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* fir_filterbank.h
* Created: Chip Audette, Creare LLC, Feb 2017
* Primarly built upon CHAPRO "Generic Hearing Aid" from
* Boys Town National Research Hospital (BTNRH):
* License: MIT License. Use at your own risk.
#ifndef AudioConfigFIRFilterBank_F32_h
#define AudioConfigFIRFilterBank_F32_h
#include "utility/rfft.c"
#define fmove(x,y,n) memmove(x,y,(n)*sizeof(float))
#define fcopy(x,y,n) memcpy(x,y,(n)*sizeof(float))
#define fzero(x,n) memset(x,0,(n)*sizeof(float))
class AudioConfigFIRFilterBank_F32 {
//GUI: inputs:0, outputs:0 //this line used for automatic generation of GUI node
//GUI: shortName:config_FIRbank
AudioConfigFIRFilterBank_F32(void) {
AudioConfigFIRFilterBank_F32(const int n_chan, const int n_fir, const float sample_rate_Hz, float *corner_freq, float *filter_coeff) {
createFilterCoeff(n_chan, n_fir, sample_rate_Hz, corner_freq, filter_coeff);
// Purpose: create all of the FIR filter coefficients for the FIR filterbank
// Syntax: createFilterCoeff(n_chan, n_fir, sample_rate_Hz, corner_freq, filter_coeff)
// int n_chan (input): number of channels (number of filters) you desire. Must be 2 or greater
// int n_fir (input): length of each FIR filter (should probably be 8 or greater)
// float sample_rate_Hz (input): sample rate of your system (used to scale the corner_freq values)
// float *corner_freq (input): array of frequencies (Hz) seperating each band in your filter bank.
// should contain n_chan-1 values because it should exclude the bottom (0 Hz) and the top
// (Nyquist) as those values are already assumed by this routine. An valid example is below:
// int n_chan = 8; float cf[] = {317.1666, 502.9734, 797.6319, 1264.9, 2005.9, 3181.1, 5044.7};
// float *filter_coeff (output): array of FIR filter coefficients that are computed by this
// routine. You must have pre-allocated the array such as: float filter_coeff[N_CHAN][N_FIR];
//Optional Usage: if you want 8 default filters spaced logarithmically, use: float *corner_freq = NULL
void createFilterCoeff(const int n_chan, const int n_fir, const float sample_rate_Hz, float *corner_freq, float *filter_coeff) {
float *cf = corner_freq;
int flag__free_cf = 0;
if (cf == NULL) {
//compute corner frequencies that are logarithmically spaced
cf = (float *) calloc(n_chan, sizeof(float));
flag__free_cf = 1;
computeLogSpacedCornerFreqs(n_chan, sample_rate_Hz, cf);
const int window_type = 0; //0 = Hamming
fir_filterbank(filter_coeff, cf, n_chan, n_fir, window_type, sample_rate_Hz);
if (flag__free_cf) free(cf);
//compute frequencies that space zero to nyquist. Leave zero off, because it is assumed to exist in the later code.
