# include "Arduino.h"
# include "application.h"
# include "hw.h"
# include "mcpDac.h"
# include "ihandlers.h"
# include "timer.h"
# include "EEPROM.h"
const AppMode AppModeValues [ ] = { MUTE , NORMAL } ;
const int16_t CalibrationTolerance = 15 ;
const int16_t PitchFreqOffset = 700 ;
const int16_t VolumeFreqOffset = 700 ;
const int8_t HYST_VAL = 40 ;
static int32_t pitchCalibrationBase = 0 ;
static int32_t pitchCalibrationBaseFreq = 0 ;
static int32_t pitchCalibrationConstant = 0 ;
static int32_t pitchSensitivityConstant = 70000 ;
static int16_t pitchDAC = 0 ;
static int16_t volumeDAC = 0 ;
static float qMeasurement = 0 ;
static int32_t volCalibrationBase = 0 ;
static uint16_t old_midi_note = 0 ;
static uint16_t old_midi_volume = 0 ;
static uint16_t old_midi_bend = 0 ;
static double midi_key_follow = 0.5 ;
static uint8_t midi_channel = 0 ;
static uint8_t midi_bend_range = 0 ;
static uint8_t midi_volume_trigger = 0 ;
Application : : Application ( )
: _state ( PLAYING ) ,
_mode ( NORMAL ) {
} ;
void Application : : setup ( ) {
pinMode ( Application : : BUTTON_PIN , INPUT_PULLUP ) ;
pinMode ( Application : : LED_PIN_1 , OUTPUT ) ;
pinMode ( Application : : LED_PIN_2 , OUTPUT ) ;
digitalWrite ( Application : : LED_PIN_1 , HIGH ) ; // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW
mcpDacInit ( ) ;
EEPROM . get ( 0 , pitchDAC ) ;
EEPROM . get ( 2 , volumeDAC ) ;
mcpDac2ASend ( pitchDAC ) ;
mcpDac2BSend ( volumeDAC ) ;
initialiseTimer ( ) ;
initialiseInterrupts ( ) ;
EEPROM . get ( 4 , pitchCalibrationBase ) ;
EEPROM . get ( 8 , volCalibrationBase ) ;
midi_setup ( ) ;
void Application : : initialiseTimer ( ) {
ihInitialiseTimer ( ) ;
void Application : : initialiseInterrupts ( ) {
ihInitialiseInterrupts ( ) ;
void Application : : InitialisePitchMeasurement ( ) {
ihInitialisePitchMeasurement ( ) ;
void Application : : InitialiseVolumeMeasurement ( ) {
ihInitialiseVolumeMeasurement ( ) ;
unsigned long Application : : GetQMeasurement ( )
int qn = 0 ;
TCCR1B = ( 1 < < CS10 ) ;
while ( ! ( PIND & ( 1 < < PORTD3 ) ) ) ;
while ( ( PIND & ( 1 < < PORTD3 ) ) ) ;
TCNT1 = 0 ;
timer_overflow_counter = 0 ;
while ( qn < 31250 ) {
while ( ! ( PIND & ( 1 < < PORTD3 ) ) ) ;
qn + + ;
while ( ( PIND & ( 1 < < PORTD3 ) ) ) ;
} ;
TCCR1B = 0 ;
unsigned long frequency = TCNT1 ;
unsigned long temp = 65536 * ( unsigned long ) timer_overflow_counter ;
frequency + = temp ;
return frequency ;
unsigned long Application : : GetPitchMeasurement ( )
TCNT1 = 0 ;
timer_overflow_counter = 0 ;
TCCR1B = ( 1 < < CS12 ) | ( 1 < < CS11 ) | ( 1 < < CS10 ) ;
delay ( 1000 ) ;
TCCR1B = 0 ;
unsigned long frequency = TCNT1 ;
unsigned long temp = 65536 * ( unsigned long ) timer_overflow_counter ;
frequency + = temp ;
return frequency ;
unsigned long Application : : GetVolumeMeasurement ( )
{ timer_overflow_counter = 0 ;
TCNT0 = 0 ;
TCNT1 = 49911 ;
TCCR0B = ( 1 < < CS02 ) | ( 1 < < CS01 ) | ( 1 < < CS00 ) ; // //External clock source on T0 pin. Clock on rising edge.
