/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE library. Copyright (c) 2013 - Raw Material Software Ltd. Permission is granted to use this software under the terms of either: a) the GPL v2 (or any later version) b) the Affero GPL v3 Details of these licenses can be found at: www.gnu.org/licenses JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are available: visit www.juce.com for more information. ============================================================================== */ static uint32 lastUniquePeerID = 1; //============================================================================== ComponentPeer::ComponentPeer (Component& comp, const int flags) : component (comp), styleFlags (flags), constrainer (nullptr), lastDragAndDropCompUnderMouse (nullptr), uniqueID (lastUniquePeerID += 2), // increment by 2 so that this can never hit 0 isWindowMinimised (false) { Desktop::getInstance().peers.add (this); } ComponentPeer::~ComponentPeer() { Desktop& desktop = Desktop::getInstance(); desktop.peers.removeFirstMatchingValue (this); desktop.triggerFocusCallback(); } //============================================================================== int ComponentPeer::getNumPeers() noexcept { return Desktop::getInstance().peers.size(); } ComponentPeer* ComponentPeer::getPeer (const int index) noexcept { return Desktop::getInstance().peers [index]; } ComponentPeer* ComponentPeer::getPeerFor (const Component* const component) noexcept { const Array& peers = Desktop::getInstance().peers; for (int i = peers.size(); --i >= 0;) { ComponentPeer* const peer = peers.getUnchecked(i); if (&(peer->getComponent()) == component) return peer; } return nullptr; } bool ComponentPeer::isValidPeer (const ComponentPeer* const peer) noexcept { return Desktop::getInstance().peers.contains (const_cast (peer)); } void ComponentPeer::updateBounds() { setBounds (ScalingHelpers::scaledScreenPosToUnscaled (component, component.getBoundsInParent()), false); } bool ComponentPeer::isKioskMode() const { return Desktop::getInstance().getKioskModeComponent() == &component; } //============================================================================== void ComponentPeer::handleMouseEvent (const int touchIndex, const Point positionWithinPeer, const ModifierKeys newMods, const int64 time) { if (MouseInputSource* mouse = Desktop::getInstance().mouseSources->getOrCreateMouseInputSource (touchIndex)) MouseInputSource (*mouse).handleEvent (*this, positionWithinPeer, time, newMods); } void ComponentPeer::handleMouseWheel (const int touchIndex, const Point positionWithinPeer, const int64 time, const MouseWheelDetails& wheel) { if (MouseInputSource* mouse = Desktop::getInstance().mouseSources->getOrCreateMouseInputSource (touchIndex)) MouseInputSource (*mouse).handleWheel (*this, positionWithinPeer, time, wheel); } void ComponentPeer::handleMagnifyGesture (const int touchIndex, const Point positionWithinPeer, const int64 time, const float scaleFactor) { if (MouseInputSource* mouse = Desktop::getInstance().mouseSources->getOrCreateMouseInputSource (touchIndex)) MouseInputSource (*mouse).handleMagnifyGesture (*this, positionWithinPeer, time, scaleFactor); } //============================================================================== void ComponentPeer::handlePaint (LowLevelGraphicsContext& contextToPaintTo) { ModifierKeys::updateCurrentModifiers(); Graphics g (contextToPaintTo); if (component.isTransformed()) g.addTransform (component.getTransform()); const Rectangle peerBounds (getBounds()); if (peerBounds.getWidth() != component.getWidth() || peerBounds.getHeight() != component.getHeight()) // Tweak the scaling so that the component's integer size exactly aligns with the peer's scaled size g.addTransform (AffineTransform::scale (peerBounds.getWidth() / (float) component.getWidth(), peerBounds.getHeight() / (float) component.getHeight())); #if JUCE_ENABLE_REPAINT_DEBUGGING #ifdef