/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE library. Copyright (c) 2013 - Raw Material Software Ltd. Permission is granted to use this software under the terms of either: a) the GPL v2 (or any later version) b) the Affero GPL v3 Details of these licenses can be found at: www.gnu.org/licenses JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are available: visit www.juce.com for more information. ============================================================================== */ class SimpleDeviceManagerInputLevelMeter : public Component, public Timer { public: SimpleDeviceManagerInputLevelMeter (AudioDeviceManager& m) : manager (m), level (0) { startTimer (50); manager.enableInputLevelMeasurement (true); } ~SimpleDeviceManagerInputLevelMeter() { manager.enableInputLevelMeasurement (false); } void timerCallback() override { if (isShowing()) { const float newLevel = (float) manager.getCurrentInputLevel(); if (std::abs (level - newLevel) > 0.005f) { level = newLevel; repaint(); } } else { level = 0; } } void paint (Graphics& g) override { getLookAndFeel().drawLevelMeter (g, getWidth(), getHeight(), (float) exp (log (level) / 3.0)); // (add a bit of a skew to make the level more obvious) } private: AudioDeviceManager& manager; float level; JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE_WITH_LEAK_DETECTOR (SimpleDeviceManagerInputLevelMeter) }; //============================================================================== class AudioDeviceSelectorComponent::MidiInputSelectorComponentListBox : public ListBox, private ListBoxModel { public: MidiInputSelectorComponentListBox (AudioDeviceManager& dm, const String& noItemsMessage_) : ListBox (String::empty, nullptr), deviceManager (dm), noItemsMessage (noItemsMessage_) { items = MidiInput::getDevices(); setModel (this); setOutlineThickness (1); } int getNumRows() { return items.size(); } void paintListBoxItem (int row, Graphics& g, int width, int height, bool rowIsSelected) { if (isPositiveAndBelow (row, items.size())) { if (rowIsSelected) g.fillAll (findColour (TextEditor::highlightColourId) .withMultipliedAlpha (0.3f)); const String item (items [row]); bool enabled = deviceManager.isMidiInputEnabled (item); const int x = getTickX(); const float tickW = height * 0.75f; getLookAndFeel().drawTickBox (g, *this, x - tickW, (height - tickW) / 2, tickW, tickW, enabled, true, true, false); g.setFont (height * 0.6f); g.setColour (findColour (ListBox::textColourId, true).withMultipliedAlpha (enabled ? 1.0f : 0.6f)); g.drawText (item, x, 0, width - x - 2, height, Justification::centredLeft, true); } } void listBoxItemClicked (int row, const MouseEvent& e) { selectRow (row); if (e.x < getTickX()) flipEnablement (row); } void listBoxItemDoubleClicked (int row, const MouseEvent&) { flipEnablement (row); } void returnKeyPressed (int row) { flipEnablement (row); } void paint (Graphics& g) override { ListBox::paint (g); if (items.size() == 0) { g.setColour (Colours::grey); g.setFont (13.0f); g.drawText (noItemsMessage, 0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight() / 2, Justification::centred, true); } } int getBestHeight (const int preferredHeight) { const int extra = getOutlineThickness() * 2; return jmax (getRowHeight() * 2 + extra, jmin (getRowHeight() * getNumRows() + extra, preferredHeight)); } private: //============================================================================== AudioDeviceManager& deviceManager; const String noItemsMessage; StringArray items; void flipEnablement (const int row) { if (isPositiveAndBelow (row, items.size())) { const String item (items [row]); deviceManager.setMidiInputEnabled (item, ! deviceManager.isMidiInputEnabled (item)); } } int getTickX() const { return getRowHeight() + 5; } JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE_WITH_LEAK_DETECTOR (MidiInputSelectorComponentListBox) }; //============================================================================== struct AudioDeviceSetupDetails { AudioDeviceManager* manager; int minNumInputChannels, maxNumInputChannels; int minNumOutputChannels, maxNumOutputChannels; bool useStereoPairs; }; static String getNoDeviceString() { return "<< " + TRANS("none") + " >>"; } //============================================================================== class AudioDeviceSettingsPanel : public Component, private ChangeListener, private ComboBoxListener, // (can't use ComboBox::Listener due to idiotic VC2005 bug) private ButtonListener { public: AudioDeviceSettingsPanel (AudioIODeviceType& t, AudioDeviceSetupDetails& setupDetails, const bool hideAdvancedOptionsWithButton) : type (t), setup (setupDetails) { if (hideAdvancedOptionsWithButton) { addAndMakeVisible (showAdvancedSettingsButton = new TextButton (TRANS("Show advanced settings..."))); showAdvancedSettingsButton->addListener (this); } type.scanForDevices(); setup.manager->addChangeListener (this); updateAllControls(); } ~AudioDeviceSettingsPanel() { setup.manager->removeChangeListener (this); } void resized() override { const int lx = proportionOfWidth (0.35f); const int w = proportionOfWidth (0.4f); const int h = 24; const int space = 6; const int dh = h + space; int y = 0; if (outputDeviceDropDown != nullptr) { outputDeviceDropDown->setBounds (lx, y, w, h); if (testButton != nullptr) testButton->setBounds (proportionOfWidth (0.77f), outputDeviceDropDown->getY(), proportionOfWidth (0.18f), h); y += dh; } if (inputDeviceDropDown != nullptr) { inputDeviceDropDown->setBounds (lx, y, w, h); inputLevelMeter->setBounds (proportionOfWidth (0.77f), inputDeviceDropDown->getY(), proportionOfWidth (0.18f), h); y += dh; } const int maxBoxHeight = 100; if (outputChanList != nullptr) { const int bh = outputChanList->getBestHeight (maxBoxHeight); outputChanList->setBounds (lx, y, proportionOfWidth (0.55f), bh); y += bh + space; } if (inputChanList != nullptr) { const int bh = inputChanList->getBestHeight (maxBoxHeight); inputChanList->setBounds (lx, y, proportionOfWidth (0.55f), bh); y += bh + space; } y += space * 2; if (showAdvancedSettingsButton != nullptr) { showAdvancedSettingsButton->changeWidthToFitText (h); showAdvancedSettingsButton->setTopLeftPosition (lx, y); } if (sampleRateDropDown != nullptr) { sampleRateDropDown->setVisible (showAdvancedSettingsButton == nullptr || ! showAdvancedSettingsButton->isVisible()); sampleRateDropDown->setBounds (lx, y, w, h); y += dh; } if (bufferSizeDropDown != nullptr) { bufferSizeDropDown->setVisible (showAdvancedSettingsButton == nullptr || ! showAdvancedSettingsButton->isVisible()); bufferSizeDropDown->setBounds (lx, y, w, h); y += dh; } if (showUIButton != nullptr) { showUIButton->setVisible (showAdvancedSettingsButton == nullptr || ! showAdvancedSettingsButton->isVisible()); showUIButton->changeWidthToFitText (h); showUIButton->setTopLeftPosition (lx, y); } } void comboBoxChanged (ComboBox* comboBoxThatHasChanged) override { if (comboBoxThatHasChanged == nullptr) return; AudioDeviceManager::AudioDeviceSetup config; setup.manager->getAudioDeviceSetup (config); String error; if (comboBoxThatHasChanged == outputDeviceDropDown || comboBoxThatHasChanged == inputDeviceDropDown) { if (outputDeviceDropDown != nullptr) config.outputDeviceName = outputDeviceDropDown->getSelectedId() < 0 ? String::empty : outputDeviceDropDown->getText(); if (inputDeviceDropDown != nullptr) config.inputDeviceName = inputDeviceDropDown->getSelectedId() < 0 ? String::empty : inputDeviceDropDown->getText(); if (! type.hasSeparateInputsAndOutputs()) config.inputDeviceName = config.outputDeviceName; if (comboBoxThatHasChanged == inputDeviceDropDown) config.useDefaultInputChannels = true; else config.useDefaultOutputChannels = true; error = setup.manager->setAudioDeviceSetup (config, true); showCorrectDeviceName (inputDeviceDropDown, true); showCorrectDeviceName (outputDeviceDropDown, false); updateControlPanelButton(); resized(); } else if (comboBoxThatHasChanged == sampleRateDropDown) { if (sampleRateDropDown->getSelectedId() > 0) { config.sampleRate = sampleRateDropDown->getSelectedId(); error = setup.manager->setAudioDeviceSetup (config, true); } } else if (comboBoxThatHasChanged == bufferSizeDropDown) { if (bufferSizeDropDown->getSelectedId() > 0) { config.bufferSize = bufferSizeDropDown->getSelectedId(); error = setup.manager->setAudioDeviceSetup (config, true); } } if (error.isNotEmpty()) AlertWindow::showMessageBoxAsync (AlertWindow::WarningIcon, TRANS("Error when trying to open audio device!"), error); } bool showDeviceControlPanel() { if (AudioIODevice* const device = setup.manager->getCurrentAudioDevice()) { Component modalWindow (String::empty); modalWindow.setOpaque (true); modalWindow.addToDesktop (0); modalWindow.enterModalState(); return device->showControlPanel(); } return false; } void buttonClicked (Button* button) override { if (button == showAdvancedSettingsButton) { showAdvancedSettingsButton->setVisible (false); resized(); } else if (button == showUIButton) { if (showDeviceControlPanel()) { setup.manager->closeAudioDevice(); setup.manager->restartLastAudioDevice(); getTopLevelComponent()->toFront (true); } } else if (button == testButton && testButton != nullptr) { setup.manager->playTestSound(); } } void updateAllControls() { updateOutputsComboBox(); updateInputsComboBox(); updateControlPanelButton(); if (AudioIODevice* const currentDevice = setup.manager->getCurrentAudioDevice()) { if (setup.maxNumOutputChannels > 0 && setup.minNumOutputChannels < setup.manager->getCurrentAudioDevice()->getOutputChannelNames().size()) { if (outputChanList == nullptr) { addAndMakeVisible (outputChanList = new ChannelSelectorListBox (setup, ChannelSelectorListBox::audioOutputType, TRANS ("(no audio output channels found)"))); outputChanLabel = new Label (String::empty, TRANS("Active output channels:")); outputChanLabel->attachToComponent (outputChanList, true); } outputChanList->refresh(); } else { outputChanLabel = nullptr; outputChanList = nullptr; } if (setup.maxNumInputChannels > 0 && setup.minNumInputChannels < setup.manager->getCurrentAudioDevice()->getInputChannelNames().size()) { if (inputChanList == nullptr) { addAndMakeVisible (inputChanList = new ChannelSelectorListBox (setup, ChannelSelectorListBox::audioInputType, TRANS("(no audio input channels found)"))); inputChanLabel = new Label (String::empty, TRANS("Active input channels:")); inputChanLabel->attachToComponent (inputChanList, true); } inputChanList->refresh(); } else { inputChanLabel = nullptr; inputChanList = nullptr; } updateSampleRateComboBox (currentDevice); updateBufferSizeComboBox (currentDevice); } else { jassert (setup.manager->getCurrentAudioDevice() == nullptr); // not the correct device type! sampleRateLabel = nullptr; bufferSizeLabel = nullptr; sampleRateDropDown = nullptr; bufferSizeDropDown = nullptr; if (outputDeviceDropDown != nullptr) outputDeviceDropDown->setSelectedId (-1, dontSendNotification); if (inputDeviceDropDown != nullptr) inputDeviceDropDown->setSelectedId (-1, dontSendNotification); } resized(); setSize (getWidth(), getLowestY() + 4); } void changeListenerCallback (ChangeBroadcaster*) override { updateAllControls(); } private: AudioIODeviceType& type; const AudioDeviceSetupDetails setup; ScopedPointer outputDeviceDropDown, inputDeviceDropDown, sampleRateDropDown, bufferSizeDropDown; ScopedPointer