Add Switch 4 & 8 channel

boblark 5 years ago
parent dbf79e1d1e
commit 766bb48788
  1. 26
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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
* AudioSwitch_F32.cpp see AudioSwitch_F32.h for notes
* Created: Chip Audette, OpenAudio, April 2019
* MIT License. use at your own risk.
#include "AudioSwitch_F32.h"
void AudioSwitch4_OA_F32::update(void) {
audio_block_f32_t *out=NULL;
out = receiveReadOnly_f32(0);
if (!out) return;
AudioStream_F32::transmit(out,outputChannel); //just output to the one channel
void AudioSwitch8_OA_F32::update(void) {
audio_block_f32_t *out=NULL;
out = receiveReadOnly_f32(0);
if (!out) return;

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
* AudioSwitch_F32.h
* AudioSwitch4
* Created: Chip Audette, OpenAudio, April 2019
* Purpose: Switch one input to 4 outputs, which should only trigger one of the 4
* audio processing paths (therebys saving computation on paths that you don't
* care about).
* Assumes floating-point data.
* From Tympan Library, to OpenAudio_ArduinoLibrary June 2020, add 8 position class.
* This processes a single stream of audio data (ie, it is mono)
* MIT License. use at your own risk.
#include <AudioStream_F32.h>
class AudioSwitch4_OA_F32 : public AudioStream_F32 {
//GUI: inputs:1, outputs:4 //this line used for automatic generation of GUI node
//GUI: shortName:Switch4
AudioSwitch4_OA_F32() : AudioStream_F32(1, inputQueueArray) { setDefaultValues(); }
AudioSwitch4_OA_F32(const AudioSettings_F32 &settings) : AudioStream_F32(1, inputQueueArray) { setDefaultValues(); }
void setDefaultValues(void) {
outputChannel = 0;
virtual void update(void);
int setChannel(unsigned int channel) {
if (channel >= 4 || channel < 0) return outputChannel; //invalid! stick with previous channel
return outputChannel = channel;
audio_block_f32_t *inputQueueArray[1];
int outputChannel;
class AudioSwitch8_OA_F32 : public AudioStream_F32 {
//GUI: inputs:1, outputs:8 //this line used for automatic generation of GUI node
//GUI: shortName:Switch8
AudioSwitch8_OA_F32() : AudioStream_F32(1, inputQueueArray) { setDefaultValues(); }
AudioSwitch8_OA_F32(const AudioSettings_F32 &settings) : AudioStream_F32(1, inputQueueArray) { setDefaultValues(); }
void setDefaultValues(void) {
outputChannel = 0;
virtual void update(void);
int setChannel(unsigned int channel) {
if (channel >= 8 || channel < 0) return outputChannel; //invalid! stick with previous channel
return outputChannel = channel;
audio_block_f32_t *inputQueueArray[1];
int outputChannel;

@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
* FFT_F32
* Purpose: Encapsulate the ARM floating point FFT/IFFT functions
* in a way that naturally handles the radix2 vs radix4
* constraints on FFT size inherent to the particular
* version of the ARM CMSIS FFT functions included with
* the Teensy libraries.