JUCE_IS_REPAINT_DEBUGGING_ACTIVE if (JUCE_IS_REPAINT_DEBUGGING_ACTIVE) #endif { g.saveState(); } #endif JUCE_TRY { component.paintEntireComponent (g, true); } JUCE_CATCH_EXCEPTION #if JUCE_ENABLE_REPAINT_DEBUGGING #ifdef JUCE_IS_REPAINT_DEBUGGING_ACTIVE if (JUCE_IS_REPAINT_DEBUGGING_ACTIVE) #endif { // enabling this code will fill all areas that get repainted with a colour overlay, to show // clearly when things are being repainted. g.restoreState(); static Random rng; g.fillAll (Colour ((uint8) rng.nextInt (255), (uint8) rng.nextInt (255), (uint8) rng.nextInt (255), (uint8) 0x50)); } #endif /** If this fails, it's probably be because your CPU floating-point precision mode has been set to low.. This setting is sometimes changed by things like Direct3D, and can mess up a lot of the calculations that the library needs to do. */ jassert (roundToInt (10.1f) == 10); } Component* ComponentPeer::getTargetForKeyPress() { Component* c = Component::getCurrentlyFocusedComponent(); if (c == nullptr) c = &component; if (c->isCurrentlyBlockedByAnotherModalComponent()) if (Component* const currentModalComp = Component::getCurrentlyModalComponent()) c = currentModalComp; return c; } bool ComponentPeer::handleKeyPress (const int keyCode, const juce_wchar textCharacter) { ModifierKeys::updateCurrentModifiers(); bool keyWasUsed = false; const KeyPress keyInfo (keyCode, ModifierKeys::getCurrentModifiers().withoutMouseButtons(), textCharacter); for (Component* target = getTargetForKeyPress(); target != nullptr; target = target->getParentComponent()) { const WeakReference deletionChecker (target); if (const Array * const keyListeners = target->keyListeners) { for (int i = keyListeners->size(); --i >= 0;) { keyWasUsed = keyListeners->getUnchecked(i)->keyPressed (keyInfo, target); if (keyWasUsed || deletionChecker == nullptr) return keyWasUsed; i = jmin (i, keyListeners->size()); } } keyWasUsed = target->keyPressed (keyInfo); if (keyWasUsed || deletionChecker == nullptr) break; if (Component* const currentlyFocused = Component::getCurrentlyFocusedComponent()) { const bool isTab = (keyInfo == KeyPress::tabKey); const bool isShiftTab = (keyInfo == KeyPress (KeyPress::tabKey, ModifierKeys::shiftModifier, 0)); if (isTab || isShiftTab) { currentlyFocused->moveKeyboardFocusToSibling (isTab); keyWasUsed = (currentlyFocused != Component::getCurrentlyFocusedComponent()); if (keyWasUsed || deletionChecker == nullptr) break; } } } return keyWasUsed; } bool ComponentPeer::handleKeyUpOrDown (const bool isKeyDown) { ModifierKeys::updateCurrentModifiers(); bool keyWasUsed = false; for (Component* target = getTargetForKeyPress(); target != nullptr; target = target->getParentComponent()) { const WeakReference deletionChecker (target); keyWasUsed = target->keyStateChanged (isKeyDown); if (keyWasUsed || deletionChecker == nullptr) break; if (const Array * const keyListeners = target->keyListeners) { for (int i = keyListeners->size(); --i >= 0;) { keyWasUsed = keyListeners->getUnchecked(i)->keyStateChanged (isKeyDown, target); if (keyWasUsed || deletionChecker == nullptr) return keyWasUsed; i = jmin (i, keyListeners->size()); } } } return keyWasUsed; } void ComponentPeer::handleModifierKeysChange() { ModifierKeys::updateCurrentModifiers(); Component* target = Desktop::getInstance().getMainMouseSource().getComponentUnderMouse(); if (target == nullptr) target = Component::getCurrentlyFocusedComponent(); if (target == nullptr) target = &component; if (target != nullptr) target->internalModifierKeysChanged(); } TextInputTarget* ComponentPeer::findCurrentTextInputTarget() { Component* const c = Component::getCurrentlyFocusedComponent(); if (component.isParentOf (c)) if (TextInputTarget* const ti = dynamic_cast (c)) if (ti->isTextInputActive()) return ti; return nullptr; } void ComponentPeer::dismissPendingTextInput() {} //============================================================================== void