TIFR1 = ( 1 < < TOV1 ) ; //Timer1 INT Flag Reg: Clear Timer Overflow Flag
while ( ! ( TIFR1 & ( ( 1 < < TOV1 ) ) ) ) ; // on Timer 1 overflow (1s)
TCCR0B = 0 ; // Stop TimerCounter 0
unsigned long frequency = TCNT0 ; // get counter 0 value
unsigned long temp = ( unsigned long ) timer_overflow_counter ; // and overflow counter
frequency + = temp * 256 ;
return frequency ;
# if CV_ENABLED // Initialise PWM Generator for CV output
void initialiseCVOut ( ) {
# endif
AppMode Application : : nextMode ( ) {
return _mode = = NORMAL ? MUTE : AppModeValues [ _mode + 1 ] ;
void Application : : loop ( ) {
int32_t pitch_v = 0 , pitch_l = 0 ; // Last value of pitch (for filtering)
int32_t vol_v = 0 , vol_l = 0 ; // Last value of volume (for filtering)
uint16_t volumePotValue = 0 ;
uint16_t pitchPotValue = 0 ;
int registerPotValue , registerPotValueL = 0 ;
int wavePotValue , wavePotValueL = 0 ;
uint8_t registerValue = 0 ;
mloop : // Main loop avoiding the GCC "optimization"
pitchPotValue = analogRead ( PITCH_POT ) ;
volumePotValue = analogRead ( VOLUME_POT ) ;
registerPotValue = analogRead ( REGISTER_SELECT_POT ) ;
wavePotValue = analogRead ( WAVE_SELECT_POT ) ;
if ( ( registerPotValue - registerPotValueL ) > = HYST_VAL | | ( registerPotValueL - registerPotValue ) > = HYST_VAL ) registerPotValueL = registerPotValue ;
if ( ( ( wavePotValue - wavePotValueL ) > = HYST_VAL ) | | ( ( wavePotValueL - wavePotValue ) > = HYST_VAL ) ) wavePotValueL = wavePotValue ;
vWavetableSelector = wavePotValueL > > 7 ;
registerValue = 4 - ( registerPotValueL > > 8 ) ;
if ( _state = = PLAYING & & HW_BUTTON_PRESSED )
_state = CALIBRATING ;
_midistate = MIDI_STOP ;
resetTimer ( ) ;
if ( timerExpired ( 1500 ) )
_mode = nextMode ( ) ;
if ( _mode = = NORMAL )
_midistate = MIDI_SILENT ;
} ;
// playModeSettingSound();
_state = PLAYING ;
} ;
if ( _state = = CALIBRATING & & timerExpired ( 15000 ) )
playStartupSound ( ) ;
if ( registerPotValue < 512 ) // if register pot turned CCW
// calibrate heterodyne parameters
calibrate_pitch ( ) ;
calibrate_volume ( ) ;
initialiseTimer ( ) ;
initialiseInterrupts ( ) ;
playCalibratingCountdownSound ( ) ;
calibrate ( ) ;
else // if register turned CW
// calibrate midi parameters
midi_calibrate ( ) ;
} ;
_mode = NORMAL ;
; // NOP
_state = PLAYING ;
_midistate = MIDI_SILENT ;
} ;
OCR0A = pitch & 0xff ;
# endif
if ( pitchValueAvailable ) { // If capture event
pitch_v = pitch ; // Averaging pitch values
pitch_v = pitch_l + ( ( pitch_v - pitch_l ) > > 2 ) ;
pitch_l = pitch_v ;
// set wave frequency for each mode
switch ( _mode ) {
case MUTE : /* NOTHING! */ ; break ;
case NORMAL : setWavetableSampleAdvance ( ( pitchCalibrationBase - pitch_v ) / registerValue + 2048 - ( pitchPotValue < < 2 ) ) ; break ;
} ;
pitchValueAvailable = false ;
if ( volumeValueAvailable ) {