* Created: Chip Audette (
* Jan-Jul 2017
* License: MIT License
#ifndef _FFT_h
#define _FFT_h
#include <Arduino.h> //for Serial
//include <math.h>
#include <arm_math.h>
class FFT_F32
FFT_F32(void) {};
FFT_F32(const int _N_FFT) {
FFT_F32(const int _N_FFT, const int _is_IFFT) {
setup(_N_FFT, _is_IFFT);
~FFT_F32(void) { delete window; }; //destructor
virtual int setup(const int _N_FFT) {
int _is_IFFT = 0;
return setup(_N_FFT,_is_IFFT);
virtual int setup(const int _N_FFT, const int _is_IFFT) {
if (!is_valid_N_FFT(_N_FFT)) {
Serial.println(F("FFT_F32: *** ERROR ***"));
Serial.print(F(" : Cannot use N_FFT = ")); Serial.println(N_FFT);
Serial.print(F(" : Must be power of 2 between 16 and 2048"));
return -1;
is_IFFT = _is_IFFT;
if ((N_FFT == 16) || (N_FFT == 64) || (N_FFT == 256) || (N_FFT == 1024)) {
arm_cfft_radix4_init_f32(&fft_inst_r4, N_FFT, is_IFFT, 1); //FFT
is_rad4 = 1;
} else {
arm_cfft_radix2_init_f32(&fft_inst_r2, N_FFT, is_IFFT, 1); //FFT
//allocate window
window = new float[N_FFT];
if (is_IFFT) {
useRectangularWindow(); //default to no windowing for IFFT
} else {
useHanningWindow(); //default to windowing for FFT
return N_FFT;
static int is_valid_N_FFT(const int N) {
if ((N == 16) || (N == 32) || (N == 64) || (N == 128) ||
(N == 256) || (N == 512) || (N==1024) || (N==2048)) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
virtual void useRectangularWindow(void) {
flag__useWindow = 0;
if (window != NULL) {
for (int i=0; i < N_FFT; i++) window[i] = 1.0;
//if (Serial) { Serial.print("FFT_F32: useRectangularWindow. flag__useWindow = "); Serial.println(flag__useWindow); }
virtual void useHanningWindow(void) {
flag__useWindow = 1;
if (window != NULL) {
//Serial.print("FFT_F32: useHanningWindow, N=");
//Serial.print(N_FFT); Serial.print(": ");
for (int i=0; i < N_FFT; i++) {
window[i] = 0.5*(1.0 - cosf(2.0*M_PI*(float)i/((float)(N_FFT-1))));
//Serial.print(" ");
//if (Serial) { Serial.print("FFT_F32: useHanningWindow. flag__useWindow = "); Serial.println(flag__useWindow); }
virtual void applyWindowToRealPartOfComplexVector(float32_t *complex_2N_buffer) {
for (int i=0; i < N_FFT; i++) {
complex_2N_buffer[2*i] *= window[i];
virtual void applyWindowToRealVector(float32_t *real_N_buffer) {
for (int i=0; i < N_FFT; i++) {
real_N_buffer[i] *= window[i];
virtual void execute(float32_t *complex_2N_buffer) { //interleaved [real,imaginary], total length is 2*N_FFT
if (N_FFT == 0) return;
//apply window before FFT (if it is an FFT and not IFFT)
if ((!is_IFFT) && (flag__useWindow)) applyWindowToRealPartOfComplexVector(complex_2N_buffer);
//do the FFT
if (is_rad4) {
arm_cfft_radix4_f32(&fft_inst_r4, complex_2N_buffer);
} else {
arm_cfft_radix2_f32(&fft_inst_r2, complex_2N_buffer);
//apply window after FFT (if it is an IFFT and not FFT)
if ((is_IFFT) && (flag__useWindow)) applyWindowToRealPartOfComplexVector(complex_2N_buffer);
virtual void rebuildNegativeFrequencySpace(float *complex_2N_buffer) {
//create the negative frequency space via complex conjugate of the positive frequency space
//int ind_nyquist_bin = N_FFT/2; //nyquist is neither positive nor negative
//int targ_ind = ind_nyquist_bin+1; //negative frequencies start start one above nyquist
//for (int source_ind = ind_nyquist_bin-1; source_ind > 0; source_ind--) { //exclude the 0'th bin as DC is neither positive nor negative
//complex_2N_buffer[2*targ_ind] = complex_2N_buffer[2*source_ind]; //real
//complex_2N_buffer[2*targ_ind+1] = -complex_2N_buffer[2*source_ind+1]; //imaginary. negative makes it the complex conjugate, which is what we want for the neg freq space
int targ_ind = 0;
for (int source_ind = 1; source_ind < (N_FFT/2-1); source_ind++) {
targ_ind = N_FFT - source_ind;
complex_2N_buffer[2*targ_ind] = complex_2N_buffer[2*source_ind]; //real
complex_2N_buffer[2*targ_ind+1] = -complex_2N_buffer[2*source_ind+1]; //imaginary. negative makes it the complex conjugate, which is what we want for the neg freq space
virtual int getNFFT(void) { return N_FFT; };
int get_flagUseWindow(void) { return flag__useWindow; };
int N_FFT=0;
int is_IFFT=0;
int is_rad4=0;
float *window;
int flag__useWindow=0;
arm_cfft_radix4_instance_f32 fft_inst_r4;
arm_cfft_radix2_instance_f32 fft_inst_r2;
class IFFT_F32 : public FFT_F32 // is basically the same as FFT, so let's inherent FFT
IFFT_F32(void) : FFT_F32() {};
IFFT_F32(const int _N_FFT): FFT_F32(_N_FFT) {
IFFT_F32::setup(_N_FFT); //call FFT's setup routine
virtual int setup(const int _N_FFT) {
const int _is_IFFT = 1;
return FFT_F32::setup(_N_FFT, _is_IFFT); //call FFT's setup routine
//all other functions are in FFT

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
#include "FFT_Overlapped_F32.h"
void FFT_Overlapped_F32::execute(audio_block_f32_t *block, float *complex_2N_buffer) //results returned inc omplex_2N_buffer
int targ_ind;
//get a pointer to the latest data
//audio_block_f32_t *block = AudioStream_F32::receiveReadOnly_f32();
if (!block) return;
//add a claim to this block. As a result, be sure that this function issues a "release()".
