/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE library. Copyright (c) 2015 - ROLI Ltd. Permission is granted to use this software under the terms of either: a) the GPL v2 (or any later version) b) the Affero GPL v3 Details of these licenses can be found at: www.gnu.org/licenses JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are available: visit www.juce.com for more information. ============================================================================== */ FileBasedDocument::FileBasedDocument (const String& fileExtension_, const String& fileWildcard_, const String& openFileDialogTitle_, const String& saveFileDialogTitle_) : changedSinceSave (false), fileExtension (fileExtension_), fileWildcard (fileWildcard_), openFileDialogTitle (openFileDialogTitle_), saveFileDialogTitle (saveFileDialogTitle_) { } FileBasedDocument::~FileBasedDocument() { } //============================================================================== void FileBasedDocument::setChangedFlag (const bool hasChanged) { if (changedSinceSave != hasChanged) { changedSinceSave = hasChanged; sendChangeMessage(); } } void FileBasedDocument::changed() { changedSinceSave = true; sendChangeMessage(); } //============================================================================== void FileBasedDocument::setFile (const File& newFile) { if (documentFile != newFile) { documentFile = newFile; changed(); } } //============================================================================== Result FileBasedDocument::loadFrom (const File& newFile, const bool showMessageOnFailure) { MouseCursor::showWaitCursor(); const File oldFile (documentFile); documentFile = newFile; Result result (Result::fail (TRANS("The file doesn't exist"))); if (newFile.existsAsFile()) { result = loadDocument (newFile); if (result.wasOk()) { setChangedFlag (false); MouseCursor::hideWaitCursor(); setLastDocumentOpened (newFile); return result; } } documentFile = oldFile; MouseCursor::hideWaitCursor(); if (showMessageOnFailure) AlertWindow::showMessageBoxAsync (AlertWindow::WarningIcon, TRANS("Failed to open file..."), TRANS("There was an error while trying to load the file: FLNM") .replace ("FLNM", "\n" + newFile.getFullPathName()) + "\n\n" + result.getErrorMessage()); return result; } #if JUCE_MODAL_LOOPS_PERMITTED Result FileBasedDocument::loadFromUserSpecifiedFile (const bool showMessageOnFailure) { FileChooser fc (openFileDialogTitle, getLastDocumentOpened(), fileWildcard); if (fc.browseForFileToOpen()) return loadFrom (fc.getResult(), showMessageOnFailure); return Result::fail (TRANS("User cancelled")); } static bool askToOverwriteFile (const File& newFile) { return AlertWindow::showOkCancelBox (AlertWindow::WarningIcon, TRANS("File already exists"), TRANS("There's already a file called: FLNM") .replace ("FLNM", newFile.getFullPathName()) + "\n\n" + TRANS("Are you sure you want to overwrite it?"), TRANS("Overwrite"), TRANS("Cancel")); } //============================================================================== FileBasedDocument::SaveResult FileBasedDocument::save (const bool askUserForFileIfNotSpecified, const bool showMessageOnFailure) { return saveAs (documentFile, false, askUserForFileIfNotSpecified, showMessageOnFailure); } FileBasedDocument::SaveResult FileBasedDocument::saveAs (const File& newFile, const bool warnAboutOverwritingExistingFiles, const bool askUserForFileIfNotSpecified, const bool showMessageOnFailure) { if (newFile == File::nonexistent) { if (askUserForFileIfNotSpecified) return saveAsInteractive (true); // can't save to an unspecified file jassertfalse; return failedToWriteToFile; } if (warnAboutOverwritingExistingFiles && newFile.exists() && ! askToOverwriteFile (newFile)) return userCancelledSave; MouseCursor::showWaitCursor(); const File oldFile (documentFile); documentFile = newFile; const Result result (saveDocument (newFile)); if (result.wasOk()) { setChangedFlag (false); MouseCursor::hideWaitCursor(); return savedOk; } documentFile = oldFile; MouseCursor::hideWaitCursor(); if (showMessageOnFailure) AlertWindow::showMessageBoxAsync (AlertWindow::WarningIcon, TRANS("Error writing to file..."), TRANS("An error occurred while trying to save \"DCNM\" to the file: FLNM") .replace ("DCNM", getDocumentTitle()) .replace ("FLNM", "\n" + newFile.getFullPathName()) + "\n\n" + result.getErrorMessage()); return failedToWriteToFile; } FileBasedDocument::SaveResult FileBasedDocument::saveIfNeededAndUserAgrees() { if (! hasChangedSinceSaved()) return savedOk; const int r = AlertWindow::showYesNoCancelBox (AlertWindow::QuestionIcon, TRANS("Closing document..."), TRANS("Do you want to save the changes to \"DCNM\"?") .replace ("DCNM", getDocumentTitle()), TRANS("Save"), TRANS("Discard changes"), TRANS("Cancel")); if (r == 1) // save changes return save (true, true); if (r == 2) // discard changes return savedOk; return userCancelledSave; } File FileBasedDocument::getSuggestedSaveAsFile (const File& defaultFile) { return defaultFile.withFileExtension (fileExtension).getNonexistentSibling (true); } FileBasedDocument::SaveResult FileBasedDocument::saveAsInteractive (const bool warnAboutOverwritingExistingFiles) { File f; if (documentFile.existsAsFile()) f = documentFile; else f = getLastDocumentOpened(); String legalFilename (File::createLegalFileName (getDocumentTitle())); if (legalFilename.isEmpty()) legalFilename = "unnamed"; if (f.existsAsFile() || f.getParentDirectory().isDirectory()) f = f.getSiblingFile (legalFilename); else f = File::getSpecialLocation (File::userDocumentsDirectory).getChildFile (legalFilename); f = getSuggestedSaveAsFile (f); FileChooser fc (saveFileDialogTitle, f, fileWildcard); if (fc.browseForFileToSave (warnAboutOverwritingExistingFiles)) { File chosen (fc.getResult()); if (chosen.getFileExtension().isEmpty()) { chosen = chosen.withFileExtension (fileExtension); if (chosen.exists() && ! askToOverwriteFile (chosen)) return userCancelledSave; } setLastDocumentOpened (chosen); return saveAs (chosen, false, false, true); } return userCancelledSave; } #endif