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11 years ago
This file is part of the JUCE library.
Copyright (c) 2015 - ROLI Ltd.
11 years ago
Permission is granted to use this software under the terms of either:
a) the GPL v2 (or any later version)
b) the Affero GPL v3
Details of these licenses can be found at:
JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are
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// tests that some coordinates aren't NaNs
jassert (x == x && y == y);
namespace PathHelpers
const float ellipseAngularIncrement = 0.05f;
static String nextToken (String::CharPointerType& t)
t = t.findEndOfWhitespace();
String::CharPointerType start (t);
size_t numChars = 0;
while (! (t.isEmpty() || t.isWhitespace()))
return String (start, numChars);
inline double lengthOf (float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) noexcept
return juce_hypot ((double) (x1 - x2), (double) (y1 - y2));
const float Path::lineMarker = 100001.0f;
const float Path::moveMarker = 100002.0f;
const float Path::quadMarker = 100003.0f;
const float Path::cubicMarker = 100004.0f;
const float Path::closeSubPathMarker = 100005.0f;
Path::PathBounds::PathBounds() noexcept
: pathXMin (0), pathXMax (0), pathYMin (0), pathYMax (0)
Rectangle<float> Path::PathBounds::getRectangle() const noexcept
return Rectangle<float> (pathXMin, pathYMin, pathXMax - pathXMin, pathYMax - pathYMin);
void Path::PathBounds::reset() noexcept
pathXMin = pathYMin = pathYMax = pathXMax = 0;
void Path::PathBounds::reset (const float x, const float y) noexcept
pathXMin = pathXMax = x;
pathYMin = pathYMax = y;
void Path::PathBounds::extend (const float x, const float y) noexcept
pathXMin = jmin (pathXMin, x);
pathXMax = jmax (pathXMax, x);
pathYMin = jmin (pathYMin, y);
pathYMax = jmax (pathYMax, y);
void Path::PathBounds::extend (const float x1, const float y1, const float x2, const float y2) noexcept
if (x1 < x2)
pathXMin = jmin (pathXMin, x1);
pathXMax = jmax (pathXMax, x2);
pathXMin = jmin (pathXMin, x2);
pathXMax = jmax (pathXMax, x1);
if (y1 < y2)
pathYMin = jmin (pathYMin, y1);
pathYMax = jmax (pathYMax, y2);
pathYMin = jmin (pathYMin, y2);
pathYMax = jmax (pathYMax, y1);
: numElements (0), useNonZeroWinding (true)
Path::Path (const Path& other)
: numElements (other.numElements),
bounds (other.bounds),
useNonZeroWinding (other.useNonZeroWinding)
if (numElements > 0)
data.setAllocatedSize ((int) numElements);
memcpy (data.elements,, numElements * sizeof (float));
Path& Path::operator= (const Path& other)
if (this != &other)
data.ensureAllocatedSize ((int) other.numElements);
numElements = other.numElements;
bounds = other.bounds;
useNonZeroWinding = other.useNonZeroWinding;
if (numElements > 0)
memcpy (data.elements,, numElements * sizeof (float));
return *this;
Path::Path (Path&& other) noexcept
: data (static_cast <ArrayAllocationBase <float, DummyCriticalSection>&&> (,
numElements (other.numElements),
bounds (other.bounds),
useNonZeroWinding (other.useNonZeroWinding)
Path& Path::operator= (Path&& other) noexcept
data = static_cast <ArrayAllocationBase <float, DummyCriticalSection>&&> (;
numElements = other.numElements;
bounds = other.bounds;
useNonZeroWinding = other.useNonZeroWinding;
return *this;
bool Path::operator== (const Path& other) const noexcept
return ! operator!= (other);
bool Path::operator!= (const Path& other) const noexcept
if (numElements != other.numElements || useNonZeroWinding != other.useNonZeroWinding)
return true;
for (size_t i = 0; i < numElements; ++i)
if (data.elements[i] !=[i])
return true;
return false;
void Path::clear() noexcept
numElements = 0;
void Path::swapWithPath (Path& other) noexcept
data.swapWith (;
std::swap (numElements, other.numElements);
std::swap (bounds.pathXMin, other.bounds.pathXMin);
std::swap (bounds.pathXMax, other.bounds.pathXMax);
std::swap (bounds.pathYMin, other.bounds.pathYMin);
std::swap (bounds.pathYMax, other.bounds.pathYMax);