vol = max ( vol , 5000 ) ;
vol_v = vol ; // Averaging volume values
vol_v = vol_l + ( ( vol_v - vol_l ) > > 2 ) ;
vol_l = vol_v ;
switch ( _mode ) {
case MUTE : vol_v = 0 ; break ;
case NORMAL : vol_v = MAX_VOLUME - ( volCalibrationBase - vol_v ) / 2 + ( volumePotValue < < 2 ) - 1024 ; break ;
} ;
// Limit and set volume value
vol_v = min ( vol_v , 4095 ) ;
// vol_v = vol_v - (1 + MAX_VOLUME - (volumePotValue << 2));
vol_v = vol_v ;
vol_v = max ( vol_v , 0 ) ;
vScaledVolume = vol_v > > 4 ;
volumeValueAvailable = false ;
if ( midi_timer > 100 ) // run midi app every 100 ticks equivalent to approximatevely 3 ms to avoid synth's overload
midi_application ( ) ;
midi_timer = 0 ;
goto mloop ; // End of main loop
void Application : : calibrate ( )
resetPitchFlag ( ) ;
resetTimer ( ) ;
savePitchCounter ( ) ;
while ( ! pitchValueAvailable & & timerUnexpiredMillis ( 10 ) )
; // NOP
pitchCalibrationBase = pitch ;
pitchCalibrationBaseFreq = FREQ_FACTOR / pitchCalibrationBase ;
pitchCalibrationConstant = FREQ_FACTOR / pitchSensitivityConstant / 2 + 200 ;
resetVolFlag ( ) ;
resetTimer ( ) ;
saveVolCounter ( ) ;
while ( ! volumeValueAvailable & & timerUnexpiredMillis ( 10 ) )
; // NOP
volCalibrationBase = vol ;
EEPROM . put ( 4 , pitchCalibrationBase ) ;
EEPROM . put ( 8 , volCalibrationBase ) ;
void Application : : calibrate_pitch ( )
static int16_t pitchXn0 = 0 ;
static int16_t pitchXn1 = 0 ;
static int16_t pitchXn2 = 0 ;
static float q0 = 0 ;
static long pitchfn0 = 0 ;
static long pitchfn1 = 0 ;
static long pitchfn = 0 ;
InitialisePitchMeasurement ( ) ;
interrupts ( ) ;
mcpDacInit ( ) ;
qMeasurement = GetQMeasurement ( ) ; // Measure Arudino clock frequency
q0 = ( 16000000 / qMeasurement * 500000 ) ; //Calculated set frequency based on Arudino clock frequency
pitchXn0 = 0 ;
pitchXn1 = 4095 ;
pitchfn = q0 - PitchFreqOffset ; // Add offset calue to set frequency
mcpDac2BSend ( 1600 ) ;
mcpDac2ASend ( pitchXn0 ) ;
delay ( 100 ) ;
pitchfn0 = GetPitchMeasurement ( ) ;
mcpDac2ASend ( pitchXn1 ) ;
delay ( 100 ) ;
pitchfn1 = GetPitchMeasurement ( ) ;
while ( abs ( pitchfn0 - pitchfn1 ) > CalibrationTolerance ) { // max allowed pitch frequency offset
mcpDac2ASend ( pitchXn0 ) ;
delay ( 100 ) ;
pitchfn0 = GetPitchMeasurement ( ) - pitchfn ;
mcpDac2ASend ( pitchXn1 ) ;
delay ( 100 ) ;
pitchfn1 = GetPitchMeasurement ( ) - pitchfn ;
pitchXn2 = pitchXn1 - ( ( pitchXn1 - pitchXn0 ) * pitchfn1 ) / ( pitchfn1 - pitchfn0 ) ; // new DAC value
pitchXn0 = pitchXn1 ;
pitchXn1 = pitchXn2 ;
delay ( 100 ) ;
EEPROM . put ( 0 , pitchXn0 ) ;
void Application : : calibrate_volume ( )
static int16_t volumeXn0 = 0 ;
static int16_t volumeXn1 = 0 ;
static int16_t volumeXn2 = 0 ;
static float q0 = 0 ;
static long volumefn0 = 0 ;
static long volumefn1 = 0 ;
static long volumefn = 0 ;
