// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see .
// fx_tape_delay.h
// Stereo Delay proposed in the context of the MiniDexed project
#pragma once
#include "fx_components.h"
#include "fx_svf.h"
class Delay : public FXElement
class LowHighPassFilter : public FXElement
LowHighPassFilter(float32_t sampling_rate);
virtual ~LowHighPassFilter();
virtual void reset() override;
virtual void processSample(float32_t inL, float32_t inR, float32_t& outL, float32_t& outR) override;
void setCutoffChangeRatio(float32_t ratio);
StateVariableFilter lpf_;
StateVariableFilter hpf_;
float32_t ratio_;
const size_t space = 10;
const size_t precision = 5;
std::stringstream ss;
out << "START " << tag << "(" << typeid(*this).name() << ") dump" << std::endl << std::endl;
SS_RESET(ss, precision, std::left);
SS__TEXT(ss, ' ', space, std::left, '|', "ratio_");
out << "\t" << ss.str() << std::endl;
SS_RESET(ss, precision, std::left);
SS_SPACE(ss, '-', space, std::left, '+');
out << "\t" << ss.str() << std::endl;
SS_RESET(ss, precision, std::left);
SS__TEXT(ss, ' ', space - 1, std::right, " |", this->ratio_);
out << "\t" << ss.str() << std::endl;
out << "\t" << std::endl;
this->lpf_.dump(out, deepInspection, tag + ".lpf_");
this->hpf_.dump(out, deepInspection, tag + ".hpf_");
out << "END " << tag << "(" << typeid(*this).name() << ") dump" << std::endl << std::endl;
size_t nb_errors = 0u;
nb_errors += this->lpf_.inspect(inspector, deepInspection, tag + ".lpf_");
nb_errors += this->hpf_.inspect(inspector, deepInspection, tag + ".hpf_");
nb_errors += inspector(tag + ".ratio_", this->ratio_, -1.0f, 1.0f, deepInspection);
return nb_errors;
Delay(const float32_t sampling_rate, float32_t default_delay_time = 0.25f, float32_t default_flutter_level = 1.0f, float32_t default_wet_level = 0.5f);
virtual ~Delay();
virtual void reset() override;
virtual void processSample(float32_t inL, float32_t inR, float32_t& outL, float32_t& outR) override;
void setLeftDelayTime(float32_t delay_time);
float32_t getLeftDelayTime() const;
void setRightDelayTime(float32_t delay_time);
float32_t getRightDelayTime() const;
void setFeedback(float32_t feedback);
float32_t getFeedback() const;
void setFlutterRate(float32_t rate);
float32_t getFlutterRate() const;
void setFlutterAmount(float32_t amount);
float32_t getFlutterAmount() const;
const size_t MaxSampleDelayTime;
unsigned read_pos_L_;
unsigned read_pos_R_;
float32_t* buffer_L_;
float32_t* buffer_R_;
float32_t delay_time_L_; // Left delay time in seconds (0.0 - 2.0)
float32_t delay_time_R_; // Right delay time in seconds (0.0 - 2.0)
float32_t feedback_; // Feedback (0.0 - 1.0)
float32_t jitter_amount_;
LowHighPassFilter filter_;
PerlinNoiseGenerator jitter_generator_;
const size_t space = 18;
const size_t precision = 5;
std::stringstream ss;
out << "START " << tag << "(" << typeid(*this).name() << ") dump" << std::endl << std::endl;
SS_RESET(ss, precision, std::left);
SS__TEXT(ss, ' ', space, std::left, '|', "read_pos_L_");
SS__TEXT(ss, ' ', space, std::left, '|', "read_pos_R_");
SS__TEXT(ss, ' ', space, std::left, '|', "delay_time_L_");
SS__TEXT(ss, ' ', space, std::left, '|', "delay_time_R_");
SS__TEXT(ss, ' ', space, std::left, '|', "feedback_");
