You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

789 lines
32 KiB

This is an automatically generated GUI class created by the Introjucer!
Be careful when adding custom code to these files, as only the code within
the "//[xyz]" and "//[/xyz]" sections will be retained when the file is loaded
and re-saved.
Created with Introjucer version: 3.2.0
The Introjucer is part of the JUCE library - "Jules' Utility Class Extensions"
Copyright (c) 2015 - ROLI Ltd.
//[Headers] You can add your own extra header files here...
#include "PluginEditor.h"
#include "DXLookNFeel.h"
#include "GlobalEditor.h"
//[MiscUserDefs] You can add your own user definitions and misc code here...
* Ugly but usefull midi monitor to know if you are really sending/receiving something from the DX7
* If the midi is not configured this component wont show up
class MidiMonitor : public Component {
SysexComm *midi;
Image light;
MidiMonitor(SysexComm *sysexComm) {
midi = sysexComm;
light = DXLookNFeel::getLookAndFeel()->imageLight;
void paint(Graphics &g) {
if ( ! (midi->isInputActive() || midi->isOutputActive() ) )
if ( midi->isInputActive() ) {
g.drawSingleLineText("DX7 IN", 17,14);
g.drawImage(light, 0, 3, 14, 14, 0, midi->inActivity ? 14 : 0, 14, 14);
midi->inActivity = false;
if ( midi->isOutputActive() ) {
g.drawSingleLineText("DX7 OUT", 17, 28);
g.drawImage(light, 0, 17, 14, 14, 0, midi->outActivity ? 14 : 0, 14, 14);
midi->outActivity = false;
class AboutBox : public DialogWindow {
Image about_png;
AboutBox(Component *parent) : DialogWindow("About", Colour(0xFF000000), true) {
about_png = ImageCache::getFromMemory(BinaryData::about_png, BinaryData::about_pngSize);
setSize(about_png.getWidth(), about_png.getHeight());
centreAroundComponent (parent, getWidth(), getHeight());
void closeButtonPressed() {
setVisible (false);
void paint(Graphics &g) {
g.drawImage (about_png, 0, 0, about_png.getWidth(), about_png.getHeight(),
0, 0, about_png.getWidth(), about_png.getHeight());
String ver("Version " DEXED_VERSION " ; build date " __DATE__ );
g.drawSingleLineText(ver, 18, 130);
GlobalEditor::GlobalEditor ()
//[Constructor_pre] You can add your own custom stuff here..
addAndMakeVisible (lfoSpeed = new Slider ("lfoSpeed"));
lfoSpeed->setRange (0, 99, 1);
lfoSpeed->setSliderStyle (Slider::RotaryVerticalDrag);
lfoSpeed->setTextBoxStyle (Slider::NoTextBox, false, 80, 20);
lfoSpeed->addListener (this);
addAndMakeVisible (lfoAmDepth = new Slider ("lfoAmDepth"));
lfoAmDepth->setRange (0, 99, 1);
lfoAmDepth->setSliderStyle (Slider::RotaryVerticalDrag);
lfoAmDepth->setTextBoxStyle (Slider::NoTextBox, false, 80, 20);
lfoAmDepth->addListener (this);
addAndMakeVisible (lfoPitchDepth = new Slider ("lfoPitchDepth"));
lfoPitchDepth->setRange (0, 99, 1);
lfoPitchDepth->setSliderStyle (Slider::RotaryVerticalDrag);
lfoPitchDepth->setTextBoxStyle (Slider::NoTextBox, false, 80, 20);
lfoPitchDepth->addListener (this);
addAndMakeVisible (lfoDelay = new Slider ("lfoDelay"));
lfoDelay->setRange (0, 99, 1);
lfoDelay->setSliderStyle (Slider::RotaryVerticalDrag);
lfoDelay->setTextBoxStyle (Slider::NoTextBox, false, 80, 20);
lfoDelay->addListener (this);
addAndMakeVisible (cutoff = new Slider ("cutoff"));
cutoff->setRange (0, 1, 0);
cutoff->setSliderStyle (Slider::RotaryVerticalDrag);
cutoff->setTextBoxStyle (Slider::NoTextBox, true, 80, 20);