//Also, be sure that the calling function issues its own release() to release its claim.
//shuffle all of input data blocks in preperation for this latest processing
AudioStream_F32::release(buff_blocks[0]); //release the oldest one...this is the release the corresponds to the claim above
for (int i = 1; i < N_BUFF_BLOCKS; i++) buff_blocks[i - 1] = buff_blocks[i];
buff_blocks[N_BUFF_BLOCKS - 1] = block; //append the newest input data to the complex_buffer blocks
//copy all input data blocks into one big block...the big block is interleaved [real,imaginary]
targ_ind = 0;
//Serial.print("Overlapped_FFT_F32: N_BUFF_BLOCKS = "); Serial.print(N_BUFF_BLOCKS);
//Serial.print(", audio_block_samples = "); Serial.println(audio_block_samples);
for (int i = 0; i < N_BUFF_BLOCKS; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < audio_block_samples; j++) {
complex_2N_buffer[2*targ_ind] = buff_blocks[i]->data[j]; //real
complex_2N_buffer[2*targ_ind+1] = 0; //imaginary
//call the FFT...windowing of the data happens in the FFT routine, if configured
audio_block_f32_t* IFFT_Overlapped_F32::execute(float *complex_2N_buffer) { //real results returned through audio_block_f32_t
//Serial.print("Overlapped_IFFT_F32: N_BUFF_BLOCKS = "); Serial.print(N_BUFF_BLOCKS);
//Serial.print(", audio_block_samples = "); Serial.println(audio_block_samples);
//call the IFFT...any follow-up windowing is handdled in the IFFT routine, if configured
//prepare for the overlap-and-add for the output
audio_block_f32_t *temp_buff = buff_blocks[0]; //hold onto this one for a'll get overwritten later
for (int i = 1; i < N_BUFF_BLOCKS; i++) buff_blocks[i - 1] = buff_blocks[i]; //shuffle the output data blocks
buff_blocks[N_BUFF_BLOCKS - 1] = temp_buff; //put the oldest output buffer back in the list
//do overlap and add with previously computed data
int output_count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < (N_BUFF_BLOCKS-1); i++) { //Notice that this loop does NOT do the last block. That's a special case after.
for (int j = 0; j < audio_block_samples; j++) {
buff_blocks[i]->data[j] += complex_2N_buffer[2*output_count]; //add only the real part into the previous results
//now write in the newest data into the last block, overwriting any garbage that might have existed there
for (int j = 0; j < audio_block_samples; j++) {
buff_blocks[N_BUFF_BLOCKS - 1]->data[j] = complex_2N_buffer[2*output_count]; //overwrite with the newest data
//send the oldest data. Don't issue the release command here because we will release it the next time through this routine
//transmit(buff_blocks[0]); //don't release this buffer because we re-use it every time this is called
return buff_blocks[0]; //send back the pointer to this audio block...but don't release it because we'll re-use it here

@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
* FFT_Overrlapped_F32
* Purpose: Encapsulate the ARM floating point FFT/IFFT functions
* in a way that naturally interfaces to my float32
* extension of the Teensy Audio Library.
* Provides functionality to do overlapped FFT/IFFT where
* each audio block is a fraction (1, 1/2, 1/4) of the
* totaly FFT length. This class handles all of the
* data shuffling to composite the previous data blocks
* with the current data block to provide the full FFT.
* Does similar data shuffling (overlapp-add) for IFFT.
* Created: Chip Audette (
* Jan-Jul 2017
* Typical Usage as FFT:
* //setup the audio stuff
* float sample_rate_Hz = 44100.0; //define sample rate
* int audio_block_samples = 32; //define size of audio blocks
* AudioSettings_F32 audio_settings(sample_rate_Hz, audio_block_samples);
* // ... continue creating all of your Audio Processing Blocks ...
