@ -48,11 +48,11 @@ Then it can use PITCH BEND messages (if activated) to reach exact pitch as long |
Beyond it can generate a new NOTE ON followed by a NOTE OFF for the previous note if legato mode activated. |
Pitch bend range can be configured (1, 2, 7, 12 or 24 semitones) to align with synth's maximum capabilities. |
It can also generate a MIDI Continuous Controler (MIDI CC) changes if one is selected. |
It can also generate a MIDI Continuous Controler changes (MIDI CC) if one is selected. |
It generates selected MIDI Continuous Controler (MIDI CC) changes, starting NOTE ON and ending NOTE OFF (when playing staccato). |
It generates selected MIDI Continuous Controler changes (MIDI CC), starting NOTE ON and ending NOTE OFF (when playing staccato). |
The volume trigger can be configured so as we have some volume at note attack on percussive sounds. |
The volume trigger setting is also used to set sensitivity for velocity (how fast volume loop hand is moving when note is triggered). |