cutoff->addListener (this);
addAndMakeVisible (reso = new Slider ("reso"));
reso->setRange (0, 1, 0);
reso->setSliderStyle (Slider::RotaryVerticalDrag);
reso->setTextBoxStyle (Slider::NoTextBox, true, 80, 20);
reso->addListener (this);
addAndMakeVisible (pitchRate2 = new Slider ("pitchRate2"));
pitchRate2->setRange (0, 99, 1);
pitchRate2->setSliderStyle (Slider::RotaryVerticalDrag);
pitchRate2->setTextBoxStyle (Slider::NoTextBox, false, 80, 20);
pitchRate2->addListener (this);
addAndMakeVisible (pitchRate3 = new Slider ("pitchRate3"));
pitchRate3->setRange (0, 99, 1);
pitchRate3->setSliderStyle (Slider::RotaryVerticalDrag);
pitchRate3->setTextBoxStyle (Slider::NoTextBox, false, 80, 20);
pitchRate3->addListener (this);
addAndMakeVisible (pitchRate4 = new Slider ("pitchRate4"));
pitchRate4->setRange (0, 99, 1);
pitchRate4->setSliderStyle (Slider::RotaryVerticalDrag);
pitchRate4->setTextBoxStyle (Slider::NoTextBox, false, 80, 20);
pitchRate4->addListener (this);
addAndMakeVisible (pitchRate1 = new Slider ("pitchRate1"));
pitchRate1->setRange (0, 99, 1);
pitchRate1->setSliderStyle (Slider::RotaryVerticalDrag);
pitchRate1->setTextBoxStyle (Slider::NoTextBox, false, 80, 20);
pitchRate1->addListener (this);
addAndMakeVisible (pitchLevel2 = new Slider ("pitchLevel2"));
pitchLevel2->setRange (0, 99, 1);
pitchLevel2->setSliderStyle (Slider::RotaryVerticalDrag);
pitchLevel2->setTextBoxStyle (Slider::NoTextBox, false, 80, 20);
pitchLevel2->addListener (this);
addAndMakeVisible (pitchLevel3 = new Slider ("pitchLevel3"));
pitchLevel3->setRange (0, 99, 1);
pitchLevel3->setSliderStyle (Slider::RotaryVerticalDrag);
pitchLevel3->setTextBoxStyle (Slider::NoTextBox, false, 80, 20);
pitchLevel3->addListener (this);
addAndMakeVisible (pitchLevel4 = new Slider ("pitchLevel4"));
pitchLevel4->setRange (0, 99, 1);
pitchLevel4->setSliderStyle (Slider::RotaryVerticalDrag);
pitchLevel4->setTextBoxStyle (Slider::NoTextBox, false, 80, 20);
pitchLevel4->addListener (this);
addAndMakeVisible (pitchLevel1 = new Slider ("pitchLevel1"));
pitchLevel1->setRange (0, 99, 1);
pitchLevel1->setSliderStyle (Slider::RotaryVerticalDrag);
pitchLevel1->setTextBoxStyle (Slider::NoTextBox, false, 80, 20);
pitchLevel1->addListener (this);
addAndMakeVisible (transpose = new Slider ("transpose"));
transpose->setRange (0, 48, 1);
transpose->setSliderStyle (Slider::RotaryVerticalDrag);
transpose->setTextBoxStyle (Slider::NoTextBox, true, 80, 20);
transpose->addListener (this);
addAndMakeVisible (oscSync = new ToggleButton ("oscSync"));
oscSync->setButtonText (String::empty);
oscSync->addListener (this);
addAndMakeVisible (pitchModSens = new Slider ("pitchModSens"));
pitchModSens->setRange (0, 7, 1);
pitchModSens->setSliderStyle (Slider::RotaryVerticalDrag);
pitchModSens->setTextBoxStyle (Slider::NoTextBox, false, 80, 20);
pitchModSens->addListener (this);
addAndMakeVisible (lfoSync = new ToggleButton ("lfoSync"));
lfoSync->setButtonText (String::empty);
lfoSync->addListener (this);
addAndMakeVisible (pitchEnvDisplay = new PitchEnvDisplay());
pitchEnvDisplay->setName ("pitchEnvDisplay");
addAndMakeVisible (algoDisplay = new AlgoDisplay());
algoDisplay->setName ("algoDisplay");
addAndMakeVisible (feedback = new Slider ("feedback"));
feedback->setRange (0, 7, 1);
feedback->setSliderStyle (Slider::RotaryVerticalDrag);
