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236 lines
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11 years ago
This file is part of the JUCE library.
Copyright (c) 2013 - Raw Material Software Ltd.
Permission is granted to use this software under the terms of either:
a) the GPL v2 (or any later version)
b) the Affero GPL v3
Details of these licenses can be found at: www.gnu.org/licenses
JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are
available: visit www.juce.com for more information.
ToolbarItemFactory::ToolbarItemFactory() {}
ToolbarItemFactory::~ToolbarItemFactory() {}
class ToolbarItemComponent::ItemDragAndDropOverlayComponent : public Component
: isDragging (false)
setAlwaysOnTop (true);
setRepaintsOnMouseActivity (true);
setMouseCursor (MouseCursor::DraggingHandCursor);
void paint (Graphics& g) override
if (ToolbarItemComponent* const tc = getToolbarItemComponent())
if (isMouseOverOrDragging()
&& tc->getEditingMode() == ToolbarItemComponent::editableOnToolbar)
g.setColour (findColour (Toolbar::editingModeOutlineColourId, true));
g.drawRect (getLocalBounds(), jmin (2, (getWidth() - 1) / 2,
(getHeight() - 1) / 2));
void mouseDown (const MouseEvent& e) override
isDragging = false;
if (ToolbarItemComponent* const tc = getToolbarItemComponent())
tc->dragOffsetX = e.x;
tc->dragOffsetY = e.y;
void mouseDrag (const MouseEvent& e) override
if (! (isDragging || e.mouseWasClicked()))
isDragging = true;
if (DragAndDropContainer* const dnd = DragAndDropContainer::findParentDragContainerFor (this))
dnd->startDragging (Toolbar::toolbarDragDescriptor, getParentComponent(), Image::null, true);
if (ToolbarItemComponent* const tc = getToolbarItemComponent())
tc->isBeingDragged = true;
if (tc->getEditingMode() == ToolbarItemComponent::editableOnToolbar)
tc->setVisible (false);
void mouseUp (const MouseEvent&) override
isDragging = false;
if (ToolbarItemComponent* const tc = getToolbarItemComponent())
tc->isBeingDragged = false;
if (Toolbar* const tb = tc->getToolbar())
tb->updateAllItemPositions (true);
else if (tc->getEditingMode() == ToolbarItemComponent::editableOnToolbar)
delete tc;
void parentSizeChanged() override
setBounds (0, 0, getParentWidth(), getParentHeight());
bool isDragging;
ToolbarItemComponent* getToolbarItemComponent() const noexcept
return dynamic_cast <ToolbarItemComponent*> (getParentComponent());
ToolbarItemComponent::ToolbarItemComponent (const int itemId_,
const String& labelText,
const bool isBeingUsedAsAButton_)
: Button (labelText),
itemId (itemId_),
mode (normalMode),
toolbarStyle (Toolbar::iconsOnly),
dragOffsetX (0),
dragOffsetY (0),
isActive (true),
isBeingDragged (false),
isBeingUsedAsAButton (isBeingUsedAsAButton_)
// Your item ID can't be 0!
jassert (itemId_ != 0);
overlayComp = nullptr;
Toolbar* ToolbarItemComponent::getToolbar() const
return dynamic_cast <Toolbar*> (getParentComponent());
bool ToolbarItemComponent::isToolbarVertical() const
const Toolbar* const t = getToolbar();
return t != nullptr && t->isVertical();
void ToolbarItemComponent::setStyle (const Toolbar::ToolbarItemStyle& newStyle)
if (toolbarStyle != newStyle)
toolbarStyle = newStyle;
void ToolbarItemComponent::paintButton (Graphics& g, const bool over, const bool down)
if (isBeingUsedAsAButton)
getLookAndFeel().paintToolbarButtonBackground (g, getWidth(), getHeight(),
over, down, *this);
if (toolbarStyle != Toolbar::iconsOnly)
const int indent = contentArea.getX();
int y = indent;
int h = getHeight() - indent * 2;
if (toolbarStyle == Toolbar::iconsWithText)
y = contentArea.getBottom() + indent / 2;
h -= contentArea.getHeight();
getLookAndFeel().paintToolbarButtonLabel (g, indent, y, getWidth() - indent * 2, h,
getButtonText(), *this);
if (! contentArea.isEmpty())
Graphics::ScopedSaveState ss (g);
g.reduceClipRegion (contentArea);
g.setOrigin (contentArea.getPosition());
paintButtonArea (g, contentArea.getWidth(), contentArea.getHeight(), over, down);
void ToolbarItemComponent::resized()
if (toolbarStyle != Toolbar::textOnly)
const int indent = jmin (proportionOfWidth (0.08f),
proportionOfHeight (0.08f));
contentArea = Rectangle<int> (indent, indent,
getWidth() - indent * 2,
toolbarStyle == Toolbar::iconsWithText ? proportionOfHeight (0.55f)
: (getHeight() - indent * 2));
contentArea = Rectangle<int>();
contentAreaChanged (contentArea);
void ToolbarItemComponent::setEditingMode (const ToolbarEditingMode newMode)
if (mode != newMode)
mode = newMode;
if (mode == normalMode)
overlayComp = nullptr;
else if (overlayComp == nullptr)
addAndMakeVisible (overlayComp = new ItemDragAndDropOverlayComponent());