/* * interpolation.h * * interpolation - An interpolation library for Arduino. * Author: Jose Gama 2015 * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser * General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will * be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the * implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public * License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser * General Public License along with this library; if not, * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * */ /* * From: https://github.com/tuxcell/interpolationArduino * replaced all doubles by float (wirtz@parasitstudio.de) */ #include "interpolation.h" interpolation::interpolation(void) { _valInterp = 0; _lenXY = 0; } interpolation::interpolation( float x[], float y[], int lenXY){ _x = x;_y = y;_lenXY = lenXY; _valInterp = 0; } interpolation::interpolation( float x[], float y[], int lenXY, float valInterp){ _x = x;_y = y;_lenXY = lenXY; _valInterp = valInterp; } void interpolation::valueI( float valInterp ) { _valInterp = valInterp; } void interpolation::valuelenXY( int lenXY ) { _lenXY = lenXY; } void interpolation::valueX( float x[]) { _x = x; } void interpolation::valueY( float y[]) { _y = y; } void interpolation::valueXM( float XM[]) { _XM = XM; } void interpolation::valueZ( float Z[]) { _Z = Z; } float interpolation::LinearInterpolate() {return(LinearInterp( _x, _y, _lenXY, _valInterp));} float interpolation::CosineInterpolate() {return(CosineInterp( _x, _y, _lenXY, _valInterp));} float interpolation::CubicInterpolate() {return(CubicInterp( _x, _y, _lenXY, _valInterp));} float interpolation::LagrangeInterpolate() {return(LagrangeInterp( _x, _y, _lenXY, _valInterp));} float interpolation::QuadraticInterpolate() {return(QuadraticInterp( _x, _y, _lenXY, _valInterp));} float interpolation::AkimaInterpolate() {return(AkimaInterp( _x, _y, _XM, _Z, _lenXY, _valInterp));} float interpolation::LinearInterp( float* x, float* y, int n, float p ) { //http://paulbourke.net/miscellaneous/interpolation/ int i; float mu; for( i = 0; i < n-1; i++ ) { if (( x[i] <= p && x[i+1] >= p )||( x[i] >= p && x[i+1] <= p )) { mu=(p - x[i])/(x[i] - x[i+1]); if (mu<0) mu=-mu; return(y[i]*(1-mu)+y[i+1]*mu); } } return 0; // Not in Range } float interpolation::CosineInterp (float* x, float* y, int n, float p ) { int i; float mu, mu2; for( i = 0; i < n-1; i++ ) { if (( x[i] <= p && x[i+1] >= p )||( x[i] >= p && x[i+1] <= p )) { mu=(p - x[i])/(x[i] - x[i+1]); if (mu<0) mu=-mu; mu2 = (1.0-cos(3.1415926535897*mu))/2.0; return(y[i]*(1.0-mu2)+y[i+1]*mu2); } } return 0; // Not in Range } float interpolation::CubicInterp(float* x, float* y, int n, float p ) { int i; float a0,a1,a2,a3,mu, mu2; for( i = 0; i < n-1; i++ ) { if (( x[i] <= p && x[i+1] >= p )||( x[i] >= p && x[i+1] <= p )) { mu=(p - x[i])/(x[i] - x[i+1]); if (mu<0) mu=-mu; mu2 = mu*mu; a0 = y[i+2] - y[i+1] - y[i-1] + y[i]; a1 = y[i-1] - y[i] - a0; a2 = y[i+1] - y[i-1]; a3 = y[i]; return(a0*mu*mu2+a1*mu2+a2*mu+a3); } } return 0; // Not in Range } float interpolation::LagrangeInterp( float* x, float* y, int n, float p ) { //http://www.dailyfreecode.com/code/lagranges-interpolation-method-finding-2376.aspx int i, j, k; float t, r=0; for(i=0;i= p )||( x[i] >= p && x[i+1] <= p )) { if (i<(n-3)) xi2=x[i+2]; else xi2=0; k = y[i]*(p - x[i+1])*(p - xi2)/((x[i] - x[i+1])*(x[i] - xi2)); k += y[i+1]*(p - x[i])*(p - xi2)/((x[i+1] - x[i])*(x[i+1] - xi2)); k += y[i+2]*(p - x[i])*(p - x[i+1])/((xi2 - x[i])*(xi2 - x[i+1])); return(k); } } return 0; // Not in Range } float interpolation::AkimaInterp( float* x, float* y, float* XM, float* Z, int n, float p ) { //http://jean-pierre.moreau.pagesperso-orange.fr/Cplus/akima_cpp.txt int i; float a,b,r; //special case p=0 if (p==0.0) { return(0); } //Check to see if interpolation point is correct if (p=x[n-3]) { return(-330); } x[0]=2.0*x[1]-x[2]; //Calculate Akima coefficients, a and b for (i=1; ix[i]) i++; i--; //Begin interpolation b=x[i+1]-x[i]; a=p-x[i]; r=y[i]+Z[i]*a+(3.0*XM[i+2]-2.0*Z[i]-Z[i+1])*a*a/b; r=r+(Z[i]+Z[i+1]-2.0*XM[i+2])*a*a*a/(b*b); return(r); }