feedback->setTextBoxStyle (Slider::NoTextBox, false, 80, 20);
feedback->addListener (this);
addAndMakeVisible (algo = new Slider ("algo"));
algo->setRange (1, 32, 1);
algo->setSliderStyle (Slider::RotaryVerticalDrag);
algo->setTextBoxStyle (Slider::NoTextBox, true, 80, 20);
algo->addListener (this);
addAndMakeVisible (lcdDisplay = new LcdDisplay());
lcdDisplay->setName ("lcdDisplay");
addAndMakeVisible (output = new Slider ("output"));
output->setRange (0, 1, 0);
output->setSliderStyle (Slider::RotaryVerticalDrag);
output->setTextBoxStyle (Slider::NoTextBox, true, 80, 20);
output->addListener (this);
addAndMakeVisible (vuOutput = new VuMeter());
vuOutput->setName ("vuOutput");
addAndMakeVisible (initButton = new TextButton ("initButton"));
initButton->setButtonText (TRANS("INIT"));
initButton->addListener (this);
addAndMakeVisible (parmButton = new TextButton ("parmButton"));
parmButton->setButtonText (TRANS("PARM"));
parmButton->addListener (this);
addAndMakeVisible (cartButton = new TextButton ("cartButton"));
cartButton->setButtonText (TRANS("CART"));
cartButton->addListener (this);
addAndMakeVisible (storeButton = new TextButton ("storeButton"));
storeButton->setButtonText (TRANS("STORE"));
storeButton->addListener (this);
addAndMakeVisible (monoMode = new ToggleButton ("monoMode"));
monoMode->setButtonText (String::empty);
monoMode->addListener (this);
addAndMakeVisible (lfoType = new ComboBoxImage());
lfoType->setName ("lfoType");
addAndMakeVisible (programSelector = new ProgramSelector());
programSelector->setName ("programSelector");
addAndMakeVisible (aboutButton = new ImageButton ("aboutButton"));
aboutButton->setButtonText (String::empty);
aboutButton->addListener (this);
aboutButton->setImages (false, true, false,
Image(), 1.000f, Colour (0x00000000),
Image(), 1.000f, Colour (0x00000000),
Image(), 1.000f, Colour (0x00000000));
addAndMakeVisible (tune = new Slider ("tune"));
tune->setRange (0, 1, 0);
tune->setSliderStyle (Slider::RotaryVerticalDrag);
tune->setTextBoxStyle (Slider::NoTextBox, true, 80, 20);
tune->addListener (this);
setSize (864, 144);
//[Constructor] You can add your own custom stuff here..
lfoType->addItem("TRIANGLE", 1);
lfoType->addItem("SAW DOWN", 2);
lfoType->addItem("SAW UP", 3);
lfoType->addItem("SQUARE", 4);
lfoType->addItem("SINE", 5);
lfoType->addItem("S&HOLD", 6);
programs = programSelector;
background = DXLookNFeel::getLookAndFeel()->imageGlobal;
imageLight = DXLookNFeel::getLookAndFeel()->imageLight;
//[Destructor_pre]. You can add your own custom destruction code here..
lfoSpeed = nullptr;
lfoAmDepth = nullptr;
lfoPitchDepth = nullptr;
lfoDelay = nullptr;
cutoff = nullptr;
reso = nullptr;
pitchRate2 = nullptr;
pitchRate3 = nullptr;
pitchRate4 = nullptr;
pitchRate1 = nullptr;
pitchLevel2 = nullptr;
pitchLevel3 = nullptr;
pitchLevel4 = nullptr;
pitchLevel1 = nullptr;
transpose = nullptr;
oscSync = nullptr;
pitchModSens = nullptr;
lfoSync = nullptr;
pitchEnvDisplay = nullptr;
algoDisplay = nullptr;
feedback = nullptr;
algo = nullptr;
lcdDisplay = nullptr;
output = nullptr;
vuOutput = nullptr;
initButton = nullptr;
parmButton = nullptr;
cartButton = nullptr;
storeButton = nullptr;
monoMode = nullptr;
lfoType = nullptr;
programSelector = nullptr;
aboutButton = nullptr;
tune = nullptr;
//[Destructor]. You can add your own custom destruction code here..
