
473 lines
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11 years ago
This file is part of the JUCE library.
Copyright (c) 2015 - ROLI Ltd.
11 years ago
Permission is granted to use this software under the terms of either:
a) the GPL v2 (or any later version)
b) the Affero GPL v3
Details of these licenses can be found at:
JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are
available: visit for more information.
class KeyMappingEditorComponent::ChangeKeyButton : public Button
ChangeKeyButton (KeyMappingEditorComponent& kec, const CommandID command,
const String& keyName, const int keyIndex)
: Button (keyName),
owner (kec),
commandID (command),
keyNum (keyIndex)
setWantsKeyboardFocus (false);
setTriggeredOnMouseDown (keyNum >= 0);
setTooltip (keyIndex < 0 ? TRANS("Adds a new key-mapping")
: TRANS("Click to change this key-mapping"));
void paintButton (Graphics& g, bool /*isOver*/, bool /*isDown*/) override
getLookAndFeel().drawKeymapChangeButton (g, getWidth(), getHeight(), *this,
keyNum >= 0 ? getName() : String::empty);
static void menuCallback (int result, ChangeKeyButton* button)
if (button != nullptr)
switch (result)
case 1: button->assignNewKey(); break;
case 2: button->owner.getMappings().removeKeyPress (button->commandID, button->keyNum); break;
default: break;
void clicked() override
if (keyNum >= 0)
// existing key clicked..
PopupMenu m;
m.addItem (1, TRANS("Change this key-mapping"));
m.addItem (2, TRANS("Remove this key-mapping"));
m.showMenuAsync (PopupMenu::Options(),
ModalCallbackFunction::forComponent (menuCallback, this));
assignNewKey(); // + button pressed..
void fitToContent (const int h) noexcept
if (keyNum < 0)
setSize (h, h);
setSize (jlimit (h * 4, h * 8, 6 + Font (h * 0.6f).getStringWidth (getName())), h);
class KeyEntryWindow : public AlertWindow
KeyEntryWindow (KeyMappingEditorComponent& kec)
: AlertWindow (TRANS("New key-mapping"),
TRANS("Please press a key combination now..."),
owner (kec)
addButton (TRANS("OK"), 1);
addButton (TRANS("Cancel"), 0);
// (avoid return + escape keys getting processed by the buttons..)
for (int i = getNumChildComponents(); --i >= 0;)
getChildComponent (i)->setWantsKeyboardFocus (false);
setWantsKeyboardFocus (true);
bool keyPressed (const KeyPress& key) override
lastPress = key;
String message (TRANS("Key") + ": " + owner.getDescriptionForKeyPress (key));
const CommandID previousCommand = owner.getMappings().findCommandForKeyPress (key);
if (previousCommand != 0)
message << "\n\n("
<< TRANS("Currently assigned to \"CMDN\"")
11 years ago
.replace ("CMDN", TRANS (owner.getCommandManager().getNameOfCommand (previousCommand)))
11 years ago
<< ')';
setMessage (message);
return true;
bool keyStateChanged (bool) override
return true;
KeyPress lastPress;
KeyMappingEditorComponent& owner;
static void assignNewKeyCallback (int result, ChangeKeyButton* button, KeyPress newKey)
if (result != 0 && button != nullptr)
button->setNewKey (newKey, true);
void setNewKey (const KeyPress& newKey, bool dontAskUser)
if (newKey.isValid())
const CommandID previousCommand = owner.getMappings().findCommandForKeyPress (newKey);
if (previousCommand == 0 || dontAskUser)
owner.getMappings().removeKeyPress (newKey);
if (keyNum >= 0)
owner.getMappings().removeKeyPress (commandID, keyNum);
owner.getMappings().addKeyPress (commandID, newKey, keyNum);
AlertWindow::showOkCancelBox (AlertWindow::WarningIcon,
TRANS("Change key-mapping"),
TRANS("This key is already assigned to the command \"CMDN\"")
.replace ("CMDN", owner.getCommandManager().getNameOfCommand (previousCommand))
+ "\n\n"