std::swap (useNonZeroWinding, other.useNonZeroWinding);
void Path::setUsingNonZeroWinding (const bool isNonZero) noexcept
useNonZeroWinding = isNonZero;
void Path::scaleToFit (const float x, const float y, const float w, const float h,
const bool preserveProportions) noexcept
applyTransform (getTransformToScaleToFit (x, y, w, h, preserveProportions));
bool Path::isEmpty() const noexcept
size_t i = 0;
while (i < numElements)
const float type = data.elements [i++];
if (type == moveMarker)
i += 2;
else if (type == lineMarker
|| type == quadMarker
|| type == cubicMarker)
return false;
return true;
Rectangle<float> Path::getBounds() const noexcept
return bounds.getRectangle();
Rectangle<float> Path::getBoundsTransformed (const AffineTransform& transform) const noexcept
return getBounds().transformedBy (transform);
11 years ago
void Path::preallocateSpace (int numExtraCoordsToMakeSpaceFor)
data.ensureAllocatedSize ((int) numElements + numExtraCoordsToMakeSpaceFor);
11 years ago
void Path::startNewSubPath (const float x, const float y)
if (numElements == 0)
bounds.reset (x, y);
bounds.extend (x, y);
11 years ago
preallocateSpace (3);
11 years ago
data.elements [numElements++] = moveMarker;
data.elements [numElements++] = x;
data.elements [numElements++] = y;
void Path::startNewSubPath (const Point<float> start)
startNewSubPath (start.x, start.y);
void Path::lineTo (const float x, const float y)
if (numElements == 0)
startNewSubPath (0, 0);
11 years ago
preallocateSpace (3);
11 years ago
data.elements [numElements++] = lineMarker;
data.elements [numElements++] = x;
data.elements [numElements++] = y;
bounds.extend (x, y);
void Path::lineTo (const Point<float> end)
lineTo (end.x, end.y);
void Path::quadraticTo (const float x1, const float y1,
const float x2, const float y2)
if (numElements == 0)
startNewSubPath (0, 0);
11 years ago
preallocateSpace (5);
11 years ago
data.elements [numElements++] = quadMarker;
data.elements [numElements++] = x1;
data.elements [numElements++] = y1;
data.elements [numElements++] = x2;
data.elements [numElements++] = y2;
bounds.extend (x1, y1, x2, y2);
void Path::quadraticTo (const Point<float> controlPoint,
const Point<float> endPoint)
quadraticTo (controlPoint.x, controlPoint.y,
endPoint.x, endPoint.y);
void Path::cubicTo (const float x1, const float y1,
const float x2, const float y2,
const float x3, const float y3)
if (numElements == 0)
startNewSubPath (0, 0);
11 years ago
preallocateSpace (7);
11 years ago
data.elements [numElements++] = cubicMarker;
data.elements [numElements++] = x1;
data.elements [numElements++] = y1;
data.elements [numElements++] = x2;
data.elements [numElements++] = y2;
data.elements [numElements++] = x3;
data.elements [numElements++] = y3;
bounds.extend (x1, y1, x2, y2);
bounds.extend (x3, y3);
void Path::cubicTo (const Point<float> controlPoint1,
const Point<float> controlPoint2,
const Point<float> endPoint)
cubicTo (controlPoint1.x, controlPoint1.y,
controlPoint2.x, controlPoint2.y,
endPoint.x, endPoint.y);
void Path::closeSubPath()
if (numElements > 0
&& data.elements [numElements - 1] != closeSubPathMarker)
11 years ago
preallocateSpace (1);
11 years ago
data.elements [numElements++] = closeSubPathMarker;
Point<float> Path::getCurrentPosition() const
int i = (int) numElements - 1;
if (i > 0 && data.elements[i] == closeSubPathMarker)
while (i >= 0)
if (data.elements[i] == moveMarker)
i += 2;
if (i > 0)
return Point<float> (data.elements [i - 1], data.elements [i]);
return Point<float>();
void Path::addRectangle (const float x, const float y,
const float w, const float h)
float x1 = x, y1 = y, x2 = x + w, y2 = y + h;
if (w < 0) std::swap (x1, x2);
if (h < 0) std::swap (y1, y2);
11 years ago
preallocateSpace (13);
11 years ago
if (numElements == 0)
bounds.pathXMin = x1;
bounds.pathXMax = x2;
bounds.pathYMin = y1;
bounds.pathYMax = y2;
bounds.pathXMin = jmin (bounds.pathXMin, x1);
bounds.pathXMax = jmax (bounds.pathXMax, x2);