void GlobalEditor::paint (Graphics& g)
//[UserPrePaint] Add your own custom painting code here..
g.drawImage(background, 0, 0, 864, 144, 0, 0, 864, 144);
//[UserPaint] Add your own custom painting code here..
g.drawImage(imageLight, 300, 70, 14, 14, 0, monoMode->getToggleState() ? 14 : 0, 14, 14);
g.drawImage(imageLight, 619, 102, 14, 14, 0, lfoSync->getToggleState() ? 14 : 0, 14, 14);
g.drawImage(imageLight, 705, 102, 14, 14, 0, oscSync->getToggleState() ? 14 : 0, 14, 14);
void GlobalEditor::resized()
//[UserPreResize] Add your own custom resize code here..
lfoSpeed->setBounds (564, 50, 34, 34);
lfoAmDepth->setBounds (686, 50, 34, 34);
lfoPitchDepth->setBounds (646, 50, 34, 34);
lfoDelay->setBounds (603, 50, 34, 34);
cutoff->setBounds (234, 9, 34, 34);
reso->setBounds (278, 9, 34, 34);
pitchRate2->setBounds (767, 96, 34, 34);
pitchRate3->setBounds (795, 96, 35, 34);
pitchRate4->setBounds (823, 96, 34, 34);
pitchRate1->setBounds (739, 96, 34, 34);
pitchLevel2->setBounds (767, 57, 34, 34);
pitchLevel3->setBounds (795, 56, 34, 34);
pitchLevel4->setBounds (823, 56, 34, 34);
pitchLevel1->setBounds (739, 57, 34, 34);
transpose->setBounds (202, 60, 34, 34);
oscSync->setBounds (650, 96, 48, 26);
pitchModSens->setBounds (666, 5, 34, 34);
lfoSync->setBounds (565, 96, 48, 26);
pitchEnvDisplay->setBounds (751, 10, 93, 30);
algoDisplay->setBounds (335, 30, 152, 91);
feedback->setBounds (501, 81, 34, 34);
algo->setBounds (501, 22, 34, 34);
lcdDisplay->setBounds (6, 87, 140, 13);
output->setBounds (157, 60, 34, 34);
vuOutput->setBounds (6, 103, 140, 8);
initButton->setBounds (100, 111, 50, 30);
parmButton->setBounds (52, 111, 50, 30);
cartButton->setBounds (3, 111, 50, 30);
storeButton->setBounds (270, 109, 50, 30);
monoMode->setBounds (249, 65, 48, 26);
lfoType->setBounds (583, 8, 36, 26);
programSelector->setBounds (153, 115, 112, 18);
aboutButton->setBounds (8, 11, 135, 46);
tune->setBounds (190, 9, 34, 34);
//[UserResized] Add your own custom resize handling here..
void GlobalEditor::sliderValueChanged (Slider* sliderThatWasMoved)
if (sliderThatWasMoved == lfoSpeed)
//[UserSliderCode_lfoSpeed] -- add your slider handling code here..
else if (sliderThatWasMoved == lfoAmDepth)
//[UserSliderCode_lfoAmDepth] -- add your slider handling code here..
else if (sliderThatWasMoved == lfoPitchDepth)
//[UserSliderCode_lfoPitchDepth] -- add your slider handling code here..
else if (sliderThatWasMoved == lfoDelay)
//[UserSliderCode_lfoDelay] -- add your slider handling code here..
else if (sliderThatWasMoved == cutoff)
//[UserSliderCode_cutoff] -- add your slider handling code here..
else if (sliderThatWasMoved == reso)
//[UserSliderCode_reso] -- add your slider handling code here..
else if (sliderThatWasMoved == pitchRate2)
//[UserSliderCode_pitchRate2] -- add your slider handling code here..
else if (sliderThatWasMoved == pitchRate3)
//[UserSliderCode_pitchRate3] -- add your slider handling code here..
else if (sliderThatWasMoved == pitchRate4)
//[UserSliderCode_pitchRate4] -- add your slider handling code here..
else if (sliderThatWasMoved == pitchRate1)
//[UserSliderCode_pitchRate1] -- add your slider handling code here..