ComponentPeer::handleBroughtToFront() { ModifierKeys::updateCurrentModifiers(); component.internalBroughtToFront(); } void ComponentPeer::setConstrainer (ComponentBoundsConstrainer* const newConstrainer) noexcept { constrainer = newConstrainer; } void ComponentPeer::handleMovedOrResized() { ModifierKeys::updateCurrentModifiers(); const bool nowMinimised = isMinimised(); if (component.flags.hasHeavyweightPeerFlag && ! nowMinimised) { const WeakReference deletionChecker (&component); Rectangle newBounds (Component::ComponentHelpers::rawPeerPositionToLocal (component, getBounds())); Rectangle oldBounds (component.getBounds()); const bool wasMoved = (oldBounds.getPosition() != newBounds.getPosition()); const bool wasResized = (oldBounds.getWidth() != newBounds.getWidth() || oldBounds.getHeight() != newBounds.getHeight()); if (wasMoved || wasResized) { component.bounds = newBounds; if (wasResized) component.repaint(); component.sendMovedResizedMessages (wasMoved, wasResized); if (deletionChecker == nullptr) return; } } if (isWindowMinimised != nowMinimised) { isWindowMinimised = nowMinimised; component.minimisationStateChanged (nowMinimised); component.sendVisibilityChangeMessage(); } if (! isFullScreen()) lastNonFullscreenBounds = component.getBounds(); } void ComponentPeer::handleFocusGain() { ModifierKeys::updateCurrentModifiers(); if (component.isParentOf (lastFocusedComponent)) { Component::currentlyFocusedComponent = lastFocusedComponent; Desktop::getInstance().triggerFocusCallback(); lastFocusedComponent->internalFocusGain (Component::focusChangedDirectly); } else { if (! component.isCurrentlyBlockedByAnotherModalComponent()) component.grabKeyboardFocus(); else ModalComponentManager::getInstance()->bringModalComponentsToFront(); } } void ComponentPeer::handleFocusLoss() { ModifierKeys::updateCurrentModifiers(); if (component.hasKeyboardFocus (true)) { lastFocusedComponent = Component::currentlyFocusedComponent; if (lastFocusedComponent != nullptr) { Component::currentlyFocusedComponent = nullptr; Desktop::getInstance().triggerFocusCallback(); lastFocusedComponent->internalFocusLoss (Component::focusChangedByMouseClick); } } } Component* ComponentPeer::getLastFocusedSubcomponent() const noexcept { return (component.isParentOf (lastFocusedComponent) && lastFocusedComponent->isShowing()) ? static_cast (lastFocusedComponent) : &component; } void ComponentPeer::handleScreenSizeChange() { ModifierKeys::updateCurrentModifiers(); component.parentSizeChanged(); handleMovedOrResized(); } void ComponentPeer::setNonFullScreenBounds (const Rectangle& newBounds) noexcept { lastNonFullscreenBounds = newBounds; } const Rectangle& ComponentPeer::getNonFullScreenBounds() const noexcept { return lastNonFullscreenBounds; } Rectangle ComponentPeer::localToGlobal (const Rectangle& relativePosition) { return relativePosition.withPosition (localToGlobal (relativePosition.getPosition())); } Rectangle ComponentPeer::globalToLocal (const Rectangle& screenPosition) { return screenPosition.withPosition (globalToLocal (screenPosition.getPosition())); } Rectangle ComponentPeer::getAreaCoveredBy (Component& subComponent) const { return ScalingHelpers::scaledScreenPosToUnscaled (component, component.getLocalArea (&subComponent, subComponent.getLocalBounds())); } //============================================================================== namespace DragHelpers { static bool isFileDrag (const ComponentPeer::DragInfo& info) { return info.files.size() > 0; } static bool isSuitableTarget (const ComponentPeer::DragInfo& info, Component* target) { return isFileDrag (info) ? dynamic_cast (target) != nullptr : dynamic_cast (target) != nullptr; } static bool isInterested (const ComponentPeer::DragInfo& info, Component* target) { return isFileDrag (info) ? dynamic_cast (target)->isInterestedInFileDrag (info.files) : dynamic_cast (target)->isInterestedInTextDrag (info.text); } static