+ TRANS("Do you want to re-assign it to this new command instead?"),
ModalCallbackFunction::forComponent (assignNewKeyCallback,
this, KeyPress (newKey)));
static void keyChosen (int result, ChangeKeyButton* button)
if (result != 0 && button != nullptr && button->currentKeyEntryWindow != nullptr)
button->currentKeyEntryWindow->setVisible (false);
button->setNewKey (button->currentKeyEntryWindow->lastPress, false);
button->currentKeyEntryWindow = nullptr;
void assignNewKey()
currentKeyEntryWindow = new KeyEntryWindow (owner);
currentKeyEntryWindow->enterModalState (true, ModalCallbackFunction::forComponent (keyChosen, this));
KeyMappingEditorComponent& owner;
const CommandID commandID;
const int keyNum;
ScopedPointer<KeyEntryWindow> currentKeyEntryWindow;
class KeyMappingEditorComponent::ItemComponent : public Component
ItemComponent (KeyMappingEditorComponent& kec, const CommandID command)
: owner (kec), commandID (command)
setInterceptsMouseClicks (false, true);
const bool isReadOnly = owner.isCommandReadOnly (commandID);
const Array<KeyPress> keyPresses (owner.getMappings().getKeyPressesAssignedToCommand (commandID));
for (int i = 0; i < jmin ((int) maxNumAssignments, keyPresses.size()); ++i)
addKeyPressButton (owner.getDescriptionForKeyPress (keyPresses.getReference (i)), i, isReadOnly);
addKeyPressButton (String::empty, -1, isReadOnly);
void addKeyPressButton (const String& desc, const int index, const bool isReadOnly)
ChangeKeyButton* const b = new ChangeKeyButton (owner, commandID, desc, index);
keyChangeButtons.add (b);
b->setEnabled (! isReadOnly);
b->setVisible (keyChangeButtons.size() <= (int) maxNumAssignments);
addChildComponent (b);
void paint (Graphics& g) override
g.setFont (getHeight() * 0.7f);
g.setColour (owner.findColour (KeyMappingEditorComponent::textColourId));
g.drawFittedText (TRANS (owner.getCommandManager().getNameOfCommand (commandID)),
4, 0, jmax (40, getChildComponent (0)->getX() - 5), getHeight(),
Justification::centredLeft, true);
void resized() override
int x = getWidth() - 4;
for (int i = keyChangeButtons.size(); --i >= 0;)
ChangeKeyButton* const b = keyChangeButtons.getUnchecked(i);
b->fitToContent (getHeight() - 2);
b->setTopRightPosition (x, 1);
x = b->getX() - 5;
KeyMappingEditorComponent& owner;
OwnedArray<ChangeKeyButton> keyChangeButtons;
const CommandID commandID;
enum { maxNumAssignments = 3 };
class KeyMappingEditorComponent::MappingItem : public TreeViewItem
MappingItem (KeyMappingEditorComponent& kec, const CommandID command)
: owner (kec), commandID (command)
String getUniqueName() const override { return String ((int) commandID) + "_id"; }
bool mightContainSubItems() override { return false; }
int getItemHeight() const override { return 20; }
Component* createItemComponent() override { return new ItemComponent (owner, commandID); }
KeyMappingEditorComponent& owner;
const CommandID commandID;
class KeyMappingEditorComponent::CategoryItem : public TreeViewItem
CategoryItem (KeyMappingEditorComponent& kec, const String& name)
: owner (kec), categoryName (name)
String getUniqueName() const override { return categoryName + "_cat"; }
bool mightContainSubItems() override { return true; }
int getItemHeight() const override { return 22; }
void paintItem (Graphics& g, int width, int height) override
g.setFont (Font (height * 0.7f, Font::bold));
g.setColour (owner.findColour (KeyMappingEditorComponent::textColourId));
g.drawText (TRANS (categoryName), 2, 0, width - 2, height, Justification::centredLeft, true);
void itemOpennessChanged (bool isNowOpen) override
if (isNowOpen)
if (getNumSubItems() == 0)