else if (sliderThatWasMoved == pitchLevel2)
//[UserSliderCode_pitchLevel2] -- add your slider handling code here..
else if (sliderThatWasMoved == pitchLevel3)
//[UserSliderCode_pitchLevel3] -- add your slider handling code here..
else if (sliderThatWasMoved == pitchLevel4)
//[UserSliderCode_pitchLevel4] -- add your slider handling code here..
else if (sliderThatWasMoved == pitchLevel1)
//[UserSliderCode_pitchLevel1] -- add your slider handling code here..
else if (sliderThatWasMoved == transpose)
//[UserSliderCode_transpose] -- add your slider handling code here..
else if (sliderThatWasMoved == pitchModSens)
//[UserSliderCode_pitchModSens] -- add your slider handling code here..
else if (sliderThatWasMoved == feedback)
//[UserSliderCode_feedback] -- add your slider handling code here..
else if (sliderThatWasMoved == algo)
//[UserSliderCode_algo] -- add your slider handling code here..
else if (sliderThatWasMoved == output)
//[UserSliderCode_output] -- add your slider handling code here..
else if (sliderThatWasMoved == tune)
//[UserSliderCode_tune] -- add your slider handling code here..
void GlobalEditor::buttonClicked (Button* buttonThatWasClicked)
if (buttonThatWasClicked == oscSync)
//[UserButtonCode_oscSync] -- add your button handler code here..
else if (buttonThatWasClicked == lfoSync)
//[UserButtonCode_lfoSync] -- add your button handler code here..
else if (buttonThatWasClicked == initButton)
//[UserButtonCode_initButton] -- add your button handler code here..
else if (buttonThatWasClicked == parmButton)
//[UserButtonCode_parmButton] -- add your button handler code here..
else if (buttonThatWasClicked == cartButton)
//[UserButtonCode_cartButton] -- add your button handler code here..
else if (buttonThatWasClicked == storeButton)
//[UserButtonCode_storeButton] -- add your button handler code here..
else if (buttonThatWasClicked == monoMode)
//[UserButtonCode_monoMode] -- add your button handler code here..
else if (buttonThatWasClicked == aboutButton)
//[UserButtonCode_aboutButton] -- add your button handler code here..
AboutBox about(this->getParentComponent());
//[MiscUserCode] You can add your own definitions of your custom methods or any other code here...
void GlobalEditor::bind(DexedAudioProcessorEditor *edit) {
processor = edit->processor;
algoDisplay->algo = (char *) &(processor->data[134]);
pitchEnvDisplay->pvalues = &(processor->data[126]);
editor = edit;
midiMonitor = new MidiMonitor(&(processor->sysexComm));
//midiMonitor->setBounds(155, 21, 80, 45);
void GlobalEditor::setSystemMessage(String msg) {
void GlobalEditor::setParamMessage(String msg) {
lcdDisplay->paramMsg = msg;
void GlobalEditor::updateDisplay() {
void GlobalEditor::updatePitchPos(int pos) {
pitchEnvDisplay->vPos = pos;
void GlobalEditor::updateVu(float f) {
vuOutput->v = f;
void GlobalEditor::setMonoState(bool state) {
monoMode->setToggleState(state ? Button::buttonDown : Button::buttonNormal, dontSendNotification);
#if 0
/* -- Introjucer information section --
This is where the Introjucer stores the metadata that describe this GUI layout, so
make changes in here at your peril!