InitialiseVolumeMeasurement ( ) ;
interrupts ( ) ;
mcpDacInit ( ) ;
volumeXn0 = 0 ;
volumeXn1 = 4095 ;
q0 = ( 16000000 / qMeasurement * 460765 ) ;
volumefn = q0 - VolumeFreqOffset ;
mcpDac2BSend ( volumeXn0 ) ;
delay_NOP ( 44316 ) ; //44316=100ms
volumefn0 = GetVolumeMeasurement ( ) ;
mcpDac2BSend ( volumeXn1 ) ;
delay_NOP ( 44316 ) ; //44316=100ms
volumefn1 = GetVolumeMeasurement ( ) ;
while ( abs ( volumefn0 - volumefn1 ) > CalibrationTolerance ) {
mcpDac2BSend ( volumeXn0 ) ;
delay_NOP ( 44316 ) ; //44316=100ms
volumefn0 = GetVolumeMeasurement ( ) - volumefn ;
mcpDac2BSend ( volumeXn1 ) ;
delay_NOP ( 44316 ) ; //44316=100ms
volumefn1 = GetVolumeMeasurement ( ) - volumefn ;
volumeXn2 = volumeXn1 - ( ( volumeXn1 - volumeXn0 ) * volumefn1 ) / ( volumefn1 - volumefn0 ) ; // calculate new DAC value
volumeXn0 = volumeXn1 ;
volumeXn1 = volumeXn2 ;
EEPROM . put ( 2 , volumeXn0 ) ;
void Application : : hzToAddVal ( float hz ) {
setWavetableSampleAdvance ( ( uint16_t ) ( hz * HZ_ADDVAL_FACTOR ) ) ;
void Application : : playNote ( float hz , uint16_t milliseconds = 500 , uint8_t volume = 255 ) {
vScaledVolume = volume ;
hzToAddVal ( hz ) ;
millitimer ( milliseconds ) ;
vScaledVolume = 0 ;
void Application : : playStartupSound ( ) {
playNote ( MIDDLE_C , 150 , 25 ) ;
playNote ( MIDDLE_C * 2 , 150 , 25 ) ;
playNote ( MIDDLE_C * 4 , 150 , 25 ) ;
void Application : : playCalibratingCountdownSound ( ) {
playNote ( MIDDLE_C * 2 , 150 , 25 ) ;
playNote ( MIDDLE_C * 2 , 150 , 25 ) ;
void Application : : playModeSettingSound ( ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < = _mode ; i + + ) {
playNote ( MIDDLE_C * 2 , 200 , 25 ) ;
millitimer ( 100 ) ;
void Application : : delay_NOP ( unsigned long time ) {
volatile unsigned long i = 0 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < time ; i + + ) {
__asm__ __volatile__ ( " nop " ) ;
void Application : : midi_setup ( )
EEPROM . get ( 12 , midi_channel ) ;
EEPROM . get ( 13 , midi_bend_range ) ;
EEPROM . get ( 14 , midi_volume_trigger ) ;
// Set MIDI baud rate:
Serial . begin ( 115200 ) ; // Baudrate for midi to serial. Use a serial to midi router http://projectgus.github.com/hairless-midiserial/
//Serial.begin(31250); // Baudrate for real midi. Use din connection https://www.arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/Midi or HIDUINO https://github.com/ddiakopoulos/hiduino
_midistate = MIDI_SILENT ;
void Application : : midi_msg_send ( uint8_t channel , uint8_t midi_cmd1 , uint8_t midi_cmd2 , uint8_t midi_value )
uint8_t mixed_cmd1_channel ;
mixed_cmd1_channel = ( midi_cmd1 & 0xF0 ) | ( channel & 0x0F ) ;
Serial . write ( mixed_cmd1_channel ) ;
Serial . write ( midi_cmd2 ) ;
Serial . write ( midi_value ) ;
// midi_application sends note and volume and uses pitch bend to simulate continuous picth.
