You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

475 lines
14 KiB

This file is part of the JUCE library.
Copyright (c) 2013 - Raw Material Software Ltd.
Permission is granted to use this software under the terms of either:
a) the GPL v2 (or any later version)
b) the Affero GPL v3
Details of these licenses can be found at:
JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
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namespace LiveConstantEditor
class AllComponentRepainter : private Timer,
private DeletedAtShutdown
AllComponentRepainter() {}
static AllComponentRepainter& getInstance()
static AllComponentRepainter* instance = new AllComponentRepainter();
return *instance;
void trigger()
if (! isTimerRunning())
startTimer (100);
void timerCallback() override
for (int i = TopLevelWindow::getNumTopLevelWindows(); --i >= 0;)
if (Component* c = TopLevelWindow::getTopLevelWindow(i))
repaintAndResizeAllComps (c);
static void repaintAndResizeAllComps (Component::SafePointer<Component> c)
if (c->isVisible())
for (int i = c->getNumChildComponents(); --i >= 0;)
if (c != nullptr)
if (Component* child = c->getChildComponent(i))
repaintAndResizeAllComps (child);
int64 parseInt (String s)
s = s.retainCharacters ("0123456789abcdefABCDEFx");
if (s.startsWith ("0x"))
return s.substring(2).getHexValue64();
return s.getLargeIntValue();
double parseDouble (const String& s)
return s.retainCharacters ("0123456789.eE-").getDoubleValue();
String intToString (int v, bool preferHex) { return preferHex ? "0x" + String::toHexString (v) : String (v); }
String intToString (int64 v, bool preferHex) { return preferHex ? "0x" + String::toHexString (v) : String (v); }
LiveValueBase::LiveValueBase (const char* file, int line)
: sourceFile (file), sourceLine (line)
name = File (sourceFile).getFileName() + " : " + String (sourceLine);
LivePropertyEditorBase::LivePropertyEditorBase (LiveValueBase& v, CodeDocument& d)
: value (v), resetButton ("reset"), document (d), sourceEditor (document, &tokeniser), wasHex (false)
setSize (600, 100);
addAndMakeVisible (name);
addAndMakeVisible (resetButton);
addAndMakeVisible (valueEditor);
addAndMakeVisible (sourceEditor);
name.setFont (13.0f);
name.setText (, dontSendNotification);
11 years ago
valueEditor.setMultiLine (v.isString());
valueEditor.setReturnKeyStartsNewLine (v.isString());
valueEditor.setText (v.getStringValue (wasHex), dontSendNotification);
valueEditor.addListener (this);
sourceEditor.setReadOnly (true);
resetButton.addListener (this);
void LivePropertyEditorBase::paint (Graphics& g)
g.setColour (Colours::white);
g.fillRect (getLocalBounds().removeFromBottom (1));
void LivePropertyEditorBase::resized()
Rectangle<int> r (getLocalBounds().reduced (0, 3).withTrimmedBottom (1));
Rectangle<int> left (r.removeFromLeft (jmax (200, r.getWidth() / 3)));
Rectangle<int> top (left.removeFromTop (25));
resetButton.setBounds (top.removeFromRight (35).reduced (0, 3));
name.setBounds (top);
if (customComp != nullptr)
11 years ago
valueEditor.setBounds (left.removeFromTop (25));
left.removeFromTop (2);
customComp->setBounds (left);
11 years ago
valueEditor.setBounds (left);
r.removeFromLeft (4);
sourceEditor.setBounds (r);
void LivePropertyEditorBase::textEditorTextChanged (TextEditor&)
applyNewValue (valueEditor.getText());
void LivePropertyEditorBase::buttonClicked (Button*)
applyNewValue (value.getOriginalStringValue (wasHex));
void LivePropertyEditorBase::applyNewValue (const String& s)
value.setStringValue (s);
document.replaceSection (valueStart.getPosition(), valueEnd.getPosition(), value.getCodeValue (wasHex));
valueEditor.setText (s, dontSendNotification);
void LivePropertyEditorBase::selectOriginalValue()
sourceEditor.selectRegion (valueStart, valueEnd);
void LivePropertyEditorBase::findOriginalValueInCode()
CodeDocument::Position pos (document, value.sourceLine, 0);
String line (pos.getLineText());
String::CharPointerType p (line.getCharPointer());
p = CharacterFunctions::find (p, CharPointer_ASCII ("JUCE_LIVE_CONSTANT"));
if (p.isEmpty())
// Not sure how this would happen - some kind of mix-up between source code and line numbers..
p += (int) (sizeof ("JUCE_LIVE_CONSTANT") - 1);
p = p.findEndOfWhitespace();
if (! CharacterFunctions::find (p, CharPointer_ASCII ("JUCE_LIVE_CONSTANT")).isEmpty())
// Aargh! You've added two JUCE_LIVE_CONSTANT macros on the same line!