<JUCER_COMPONENT documentType="Component" className="GlobalEditor" componentName=""
parentClasses="public Component" constructorParams="" variableInitialisers=""
snapPixels="8" snapActive="0" snapShown="1" overlayOpacity="0.330"
fixedSize="1" initialWidth="864" initialHeight="144">
<BACKGROUND backgroundColour="ffffff"/>
<SLIDER name="lfoSpeed" id="b10eaf327ab3bff5" memberName="lfoSpeed" virtualName=""
explicitFocusOrder="0" pos="564 50 34 34" min="0" max="99" int="1"
style="RotaryVerticalDrag" textBoxPos="NoTextBox" textBoxEditable="1"
textBoxWidth="80" textBoxHeight="20" skewFactor="1"/>
<SLIDER name="lfoAmDepth" id="3e95a6206fa4a891" memberName="lfoAmDepth"
virtualName="" explicitFocusOrder="0" pos="686 50 34 34" min="0"
max="99" int="1" style="RotaryVerticalDrag" textBoxPos="NoTextBox"
textBoxEditable="1" textBoxWidth="80" textBoxHeight="20" skewFactor="1"/>
<SLIDER name="lfoPitchDepth" id="6ead769ca786c813" memberName="lfoPitchDepth"
virtualName="" explicitFocusOrder="0" pos="646 50 34 34" min="0"
max="99" int="1" style="RotaryVerticalDrag" textBoxPos="NoTextBox"
textBoxEditable="1" textBoxWidth="80" textBoxHeight="20" skewFactor="1"/>
<SLIDER name="lfoDelay" id="1fce68dc81619ef5" memberName="lfoDelay" virtualName=""
explicitFocusOrder="0" pos="603 50 34 34" min="0" max="99" int="1"
style="RotaryVerticalDrag" textBoxPos="NoTextBox" textBoxEditable="1"
textBoxWidth="80" textBoxHeight="20" skewFactor="1"/>
<SLIDER name="cutoff" id="40531f16bb0bd225" memberName="cutoff" virtualName=""
explicitFocusOrder="0" pos="234 9 34 34" min="0" max="1" int="0"
style="RotaryVerticalDrag" textBoxPos="NoTextBox" textBoxEditable="0"
textBoxWidth="80" textBoxHeight="20" skewFactor="1"/>
<SLIDER name="reso" id="c8c13464e81a8d83" memberName="reso" virtualName=""
explicitFocusOrder="0" pos="278 9 34 34" min="0" max="1" int="0"
style="RotaryVerticalDrag" textBoxPos="NoTextBox" textBoxEditable="0"
textBoxWidth="80" textBoxHeight="20" skewFactor="1"/>
<SLIDER name="pitchRate2" id="73f386b3c91d3de4" memberName="pitchRate2"
virtualName="" explicitFocusOrder="0" pos="767 96 34 34" min="0"
max="99" int="1" style="RotaryVerticalDrag" textBoxPos="NoTextBox"
textBoxEditable="1" textBoxWidth="80" textBoxHeight="20" skewFactor="1"/>
<SLIDER name="pitchRate3" id="187c25b24413fccf" memberName="pitchRate3"
virtualName="" explicitFocusOrder="0" pos="795 96 35 34" min="0"
max="99" int="1" style="RotaryVerticalDrag" textBoxPos="NoTextBox"
textBoxEditable="1" textBoxWidth="80" textBoxHeight="20" skewFactor="1"/>
<SLIDER name="pitchRate4" id="1aeb2a8fbbcbeaab" memberName="pitchRate4"
virtualName="" explicitFocusOrder="0" pos="823 96 34 34" min="0"
max="99" int="1" style="RotaryVerticalDrag" textBoxPos="NoTextBox"
textBoxEditable="1" textBoxWidth="80" textBoxHeight="20" skewFactor="1"/>
<SLIDER name="pitchRate1" id="419d613b3fb9604e" memberName="pitchRate1"
virtualName="" explicitFocusOrder="0" pos="739 96 34 34" min="0"
max="99" int="1" style="RotaryVerticalDrag" textBoxPos="NoTextBox"
textBoxEditable="1" textBoxWidth="80" textBoxHeight="20" skewFactor="1"/>
<SLIDER name="pitchLevel2" id="3a355ad2221887d9" memberName="pitchLevel2"
virtualName="" explicitFocusOrder="0" pos="767 57 34 34" min="0"
max="99" int="1" style="RotaryVerticalDrag" textBoxPos="NoTextBox"
textBoxEditable="1" textBoxWidth="80" textBoxHeight="20" skewFactor="1"/>
<SLIDER name="pitchLevel3" id="5c5d782e8a7f3ad7" memberName="pitchLevel3"