bounds.pathYMin = jmin (bounds.pathYMin, y1);
bounds.pathYMax = jmax (bounds.pathYMax, y2);
data.elements [numElements++] = moveMarker;
data.elements [numElements++] = x1;
data.elements [numElements++] = y2;
data.elements [numElements++] = lineMarker;
data.elements [numElements++] = x1;
data.elements [numElements++] = y1;
data.elements [numElements++] = lineMarker;
data.elements [numElements++] = x2;
data.elements [numElements++] = y1;
data.elements [numElements++] = lineMarker;
data.elements [numElements++] = x2;
data.elements [numElements++] = y2;
data.elements [numElements++] = closeSubPathMarker;
11 years ago
void Path::addRoundedRectangle (float x, float y, float w, float h, float csx, float csy)
11 years ago
addRoundedRectangle (x, y, w, h, csx, csy, true, true, true, true);
void Path::addRoundedRectangle (const float x, const float y, const float w, const float h,
float csx, float csy,
const bool curveTopLeft, const bool curveTopRight,
const bool curveBottomLeft, const bool curveBottomRight)
csx = jmin (csx, w * 0.5f);
csy = jmin (csy, h * 0.5f);
const float cs45x = csx * 0.45f;
const float cs45y = csy * 0.45f;
const float x2 = x + w;
const float y2 = y + h;
if (curveTopLeft)
startNewSubPath (x, y + csy);
cubicTo (x, y + cs45y, x + cs45x, y, x + csx, y);
startNewSubPath (x, y);
if (curveTopRight)
lineTo (x2 - csx, y);
cubicTo (x2 - cs45x, y, x2, y + cs45y, x2, y + csy);
lineTo (x2, y);
if (curveBottomRight)
lineTo (x2, y2 - csy);
cubicTo (x2, y2 - cs45y, x2 - cs45x, y2, x2 - csx, y2);
lineTo (x2, y2);
if (curveBottomLeft)
lineTo (x + csx, y2);
cubicTo (x + cs45x, y2, x, y2 - cs45y, x, y2 - csy);
lineTo (x, y2);
11 years ago
void Path::addRoundedRectangle (float x, float y, float w, float h, float cs)
11 years ago
addRoundedRectangle (x, y, w, h, cs, cs);
void Path::addTriangle (float x1, float y1,
float x2, float y2,
float x3, float y3)
11 years ago
addTriangle (Point<float> (x1, y1),
Point<float> (x2, y2),
Point<float> (x3, y3));
void Path::addTriangle (Point<float> p1, Point<float> p2, Point<float> p3)
startNewSubPath (p1);
lineTo (p2);
lineTo (p3);
11 years ago
void Path::addQuadrilateral (const float x1, const float y1,
const float x2, const float y2,
const float x3, const float y3,
const float x4, const float y4)
startNewSubPath (x1, y1);
lineTo (x2, y2);
lineTo (x3, y3);
lineTo (x4, y4);
11 years ago
void Path::addEllipse (float x, float y, float w, float h)
addEllipse (Rectangle<float> (x, y, w, h));
void Path::addEllipse (Rectangle<float> area)
11 years ago
11 years ago
const float hw = area.getWidth() * 0.5f;
11 years ago
const float hw55 = hw * 0.55f;
11 years ago
const float hh = area.getHeight() * 0.5f;
11 years ago
const float hh55 = hh * 0.55f;
11 years ago
const float cx = area.getX() + hw;
const float cy = area.getY() + hh;
11 years ago
startNewSubPath (cx, cy - hh);
cubicTo (cx + hw55, cy - hh, cx + hw, cy - hh55, cx + hw, cy);
cubicTo (cx + hw, cy + hh55, cx + hw55, cy + hh, cx, cy + hh);
cubicTo (cx - hw55, cy + hh, cx - hw, cy + hh55, cx - hw, cy);
cubicTo (cx - hw, cy - hh55, cx - hw55, cy - hh, cx, cy - hh);
void Path::addArc (const float x, const float y,
const float w, const float h,
const float fromRadians,
const float toRadians,
const bool startAsNewSubPath)
const float radiusX = w / 2.0f;
const float radiusY = h / 2.0f;
addCentredArc (x + radiusX,
y + radiusY,
radiusX, radiusY,
fromRadians, toRadians,
void Path::addCentredArc (const float centreX, const float centreY,
const float radiusX, const float radiusY,
const float rotationOfEllipse,
const float fromRadians,
float toRadians,
const bool startAsNewSubPath)
if (radiusX > 0.0f && radiusY > 0.0f)
const Point<float> centre (centreX, centreY);
const AffineTransform rotation (AffineTransform::rotation (rotationOfEllipse, centreX, centreY));
float angle = fromRadians;
if (startAsNewSubPath)
startNewSubPath (centre.getPointOnCircumference (radiusX, radiusY, angle).transformedBy (rotation));
if (fromRadians < toRadians)
