97 lines
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97 lines
3.2 KiB
5 years ago
/* AudioTestSinCos.ino Bob Larkin 19 April 2020
* Generates 1024 samples of Sin and Cos from the
* AudioSynthSinCos_F32. Samples sent to the USB
* Serial.print. Also, the sine and cosine signals are
* connected to the AudioAnalyzePhase_32 and a third
* Queue to Serial.print the, close to 90 degree,
* phase difference.
#include "Audio.h"
#include <OpenAudio_ArduinoLibrary.h>
#include "DSP_TeensyAudio_F32.h"
#define NBLOCKS 8
// Necessary foraudio stream
AudioInputI2S i2s1;
AudioConvert_I16toF32 convert;
AudioConnection pcI16(i2s1, 0, convert, 0);
// And the experiment
AudioSynthSineCosine_F32 sincos1;
AudioRecordQueue_F32 queue1;
AudioRecordQueue_F32 queue2;
AudioRecordQueue_F32 queue3;
AudioAnalyzePhase_F32 phase1;
AudioConnection_F32 patchCord1(sincos1, 0, queue1, 0);
AudioConnection_F32 patchCord2(sincos1, 1, queue2, 0);
AudioConnection_F32 patchCord3(sincos1, 0, phase1, 0);
AudioConnection_F32 patchCord4(sincos1, 1, phase1, 1);
AudioConnection_F32 patchCord5(phase1, 0, queue3, 0);
float dt1[128*NBLOCKS]; // Place to save sin
float dt2[128*NBLOCKS]; // and cos
float dt3[128*NBLOCKS]; // and phase angle
float *pq1, *pd1, *pq2, *pd2, *pd3, *pq3;
int i, k;
void setup(void) {
AudioMemory(5); //allocate Int16 audio data blocks
AudioMemory_F32(20); //allocate Float32 audio data blocks
Serial.begin(300); delay(1000);
// simple() is not needed here, as it is default unless amplitude or
// phaseS_C_r is changed. But, it can be used to restore simple after
// involking changes. Here it is just a sample of usage.
// Default amlitude +/- 1.0
// If either or both of the following two are uncommented, the
// detailed, slower, sincos will be used:
// sincos1.amplitude(0.9);
// sincos1.phaseS_C_r(120.00*M_PI/180.0); // Test non-90 degree, like 120 deg
// Set next to 1 to print errors in update(), or 0 for no print. For debug only
i = 0; k=0;
void loop(void) {
// Collect 128xNBLOCKS samples and output to Serial
// This "if" will be active for i on (0, NBLOCKS-1)
if (queue1.available() >= 1 && queue2.available()
&& queue3.available() && i>=0 && i<NBLOCKS) {
pq1 = queue1.readBuffer();
pd1 = &dt1[128*i];
pq2 = queue2.readBuffer();
pd2 = &dt2[128*i];
pq3 = queue3.readBuffer();
pd3 = &dt3[128*i++];
for(k=0; k<128; k++) {
*pd1++ = *pq1++; // Save 128 words in dt1[]
*pd2++ = *pq2++;
*pd3++ = *pq3++;
if(i == NBLOCKS) { // Wait for all NBLOCKS
i = NBLOCKS + 1; // Should stop data collection
queue1.end(); // No more data to queue1
queue2.end(); // No more data to queue2
Serial.println("1024 Sine, Cosine, Phase Data Points:");
for (k=0; k<128*NBLOCKS; k++) {
Serial.print (dt1[k],7);
Serial.print (",");
Serial.print (dt2[k],7);
Serial.print (",");