virtualName="" explicitFocusOrder="0" pos="795 56 34 34" min="0"
max="99" int="1" style="RotaryVerticalDrag" textBoxPos="NoTextBox"
textBoxEditable="1" textBoxWidth="80" textBoxHeight="20" skewFactor="1"/>
<SLIDER name="pitchLevel4" id="eb900b141fbad8ff" memberName="pitchLevel4"
virtualName="" explicitFocusOrder="0" pos="823 56 34 34" min="0"
max="99" int="1" style="RotaryVerticalDrag" textBoxPos="NoTextBox"
textBoxEditable="1" textBoxWidth="80" textBoxHeight="20" skewFactor="1"/>
<SLIDER name="pitchLevel1" id="344cbe26ec9fa128" memberName="pitchLevel1"
virtualName="" explicitFocusOrder="0" pos="739 57 34 34" min="0"
max="99" int="1" style="RotaryVerticalDrag" textBoxPos="NoTextBox"
textBoxEditable="1" textBoxWidth="80" textBoxHeight="20" skewFactor="1"/>
<SLIDER name="transpose" id="7d1266b1c1534947" memberName="transpose"
virtualName="" explicitFocusOrder="0" pos="202 60 34 34" min="0"
max="48" int="1" style="RotaryVerticalDrag" textBoxPos="NoTextBox"
textBoxEditable="0" textBoxWidth="80" textBoxHeight="20" skewFactor="1"/>
<TOGGLEBUTTON name="oscSync" id="8f3fe641537cd00" memberName="oscSync" virtualName=""
explicitFocusOrder="0" pos="650 96 48 26" buttonText="" connectedEdges="0"
needsCallback="1" radioGroupId="0" state="0"/>
<SLIDER name="pitchModSens" id="904f73df85a9f886" memberName="pitchModSens"
virtualName="" explicitFocusOrder="0" pos="666 5 34 34" min="0"
max="7" int="1" style="RotaryVerticalDrag" textBoxPos="NoTextBox"
textBoxEditable="1" textBoxWidth="80" textBoxHeight="20" skewFactor="1"/>
<TOGGLEBUTTON name="lfoSync" id="ff92bb0a5a4f7187" memberName="lfoSync" virtualName=""
explicitFocusOrder="0" pos="565 96 48 26" buttonText="" connectedEdges="0"
needsCallback="1" radioGroupId="0" state="0"/>
<GENERICCOMPONENT name="pitchEnvDisplay" id="9ddaae8ef924a038" memberName="pitchEnvDisplay"
virtualName="" explicitFocusOrder="0" pos="751 10 93 30" class="PitchEnvDisplay"
<GENERICCOMPONENT name="algoDisplay" id="b26fb9e3b5f0bc37" memberName="algoDisplay"
virtualName="" explicitFocusOrder="0" pos="335 30 152 91" class="AlgoDisplay"
<SLIDER name="feedback" id="4fac1940c29ab8c" memberName="feedback" virtualName=""
explicitFocusOrder="0" pos="501 81 34 34" min="0" max="7" int="1"
style="RotaryVerticalDrag" textBoxPos="NoTextBox" textBoxEditable="1"
textBoxWidth="80" textBoxHeight="20" skewFactor="1"/>
<SLIDER name="algo" id="8a226ddf9bbff752" memberName="algo" virtualName=""
explicitFocusOrder="0" pos="501 22 34 34" min="1" max="32" int="1"
style="RotaryVerticalDrag" textBoxPos="NoTextBox" textBoxEditable="0"
textBoxWidth="80" textBoxHeight="20" skewFactor="1"/>
<GENERICCOMPONENT name="lcdDisplay" id="30c7bb8f114cbbe3" memberName="lcdDisplay"
virtualName="" explicitFocusOrder="0" pos="6 87 140 13" class="LcdDisplay"
<SLIDER name="output" id="7697fdd54fd1593e" memberName="output" virtualName=""
explicitFocusOrder="0" pos="157 60 34 34" min="0" max="1" int="0"
style="RotaryVerticalDrag" textBoxPos="NoTextBox" textBoxEditable="0"
textBoxWidth="80" textBoxHeight="20" skewFactor="1"/>
<GENERICCOMPONENT name="vuOutput" id="dac75af912267f51" memberName="vuOutput" virtualName=""
explicitFocusOrder="0" pos="6 103 140 8" class="VuMeter" params=""/>
<TEXTBUTTON name="initButton" id="92b278163c42e21d" memberName="initButton"
virtualName="" explicitFocusOrder="0" pos="100 111 50 30" buttonText="INIT"
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//[EndFile] You can add extra defines here...