChannel, noteDown); mouseDownNotes.set (i, -1); } mouseOverNotes.set (i, -1); } } void MidiKeyboardComponent::updateNoteUnderMouse (const MouseEvent& e, bool isDown) { updateNoteUnderMouse (e.getPosition(), isDown, e.source.getIndex()); } void MidiKeyboardComponent::updateNoteUnderMouse (Point pos, bool isDown, int fingerNum) { float mousePositionVelocity = 0.0f; const int newNote = xyToNote (pos, mousePositionVelocity); const int oldNote = mouseOverNotes.getUnchecked (fingerNum); if (oldNote != newNote) { repaintNote (oldNote); repaintNote (newNote); mouseOverNotes.set (fingerNum, newNote); } int oldNoteDown = mouseDownNotes.getUnchecked (fingerNum); if (isDown) { if (newNote != oldNoteDown) { if (oldNoteDown >= 0) { mouseDownNotes.set (fingerNum, -1); if (! mouseDownNotes.contains (oldNoteDown)) state.noteOff (midiChannel, oldNoteDown); } if (newNote >= 0) { if (! useMousePositionForVelocity) mousePositionVelocity = 1.0f; state.noteOn (midiChannel, newNote, mousePositionVelocity * velocity); mouseDownNotes.set (fingerNum, newNote); } } } else if (oldNoteDown >= 0) { mouseDownNotes.set (fingerNum, -1); if (! mouseDownNotes.contains (oldNoteDown)) state.noteOff (midiChannel, oldNoteDown); } } void MidiKeyboardComponent::mouseMove (const MouseEvent& e) { updateNoteUnderMouse (e, false); shouldCheckMousePos = false; } void MidiKeyboardComponent::mouseDrag (const MouseEvent& e) { float mousePositionVelocity; const int newNote = xyToNote (e.getPosition(), mousePositionVelocity); if (newNote >= 0) mouseDraggedToKey (newNote, e); updateNoteUnderMouse (e, true); } bool MidiKeyboardComponent::mouseDownOnKey (int, const MouseEvent&) { return true; } void MidiKeyboardComponent::mouseDraggedToKey (int, const MouseEvent&) {} void MidiKeyboardComponent::mouseUpOnKey (int, const MouseEvent&) {} void MidiKeyboardComponent::mouseDown (const MouseEvent& e) { float mousePositionVelocity; const int newNote = xyToNote (e.getPosition(), mousePositionVelocity); if (newNote >= 0 && mouseDownOnKey (newNote, e)) { updateNoteUnderMouse (e, true); shouldCheckMousePos = true; } } void MidiKeyboardComponent::mouseUp (const MouseEvent& e) { updateNoteUnderMouse (e, false); shouldCheckMousePos = false; float mousePositionVelocity; const int note = xyToNote (e.getPosition(), mousePositionVelocity); if (note >= 0) mouseUpOnKey (note, e); } void MidiKeyboardComponent::mouseEnter (const MouseEvent& e) { updateNoteUnderMouse (e, false); } void MidiKeyboardComponent::mouseExit (const MouseEvent& e) { updateNoteUnderMouse (e, false); } void MidiKeyboardComponent::mouseWheelMove (const MouseEvent&, const MouseWheelDetails& wheel) { const float amount = (orientation == horizontalKeyboard && wheel.deltaX != 0) ? wheel.deltaX : (orientation == verticalKeyboardFacingLeft ? wheel.deltaY : -wheel.deltaY); setLowestVisibleKeyFloat (firstKey - amount * keyWidth); } void MidiKeyboardComponent::timerCallback() { if (shouldCheckState) { shouldCheckState = false; for (int i = rangeStart; i <= rangeEnd; ++i) { if (keysCurrentlyDrawnDown[i] != state.isNoteOnForChannels (midiInChannelMask, i)) { keysCurrentlyDrawnDown.setBit (i, state.isNoteOnForChannels (midiInChannelMask, i)); repaintNote (i); } } } if (shouldCheckMousePos) { const Array& mouseSources = Desktop::getInstance().getMouseSources(); for (MouseInputSource* mi = mouseSources.begin(), * const e = mouseSources.end(); mi != e; ++mi) updateNoteUnderMouse (getLocalPoint (nullptr, mi->getScreenPosition()), mi->isDragging(), mi->getIndex()); } } //============================================================================== void MidiKeyboardComponent::clearKeyMappings() { resetAnyKeysInUse(); keyPressNotes.clear(); keyPresses.clear(); } void MidiKeyboardComponent::setKeyPressForNote (const KeyPress& key, const int midiNoteOffsetFromC) { removeKeyPressForNote (midiNoteOffsetFromC); keyPressNotes.add (midiNoteOffsetFromC); keyPresses.add (key); } void MidiKeyboardComponent::removeKeyPressForNote (const int midiNoteOffsetFromC) { for (int i = keyPressNotes.size(); --i >= 0;) { if (keyPressNotes.getUnchecked (i) == midiNoteOffsetFromC) { keyPressNotes.remove (i); keyPresses.remove (i); } } } void MidiKeyboardComponent::setKeyPressBaseOctave (const int newOctaveNumber) { jassert (newOctaveNumber >= 0 && newOctaveNumber <= 10); keyMappingOctave = newOctaveNumber; } bool MidiKeyboardComponent::keyStateChanged (const bool /*isKeyDown*/) { bool keyPressUsed = false; for (int i = keyPresses.size(); --i >= 0;) { const int note = 12 * keyMappingOctave + keyPressNotes.getUnchecked (i); if (keyPresses.getReference(i).isCurrentlyDown()) { if (! keysPressed [note]) { keysPressed.setBit (note); state.noteOn (midiChannel, note, velocity); keyPressUsed = true; } } else { if (keysPressed [note]) { keysPressed.clearBit (note); state.noteOff (midiChannel, note); keyPressUsed = true; } } } return keyPressUsed; } void MidiKeyboardComponent::focusLost (FocusChangeType) { resetAnyKeysInUse(); }