* // within a custom audio processing algorithm that you've written
* // you'd create the FFT and IFFT elements
* int NFFT = 128; //define length of FFT that you want (multiple of audio_block_samples)
* FFT_Overrlapped_F32 FFT_obj(audio_settings,NFFT); //Creare FFT object
* FFT_Overrlapped_F32 IFFT_obj(audio_settings,NFFT); //Creare IFFT object
* float complex_2N_buffer[2*NFFT]; //create buffer to hold the FFT output
* // within your own algorithm's "update()" function (which is what
* // is called automatically by the Teensy Audio Libarary approach
* // to audio processing), you can execute the FFT and IFFT
* // First, get the audio and convert to frequency-domain using an FFT
* audio_block_f32_t *in_audio_block = AudioStream_F32::receiveReadOnly_f32();
* FFT_obj.execute(in_audio_block, complex_2N_buffer); //output is in complex_2N_buffer
* AudioStream_F32::release(in_audio_block); //We just passed ownership to FFT_obj, so release it here.
* // Next do whatever processing you'd like on the frequency domain data
* // that is held in complex_2N_buffer
* // Finally, you can convert back to the time domain via IFFT
* audio_block_f32_t *out_audio_block = IFFT_obj.execute(complex_2N_buffer);
* //note that the "out_audio_block" is mananged by IFFT_obj, so don't worry about releasing it.
* License: MIT License
#ifndef _FFT_Overlapped_F32_h
#define _FFT_Overlapped_F32_h
#include "AudioStream_F32.h"
#include <arm_math.h>
#include "FFT_F32.h"
//#include "utility/dspinst.h" //copied from analyze_fft256.cpp. Do we need this?
// set the max amount of allowed overlap...some number larger than you'll want to use
#define MAX_N_BUFF_BLOCKS 32 //32 blocks x 16 sample blocks enables NFFT = 512, if the Teensy could keep up.
class FFT_Overlapped_Base_F32 { //handles all the data structures for the overlapping stuff. Doesn't care if FFT or IFFT
FFT_Overlapped_Base_F32(void) {};
~FFT_Overlapped_Base_F32(void) {
if (N_BUFF_BLOCKS > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < N_BUFF_BLOCKS; i++) {
if (buff_blocks[i] != NULL) AudioStream_F32::release(buff_blocks[i]);
if (complex_buffer != NULL) delete complex_buffer;
virtual int setup(const AudioSettings_F32 &settings, const int _N_FFT) {
int N_FFT;
///choose valid _N_FFT
if (!FFT_F32::is_valid_N_FFT(_N_FFT)) {
Serial.println(F("FFT_Overlapped_Base_F32: *** ERROR ***"));
Serial.print(F(" : N_FFT ")); Serial.print(_N_FFT);
Serial.print(F(" is not allowed. Try a power of 2 between 16 and 2048"));
N_FFT = -1;
return N_FFT;
//how many buffers will compose each FFT?
audio_block_samples = settings.audio_block_samples;
N_BUFF_BLOCKS = _N_FFT / audio_block_samples; //truncates!
//what does the fft length actually end up being?
N_FFT = N_BUFF_BLOCKS * audio_block_samples;
//allocate memory for buffers...this is dynamic allocation. Always dangerous.
complex_buffer = new float32_t[2*N_FFT]; //should I check to see if it was successfully allcoated?