if (startAsNewSubPath)
angle += PathHelpers::ellipseAngularIncrement;
while (angle < toRadians)
lineTo (centre.getPointOnCircumference (radiusX, radiusY, angle).transformedBy (rotation));
angle += PathHelpers::ellipseAngularIncrement;
if (startAsNewSubPath)
angle -= PathHelpers::ellipseAngularIncrement;
while (angle > toRadians)
lineTo (centre.getPointOnCircumference (radiusX, radiusY, angle).transformedBy (rotation));
angle -= PathHelpers::ellipseAngularIncrement;
lineTo (centre.getPointOnCircumference (radiusX, radiusY, toRadians).transformedBy (rotation));
void Path::addPieSegment (const float x, const float y,
const float width, const float height,
const float fromRadians,
const float toRadians,
const float innerCircleProportionalSize)
float radiusX = width * 0.5f;
float radiusY = height * 0.5f;
const Point<float> centre (x + radiusX, y + radiusY);
startNewSubPath (centre.getPointOnCircumference (radiusX, radiusY, fromRadians));
addArc (x, y, width, height, fromRadians, toRadians);
if (std::abs (fromRadians - toRadians) > float_Pi * 1.999f)
if (innerCircleProportionalSize > 0)
radiusX *= innerCircleProportionalSize;
radiusY *= innerCircleProportionalSize;
startNewSubPath (centre.getPointOnCircumference (radiusX, radiusY, toRadians));
addArc (centre.x - radiusX, centre.y - radiusY, radiusX * 2.0f, radiusY * 2.0f, toRadians, fromRadians);
if (innerCircleProportionalSize > 0)
radiusX *= innerCircleProportionalSize;
radiusY *= innerCircleProportionalSize;
addArc (centre.x - radiusX, centre.y - radiusY, radiusX * 2.0f, radiusY * 2.0f, toRadians, fromRadians);
lineTo (centre);
void Path::addPieSegment (Rectangle<float> segmentBounds,
const float fromRadians,
const float toRadians,
const float innerCircleProportionalSize)
addPieSegment (segmentBounds.getX(),
11 years ago
void Path::addLineSegment (const Line<float>& line, float lineThickness)
const Line<float> reversed (line.reversed());
lineThickness *= 0.5f;
startNewSubPath (line.getPointAlongLine (0, lineThickness));
lineTo (line.getPointAlongLine (0, -lineThickness));
lineTo (reversed.getPointAlongLine (0, lineThickness));
lineTo (reversed.getPointAlongLine (0, -lineThickness));
void Path::addArrow (const Line<float>& line, float lineThickness,
float arrowheadWidth, float arrowheadLength)
const Line<float> reversed (line.reversed());
lineThickness *= 0.5f;
arrowheadWidth *= 0.5f;
arrowheadLength = jmin (arrowheadLength, 0.8f * line.getLength());
startNewSubPath (line.getPointAlongLine (0, lineThickness));
lineTo (line.getPointAlongLine (0, -lineThickness));
lineTo (reversed.getPointAlongLine (arrowheadLength, lineThickness));
lineTo (reversed.getPointAlongLine (arrowheadLength, arrowheadWidth));
lineTo (line.getEnd());
lineTo (reversed.getPointAlongLine (arrowheadLength, -arrowheadWidth));
lineTo (reversed.getPointAlongLine (arrowheadLength, -lineThickness));
void Path::addPolygon (const Point<float> centre, const int numberOfSides,
const float radius, const float startAngle)
jassert (numberOfSides > 1); // this would be silly.
if (numberOfSides > 1)
const float angleBetweenPoints = float_Pi * 2.0f / numberOfSides;
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfSides; ++i)
const float angle = startAngle + i * angleBetweenPoints;
const Point<float> p (centre.getPointOnCircumference (radius, angle));
if (i == 0)
startNewSubPath (p);
lineTo (p);
void Path::addStar (const Point<float> centre, const int numberOfPoints,
const float innerRadius, const float outerRadius, const float startAngle)
jassert (numberOfPoints > 1); // this would be silly.
if (numberOfPoints > 1)
const float angleBetweenPoints = float_Pi * 2.0f / numberOfPoints;
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPoints; ++i)
const float angle = startAngle + i * angleBetweenPoints;
const Point<float> p (centre.getPointOnCircumference (outerRadius, angle));
if (i == 0)
startNewSubPath (p);
lineTo (p);
lineTo (centre.getPointOnCircumference (innerRadius, angle + angleBetweenPoints * 0.5f));