const Array<CommandID> commands (owner.getCommandManager().getCommandsInCategory (categoryName));
for (int i = 0; i < commands.size(); ++i)
if (owner.shouldCommandBeIncluded (commands.getUnchecked(i)))
addSubItem (new MappingItem (owner, commands.getUnchecked(i)));
KeyMappingEditorComponent& owner;
String categoryName;
class KeyMappingEditorComponent::TopLevelItem : public TreeViewItem,
public ButtonListener,
private ChangeListener
TopLevelItem (KeyMappingEditorComponent& kec) : owner (kec)
setLinesDrawnForSubItems (false);
owner.getMappings().addChangeListener (this);
owner.getMappings().removeChangeListener (this);
bool mightContainSubItems() override { return true; }
String getUniqueName() const override { return "keys"; }
11 years ago
void changeListenerCallback (ChangeBroadcaster*) override
const OpennessRestorer opennessRestorer (*this);
const StringArray categories (owner.getCommandManager().getCommandCategories());
for (int i = 0; i < categories.size(); ++i)
const Array<CommandID> commands (owner.getCommandManager().getCommandsInCategory (categories[i]));
int count = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < commands.size(); ++j)
if (owner.shouldCommandBeIncluded (commands.getUnchecked(j)))
if (count > 0)
addSubItem (new CategoryItem (owner, categories[i]));
static void resetToDefaultsCallback (int result, KeyMappingEditorComponent* owner)
if (result != 0 && owner != nullptr)
void buttonClicked (Button*) override
AlertWindow::showOkCancelBox (AlertWindow::QuestionIcon,
TRANS("Reset to defaults"),
TRANS("Are you sure you want to reset all the key-mappings to their default state?"),
ModalCallbackFunction::forComponent (resetToDefaultsCallback, &owner));
KeyMappingEditorComponent& owner;
KeyMappingEditorComponent::KeyMappingEditorComponent (KeyPressMappingSet& mappingManager,
const bool showResetToDefaultButton)
: mappings (mappingManager),
resetButton (TRANS ("reset to defaults"))
treeItem = new TopLevelItem (*this);
if (showResetToDefaultButton)
addAndMakeVisible (resetButton);
11 years ago
resetButton.addListener (treeItem);
addAndMakeVisible (tree);
11 years ago
tree.setColour (TreeView::backgroundColourId, findColour (backgroundColourId));
tree.setRootItemVisible (false);
tree.setDefaultOpenness (true);
tree.setRootItem (treeItem);
tree.setIndentSize (12);
tree.setRootItem (nullptr);
void KeyMappingEditorComponent::setColours (Colour mainBackground,
Colour textColour)
setColour (backgroundColourId, mainBackground);
setColour (textColourId, textColour);
tree.setColour (TreeView::backgroundColourId, mainBackground);
void KeyMappingEditorComponent::parentHierarchyChanged()
treeItem->changeListenerCallback (nullptr);
void KeyMappingEditorComponent::resized()
int h = getHeight();
if (resetButton.isVisible())
const int buttonHeight = 20;
h -= buttonHeight + 8;
int x = getWidth() - 8;
resetButton.changeWidthToFitText (buttonHeight);
resetButton.setTopRightPosition (x, h + 6);
tree.setBounds (0, 0, getWidth(), h);
bool KeyMappingEditorComponent::shouldCommandBeIncluded (const CommandID commandID)
const ApplicationCommandInfo* const ci = mappings.getCommandManager().getCommandForID (commandID);
return ci != nullptr && (ci->flags & ApplicationCommandInfo::hiddenFromKeyEditor) == 0;
bool KeyMappingEditorComponent::isCommandReadOnly (const CommandID commandID)
const ApplicationCommandInfo* const ci = mappings.getCommandManager().getCommandForID (commandID);
return ci != nullptr && (ci->flags & ApplicationCommandInfo::readOnlyInKeyEditor) != 0;
String KeyMappingEditorComponent::getDescriptionForKeyPress (const KeyPress& key)
return key.getTextDescription();