probonopd 4 months ago
parent b59af14514
commit 46ccb9ca12
  1. 7
  2. 22

@ -209,7 +209,12 @@ void CConfig::Load (void)
m_INetworkSubnetMask = m_Properties.GetIPAddress("NetworkSubnetMask") != 0;
m_INetworkDefaultGateway = m_Properties.GetIPAddress("NetworkDefaultGateway") != 0;
m_INetworkDNSServer = m_Properties.GetIPAddress("NetworkDNSServer") != 0;
m_INetworkSyslogServerIPAddress = m_Properties.GetIPAddress("NetworkSyslogServerIPAddress") != 0;
const u8 *pSyslogServerIP = m_Properties.GetIPAddress ("NetworkSyslogServerIPAddress");
if (pSyslogServerIP)
m_INetworkSyslogServerIPAddress.Set (pSyslogServerIP);
unsigned CConfig::GetToneGenerators (void) const

@ -2329,16 +2329,18 @@ bool CMiniDexed::InitNetwork()
m_pNetDevice = CNetDevice::GetNetDevice(NetDeviceType);
// Syslog configuration
static const u8 SysLogServer[] = {192, 168, 0, 143}; // FIXME: Don't hardcode this, use m_INetworkSyslogServerIPAddress instead
static const u16 usServerPort = 8514; // standard port is 514
CIPAddress ServerIP (SysLogServer);
CString IPString;
ServerIP.Format (&IPString);
LOGNOTE ( "Sending log messages to %s:%u",
(const char *) IPString, (unsigned) usServerPort);
new CSysLogDaemon (m_pNet, ServerIP, usServerPort);
// syslog configuration
CIPAddress ServerIP = m_pConfig->GetNetworkSyslogServerIPAddress();
if (ServerIP.IsSet () && !ServerIP.IsNull ())
static const u16 usServerPort = 8514; // standard port is 514
CString IPString;
ServerIP.Format (&IPString);
LOGNOTE ("Sending log messages to syslog server %s:%u",
(const char *) IPString, (unsigned) usServerPort);
new CSysLogDaemon (m_pNet, ServerIP, usServerPort);
return m_pNet != nullptr;