void Path::addBubble (const Rectangle<float>& bodyArea,
const Rectangle<float>& maximumArea,
const Point<float> arrowTip,
const float cornerSize,
const float arrowBaseWidth)
const float halfW = bodyArea.getWidth() / 2.0f;
const float halfH = bodyArea.getHeight() / 2.0f;
const float cornerSizeW = jmin (cornerSize, halfW);
const float cornerSizeH = jmin (cornerSize, halfH);
const float cornerSizeW2 = 2.0f * cornerSizeW;
const float cornerSizeH2 = 2.0f * cornerSizeH;
startNewSubPath (bodyArea.getX() + cornerSizeW, bodyArea.getY());
const Rectangle<float> targetLimit (bodyArea.reduced (jmin (halfW - 1.0f, cornerSizeW + arrowBaseWidth),
jmin (halfH - 1.0f, cornerSizeH + arrowBaseWidth)));
if (Rectangle<float> (targetLimit.getX(), maximumArea.getY(),
targetLimit.getWidth(), bodyArea.getY() - maximumArea.getY()).contains (arrowTip))
lineTo (arrowTip.x - arrowBaseWidth, bodyArea.getY());
lineTo (arrowTip.x, arrowTip.y);
lineTo (arrowTip.x + arrowBaseWidth, bodyArea.getY());
lineTo (bodyArea.getRight() - cornerSizeW, bodyArea.getY());
addArc (bodyArea.getRight() - cornerSizeW2, bodyArea.getY(), cornerSizeW2, cornerSizeH2, 0, float_Pi * 0.5f);
if (Rectangle<float> (bodyArea.getRight(), targetLimit.getY(),
maximumArea.getRight() - bodyArea.getRight(), targetLimit.getHeight()).contains (arrowTip))
lineTo (bodyArea.getRight(), arrowTip.y - arrowBaseWidth);
lineTo (arrowTip.x, arrowTip.y);
lineTo (bodyArea.getRight(), arrowTip.y + arrowBaseWidth);
lineTo (bodyArea.getRight(), bodyArea.getBottom() - cornerSizeH);
addArc (bodyArea.getRight() - cornerSizeW2, bodyArea.getBottom() - cornerSizeH2, cornerSizeW2, cornerSizeH2, float_Pi * 0.5f, float_Pi);
if (Rectangle<float> (targetLimit.getX(), bodyArea.getBottom(),
targetLimit.getWidth(), maximumArea.getBottom() - bodyArea.getBottom()).contains (arrowTip))
lineTo (arrowTip.x + arrowBaseWidth, bodyArea.getBottom());
lineTo (arrowTip.x, arrowTip.y);
lineTo (arrowTip.x - arrowBaseWidth, bodyArea.getBottom());
lineTo (bodyArea.getX() + cornerSizeW, bodyArea.getBottom());
addArc (bodyArea.getX(), bodyArea.getBottom() - cornerSizeH2, cornerSizeW2, cornerSizeH2, float_Pi, float_Pi * 1.5f);
if (Rectangle<float> (maximumArea.getX(), targetLimit.getY(),
bodyArea.getX() - maximumArea.getX(), targetLimit.getHeight()).contains (arrowTip))
lineTo (bodyArea.getX(), arrowTip.y + arrowBaseWidth);
lineTo (arrowTip.x, arrowTip.y);
lineTo (bodyArea.getX(), arrowTip.y - arrowBaseWidth);
lineTo (bodyArea.getX(), bodyArea.getY() + cornerSizeH);
addArc (bodyArea.getX(), bodyArea.getY(), cornerSizeW2, cornerSizeH2, float_Pi * 1.5f, float_Pi * 2.0f - 0.05f);
void Path::addPath (const Path& other)
size_t i = 0;
const float* const d =;
while (i < other.numElements)
const float type = d[i++];
if (type == moveMarker)
startNewSubPath (d[i], d[i + 1]);
i += 2;
else if (type == lineMarker)
lineTo (d[i], d[i + 1]);
i += 2;
else if (type == quadMarker)
quadraticTo (d[i], d[i + 1], d[i + 2], d[i + 3]);
i += 4;
else if (type == cubicMarker)
cubicTo (d[i], d[i + 1], d[i + 2], d[i + 3], d[i + 4], d[i + 5]);
i += 6;
else if (type == closeSubPathMarker)
// something's gone wrong with the element list!
void Path::addPath (const Path& other,
const AffineTransform& transformToApply)
size_t i = 0;
const float* const d =;
while (i < other.numElements)
const float type = d [i++];
if (type == closeSubPathMarker)
float x = d[i++];
float y = d[i++];
transformToApply.transformPoint (x, y);
if (type == moveMarker)
startNewSubPath (x, y);
else if (type == lineMarker)
lineTo (x, y);
else if (type == quadMarker)
float x2 = d [i++];
float y2 = d [i++];
transformToApply.transformPoint (x2, y2);
quadraticTo (x, y, x2, y2);
else if (type == cubicMarker)
float x2 = d [i++];
float y2 = d [i++];
float x3 = d [i++];
float y3 = d [i++];
transformToApply.transformPoints (x2, y2, x3, y3);
cubicTo (x, y, x2, y2, x3, y3);
// something's gone wrong with the element list!
