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* locator.ino
* Created on: Nov 4, 2019
* Author: user
//#include "locator.h"
//#include <math.h>
//#include "arm_math.h"
// TODO - Looks like single precision would be adequate - RSL
const double EARTH_RAD = 6371; //radius in km
//void process_locator(char locator[]);
//double distance(double lat1, double lon1, double lat2, double lon2);
//double deg2rad(double deg);
float Latitude, Longitude;
float Station_Latitude, Station_Longitude;
float Target_Latitude, Target_Longitude;
//float Target_Distance(char target[]);
void set_Station_Coordinates(char station[]){
Station_Latitude = Latitude;
Station_Longitude = Longitude;
float Target_Distance(char target[]) {
float targetDistance;
Target_Latitude = Latitude;
Target_Longitude = Longitude;
targetDistance = (float) distance((double)Station_Latitude,(double)Station_Longitude,
return targetDistance;
void process_locator(char locator[]) {
uint8_t A1, A2, N1, N2;
uint8_t A1_value, A2_value, N1_value, N2_value;
float Latitude_1, Latitude_2, Latitude_3;
float Longitude_1, Longitude_2, Longitude_3;
A1 = locator[0];
A2 = locator[1];
N1 = locator[2];
N2= locator [3];
A1_value = A1-65;
A2_value = A2-65;
N1_value = N1- 48;
N2_value = N2 - 48;
Latitude_1 = (float) A2_value * 10;
Latitude_2 = (float) N2_value;
Latitude_3 = (11.0/24.0 + 1.0/48.0) - 90.0;
Latitude = Latitude_1 + Latitude_2 + Latitude_3;
Longitude_1 = (float)A1_value * 20.0;
Longitude_2 = (float)N1_value * 2.0;
Longitude_3 = 11.0/12.0 + 1.0/24.0;
Longitude = Longitude_1 + Longitude_2 + Longitude_3 - 180.0;
// distance (km) on earth's surface from point 1 to point 2
double distance(double lat1, double lon1, double lat2, double lon2) {
double lat1r = deg2rad(lat1);
double lon1r = deg2rad(lon1);
double lat2r = deg2rad(lat2);
double lon2r = deg2rad(lon2);
return acos(sin(lat1r) * sin(lat2r)+cos(lat1r) * cos(lat2r) * cos(lon2r-lon1r)) * EARTH_RAD;
// convert degrees to radians
double deg2rad(double deg)
return deg * (PI / 180.0);