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/* ReceiverFM.ino Bob Larkin 26 April 2020
* This is a simple test of introducing a sine wave to the
* FM Detector and taking 512 samples of the output. It is
* a static test with a fixed frequency for test and so
* the output DC value and noise can be tested. Note that the 512
* samples include the startup transient, so the first 300,
* or so, points should be ignored in seeing the DC value.
* Change the value of sine1.frequency to see the DC output change.
* See FMReceiver2.ino for testing with real AC modulation.
#include "Audio.h"
#include <OpenAudio_ArduinoLibrary.h>
// Uncomment the lines "SINE" for internally generated sine wave.
// Uncomment the lines "ADC" to use the SGTL5000 Teensy audio adaptor
// AudioInputI2S_F32 i2sIn; // ADC
AudioSynthWaveformSine_F32 sine1; // SINE
RadioFMDetector_F32 fmDet1;
AudioRecordQueue_F32 queue1;
AudioOutputI2S_F32 i2sOut; // Leave in for timing
// AudioControlSGTL5000 sgtl5000_1; // ADC
// AudioConnection_F32 connect0(i2sIn, 0, fmDet1, 0); // ADC
AudioConnection_F32 connect0(sine1, 0, fmDet1, 0); // SINE
// AudioConnection_F32 connect1(sine1, 0, queue1, 0);
AudioConnection_F32 connect3(fmDet1, 0, i2sOut, 0);
AudioConnection_F32 connect5(fmDet1, 0, queue1, 0);
float dt1[512]; // Place to save output
float *pq1, *pd1;
uint16_t k;
int i;
void setup(void) {
Serial.begin(300); delay(1000); // Any rate is OK
Serial.println("Serial Started");
// sgtl5000_1.enable(); // ADC
// sgtl5000_1.inputSelect(AUDIO_INPUT_LINEIN); //ADC
sine1.frequency(14000.0); // SINE
// The FM detector has error checking during object construction
// when Serial.print is not available. See RadioFMDetector_F32.h:
Serial.print("FM Initialization errors: ");
Serial.println( fmDet1.returnInitializeFMError() );
// The following enables error checking inside of the "ubdate()"
// Output goes to the Serial (USB) Monitor. Normally, this is quiet.
i = 0; k=0;
void loop(void) {
// Collect 512 samples and output to Serial
// This "if" will be active for i = 0,1,2,3
if (queue1.available() >= 1) {
if( i>=0 && i<4) {
pq1 = queue1.readBuffer();
pd1 = &dt1[i*128];
for(k=0; k<128; k++) {
*pd1++ = *pq1++;
if(i++==3) {
i=4; // Only collect 4 blocks
queue1.end(); // No more data to queue1
else {
// We have 512 data samples. Serial.print them
if(i == 4) {
Serial.println("512 Time in seconds and FM Output samples:");
for (k=0; k<512; k++) {
Serial.print (0.000022667*(float32_t)k, 6); Serial.print (",");
Serial.println (dt1[k],7);
i = 5;
if(i==5) {
i = 6;
Serial.print("CPU: Percent Usage, Max: ");
Serial.print(", ");
Serial.print("Int16 Memory Usage, Max: ");
Serial.print(", ");
Serial.print("Float Memory Usage, Max: ");
Serial.print(", ");