Component* findDragAndDropTarget (Component* c, const ComponentPeer::DragInfo& info, Component* const lastOne) { for (; c != nullptr; c = c->getParentComponent()) if (isSuitableTarget (info, c) && (c == lastOne || isInterested (info, c))) return c; return nullptr; } // We'll use an async message to deliver the drop, because if the target decides // to run a modal loop, it can gum-up the operating system.. class AsyncDropMessage : public CallbackMessage { public: AsyncDropMessage (Component* c, const ComponentPeer::DragInfo& d) : target (c), info (d) {} void messageCallback() override { if (Component* const c = target.get()) { if (isFileDrag (info)) dynamic_cast (c)->filesDropped (info.files, info.position.x, info.position.y); else dynamic_cast (c)->textDropped (info.text, info.position.x, info.position.y); } } private: WeakReference target; const ComponentPeer::DragInfo info; JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE (AsyncDropMessage) }; } bool ComponentPeer::handleDragMove (const ComponentPeer::DragInfo& info) { ModifierKeys::updateCurrentModifiers(); Component* const compUnderMouse = component.getComponentAt (info.position); Component* const lastTarget = dragAndDropTargetComponent; Component* newTarget = nullptr; if (compUnderMouse != lastDragAndDropCompUnderMouse) { lastDragAndDropCompUnderMouse = compUnderMouse; newTarget = DragHelpers::findDragAndDropTarget (compUnderMouse, info, lastTarget); if (newTarget != lastTarget) { if (lastTarget != nullptr) { if (DragHelpers::isFileDrag (info)) dynamic_cast (lastTarget)->fileDragExit (info.files); else dynamic_cast (lastTarget)->textDragExit (info.text); } dragAndDropTargetComponent = nullptr; if (DragHelpers::isSuitableTarget (info, newTarget)) { dragAndDropTargetComponent = newTarget; const Point pos (newTarget->getLocalPoint (&component, info.position)); if (DragHelpers::isFileDrag (info)) dynamic_cast (newTarget)->fileDragEnter (info.files, pos.x, pos.y); else dynamic_cast (newTarget)->textDragEnter (info.text, pos.x, pos.y); } } } else { newTarget = lastTarget; } if (! DragHelpers::isSuitableTarget (info, newTarget)) return false; const Point pos (newTarget->getLocalPoint (&component, info.position)); if (DragHelpers::isFileDrag (info)) dynamic_cast (newTarget)->fileDragMove (info.files, pos.x, pos.y); else dynamic_cast (newTarget)->textDragMove (info.text, pos.x, pos.y); return true; } bool ComponentPeer::handleDragExit (const ComponentPeer::DragInfo& info) { DragInfo info2 (info); info2.position.setXY (-1, -1); const bool used = handleDragMove (info2); jassert (dragAndDropTargetComponent == nullptr); lastDragAndDropCompUnderMouse = nullptr; return used; } bool ComponentPeer::handleDragDrop (const ComponentPeer::DragInfo& info) { handleDragMove (info); if (Component* const targetComp = dragAndDropTargetComponent) { dragAndDropTargetComponent = nullptr; lastDragAndDropCompUnderMouse = nullptr; if (DragHelpers::isSuitableTarget (info, targetComp)) { if (targetComp->isCurrentlyBlockedByAnotherModalComponent()) { targetComp->internalModalInputAttempt(); if (targetComp->isCurrentlyBlockedByAnotherModalComponent()) return true; } ComponentPeer::DragInfo info2 (info); info2.position = targetComp->getLocalPoint (&component, info.position); (new DragHelpers::AsyncDropMessage (targetComp, info2))->post(); return true; } } return false; } //============================================================================== void ComponentPeer::handleUserClosingWindow() { ModifierKeys::updateCurrentModifiers(); component.userTriedToCloseWindow(); } bool ComponentPeer::setDocumentEditedStatus (bool) { return false; } void ComponentPeer::setRepresentedFile (const File&) { } //============================================================================== int ComponentPeer::getCurrentRenderingEngine() const { return 0; } void ComponentPeer::setCurrentRenderingEngine (int index) { jassert (index == 0); (void) index; }