void Path::applyTransform (const AffineTransform& transform) noexcept
bool firstPoint = true;
float* d = data.elements;
float* const end = d + numElements;
while (d < end)
const float type = *d++;
if (type == moveMarker)
transform.transformPoint (d[0], d[1]);
if (firstPoint)
firstPoint = false;
bounds.reset (d[0], d[1]);
bounds.extend (d[0], d[1]);
d += 2;
else if (type == lineMarker)
transform.transformPoint (d[0], d[1]);
bounds.extend (d[0], d[1]);
d += 2;
else if (type == quadMarker)
transform.transformPoints (d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3]);
bounds.extend (d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3]);
d += 4;
else if (type == cubicMarker)
transform.transformPoints (d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3], d[4], d[5]);
bounds.extend (d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3]);
bounds.extend (d[4], d[5]);
d += 6;
AffineTransform Path::getTransformToScaleToFit (const Rectangle<float>& area,
bool preserveProportions, Justification justification) const
return getTransformToScaleToFit (area.getX(), area.getY(), area.getWidth(), area.getHeight(),
preserveProportions, justification);
AffineTransform Path::getTransformToScaleToFit (const float x, const float y,
const float w, const float h,
const bool preserveProportions,
Justification justification) const
Rectangle<float> boundsRect (getBounds());
if (preserveProportions)
if (w <= 0 || h <= 0 || boundsRect.isEmpty())
return AffineTransform::identity;
float newW, newH;
const float srcRatio = boundsRect.getHeight() / boundsRect.getWidth();
if (srcRatio > h / w)
newW = h / srcRatio;
newH = h;
newW = w;
newH = w * srcRatio;
float newXCentre = x;
float newYCentre = y;
if (justification.testFlags (Justification::left)) newXCentre += newW * 0.5f;
else if (justification.testFlags (Justification::right)) newXCentre += w - newW * 0.5f;
else newXCentre += w * 0.5f;
if (justification.testFlags (Justification::top)) newYCentre += newH * 0.5f;
else if (justification.testFlags (Justification::bottom)) newYCentre += h - newH * 0.5f;
else newYCentre += h * 0.5f;
return AffineTransform::translation (boundsRect.getWidth() * -0.5f - boundsRect.getX(),
boundsRect.getHeight() * -0.5f - boundsRect.getY())
.scaled (newW / boundsRect.getWidth(),
newH / boundsRect.getHeight())
.translated (newXCentre, newYCentre);
return AffineTransform::translation (-boundsRect.getX(), -boundsRect.getY())
.scaled (w / boundsRect.getWidth(),
h / boundsRect.getHeight())
.translated (x, y);
bool Path::contains (const float x, const float y, const float tolerance) const
if (x <= bounds.pathXMin || x >= bounds.pathXMax
|| y <= bounds.pathYMin || y >= bounds.pathYMax)
return false;
PathFlatteningIterator i (*this, AffineTransform::identity, tolerance);
int positiveCrossings = 0;
int negativeCrossings = 0;
while (
if ((i.y1 <= y && i.y2 > y) || (i.y2 <= y && i.y1 > y))
const float intersectX = i.x1 + (i.x2 - i.x1) * (y - i.y1) / (i.y2 - i.y1);
if (intersectX <= x)
if (i.y1 < i.y2)
return useNonZeroWinding ? (negativeCrossings != positiveCrossings)
: ((negativeCrossings + positiveCrossings) & 1) != 0;
bool Path::contains (const Point<float> point, const float tolerance) const
return contains (point.x, point.y, tolerance);
bool Path::intersectsLine (const Line<float>& line, const float tolerance)
PathFlatteningIterator i (*this, AffineTransform::identity, tolerance);
Point<float> intersection;
while (
if (line.intersects (Line<float> (i.x1, i.y1, i.x2, i.y2), intersection))
return true;
return false;
Line<float> Path::getClippedLine (const Line<float>& line, const bool keepSectionOutsidePath) const
Line<float> result (line);
const bool startInside = contains (line.getStart());
const bool endInside = contains (line.getEnd());
if (startInside == endInside)
if (keepSectionOutsidePath == startInside)
result = Line<float>();
PathFlatteningIterator i (*this, AffineTransform::identity);
Point<float> intersection;
while (
if (line.intersects (Line<float> (i.x1, i.y1, i.x2, i.y2), intersection))
if ((startInside && keepSectionOutsidePath) || (endInside && ! keepSectionOutsidePath))
result.setStart (intersection);
result.setEnd (intersection);
return result;
float Path::getLength (const AffineTransform& transform) const
float length = 0;
PathFlatteningIterator i (*this, transform);
while (
length += Line<float> (i.x1, i.y1, i.x2, i.y2).getLength();
return length;
Point<float> Path::getPointAlongPath (float distanceFromStart, const AffineTransform& transform) const
PathFlatteningIterator i (*this, transform);
while (
const Line<float> line (i.x1, i.y1, i.x2, i.y2);
const float lineLength = line.getLength();