SS__TEXT(ss, ' ', space, std::left, '|', "jitter_amount_");
SS__TEXT(ss, ' ', space, std::left, '|', "filter_");
out << "\t" << ss.str() << std::endl;
SS_RESET(ss, precision, std::left);
SS_SPACE(ss, '-', space, std::left, '+');
SS_SPACE(ss, '-', space, std::left, '+');
SS_SPACE(ss, '-', space, std::left, '+');
SS_SPACE(ss, '-', space, std::left, '+');
SS_SPACE(ss, '-', space, std::left, '+');
SS_SPACE(ss, '-', space, std::left, '+');
out << "\t" << ss.str() << std::endl;
SS_RESET(ss, precision, std::left);
SS__TEXT(ss, ' ', space - 1, std::right, " |", this->read_pos_L_);
SS__TEXT(ss, ' ', space - 1, std::right, " |", this->read_pos_R_);
SS__TEXT(ss, ' ', space - 1, std::right, " |", this->delay_time_L_);
SS__TEXT(ss, ' ', space - 1, std::right, " |", this->delay_time_R_);
SS__TEXT(ss, ' ', space - 1, std::right, " |", this->feedback_);
SS__TEXT(ss, ' ', space - 1, std::right, " |", this->jitter_amount_);
out << "\t" << ss.str() << std::endl;
out << "Flanger internal delay lines:" << std::endl;
SS_RESET(ss, precision, std::left);
SS__TEXT(ss, ' ', space, std::left, '|', "index");
SS__TEXT(ss, ' ', space, std::left, '|', "buffer_L_");
SS__TEXT(ss, ' ', space, std::left, '|', "buffer_R_");
out << "\t" << ss.str() << std::endl;
SS_RESET(ss, precision, std::left);
SS_SPACE(ss, '-', space, std::left, '+');
SS_SPACE(ss, '-', space, std::left, '+');
SS_SPACE(ss, '-', space, std::left, '+');
out << "\t" << ss.str() << std::endl;
for(size_t i = 0; i < this->MaxSampleDelayTime; ++i)
SS_RESET(ss, precision, std::left);
SS__TEXT(ss, ' ', space - 1, std::right, " |", i);
SS__TEXT(ss, ' ', space - 1, std::right, " |", this->buffer_L_[i]);
SS__TEXT(ss, ' ', space - 1, std::right, " |", this->buffer_R_[i]);
out << "\t" << ss.str() << std::endl;
this->filter_.dump(out, deepInspection, tag + ".filter_");
this->jitter_generator_.dump(out, deepInspection, tag + ".jitter_generator_");
out << "END " << tag << "(" << typeid(*this).name() << ") dump" << std::endl << std::endl;
size_t nb_errors = 0;
nb_errors += inspector(tag + ".read_pos_L_", static_cast(this->read_pos_L_), 0.0f, static_cast(this->MaxSampleDelayTime), deepInspection);
nb_errors += inspector(tag + ".read_pos_R_", static_cast(this->read_pos_R_), 0.0f, static_cast(this->MaxSampleDelayTime), deepInspection);
nb_errors += inspector(tag + ".delay_time_L_", this->delay_time_L_, 0.0f, static_cast(this->MaxSampleDelayTime), deepInspection);
nb_errors += inspector(tag + ".delay_time_R_", this->delay_time_R_, 0.0f, static_cast(this->MaxSampleDelayTime), deepInspection);
nb_errors += inspector(tag + ".feedback_", this->feedback_, 0.0f, 1.0f, deepInspection);
nb_errors += inspector(tag + ".jitter_amount_", this->jitter_amount_, 0.0f, 1.0f, deepInspection);
for(size_t i = 0; i < this->MaxSampleDelayTime; ++i)
nb_errors += inspector(tag + ".buffer_L_[ " + std::to_string(i) + " ]", this->buffer_L_[i], -1.0f, 1.0f, deepInspection);
nb_errors += inspector(tag + ".buffer_R_[ " + std::to_string(i) + " ]", this->buffer_R_[i], -1.0f, 1.0f, deepInspection);
nb_errors += this->filter_.inspect(inspector, deepInspection, tag + ".filter_");
nb_errors += this->jitter_generator_.inspect(inspector, deepInspection, tag + ".jitter_generator_");
return nb_errors;