// Calibrate pitch bend and other parameters accordingly to the receiver synth (see midi_calibrate).
// New notes won't be generated as long as pitch bend will do the job.
// The bigger is synth's pitch bend range the beter is the effect.
// If pitch bend range = 1 no picth bend is generated (portamento will do a better job)
void Application : : midi_application ( )
uint16_t new_midi_note ;
uint16_t new_midi_volume ;
uint16_t new_midi_bend ;
uint8_t midi_bend_low ;
uint8_t midi_bend_high ;
double double_log_freq ;
double double_log_bend ;
// Calculate volume for midi
new_midi_volume = vScaledVolume > > 1 ;
new_midi_volume = min ( new_midi_volume , 127 ) ;
// Calculate note and pitch bend for midi
if ( vPointerIncrement < 18 )
// Highest note
new_midi_note = 0 ;
new_midi_bend = 8192 ;
else if ( vPointerIncrement > 26315 )
// Lowest note
new_midi_note = 127 ;
new_midi_bend = 8192 ;
// Find note in the playing range
double_log_freq = ( log ( vPointerIncrement / 17.152 ) / 0.057762265 ) ; // Precise note played in the logaritmic scale
double_log_bend = double_log_freq - old_midi_note ; // How far from last played midi chromatic note we are
// If too much far from last midi chromatic note played (midi_key_follow depends on pitch bend range)
if ( abs ( double_log_bend ) > = midi_key_follow )
new_midi_note = round ( double_log_freq ) ; // Select the new midi chromatic note
double_log_bend = double_log_freq - new_midi_note ; // calculate bend to reach precise note played
new_midi_note = old_midi_note ; // No change
// If pitch bend range greater than 1
if ( midi_bend_range > 1 )
// use it to reach precise note played
new_midi_bend = 8192 + ( 8191 * double_log_bend / midi_bend_range ) ; // Calculate midi pitch bend
// Don't use pitch bend (portamento would do a beter job)
new_midi_bend = 8192 ;
// Prepare the 2 bites of picth bend midi message
midi_bend_low = ( int8_t ) ( new_midi_bend & 0x007F ) ;
midi_bend_high = ( int8_t ) ( ( new_midi_bend & 0x3F80 ) > > 7 ) ;
// State machine for MIDI
switch ( _midistate )
// Synth sound could be in Release phase of ADSR or may have some delay or reverb effect so...
// ... don't refresh pitch bend:
// Instruction "midi_key_follow = 0.5;" and unrefreshed notes would make pitch bend verry messy.
// ... but always refresh midi volume value.