if (distanceFromStart <= lineLength)
return line.getPointAlongLine (distanceFromStart);
distanceFromStart -= lineLength;
return Point<float> (i.x2, i.y2);
float Path::getNearestPoint (const Point<float> targetPoint, Point<float>& pointOnPath,
const AffineTransform& transform) const
PathFlatteningIterator i (*this, transform);
float bestPosition = 0, bestDistance = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
float length = 0;
Point<float> pointOnLine;
while (
const Line<float> line (i.x1, i.y1, i.x2, i.y2);
const float distance = line.getDistanceFromPoint (targetPoint, pointOnLine);
if (distance < bestDistance)
bestDistance = distance;
bestPosition = length + pointOnLine.getDistanceFrom (line.getStart());
pointOnPath = pointOnLine;
length += line.getLength();
return bestPosition;
Path Path::createPathWithRoundedCorners (const float cornerRadius) const
if (cornerRadius <= 0.01f)
return *this;
size_t indexOfPathStart = 0, indexOfPathStartThis = 0;
size_t n = 0;
bool lastWasLine = false, firstWasLine = false;
Path p;
while (n < numElements)
const float type = data.elements [n++];
if (type == moveMarker)
indexOfPathStart = p.numElements;
indexOfPathStartThis = n - 1;
const float x = data.elements [n++];
const float y = data.elements [n++];
p.startNewSubPath (x, y);
lastWasLine = false;
firstWasLine = (data.elements [n] == lineMarker);
else if (type == lineMarker || type == closeSubPathMarker)
float startX = 0, startY = 0, joinX = 0, joinY = 0, endX, endY;
if (type == lineMarker)
endX = data.elements [n++];
endY = data.elements [n++];
if (n > 8)
startX = data.elements [n - 8];
startY = data.elements [n - 7];
joinX = data.elements [n - 5];
joinY = data.elements [n - 4];
endX = data.elements [indexOfPathStartThis + 1];
endY = data.elements [indexOfPathStartThis + 2];
if (n > 6)
startX = data.elements [n - 6];
startY = data.elements [n - 5];
joinX = data.elements [n - 3];
joinY = data.elements [n - 2];
if (lastWasLine)
const double len1 = PathHelpers::lengthOf (startX, startY, joinX, joinY);
if (len1 > 0)
const double propNeeded = jmin (0.5, cornerRadius / len1); [p.numElements - 2] = (float) (joinX - (joinX - startX) * propNeeded); [p.numElements - 1] = (float) (joinY - (joinY - startY) * propNeeded);
const double len2 = PathHelpers::lengthOf (endX, endY, joinX, joinY);
if (len2 > 0)
const double propNeeded = jmin (0.5, cornerRadius / len2);
p.quadraticTo (joinX, joinY,
(float) (joinX + (endX - joinX) * propNeeded),
(float) (joinY + (endY - joinY) * propNeeded));
p.lineTo (endX, endY);
else if (type == lineMarker)
p.lineTo (endX, endY);
lastWasLine = true;
if (type == closeSubPathMarker)
if (firstWasLine)
startX = data.elements [n - 3];
startY = data.elements [n - 2];
joinX = endX;
joinY = endY;
endX = data.elements [indexOfPathStartThis + 4];
endY = data.elements [indexOfPathStartThis + 5];
const double len1 = PathHelpers::lengthOf (startX, startY, joinX, joinY);
if (len1 > 0)
const double propNeeded = jmin (0.5, cornerRadius / len1); [p.numElements - 2] = (float) (joinX - (joinX - startX) * propNeeded); [p.numElements - 1] = (float) (joinY - (joinY - startY) * propNeeded);
const double len2 = PathHelpers::lengthOf (endX, endY, joinX, joinY);
if (len2 > 0)
const double propNeeded = jmin (0.5, cornerRadius / len2);
endX = (float) (joinX + (endX - joinX) * propNeeded);
endY = (float) (joinY + (endY - joinY) * propNeeded);
p.quadraticTo (joinX, joinY, endX, endY); [indexOfPathStart + 1] = endX; [indexOfPathStart + 2] = endY;
else if (type == quadMarker)
lastWasLine = false;
const float x1 = data.elements [n++];
const float y1 = data.elements [n++];
const float x2 = data.elements [n++];
const float y2 = data.elements [n++];
p.quadraticTo (x1, y1, x2, y2);
else if (type == cubicMarker)
lastWasLine = false;
const float x1 = data.elements [n++];
const float y1 = data.elements [n++];
const float x2 = data.elements [n++];
const float y2 = data.elements [n++];
const float x3 = data.elements [n++];
const float y3 = data.elements [n++];
p.cubicTo (x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3);
return p;
void Path::loadPathFromStream (InputStream& source)
while (! source.isExhausted())
switch (source.readByte())
case 'm':
const float x = source.readFloat();
const float y = source.readFloat();
startNewSubPath (x, y);
case 'l':
const float x = source.readFloat();
const float y = source.readFloat();
lineTo (x, y);
case 'q':
const float x1 = source.readFloat();
const float y1 = source.readFloat();
const float x2 = source.readFloat();
const float y2 = source.readFloat();
quadraticTo (x1, y1, x2, y2);
case 'b':
const float x1 = source.readFloat();
const float y1 = source.readFloat();
const float x2 = source.readFloat();
