// This example toggles the debug LED (pin 13) on or off // when a button on pin 2 is pressed. // Include the Bounce2 library found here : // https://github.com/thomasfredericks/Bounce2 #include <Bounce2.h> #define BUTTON_PIN 2 #define LED_PIN 13 int ledState = LOW; Bounce debouncer = Bounce(); // Instantiate a Bounce object void setup() { debouncer.attach(BUTTON_PIN,INPUT_PULLUP); // Attach the debouncer to a pin with INPUT_PULLUP mode debouncer.interval(25); // Use a debounce interval of 25 milliseconds pinMode(LED_PIN,OUTPUT); // Setup the LED digitalWrite(LED_PIN,ledState); } void loop() { debouncer.update(); // Update the Bounce instance if ( debouncer.fell() ) { // Call code if button transitions from HIGH to LOW ledState = !ledState; // Toggle LED state digitalWrite(LED_PIN,ledState); // Apply new LED state } }