//example of an *8* channel set of frequencies: cf = {317.1666, 502.9734, 797.6319, 1264.9, 2005.9, 3181.1, 5044.7}
void computeLogSpacedCornerFreqs(const int n_chan, const float sample_rate_Hz, float *cf) {
float cf_8_band[] = {317.1666, 502.9734, 797.6319, 1264.9, 2005.9, 3181.1, 5044.7};
float scale_fac = expf(logf(cf_8_band[6]/cf_8_band[0]) / ((float)(n_chan-2)));
//Serial.print("MakeFIRFilterBank: computeEvenlySpacedCornerFreqs: scale_fac = "); Serial.println(scale_fac);
cf[0] = cf_8_band[0];
//Serial.println("MakeFIRFilterBank: computeEvenlySpacedCornerFreqs: cf = ");Serial.print(cf[0]); Serial.print(", ");
for (int i=1; i < n_chan-1; i++) {
cf[i] = cf[i-1]*scale_fac;
//Serial.print(cf[i]); Serial.print(", ");
int nextPowerOfTwo(int n) {
const int n_out_vals = 8;
int out_vals[n_out_vals] = {8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024};
if (n < out_vals[0]) return out_vals[0];
for (int i=1;i<n_out_vals; i++) {
if ((n > out_vals[i-1]) & (n <= out_vals[i])) {
return out_vals[i];
return n;
void fir_filterbank(float *bb, float *cf, const int nc, const int nw_orig, const int wt, const float sr)
double p, w, a = 0.16, sm = 0;
float *ww, *bk, *xx, *yy;
int j, k, kk, nt, nf, ns, *be;
int nw = nextPowerOfTwo(nw_orig);
Serial.print("fir_filterbank: nw_orig = "); Serial.print(nw_orig);
Serial.print(", nw = "); Serial.println(nw);
nt = nw * 2;
nf = nw + 1;
ns = nf * 2;
be = (int *) calloc(nc + 1, sizeof(int));
ww = (float *) calloc(nw, sizeof(float));
xx = (float *) calloc(ns, sizeof(float));
yy = (float *) calloc(ns, sizeof(float));
// window
for (j = 0; j < nw; j++) ww[j]=0.0f; //clear
for (j = 0; j < nw_orig; j++) {
p = M_PI * (2.0 * j - nw_orig) / nw_orig;
if (wt == 0) {
w = 0.54 + 0.46 * cos(p); // Hamming
} else {
w = (1 - a + cos(p) + a * cos(2 * p)) / 2; // Blackman
sm += w;
ww[j] = (float) w;
// frequency bands...add the DC-facing band and add the Nyquist-facing band
be[0] = 0;
for (k = 1; k < nc; k++) {
kk = round(nf * cf[k - 1] * (2 / sr));
be[k] = (kk > nf) ? nf : kk;
be[nc] = nf;
// channel tranfer functions
fzero(xx, ns);
xx[nw_orig / 2] = 1; //make a single-sample impulse centered on our eventual window
cha_fft_rc(xx, nt);
for (k = 0; k < nc; k++) {
fzero(yy, ns); //zero the temporary output
//int nbins = (be[k + 1] - be[k]) * 2; Serial.print("fir_filterbank: chan ");Serial.print(k); Serial.print(", nbins = ");Serial.println(nbins);
fcopy(yy + be[k] * 2, xx + be[k] * 2, (be[k + 1] - be[k]) * 2); //copy just our passband
cha_fft_cr(yy, nt); //IFFT back into the time domain
// apply window to iFFT of bandpass
for (j = 0; j < nw; j++) {
yy[j] *= ww[j];
bk = bb + k * nw_orig; //pointer to location in output array
fcopy(bk, yy, nw_orig); //copy the filter coefficients to the output array
//print out the coefficients
//for (int i=0; i<nw; i++) { Serial.print(yy[i]*1000.0f);Serial.print(" "); }; Serial.println();
// static CHA_DSL dsl = {5, 50, 119, 0, 8,
// {317.1666,502.9734,797.6319,1264.9,2005.9,3181.1,5044.7}, //log spaced frequencies.
// {-13.5942,-16.5909,-3.7978,6.6176,11.3050,23.7183,35.8586,37.3885},
// {0.7,0.9,1,1.1,1.2,1.4,1.6,1.7},
// {32.2,26.5,26.7,26.7,29.8,33.6,34.3,32.7},
// {78.7667,88.2,90.7,92.8333,98.2,103.3,101.9,99.8}
// };
// //x is the input waveform
// //y is the processed waveform
// //n is the length of the waveform
// //fs is the sample rate...24000 Hz
// //dsl are the settings for each band
// t1 = amplify(x, y, n, fs, &dsl);
//amplify(float *x, float *y, int n, double fs, CHA_DSL *dsl)
// int nc;
// static int nw = 256; // window size
// static int cs = 32; // chunk size
// static int wt = 0; // window type: 0=Hamming, 1=Blackman
// static void *cp[NPTR] = {0};
// static CHA_WDRC gha = {1, 50, 24000, 119, 0, 105, 10, 105};
// nc = dsl->nchannel; //8?