const float y2 = source.readFloat();
const float x3 = source.readFloat();
const float y3 = source.readFloat();
cubicTo (x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3);
case 'c':
case 'n':
useNonZeroWinding = true;
case 'z':
useNonZeroWinding = false;
case 'e':
return; // end of path marker
jassertfalse; // illegal char in the stream
void Path::loadPathFromData (const void* const pathData, const size_t numberOfBytes)
MemoryInputStream in (pathData, numberOfBytes, false);
loadPathFromStream (in);
void Path::writePathToStream (OutputStream& dest) const
dest.writeByte (useNonZeroWinding ? 'n' : 'z');
size_t i = 0;
while (i < numElements)
const float type = data.elements [i++];
if (type == moveMarker)
dest.writeByte ('m');
dest.writeFloat (data.elements [i++]);
dest.writeFloat (data.elements [i++]);
else if (type == lineMarker)
dest.writeByte ('l');
dest.writeFloat (data.elements [i++]);
dest.writeFloat (data.elements [i++]);
else if (type == quadMarker)
dest.writeByte ('q');
dest.writeFloat (data.elements [i++]);
dest.writeFloat (data.elements [i++]);
dest.writeFloat (data.elements [i++]);
dest.writeFloat (data.elements [i++]);
else if (type == cubicMarker)
dest.writeByte ('b');
dest.writeFloat (data.elements [i++]);
dest.writeFloat (data.elements [i++]);
dest.writeFloat (data.elements [i++]);
dest.writeFloat (data.elements [i++]);
dest.writeFloat (data.elements [i++]);
dest.writeFloat (data.elements [i++]);
else if (type == closeSubPathMarker)
dest.writeByte ('c');
dest.writeByte ('e'); // marks the end-of-path
String Path::toString() const
MemoryOutputStream s (2048);
if (! useNonZeroWinding)
s << 'a';
size_t i = 0;
float lastMarker = 0.0f;
while (i < numElements)
const float marker = data.elements [i++];
char markerChar = 0;
int numCoords = 0;
if (marker == moveMarker)
markerChar = 'm';
numCoords = 2;
else if (marker == lineMarker)
markerChar = 'l';
numCoords = 2;
else if (marker == quadMarker)
markerChar = 'q';
numCoords = 4;
else if (marker == cubicMarker)
markerChar = 'c';
numCoords = 6;
jassert (marker == closeSubPathMarker);
markerChar = 'z';
if (marker != lastMarker)
if (s.getDataSize() != 0)
s << ' ';
s << markerChar;
lastMarker = marker;
while (--numCoords >= 0 && i < numElements)
String coord (data.elements [i++], 3);
while (coord.endsWithChar ('0') && coord != "0")
coord = coord.dropLastCharacters (1);
if (coord.endsWithChar ('.'))
coord = coord.dropLastCharacters (1);
if (s.getDataSize() != 0)
s << ' ';
s << coord;
return s.toUTF8();
void Path::restoreFromString (StringRef stringVersion)
setUsingNonZeroWinding (true);
String::CharPointerType t (stringVersion.text);
juce_wchar marker = 'm';
int numValues = 2;
float values [6];
for (;;)
const String token (PathHelpers::nextToken (t));
const juce_wchar firstChar = token[0];
int startNum = 0;
if (firstChar == 0)
if (firstChar == 'm' || firstChar == 'l')
marker = firstChar;
numValues = 2;
else if (firstChar == 'q')
marker = firstChar;
numValues = 4;
else if (firstChar == 'c')
marker = firstChar;
numValues = 6;
else if (firstChar == 'z')
marker = firstChar;
numValues = 0;
else if (firstChar == 'a')
setUsingNonZeroWinding (false);
values [0] = token.getFloatValue();
for (int i = startNum; i < numValues; ++i)
values [i] = PathHelpers::nextToken (t).getFloatValue();
switch (marker)
case 'm': startNewSubPath (values[0], values[1]); break;
case 'l': lineTo (values[0], values[1]); break;
case 'q': quadraticTo (values[0], values[1], values[2], values[3]); break;
case 'c': cubicTo (values[0], values[1], values[2], values[3], values[4], values[5]); break;
case 'z': closeSubPath(); break;
default: jassertfalse; break; // illegal string format?
Path::Iterator::Iterator (const Path& p) noexcept
: x1 (0), y1 (0), x2 (0), y2 (0), x3 (0), y3 (0),
path (p), index (0)
11 years ago
Path::Iterator::~Iterator() noexcept
11 years ago
bool Path::Iterator::next() noexcept
11 years ago
const float* const elements =;
if (index < path.numElements)
const float type = elements [index++];
if (type == moveMarker)
elementType = startNewSubPath;
x1 = elements [index++];
y1 = elements [index++];
else if (type == lineMarker)
elementType = lineTo;
x1 = elements [index++];
y1 = elements [index++];
else if (type == quadMarker)
elementType = quadraticTo;
x1 = elements [index++];
y1 = elements [index++];
x2 = elements [index++];
y2 = elements [index++];
else if (type == cubicMarker)
elementType = cubicTo;
x1 = elements [index++];
y1 = elements [index++];
x2 = elements [index++];
y2 = elements [index++];
x3 = elements [index++];
y3 = elements [index++];
else if (type == closeSubPathMarker)
elementType = closePath;
return true;
return false;