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* SerialManagerFormant_OA.h
* Demonstrate formant shifting via frequency domain processing
* Created: Chip Audette (OpenAudio) March 2019
* Moved to OpenAudio, removed Tympan dependencies, fixed for T4.x
* Bob Larkin June 2020
* MIT License. Use at your own risk.
#ifndef _SerialManagerFormant_OA_h
#define _SerialManagerFormant_OA_h
#include <OpenAudio_ArduinoLibrary.h>
//now, define the Serial Manager class
class SerialManagerFormant_OA {
void respondToByte(char c);
void printHelp(void);
int N_CHAN;
float channelGainIncrement_dB = 2.5f;
float formantScaleIncrement = powf(2.0,1.0/6.0);
void SerialManagerFormant_OA::printHelp(void) {
Serial.println("SerialManager_OA Help: Available Commands:");
Serial.println(" h: Print this help");
Serial.println(" g: Print the gain settings of the device.");
Serial.println(" C: Toggle printing of CPU and Memory usage");
Serial.print(" k: Increase the audio by ");
Serial.println(" dB");
Serial.print(" K: Decrease the audio gain by ");
Serial.println(" dB");
Serial.print(" f: Raise formant shifting (change by ");
Serial.print(" F: Lower formant shifting (change by ");
//functions in the main sketch that I want to call from here
extern void incrementKnobGain(float);
extern void printGainSettings(void);
extern void togglePrintMemoryAndCPU(void);
extern float incrementFormantShift(float);
//extern void switchToPCBMics(void);
//extern void switchToMicInOnMicJack(void);
//extern void switchToLineInOnMicJack(void);
//switch yard to determine the desired action
void SerialManagerFormant_OA::respondToByte(char c) {
//float old_val = 0.0, new_val = 0.0;
switch (c) {
case 'h': case '?':
printHelp(); break;
case 'g': case 'G':
printGainSettings(); break;
case 'k':
incrementKnobGain(channelGainIncrement_dB); break;
case 'K': //which is "shift k"
incrementKnobGain(-channelGainIncrement_dB); break;
case 'C': case 'c':
Serial.println("Received: toggle printing of memory and CPU usage.");
togglePrintMemoryAndCPU(); break;
case 'f':
{ float new_val = incrementFormantShift(formantScaleIncrement);
Serial.print("Recieved: new formant scale = "); Serial.println(new_val);}
case 'F':
{ float new_val = incrementFormantShift(1./formantScaleIncrement);
Serial.print("Recieved: new formant scale = "); Serial.println(new_val);}