//initialize the blocks for holding the previous data
for (int i = 0; i < N_BUFF_BLOCKS; i++) {
buff_blocks[i] = AudioStream_F32::allocate_f32();
return N_FFT;
virtual int getNFFT(void) = 0;
virtual int getNBuffBlocks(void) { return N_BUFF_BLOCKS; }
int N_BUFF_BLOCKS = 0;
int audio_block_samples;
audio_block_f32_t *buff_blocks[MAX_N_BUFF_BLOCKS];
float32_t *complex_buffer;
void clear_audio_block(audio_block_f32_t *block) {
for (int i = 0; i < block->length; i++) block->data[i] = 0.f;
class FFT_Overlapped_F32: public FFT_Overlapped_Base_F32
FFT_Overlapped_F32(void): FFT_Overlapped_Base_F32() {};
FFT_Overlapped_F32(const AudioSettings_F32 &settings): FFT_Overlapped_Base_F32() { }
FFT_Overlapped_F32(const AudioSettings_F32 &settings, const int _N_FFT): FFT_Overlapped_Base_F32() {
virtual int setup(const AudioSettings_F32 &settings, const int _N_FFT) {
int N_FFT = FFT_Overlapped_Base_F32::setup(settings, _N_FFT);
//setup the FFT routines
N_FFT = myFFT.setup(N_FFT);
return N_FFT;
virtual void execute(audio_block_f32_t *block, float *complex_2N_buffer);
virtual int getNFFT(void) { return myFFT.getNFFT(); };
FFT_F32* getFFTObject(void) { return &myFFT; };
virtual void rebuildNegativeFrequencySpace(float *complex_2N_buffer) { myFFT.rebuildNegativeFrequencySpace(complex_2N_buffer); }
FFT_F32 myFFT;
class IFFT_Overlapped_F32: public FFT_Overlapped_Base_F32
IFFT_Overlapped_F32(void): FFT_Overlapped_Base_F32() {};
IFFT_Overlapped_F32(const AudioSettings_F32 &settings): FFT_Overlapped_Base_F32() { }
IFFT_Overlapped_F32(const AudioSettings_F32 &settings, const int _N_FFT): FFT_Overlapped_Base_F32() {
virtual int setup(const AudioSettings_F32 &settings, const int _N_FFT) {
int N_FFT = FFT_Overlapped_Base_F32::setup(settings, _N_FFT);
//setup the FFT routines
N_FFT = myIFFT.setup(N_FFT);
return N_FFT;
virtual audio_block_f32_t* execute(float *complex_2N_buffer);
virtual int getNFFT(void) { return myIFFT.getNFFT(); };
IFFT_F32* getFFTObject(void) { return &myIFFT; };
IFFT_F32* getIFFTObject(void) { return &myIFFT; };

@ -29,3 +29,5 @@
#include "analyze_peak_f32.h"
#include "analyze_rms_f32.h"
// #include "control_tlv320aic3206.h" collides much with Teensy Audio
#include "AudioSwitch_F32.h"
#include "FFT_Overlapped_F32.h"

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
/* Switches_float.ino Bob Larkin 20 June 2020
* Cascade an 4 position switch with an 8 position to swicth between
* an RMS and a Peak measure of a sine wave. This is a trivial
* example of switching. Normally, the switched paths would be involved
* enough to benefit from saving computations and DC power. An example
* that is more like this is <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
#include "Audio.h"
#include "OpenAudio_ArduinoLibrary.h"
// To work with T4.0 the I2S routine outputs 16-bit integer (I16). Then
// use Audette I16 to F32 convert. Same below for output, in reverse.
AudioInputI2S in1;
AudioSynthWaveformSine_F32 sine1;
AudioSwitch4_OA_F32 switch1;
AudioSwitch8_OA_F32 switch2;
AudioAnalyzePeak_F32 peak1;
AudioAnalyzeRMS_F32 rms1;
AudioConnection_F32 connect1(sine1, 0, switch1, 0);
AudioConnection_F32 connect2(switch1, 2, switch2, 0);
AudioConnection_F32 connect3(switch2, 1, peak1, 0);
AudioConnection_F32 connect4(switch2, 6, rms1, 0);
void setup(void) {
float32_t gain;
Serial.begin(1); delay(1000);
// switch1 is always set to channel 2 to feed switch2.
void loop(void) {
// Lets switch back and forth between RMS and Peak measurements.
// This is switch2, channels 6 and 1.
switch2.setChannel(6); // RMS measurement
if (rms1.available() ) {
Serial.print("RMS =");
Serial.println(, 6);
switch2.setChannel(1); // Peak-to-peak measurement
if (peak1.available() ) {
Serial.print("P-P =");
Serial.println(peak1.readPeakToPeak(), 6);}

@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ OpenAudio Library for Teensy
8-Disabled control_tlv320aic3206.h, .cpp by .xxxfile type. These collide with Teensy I16 Audio.
9-Added new analyze_peak_f32.h and .cpp that parallel similar classes in the Teensy I16 library.
10-Added new analyze_rms_f32.h and .cpp that parallel similar classes in the Teensy I16 library.
11-Moved AudioSwitch_F32 from Tympan, added 8-channel version.
12-Added /examples/Switches_float.ino for 4 and 8 channel switches.
**Purpose**: The purpose of this library is to build upon the [Teensy Audio Library]( to enable new functionality for real-time audio processing.