// They're identified by their line number, so you must make sure each
// one goes on a separate line!
if (p.getAndAdvance() == '(')
String::CharPointerType start (p), end (p);
int depth = 1;
while (! end.isEmpty())
const juce_wchar c = end.getAndAdvance();
if (c == '(') ++depth;
if (c == ')') --depth;
if (depth == 0)
if (end > start)
valueStart = CodeDocument::Position (document, value.sourceLine, (int) (start - line.getCharPointer()));
valueEnd = CodeDocument::Position (document, value.sourceLine, (int) (end - line.getCharPointer()));
valueStart.setPositionMaintained (true);
valueEnd.setPositionMaintained (true);
wasHex = String (start, end).containsIgnoreCase ("0x");
class ValueListHolderComponent : public Component
ValueListHolderComponent (ValueList& l) : valueList (l)
setVisible (true);
void addItem (int width, LiveValueBase& v, CodeDocument& doc)
addAndMakeVisible (editors.add (v.createPropertyComponent (doc)));
layout (width);
void layout (int width)
setSize (width, editors.size() * itemHeight);
void resized() override
Rectangle<int> r (getLocalBounds().reduced (2, 0));
for (int i = 0; i < editors.size(); ++i)
editors.getUnchecked(i)->setBounds (r.removeFromTop (itemHeight));
enum { itemHeight = 120 };
ValueList& valueList;
OwnedArray<LivePropertyEditorBase> editors;
class ValueList::EditorWindow : public DocumentWindow,
private DeletedAtShutdown
EditorWindow (ValueList& list)
: DocumentWindow ("Live Values", Colours::lightgrey, DocumentWindow::closeButton)
setLookAndFeel (&lookAndFeel);
setUsingNativeTitleBar (true);
viewport.setViewedComponent (new ValueListHolderComponent (list), true);
viewport.setSize (700, 600);
viewport.setScrollBarsShown (true, false);
setContentNonOwned (&viewport, true);
setResizable (true, false);
setResizeLimits (500, 400, 10000, 10000);
centreWithSize (getWidth(), getHeight());
setVisible (true);
void closeButtonPressed() override
setVisible (false);
void updateItems (ValueList& list)
if (ValueListHolderComponent* l = dynamic_cast<ValueListHolderComponent*> (viewport.getViewedComponent()))
while (l->getNumChildComponents() < list.values.size())
if (LiveValueBase* v = list.values [l->getNumChildComponents()])
l->addItem (viewport.getMaximumVisibleWidth(), *v, list.getDocument (v->sourceFile));
setVisible (true);
void resized() override
if (ValueListHolderComponent* l = dynamic_cast<ValueListHolderComponent*> (viewport.getViewedComponent()))
l->layout (viewport.getMaximumVisibleWidth());
Viewport viewport;
LookAndFeel_V3 lookAndFeel;
ValueList::ValueList() {}
ValueList::~ValueList() {}
ValueList& ValueList::getInstance()
static ValueList* i = new ValueList();
return *i;
void ValueList::addValue (LiveValueBase* v)
values.add (v);
void ValueList::handleAsyncUpdate()
if (editorWindow == nullptr)
editorWindow = new EditorWindow (*this);
editorWindow->updateItems (*this);
CodeDocument& ValueList::getDocument (const File& file)
const int index = documentFiles.indexOf (file.getFullPathName());
if (index >= 0)
return *documents.getUnchecked (index);
CodeDocument* doc = documents.add (new CodeDocument());
documentFiles.add (file);
doc->replaceAllContent (file.loadFileAsString());
return *doc;
struct ColourEditorComp : public Component,
private ChangeListener
ColourEditorComp (LivePropertyEditorBase& e) : editor (e)
setMouseCursor (MouseCursor::PointingHandCursor);
Colour getColour() const
11 years ago
return Colour ((uint32) parseInt (editor.value.getStringValue (false)));
void paint (Graphics& g) override
g.fillCheckerBoard (getLocalBounds(), 6, 6,
Colour (0xffdddddd).overlaidWith (getColour()),
Colour (0xffffffff).overlaidWith (getColour()));
void mouseDown (const MouseEvent&) override
ColourSelector* colourSelector = new ColourSelector();
colourSelector->setName ("Colour");
colourSelector->setCurrentColour (getColour());
colourSelector->addChangeListener (this);
colourSelector->setColour (ColourSelector::backgroundColourId, Colours::transparentBlack);
colourSelector->setSize (300, 400);
CallOutBox::launchAsynchronously (colourSelector, getScreenBounds(), nullptr);
void changeListenerCallback (ChangeBroadcaster* source) override
if (ColourSelector* cs = dynamic_cast<ColourSelector*> (source))
editor.applyNewValue (getAsString (cs->getCurrentColour(), true));
LivePropertyEditorBase& editor;
Component* createColourEditor (LivePropertyEditorBase& editor)
return new ColourEditorComp (editor);
class SliderComp : public Component,
private Slider::Listener
SliderComp (LivePropertyEditorBase& e, bool useFloat)
: editor (e), isFloat (useFloat)
slider.setTextBoxStyle (Slider::NoTextBox, true, 0, 0);
addAndMakeVisible (slider);
slider.addListener (this);
void updateRange()
double v = isFloat ? parseDouble (editor.value.getStringValue (false))
: (double) parseInt (editor.value.getStringValue (false));
double range = isFloat ? 10 : 100;
slider.setRange (v - range, v + range);
slider.setValue (v, dontSendNotification);
LivePropertyEditorBase& editor;
Slider slider;
bool isFloat;
void sliderValueChanged (Slider*)
editor.applyNewValue (isFloat ? getAsString ((double) slider.getValue(), editor.wasHex)
: getAsString ((int64) slider.getValue(), editor.wasHex));
void sliderDragStarted (Slider*) {}
void sliderDragEnded (Slider*) { updateRange(); }
void resized()
slider.setBounds (getLocalBounds().removeFromTop (25));
Component* createIntegerSlider (LivePropertyEditorBase& editor) { return new SliderComp (editor, false); }
Component* createFloatSlider (LivePropertyEditorBase& editor) { return new SliderComp (editor, true); }