if ( new_midi_volume ! = old_midi_volume )
midi_msg_send ( midi_channel , 0xB0 , 0x07 , new_midi_volume ) ;
old_midi_volume = new_midi_volume ;
// do nothing
// If player's hand moves away from volume antenna
if ( new_midi_volume > midi_volume_trigger )
// Send pitch bend to reach precise played note (send 8192 (no pitch bend) in case of midi_bend_range == 1)
midi_msg_send ( midi_channel , 0xE0 , midi_bend_low , midi_bend_high ) ;
old_midi_bend = new_midi_bend ;
// Play the note
midi_msg_send ( midi_channel , 0x90 , new_midi_note , 0x45 ) ;
old_midi_note = new_midi_note ;
// Set key follow so as next played note will be at limit of pitch bend range
midi_key_follow = ( double ) ( midi_bend_range ) - 0.2 ;
_midistate = MIDI_PLAYING ;
// Do nothing
break ;
// Always refresh midi volume value
if ( new_midi_volume ! = old_midi_volume )
midi_msg_send ( midi_channel , 0xB0 , 0x07 , new_midi_volume ) ;
old_midi_volume = new_midi_volume ;
// do nothing
// If player's hand is far from volume antenna
if ( new_midi_volume > midi_volume_trigger )
// Refresh midi pitch bend value
if ( new_midi_bend ! = old_midi_bend )
midi_msg_send ( midi_channel , 0xE0 , midi_bend_low , midi_bend_high ) ;
old_midi_bend = new_midi_bend ;
// do nothing
// Refresh midi note
if ( new_midi_note ! = old_midi_note )
// Play new note before muting old one to play legato on monophonic synth
// (pitch pend management tends to break expected effect here)
midi_msg_send ( midi_channel , 0x90 , new_midi_note , 0x45 ) ;
midi_msg_send ( midi_channel , 0x90 , old_midi_note , 0 ) ;
old_midi_note = new_midi_note ;
// do nothing
else // Means that player's hand moves to the volume antenna
// Send note off
midi_msg_send ( midi_channel , 0x90 , old_midi_note , 0 ) ;
// Set key follow to the minimum in order to use closest note played as the center note for pitch bend next time
midi_key_follow = 0.5 ;
_midistate = MIDI_SILENT ;
break ;
case MIDI_STOP :
// Send all note off
midi_msg_send ( midi_channel , 0xB0 , 0x7B , 0x00 ) ;
// Mute long release notes
midi_msg_send ( midi_channel , 0xB0 , 0x07 , 0 ) ;
old_midi_volume = 0 ;
_midistate = MIDI_MUTE ;
break ;
case MIDI_MUTE :
//do nothing
break ;
// midi_calibrate allows the user to set some midi parameters
// Set potentiometer accordingly to comments bellow BEFORE entering in midi calibration mode.
// Hear may help somewhat to determine entered values
void Application : : midi_calibrate ( )
uint16_t pot_channel ;
uint16_t pot_bend_range ;
uint16_t pot_volume_trigger ;
uint16_t bend_range_scale ;
// Midi channel uses "Timbre" pot.
// Waveform may help user do determine which couple of channel is chosen (WF 1 Lo -> Ch1, WF 1 Hi -> Ch2, WF 2 Lo -> Ch3, etc...)
pot_channel = analogRead ( WAVE_SELECT_POT ) ;
midi_channel = ( uint8_t ) ( ( pot_channel > > 6 ) & 0x000F ) ;
EEPROM . put ( 12 , midi_channel ) ;
// Pitch bend range and associated distance between notes jumps use "Pitch" pot.
// The user shall set synth's pitch bend range acordingly to the selected Theremin's pitch bend range:
// 1 semitone, 7 semitones (a fifth), 12 semitones (an octave) or 24 semitones (two octaves).
// The "1 semitone" setting blocks pitch bend generation (use portamento on the synth)
pot_bend_range = analogRead ( PITCH_POT ) ;
bend_range_scale = pot_bend_range > > 8 ;
if ( bend_range_scale = = 0 )
midi_bend_range = 1 ;
else if ( bend_range_scale = = 1 )
midi_bend_range = 7 ;
else if ( bend_range_scale = = 2 )
midi_bend_range = 12 ;
midi_bend_range = 24 ;
EEPROM . put ( 13 , midi_bend_range ) ;
// Volume trigger uses "Volume" pot
// Select a high value if some percussive sounds are played (so as it is heard when volume is not null)
pot_volume_trigger = analogRead ( VOLUME_POT ) ;
midi_volume_trigger = ( uint8_t ) ( ( pot_volume_trigger > > 3 ) & 0x007F ) ;
EEPROM . put ( 14 , midi_volume_trigger ) ;