// cha_firfb_prepare(cp, dsl->cross_freq, nc, fs, nw, wt, cs);
// cha_agc_prepare(cp, dsl, &gha);
// sp_tic();
// WDRC(cp, x, y, n, nc);
// return (sp_toc());
//cha_firfb_prepare(CHA_PTR cp, double *cf, int nc, double fs,
// int nw, int wt, int cs)
// float *bb;
// int ns, nt;
// if (cs <= 0) {
// return (1);
// }
// cha_prepare(cp);
// CHA_IVAR[_cs] = cs; //cs = 32
// CHA_DVAR[_fs] = fs; //fs = 24000
// // allocate window buffers
// CHA_IVAR[_nw] = nw; //nw = 256
// CHA_IVAR[_nc] = nc; //nc = 32
// nt = nw * 2; //nt = 256*2 = 512
// ns = nt + 2; //ns = 512+2 = 514
// cha_allocate(cp, ns, sizeof(float), _ffxx); //allocate for input
// cha_allocate(cp, ns, sizeof(float), _ffyy); //allocate for output
// cha_allocate(cp, nc * (nw + cs), sizeof(float), _ffzz); //allocate per channel
// // compute FIR-filterbank coefficients
// bb = calloc(nc * nw, sizeof(float)); //allocate for filter coeff (256 long, 8 channels)
// fir_filterbank(bb, cf, nc, nw, wt, fs); //make the fir filter bank
// // Fourier-transform FIR coefficients
// if (cs < nw) { // short chunk
// fir_transform_sc(cp, bb, nc, nw, cs);
// } else { // long chunk
// fir_transform_lc(cp, bb, nc, nw, cs);
// }
// free(bb);
// return (0);
// fir_filterbank( float *bb, double *cf, int nc, int nw, int wt, double sr)
// filter coeff, corner freqs, 8, 256, 0, 24000)
// double p, w, a = 0.16, sm = 0;
// float *ww, *bk, *xx, *yy;
// int j, k, kk, nt, nf, ns, *be;
// nt = nw * 2; //nt = 256*2 = 512
// nf = nw + 1; //nyquist frequency bin is 256+1 = 257
// ns = nf * 2; //when complex, number values to carry is nyquist * 2 = 514
// be = (int *) calloc(nc + 1, sizeof(int));
// ww = (float *) calloc(nw, sizeof(float)); //window is 256 long
// xx = (float *) calloc(ns, sizeof(float)); //input data is 514 points long
// yy = (float *) calloc(ns, sizeof(float)); //output data is 514 points long
// // window
// for (j = 0; j < nw; j++) { //nw = 256
// p = M_PI * (2.0 * j - nw) / nw; //phase for computing window, radians
// if (wt == 0) { //wt is zero
// w = 0.54 + 0.46 * cos(p); // Hamming
// } else {
// w = (1 - a + cos(p) + a * cos(2 * p)) / 2; // Blackman
// }
// sm += w; //sum the window value. Doesn't appear to be used anywhere
// ww[j] = (float) w; //save the windowing coefficient...there are 256 of them
// }
// // frequency bands
// be[0] = 0; //first channel is DC bin
// for (k = 1; k < nc; k++) { //loop over the rest of the 8 channels
// kk = round(nf * cf[k - 1] * (2 / sr)); //get bin of the channel (upper?) corner frequency...assumes factor of two zero-padding?
// be[k] = (kk > nf) ? nf : kk; //make sure we don't go above the nyquist bin (bin 257, assuming a 512 FFT)
// }
// be[nc] = nf; //the last one is the nyquist freuquency
// // channel tranfer functions
// fzero(xx, ns); //zero the xx vector
// xx[nw / 2] = 1; //create an impulse in the middle of the (non-overlapped part of the) time-domain...sample 129
// cha_fft_rc(xx, nt); //convert to frequency domain..512 points long
// for (k = 0; k < nc; k++) { //loop over each channel
// bk = bb + k * nw; //bin index for this channel
// fzero(yy, ns); //zero out the output bins
// fcopy(yy + be[k] * 2, xx + be[k] * 2, (be[k + 1] - be[k]) * 2); //copy just the desired frequeny bins in our passband
// cha_fft_cr(yy, nt); //convert back to time domain
// // apply window to iFFT of bandpass
// for (j = 0; j < nw; j++) {
// yy[j] *= ww[j];
// }
// fcopy(bk, yy, nw); //copy output into the output filter...just the 256 points
// }
// free(be);
// free(ww);
// free(xx);
// free(yy);